Alexander Kerzhakov: biography, personal life. Alexander Kerzhakov. Biography Achievements of Alexander Kerzhakov

Alexander Anatolyevich Kerzhakov was born on November 27, 1982 in the city of Kingisepp, Leningrad Region. Alexander's father, Anatoly Rafailovich, was a former football player who played for Khimik (Dzerzhinsk). It was from him that little Sasha took his example.

Sashka’s first coach (he later received this nickname) was V.I. Petrov, and later Sergei Romanov began working with Kerzhakov. Since 1993, the future football player began classes at the Zenit Sports School. After graduation, Kerzhakov began his career as a professional football player in Svetogorsk in the camp of the Svetogorets club under the leadership of Vladimir Kazachenok (formerly a famous Soviet striker). After playing for two years, Alexander signed a contract with St. Petersburg Zenit, which he had dreamed of for so long.

Kerzhakov had no problems getting into the main team. In 2001, the football player was included in the list of the 33 best football players in Russia, taking a big step in his career ladder. In the same year, the first awards came, then, together with Zenit, the striker won bronze medals in the Russian Championship. The next year, the footballer was called up to the Russian national team, with which he went to the ChMYAK (World Championships in Japan and Korea). A year later, Kerzhakov’s team already received silver medals, and in 2004 Alexander became the top scorer of the championship, scoring a total of 18 goals in the Premier League.

In 2007, Kerzhakov helped Sevilla, where he moved from Zenit, to win the UEFA Cup for the 2006/07 season, receiving for this the title of Honored Master of Sports of Russia. Two more European trophies were the Spanish Cup and Super Cup of the same season. After this, Alexander’s foreign career gradually began to turn from a fairy tale into a nightmare. At first, the striker stopped playing in the starting lineup, and a little later, when Juande Ramos left Sevilla and even began to forget what a substitute bench was.

Kerzhakov, who wanted to play on the field and not sit in the shadows, did not like this course of events. Since 2008, Alexander returned back to Russia, but not to Zenit, but to Dynamo Moscow, which paid about 8 million euros for the player’s transfer. Kerzhakov spent two good seasons in the “blue and white” camp, but the footballer was never able to reach the previous level for which he was remembered before leaving for Seville. Unfortunately, Kerzhakov did not make it to the 2008 European Championships and was left without a bronze medal.

Kerzhakov wanted to return to Zenit St. Petersburg at the end of 2009, and on January 16, 2010, he realized his plan by signing a contract with his native club for 4 years. Dynamo have already received 6.5 million euros for the transfer of the Russian footballer, which is 1.5 million less than what was paid for his purchase. At Zenit, Alexander found a second youth. In the first match of the St. Petersburg team in the Europa League against Anderlecht, Kerzhakov scored a hat-trick in the first half. Together with Zenit he became the winner of the Russian Cup and the champion of Russia. Alexander himself became the team's top scorer, scoring twenty-three goals (which is five less than Seydou Doumbia, who became the championship's best forward).

In 2012, Kerzhakov scored his 200th career goal, and in 2013 he surpassed Oleg Veretennikov to become the top scorer in the history of Russian football. And in 2014, Kerzhakov scored a double in the Russian national team, becoming the top scorer of the national team. By the way, Kerzhakov went to the 2014 World Cup as one of the key players of the national team.

Alexander has a younger brother, Mikhail Kerzhakov, who plays as a goalkeeper. Kerzhakov is married and has a daughter. He is interested in the work of the Leningrad group of Sergei Shnurov, which he stated several times in interviews. The catchphrase of Alexander Kerzhakov was the expression: “I beat, I beat and I will beat.” His nickname, consisting of 4 letters B - “BBBB”, is also connected with this.

Full name: Alexander Anatolyevich Kerzhakov
Place of birth: Kingisepp, Leningrad region, USSR
Year of birth: November 27, 1982
Role: forward

Kerzhakov Alexander Anatolyevich is a Russian football player, the best scorer in the history of Russian football, as well as the Zenit club.

The boy’s father played for Khimki, so his love for this sport was passed on to his son, his mother’s name is Tatyana Veniaminovna. The guy grew up with his younger brother Mikhail, and in the future he also became a professional player. The father himself trained Alexander, long and hard, so that he would become the best of the best, he invested a lot of strength and patience in his son, as it turned out, not in vain. Kerzhakova was sheltered by the Zenit children's sports institution, where Sergei Romanov turned out to be a mentor.

Then, the guy’s ascent in terms of his club career began. After leaving Zenit, Alexander was recruited to Svetogorets, from which town do you think? Yes, Svetogorsk.

At the end of the twentieth century, Zenit itself offered Kerzhakov a place. In 2001, he began his ascent to the Russian Championship with Rotor, but ended without results. Scored a new goal for Spartak, Alexander Kerzhakov evened out the numbers, allowing the team to win with a pair of goals. Visited the World Championships in Korea and Japan.

Kerzhakov moves to a European club

Further in his career, in the winter of 2006, an agreement was concluded between Kerzhakov and Sevilla for 5 and a half years, the transfer cost 5 million euros. He played the opening match at the beginning of 2007, scoring the starting goal for the Levante club. Alexander opened the gate, thanks to which he brought victory in the UEFA Cup game to the spite of Tottenham Hotspur. Won three bronze medals.

2008 was memorable for the following: Kerzhakov went to Dynamo, the transfer cost 8 euro lemons. Russian Championship, in the fight against “Moscow”, Kerzhakov scored a goal, it ended in a draw. Initially, he held on rather weakly, 27 games, and scored seven goals, despite this, this outcome helped the team win bronze medals in the Russian Championship, in which, in 2009, Alexander showed himself better: 24 games and 12 hits on goal, the first goal from it was received by the Moscow club

Kerzhakov attended several matches in the Champions League, and in the Europa League he faced CSKA, where he hit the ball straight into the goal.

Winter of the tenth year, the outstanding striker returns back to his roots, to Zenit for up to 4 years. The transition required - 6.5 euro lemons. In the summer, when he faced Auxerre, he showed that there are no limits to his capabilities and rolled in his hundredth can. In the Europa League from 2010 to 2011, he scored a hat-trick, in the war with Anderlecht, and later, in the Russian Championship, he scored 3 goals against Saturn.

In the spring of 2011, he already scored 79 goals at the Russian Championship, and later, competing with Spartak, he showed the enemy the 101st goal. In the summer, the star striker again scored a hat-trick against Krasnodar, the final score was 5:0

Autumn 2012, the talented football player managed to score the 200th ball that Anderlecht caught. In the fall of 2013, Kerzhakov scored a goal against Spartak, winning the title of top scorer in the history of Russian football, it was the 208th goal.

Farewell to football player Alexander Kerzhakov with fans

In the middle of the hot summer season of 2017, Alexander Kerzhakov finished his rise, a farewell took place in August, support came from his wife, daughter and sons, who came to say goodbye to the hero, and he himself said through tears:

“Thank you very much for coming today... Thanks to your support every year, whether I played or not, I always felt that the team needed me, that the fans needed me. Believe me, I tried to pay you in the same coin. I think I have succeeded a little... I will go to all the matches. And if there is no such support as today, I will be very upset. I love you very much. "Zenit is a champion!"

Alexander Kerzhakov in the Russian national team

Well, now, let’s look separately at Alexander for the national team. At the age of 19, Kerzhakov was given the opportunity to create a dream in the Russian national team. He started in a friendly game with the Estonia national team, where he lost. It was Alexander who scored the starting goal for the Swedes, the scoreboard was 1:1. During the selection for Euro 2004, the footballer scored two goals and played against Portugal.

A year later, the footballer was again called up to qualify for the 2010 World Cup, where Finland received two goals on goal. Scored a goal for Macedonia and one for Ireland. In the qualifiers for the 2014 World Cup, Kerzhakov sent a deuce to the Israeli national team in a friendly game, and won, scoring 4 goals on his side, the opponent 0. They beat Portugal with a winning goal.

Video where Kerzhakov scores 28 goals for his team

Alexander coach of the youth team

Alexander went to the Higher School of Coaches and in March 2018 became the head coach of the Russian youth team; the contract was agreed for 2019.

Let's move on to achievements and club statistics using the example table:

Club Year Cups Eurocups League Russian team
games/goals games/goals games/goals year games/goal
ZENITH 01 2/1 28/6 02 7/3
02 5/1 2/2 29/14 03 8/0
03 2/3 27/13 04 7/0
04 2/5 7/6 29/18 05 10/4
05 5/1 8/3 25/7 06 5/0
06 7/5 6/4 21/6 07 7/6
SEVILLE 06/07 5/0 8/2 15/5 09 6/2
07/08 4/0 6/1 11/3 10 2/2
DYNAMO 08 2/1 27/7 11 5/0
09 2/2 4/1 24/12 12 11/5
ZENITH 10 3/0 5/4 28/13 13 8/2
11/12 3/0 7/1 32/23 14 11/5
12/13 2/0 8/1 23/10 15 2/1
13/14 1/0 11/3 19/6 16 1/0
14/15 1/0 6/1 14/3
15/16 0/0 0/0 0/0
16/17 1/0 3/1 14/1
ZURICH 15/16 2/0 0/0 17/5

And here is a list of personal achievements:

  • was among the top recognizable people in St. Petersburg;
  • best young player of the Russian Premier League;
  • nine times found himself in the 33 excellent players of the Russian Championship;
  • repeatedly became the top scorer in Russia.

Personal life of Alexander Kerzhakov

And for dessert, a rather informative private life of a football player:

February 2005, Alexander married Maria Golovaya, she gave him a daughter, but five years later the couple separated, and immediately the football player began spending time with Ekaterina Safronova.

She had a daughter aged five. Three years later, the lovers had a son, Igor. After 12 months, Kerzhakov condemned Catherine, wanted to deprive her of the right to raise her son, and got what he wanted.

In 2015 he married Milana Tyulpanova, in 2017 another son Artemy appeared, in May 18 the relationship ended.

He listens mainly to Russian rock, and specifically “Leningrad”. He published two books, “The Best” and “Under 16 and Over.” He opened the Lukomorye cafe in 2005. He starred in “Freaks” and “ProjectorParisHilton”.

Video interview about Alexander's life (2017)

Also on our website you can read the biography of another football player -

On November 27, 1982, the famous football player Alexander Kerzhakov was born in the small town of Kingisepp, Leningrad Region. Since childhood, Sasha’s father was fond of football and also began to instill in his son a love for this sport.

There is one more child in the Kerzhakov family, Alexander’s younger brother’s name is Mikhail. For him, Sasha has always been an example of the implementation of career-related plans, so there is one more footballer in the family. Mikhail is the goalkeeper.


The biography of Alexander Kerzhakov, like his personal life, is very rich in both joyful moments and loud scandals. Every time he enters the field, Kerzhakov is greeted by his army of fans with stormy emotions.

Children's photos of Alexander Kerzhakov

Alexander Kerzhakov’s club career began in 1999 for the Svetogorets team, where he played for only a year and then accepted an invitation from St. Petersburg Zenit, where he had been building his career for 5 years. In 2007, Alexander received an offer to play for the Spanish professional club Seville; Kerzhakov spent only a year in one of the most beautiful cities in Spain. Further, Alexander played for Dynamo Moscow and then returned to Zenit St. Petersburg. Before announcing his retirement, he defended the football honor of Zurich.

Football player in the Dynamo football club

From 2002 to 2016, Alexander Kerzhakov played for the Russian national football team.

Alexander Kerzhakov has earned the call of many football coaches. He is considered the best scorer in the history of domestic football. In 90 games played as part of the national team, he scored 30 goals. He scored 161 goals for Zenit.

Alexander Kerzhakov during a football match

Alexander entered the top 90 football players in the Russian Premier League in 2013, who have the highest salaries. Kerzhakov's income was approximately 3 million euros.

Personal life

Alexander Kerzhakov’s personal life is in full swing, many tabloids and online media write about him with enviable consistency, he is discussed on the radio, in general he is a much-discussed personality and his biography is closely followed by fans and journalists.

Alexander's first marriage was registered in 2005 in the city on the Neva with student Maria. In the same year, the couple had a daughter, who was named Daria.

There were rumors that before the divorce itself, the family lost a huge amount of 330 million rubles, but after another 5 years, the money was found, it was proven in court that Kerzhakov suffered at the hands of scammers.

With ex-wife Ekaterina Safronova

The ex-spouses are currently on good terms, and Maria sometimes defends her ex-husband from attacks from the press.

The second, Ekaterina Safronova became the wife of Alexander Kerzhakov, but not the official one. They started dating when they were both married. The first wife, Maria, told the media that she learned about Alexander’s infidelity with Catherine, which became the reason for the divorce. The couple did not hesitate to appear in public while still in an official relationship. But soon after everyone found out about everything, Alexander and Catherine began to live together. They did not register the relationship. Three years after they got together, in 2013 the couple had a son, they named him Igor.

Kerzhakov fought for this relationship and even admitted that for the sake of Catherine, he stopped communicating with his parents, as they spoke unflatteringly about her.

The relationship did not last long, only four years. And in 2014, many of Kerzhakov’s fans were dumbfounded by the news that the family broke up not easily because of domestic disagreements, but because the common-law wife took drugs, became heavily addicted to alcohol and endangered her son.

Alexander Kerzhakov with his wife Milana Tyulpanova

This story was like a new page in the personal life and in general in the biography of Alexander Kerzhakov, since documents for divorce were not easily filed, the main sensation was that the football player wants to deprive the mother of his child, Ekaterina, of parental rights. Many federal channels conducted interviews and devoted entire programs to this story, where they allowed both sides to tell their truth.

According to Ekaterina Safronova, she became a victim of domestic tyranny and when she became undesirable, she was simply sent to a psychiatric hospital and was deprived of the opportunity to communicate with her child.

Alexander told in detail how Catherine could drive drunk at night with her one-month-old baby and go to country hotels to walk and relax.

Famous football player with his wife and children

In addition, such details were exposed to the public that a young mother, immediately after giving birth, could drink right in the maternity hospital. The footballer said that he struggled with Catherine’s addictions for a long time, but, unfortunately, he gave up and left.

But he only lost this battle. Alexander still prosecuted Igor’s son and proved in court that his now ex-wife still uses drugs. The examination showed this.

In May 2014, the court decided to limit Ekaterina Safronova’s parental rights.

At the beginning of 2015, information appeared in various media that the personal life of Alexander Kerzhakov was taking a new turn. He was seen with a young girl, who was recognized as the senator's daughter, Milana Tyulpanova. She was born in 1993, a student at the Faculty of Journalism of St. Petersburg University.

The famous athlete is involved in charity work with his wife and children.

A short time later, on June 27 of the same year, the couple formalized their relationship. This was not big news, since on social networks, long before the official trip to the registry office, the couple had a status that announced their engagement.

The footballer admitted that he was very worried about how Milan would perceive his past, which is connected with his ex-wives. But despite everything, the girl took everything very easily and calmly.

In 2017, on April 10, the couple had a son, Artemy. The couple very actively shares with their subscribers on social networks photos from their holidays, family photos and much more related to the Kerzhakovs.

Alexander Kerzhakov today

Football career today

In July 2017, Alexander officially announced that he was retiring from his playing career. The information was confirmed by club president Sergei Fursenko. In the same month, Kerzhakov was appointed to the position of coordinator of Zenit youth teams. Now his responsibility includes working on the promotion of youth players to the main team.

Sasha had a love of football instilled in him since childhood, since his father could not imagine his life without a ball. Alexander has a younger brother who continues the family tradition, plays football and is a goalkeeper. At first, Sasha was coached by his father and tried to make him a real football player, making every effort to do this. After training at home, the child was taken to the Zenit children's and youth sports school (St. Petersburg). To do this, Sasha had to go to a sports boarding school at the school. Here, Sergei Romanov, who was his coach and developed a strong character in the athlete, had a special influence on the life of the football player.

The beginning of Kerzhakov’s football career at Zenit

After graduating from sports school, Alexander played for the Svyatogorets team and in 2008, after a successful debut in this team, Zenit coach Yuri Morozov invited Alexander to his team. This was done on the recommendation of Vladimir Kazachenko. Alexander made his first debut at Zenit in March 2001. He scored his first goal in a game with Moscow Spartak.

In 2002, Alexander was considered the best player in the Premier League. In 2004, he managed to score 18 goals.

The year 2006 was marked for Alexander by signing a contract for more than 5.5 years with the Spanish club Sevilla. The Spaniards bought him from Zenit for 5 million euros. In Seville, Alexander became a bronze medalist and winner of the UEFA Cup and Spanish Cup. In total, Alexander took part in 49 matches in this club over 2 seasons and scored 11 goals.

Return to native land

In 2008, Kerzhakov returned to his homeland and played for Dynamo Moscow. In the first season, he scored 7 goals in 27 matches and again won bronze as part of the Dynamo team. In 2010, Kerzhakov returned to Zenit again and signed a contract with the club for 4 years. Returning to this club, he immediately becomes the champion of Russia, wins the Russian Cup, and is recognized as the best Russian football player.

In 2012 he scores his 200th goal. In 2015, information appears that Kerzhakov wants to leave the club, and most likely continue his career as a forward for Moscow Lokomotiv or Samara Wings of the Council.

In 2015, Kerzhakov was loaned to the German club Zurich, where he played in 18 matches. Kerzhakov scores 5 goals. In the summer of 2017, Kerzhakov announced his retirement from his playing career and, in turn, received the position of coordinator of Zenit’s youth teams. Afterwards he will become an expert on the sports channel “Match TV”

During his football career, Alexandra Kerzhakov won the following titles: Zenit's top scorer in the club's history, top scorer of the Russian national team, top scorer in European competition.

Family life of Kerzhakov

Alexander's family life does not work out. He loved 3 women, but saw nothing but misfortune from them. From his first marriage to Maria Kerzhakova, he had a daughter, Daria. In 2010, Alexander begins a relationship with Ekaterina Safronova (ex-wife of hockey player Kirill Safronov). Kerzhakov and Safronova did not register their relationship. In 2011, their son Igor was born, and in 2014, Kerzhakov deprived Ekaterina of parental rights through the court. His third wife is Milana Tyulpanov, the daughter of the deceased senator Vadim Tyulpanov. In 2017, Kerzhakov’s son was born. And in July 2018, Alexander accuses his wife of drug addiction and Milana admits this fact that she uses drugs. She agrees to treatment so as not to lose her son.