It is known that in terms of speed and endurance among. Methods for developing speed endurance. ZhM: Increase the speed of movement

Speed ​​endurance is an important physical quality any sprinter. Only with the development of this quality can you count on medals highest quality. Without good endurance the path to sporting achievements may close forever.

What is speed endurance

Let's take a closer look, what is speed endurance. This is maintenance high speed movement for as long as possible. As a rule, its improvement is necessary for fast running, walking, cycling and other cyclic loads.

Developing endurance is impossible if there is no muscle fatigue during training. Note that endurance training always involves working to the limit of physical capabilities. In the absence of significant muscle loads the effect of the exercises will not be visible.

Types of speed endurance

Speed ​​endurance It is divided according to the power of work into the following varieties.

    • Moderate. This power allows the muscles to practically not consume oxygen. Thanks to this, the athlete can cover long distances at relatively high speeds. The development of moderate power is necessary for all cyclic sports (running, rowing, skiing etc.).
    • Big. Working at high power, an athlete, as a rule, “runs out” between the 2nd and 10th minutes. The muscles function in both oxygen and oxygen-free modes. This type of power training is suitable for cyclists and rowers, since in these disciplines the main work is performed by one or two muscle groups.
    • Submaximal. Muscle power in this type of endurance is achieved when working at 90-95% of maximum intensity. In this case, the energy in the muscles is completely wasted within 1-3 minutes of work. The amount of energy in the muscles is limited, since most of it is consumed from the body's internal reserves. Submaximal power is trained primarily by runners and swimmers to overcome short distances.
    • Maximum. This is the maximum permissible power used to develop explosive force. In this case, muscle energy is consumed already 10-40 seconds after the start of exercise. To provide muscles with energy, almost all oxygen-free food sources of the body are used.

Development of speed endurance requires cyclic movements. Usually used for this running exercises, as they are very effective for training all types of endurance.

The speed of movement in running exercises should vary from average to the maximum possible. The principle of load variability will help to quickly develop the speed qualities of an athlete.

In addition to changing the speed, various training methods. Let's look at the main ones using running exercises as an example.

  • Uniform method– continuous running for 15-90 minutes at a moderate and uniform speed.
  • Repeat method- consists of repeating the race on the same segment. In this case, the athlete runs short distances at speed. After each race, a rest of 5 to 15 minutes is required until the heart rate is completely restored.
  • Interval method– similar to the repeated method. However, running here does not require the heart rate to be fully restored to resting state. The second and subsequent races are carried out immediately after the heart rate drops to 120-140 beats/min.
  • Variable method– involves a change in speed over one total distance. For example, an athlete runs at different speeds every 400 meters. This technique allows you to develop the power and speed qualities of an athlete.

Speed ​​endurance exercises

Among speed endurance exercises Let's highlight the most popular ones.

  • Run. A combination of long and short distance runs at different speeds will help you quickly develop muscle endurance.
  • Exercise "Burpee". Technique: Jump from a standing position and at the same time clap your palms above your head. Then land and lower yourself to a lying position. Then immediately do push-ups and get back to the starting position. This exercise must be done at least 10 times. As you train, the number of repetitions in the approach should be gradually increased.
  • Jumping rope. While performing this exercise, try to vary the pace and speed of your jumps. Such variability will significantly increase the effectiveness of the lesson.
  • Shuttle run. The shuttle run, familiar to us from physical education lessons, perfectly develops endurance. The goal of this exercise is to run short runs on both sides of a distance. The optimal length of the segment for shuttle race is 30 meters. The condition for completing this exercise is to alternately touch the start and finish lines with your hand.
  • Team sports. Football, basketball, volleyball and tennis are good for training an athlete's endurance. Due to the constantly changing load, these games can replace many exercises for developing endurance.
  • Training with punching bag . An excellent exercise for increasing endurance. The training of blows on a punching bag occurs according to the following scheme: for 30 seconds the blows are delivered with slow speed, after which 10 seconds - with fast. There should be from 10 to 100 such cycles in one lesson.
  • Pushing the barbell out of a half squat. From a standing position, holding the barbell at shoulder level, in fast pace you need to push the barbell over your head. The number of repetitions per set is from 30 to 50. The weight of the barbell is 20-30% of the working maximum in the standing press.

"Elton Forte" for developing endurance

Not a single victory in sports is conceivable without endurance development. Low endurance will immediately manifest itself quickly fatigue and shortness of breath in training. And this is unlikely to lead the athlete to sky-high records.

Do you want to be strong and feel a constant surge of energy? Train your endurance. And regardless of whether you play sports professionally or just go to the gym to maintain your figure. After all, this quality is useful not only in sports, but also in everyday life.

To develop maximum endurance pay attention to natural dietary supplement. It includes Eleutherococcus root, which is a powerful plant adaptogen that strengthens our body. The root of this plant contains eleutherosides, the effect of which is significant increases human endurance.

Vegetarian athletes surprise few people today. Many sports stars consciously choose this path and only end up winning. What's more surprising is the fact that this practice existed long before vegetarianism became mainstream. The great athletes of the past refused meat on principle, but at the same time continued to break record after record. Who are these heroes, and why...

Interesting facts, interesting information about athletes and other people - this is information about health, strength, endurance, agility. In ancient times and in modern times, there were amazing people whose skills are difficult to imitate and they continue to amaze with their achievements and inspire modern athletes in the daily training. Unfortunately, in our time, many victories are based on doping and unsportsmanlike behavior. But there are still many athletes who achieve success through daily training, perseverance, training not only their muscles, but also strengthening their character.


Interesting facts about sports in ancient times. Sports and intelligence may seem incompatible concepts, but the ancient Greek scientists - Socrates, Hippocrates, Aristotle, Democritus, Demosthenes were famous athletes and participated in the Olympics, they had significant strength in addition to their intelligence. Pythagoras was a champion boxer, and fist fights in ancient times were much more brutal than modern ones - the hands were wrapped in bull skin so as not to injure the hands, and such a fist could cause much more harm to the enemy than an unarmed hand. Plato competed in the discipline of pankration - a mixture of boxing and wrestling, such fights could be as brutal as fist fights.

The most successful Soviet freestyle wrestler is Alexander Medved, who became the world champion 10 times.

The maximum weight of the bar pressed from the chest in a prone position was 486 kilograms. The record was set by weightlifter Ryan Keneally; while performing the exercise, he was unable to fully straighten his arms, as required by the rules, but the result was still counted, having calculated that no one would be able to lift a barbell weighing almost half a ton anyway.

Russian Denis Zalozny is very resilient - in one hour he did 1333 lifts with a flip on the bar. This athlete holds another record achievement (it was not officially registered) - 210 squats with a barbell weighing 100 kilograms.

Children often make excellent athletes. A five-year-old boy, Ronak, did 1,482 push-ups in 40 minutes. The child achieved this result by doing push-ups every day from the age of 2.5 years.

Ancient athletes could earn much more than modern ones. The Roman athlete Gaius Appuleius Diocles (2nd century AD) took part in chariot racing competitions. If we recalculate his fees in modern money, then his earnings amounted to 15 million dollars.

Most heavy wrestler sumo is the world champion in this sports discipline Emanuel Yabrauch. His height exceeds two meters, weight - over 400 kilograms.


The tallest basketball player in the world is the Chinese Song Minmin, he can be a record holder not only among athletes, but also among ordinary people - with a height of 2.36 meters, he has a very small weight - 152 kilograms, which allows him to move freely and achieve noticeable sports results. success.

1976 was an amazing year Soccer game, in which the Aston Villa team player scored four goals - two against Leicester City, two against his own. The game ended in a draw, with a score of 2:2, surprising and perhaps angering the fans.

In 1957, at a baseball game, athlete Richie Ashburn hit a ball so that it broke the face of a woman who was sitting in the stands. The match was interrupted, and a woman with a broken head was taken on a stretcher to the first aid station. Having bandaged her head, the fan returned to her seat and the same baseball player again hit the same woman with the ball.

Parachuting has its own records - in 1960, American military man Joseph Kittinger jumped from a stratospheric balloon, which rose to a height of more than 31 kilometers, reaching a speed of 1149 kilometers per hour. Before the parachute opened, the athlete flew for more than 13 minutes. During the jump, Kittinger passed out; his life was saved by a parachute, which automatically opened at an altitude of 5.5 kilometers. The jump was made in special equipment; the paratrooper looked a little like an astronaut.

Bicycle acrobatics are very dangerous to health. However, cyclists sometimes perform tricks so difficult that they are recorded as records. At the age of 24, cyclist Jed Mildon performed a triple backflip on a bicycle at a BMX show. The athlete prepared the trick for three months.

Largest quantity water skiers, who simultaneously rode behind one boat - 145, the athletes rode in such a composition for almost two kilometers along the coast of Tasmania, setting a record that was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records.

Highest tennis court is located in Dubai, in a five-star hotel at an altitude of about three hundred meters. It is not installed on the roof, but is attached to the side of the building and seems to float in the air. When no one is playing on the court, helicopters can land on it.


Interesting information about track and field athletes. Ethiopian Haile Gebreselissie won the 10-kilometer race. While running he presses left hand to the building - this is a consequence of the fact that as a child he ran ten kilometers every day on the way to school, clutching his textbooks.

Jamaican athlete Usain Bolt runs the fastest in the world. In 2009, he set two records - in the 100-meter race he covered the distance in 9.58 seconds, and in the 200-meter race he finished in 19.19 seconds.

The longest jump with a skateboard was made in 2004 by Danny Wayne at a Los Angeles skateboarding competition. Having driven off a high ramp, Danny reached a speed of 88 kilometers per hour, flying 24 meters during the subsequent jump. The following year, the athlete turned his jump into a real show, flying over the Great Wall of China on a skateboard.

Racer and test driver Mauro Calo set a record for the longest drift (controlled drift) in a Mercedes car - he skidded 2308 meters, after which further movement was impossible due to damage to the tire.

The most dangerous looking BASE jumping is considered a sport - jumping with a parachute at low altitudes, during which the body can rotate uncontrollably, and the parachute may not open in time.

Motorsport is also a sport. Electric cars are very popular now. The fastest electric car was created by students from American University Brigham Young (Whittingham, Vermont, USA). More than a hundred people worked on the project over seven years. Maximum speed exceeds 280 kilometers per hour, and at a slightly lower speed, 250 kilometers per hour, the car can drive for quite a long time. The car body is lightweight, made of carbon fiber, batteries are lithium phosphate. This is not just an experimental car, this is a real car racing class, at least among electric vehicles.

If you still have interesting facts about athletes, share them in the comments.



write downessay-reasoning "Why are incomplete sentences needed? ».

Pondering answer to the questionread text again.

Find and give 2 examples from the text you read, illustrating the rule about N-NN in different parts of speech.


Write an argumentative essay.

Explain how you understand the meaning of the phrase: “Dad turned into not-dad ».

In your essay, provide two arguments from the text you read that support your reasoning.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations (avoid excessive citations).

The essay must be at least 50 words.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Answers Q29:

push away

let's get there, wipe it off


cab drivers

plank shed

bring and disappear

Option 30

Part 1

It is known that ostriches occupy one of the first places in the world in terms of speed and endurance among terrestrial vertebrates: they are able to run at a speed of 50 km/h for about half an hour. But over short distances, their running speed sometimes reaches 70 km/h, while they take steps 3–5 m long. Ostriches owe this ability to the perfect structure of their long muscular legs, ending with only two powerful, flattened toes. The short wings of this bird are not capable of lifting the ostrich off the ground even a centimeter, but they are assigned the role of a balancer when performing complex high-speed maneuvers. It is extremely difficult to get close to feeding ostriches. Grazing ostriches maintain constant visual contact with each other. Scared ostriches flee.

These birds spend most of the day feeding. And although ostriches are vegetarians, they do not miss the opportunity to supplement their diet with a variety of animal foods. Their long, flexible neck allows them to pinch grass, dig up roots and tubers of plants from the ground, reach seeds on the branches of tall trees, and strike large insects, lizards, and rodents with equal ease. In order to assimilate food that has entered the stomach, ostriches constantly swallow sand and stones, which accumulate in the stomach and serve to grind the hard shells of fruits, chitin and bones. Such extreme indiscriminate eating and the habit of swallowing indigestible objects gave rise to legends that ostriches can eat stones.

The beauty of ostrich feathers, which the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt were the first to appreciate, almost caused the complete destruction of these birds in nature. In the XVIII – 19th centuries The craze for fans, boas and hat decorations made of ostrich feathers swept literally all of Europe, and millions of male ostriches were sacrificed to this fashion. (257 words)

(Based on materials from the magazine “Around the World”)

In Ancient Egypt, the African ostrich was considered a symbol of truth and justice. It is no coincidence that in images of the judgment of the dead, its magnificent feathers adorn the heads of the deities Maat and Shu - “Lords of Truth.” The ostrich received such a high honor because, unlike all other birds, the fan of its feather is “fairly” divided by the shaft into two absolutely symmetrical parts. But, by a strange irony of fate, there is hardly another bird on Earth to which man would be so unfair in his judgments and whose lifestyle for many centuries would be surrounded by so many fairy tales and fables.

Grazing ostriches maintain constant visual contact with each other. Savannah is full of surprises, and a bird, carried away by feeding, risks becoming a victim of an unnoticed predator - a lion, leopard or cheetah. Therefore, during grazing, first one or the other ostrich suddenly raises its head and carefully examines the surroundings for a second or two. And, despite the fact that not a single bird in the herd takes on the duties of a sentry, it is extremely difficult to get close to feeding ostriches. Scared ostriches flee. It is known that these birds occupy one of the first places in the world in terms of speed and endurance among terrestrial vertebrates - they are able to run at a speed of 50 km/h for about half an hour. But on short distances their running speed sometimes reaches 70 km/h, while they take steps 3-5 m long. Ostriches owe this ability to the perfect structure of their long muscular legs, ending, like other recognized runners on the planet - artiodactyl representatives of the order of mammals, with only two powerful, flattened fingers. This similarity between the limbs of ostriches and the limbs of camels is reflected in the scientific name of the species - Struthio camelus, which literally means “camel bird”. The short wings of this bird are not capable of lifting the ostrich off the ground even a centimeter, but they are assigned the role of a balancer when performing complex high-speed maneuvers.

However, all these wonderful ostrich qualities did not at all impress the authors of medieval treatises on animals - the “Bestiaries”. In their opinion, an ostrich that spreads its wings but is unable to fly is similar to hypocrites and hypocrites who, although they give themselves the appearance of holiness, are unable, due to the heavy weight of their earthly wealth and worries, to rush to the heavenly heights. As for the widespread tale that frightened ostriches bury their heads in the sand, it was born due to a special maneuver of ostriches while running.

It turns out that birds fleeing from predators, especially young individuals and females, sometimes lie flat on the ground and instantly disappear from the pursuer’s field of vision. And this happens thanks to the protective coloring of their plumage.

These birds spend most of the day feeding. And although ostriches are vegetarians, they nevertheless do not miss the opportunity to supplement their diet with a variety of animal foods. Their long flexible neck allows them to pinch grass with equal ease, dig up roots and tubers of plants from the ground, reach seeds on the branches of tall trees and shrubs, and with a swift lunge hit large insects, lizards and rodents. In order to assimilate food that has entered the stomach, ostriches constantly swallow sand and stones, which accumulate in the stomach and serve to grind the hard shells of fruits, chitin and bones. Such extreme indiscriminateness in food and the habit of swallowing indigestible objects gave rise to legends that ostriches can feed on stones and even swallowed pieces of red-hot iron do not cause them any harm, but, on the contrary, having passed through the intestines, they come out “even more ringing and shining than before"...

If water is available, ostriches readily drink and even bathe, but even in this matter they are quite unpretentious, since they are able to do without it for a long time, being content with the moisture contained in their food. At the same time, these birds also have special physiological adaptations to save moisture. In hot weather, their body temperature rises by 3-4°C, which evens out the temperature gradient between the body and the environment, thereby helping to reduce evaporation. And on cold nights, the heat accumulated during the day is spent on heating. By the way, similar “devices” are endowed with the “namesakes of ostriches” - camels, and the long, bare necks and legs of both increase heat transfer, protecting the animals from excessive overheating.

With the onset of darkness, ostriches settle down for the night. They sleep sitting on the ground with their legs tucked under their body. They never hide their head under their wing, so the bird’s neck remains in an upright position almost all night, and although the ostrich’s eyes are closed, its sleep is extremely light. Only a few times a night does the ostrich allow itself to completely relax for a few minutes, lowering its head to the ground and even stretching its legs to its full length. Only at these moments does he plunge into a deep, real sleep, completely disconnecting from the outside world and entrusting his life to his relatives, who are in a half-asleep state.

As the breeding season approaches, the measured, quiet life the large herd ends. The bare necks of adult males turn pink or blue, and they, having fallen into a state of excitement, begin to sort things out with each other, pursue and try to drive away the females they like from the herd, while the females do their best to drive away the grown chicks from themselves. And after some time, the herd breaks up into small family groups consisting of an adult male and 4-6 females.

Scientists who conducted observations of family groups ostriches, they noticed that each bird in them occupies a certain social position. The phenomenon of dominance of some birds over others, first noted among ordinary domestic chickens and called the “pecking order,” also occurs in family life ostriches. The male and one of the females, enjoying the male's special favor, occupy a dominant position in the herd, and it is they who decide whether the group will graze or bathe in the sand, rest in the shade or move to a new feeding site, while the rest simply follow their example. As is typical for many high-ranking persons, the “beloved wife” often gives a thrashing to her “comrades”, but it is she who does not part with the male for many years, and in especially dry years, when feeding conditions do not allow the male to collect a large harem, remains his only friend.

In the morning or in the afternoon, when the heat subsides, the females, trying to attract the attention of the male, stage frantic dances, trying to outdo each other with passion and grace, which are difficult to suspect in these massive and clumsy-looking birds. The male, having spotted his chosen one, moves away with her to the side, and the birds graze nearby for some time, carefully copying each other’s movements. But then the excited male, spreading his wings, rushes to the ground in front of the female. The rhythmic movements of his black wings and tail, trimmed with a lush plume of white feathers, are surprisingly reminiscent of the flapping of gypsy skirts. The resemblance becomes amusingly complete when the ostrich, frantically trembling with its whole body, throws its neck back, touching the back of its tail with its head. All this time, the admiring female circles around him, almost touching the ground with her lowered wings and tail. Only after this long and complex courtship ritual comes its culminating moment - mating.

A male ostrich chooses a piece of land with good review, in the center of which it digs a shallow hole in the ground with a diameter of about 3 m - the future nest. And then he regularly patrols the borders of his possessions, the area of ​​which, depending on the feeding conditions and his physical fitness, ranges from 2 to 15 sq. km. Noticing the approach of a bird of its own species, the ostrich takes a characteristic threat pose: it raises its head high, spreads its wings, inflates its neck and announces the surroundings with a dull roar, reminiscent of a lion's roar. Other males usually immediately understand that the place has already been occupied and hastily retreat, although sometimes fights occur between rivals, during which the birds strike each other with their beaks and legs. Having admitted defeat, the male bows his head low to the ground, lowers his wings and tail, and in this pose of submission leaves the battlefield. Well, if an attractive female wanders into the male’s nesting territory, the outcome of the meeting will depend entirely on her readiness to mate.

In biblical texts, the ostrich is often cited as an example of an extremely careless and negligent parent, inattentive and even cruel to his children, because he supposedly lays eggs in the sand, trusting the sun to warm them and forgetting that “a foot can crush them, and the beast of the field can trample them." In fact, this is far from the case.

The main role in the incubation of eggs in ostriches belongs to the male. He incubates the eggs most of the day, including night, and only during the day he is replaced for several hours by the main female, who is difficult to notice on the nest due to the camouflage color of the plumage. Other females visit the nest only to lay another egg, and do not stay near it for long. However, the rules in the ostrich harem are not very strict, and females are free to lay an egg in the nest of another male, if there is one in the neighborhood, and sometimes, ignored by the leader of their herd, they mate with males who do not have their own nesting areas and roam alone surroundings.

Ostrich eggs, although small compared to the size of the bird itself, weigh about 1.5 kg and are 20-25 times larger in volume than chicken eggs. Several dozen of them can accumulate in one nest, but the incubating bird, no matter how it fluffs up its plumage, can cover no more than 20-25 eggs with its body. Male ostrich by and large it makes no difference whose eggs he incubates, but the main female, having replaced him on the nest, has her own opinion on this matter. Based on subtle nuances of color, size, shape and surface structure, she unmistakably recognizes her eggs and places them in the center of the nest, while decisively pushing the eggs of other females to the periphery. If the clutch is small, then all the eggs will be safely incubated, otherwise the chicks will hatch only from the eggs of the main female and several eggs laid by other females. Once in Kenya, a clutch of ostriches was found consisting of 78 eggs, of which only 21 were hatched! It must be said that such wastefulness has a deep biological meaning: numerous predators first of all pick up the eggs scattered around the nest, without touching those that lie in its center.

For 40-45 days, while incubation lasts, ostriches guard the nest and maintain a certain temperature and humidity in it, covering the eggs from the cold at night and from the scorching rays of the sun during the day. Already a few days before hatching, the parents hear a squeak coming from the eggs and, with reciprocal sounds, encourage the chicks, stimulating their attempts to escape to freedom. Like the chicks of other birds, ostrich chicks make a hole in the shell using a special protrusion on the beak as a chisel - the so-called chick tooth, which disappears as they grow older.

But even with the help of such a device, it would not be easy for ostrich chicks to break through the egg shell, which is not inferior in strength to porcelain, if not for the fact that the wall of their “prison” becomes significantly thinner during the development of the embryo, since the calcium contained in it is spent on the construction of the chick’s skeleton . Ostrich chicks, barely hatched from the egg, are covered with curly brownish hairs and have the size of a well-fed chicken.

2-3 days after hatching, the brood leaves the nest and goes on a long journey across the savannah. Despite the fact that ostrich chicks are able to feed on their own from the first days of life, for almost a whole year they need the care of their parents, who warm them on cold nights and protect them from the sun and rain. When danger approaches, the chicks, accompanied by the female, run away or hide in the grass, and the male, often risking his life, tries to distract the predators by pretending to be wounded and leading them in the other direction. Reliable cases have been described when a male protecting a brood rushed to attack and, with blows of his powerful legs, inflicted mortal wounds on people and even lions. And yet, despite the selfless care of their parents, most ostrich chicks die in the first months of life.

When several families of ostriches meet chicks, they sometimes unite into one large flock, but it also happens that after a short showdown, one pair of ostriches takes care of several broods. After which you can find real kindergartens, consisting of hundreds of chicks of different ages, accompanied by only one pair of adult birds.

Ostrich chicks grow very quickly and after a year they are almost no different in height from adult birds, although they are inferior to them in weight. At this point, their baby feathers are replaced by a juvenile outfit, very similar to the females' outfit. And only in the third year of life, having reached puberty, male ostriches dress in lush, silky black and white plumage.

The beauty of ostrich feathers, which the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt were the first to appreciate, almost caused the complete destruction of these birds in nature. In the 18th-19th centuries, the craze for fans, boas and hat decorations made of ostrich feathers swept literally all of Europe, and millions of male ostriches were sacrificed to this fashion. As a result, the only subspecies of African ostriches that lived in the Middle East was completely exterminated; ostriches became extremely rare in the northern and southern regions of Africa. And only thanks to the organization of ostrich farms, the first of which was created by an enterprising farmer in the Cape Province of South Africa back in 1838, their numbers began to recover.