Who is the father of Svetlana Khorkina's child? Kirill Shubsky. Active activities outside of sports

Express Gazeta recalls the difficult story of love and motherhood of the famous gymnast.

On January 19, Svetlana celebrates her anniversary. Khorkina celebrates her 40th birthday in the status of a beloved woman, a happy mother, an accomplished gymnast, an Olympic champion, a political and sports figure - in a word, life is successful and stable. The same cannot be said about Svetlana’s youth: in the 00s, she had to stubbornly remain silent about her relationship with her chosen one and the father of her first-born - billionaire Kirill Shubsky, the legal husband of the late Vera Glagoleva. Not of his own free will - the businessman insisted on absolute secrecy, although Express Newspaper was the first to find out and write about the businessman’s second family. Over time, Svetlana revealed the details of her experience - bit by bit, in interviews, in the books “Somersaults in Heels” and “The Magic of Victories.”

In order not to confuse the reader, we will immediately call the main characters dramatic love story by name - as if everything had become obvious from the very beginning. So, Lausanne, 1997.

Svetlana Khorkina in the early 00s. Photo: Globallook

Svetlana arrived in the Swiss city as a member of the delegation Olympic Committee. On one of the evenings, not busy with activities and performances, the athlete, in the company of her friend Yulia Bordovskikh, went to dinner at a luxurious local restaurant. The purely female walk was diluted by a chance meeting between the TV presenter and her acquaintance Kirill Shubsky. “Do you mind if I invite that handsome young man over there to our company?” asked Julia. Svetlana did not object. Moreover, the man turned out to be not only handsome, but also interesting, charming and gallant. He warmed the chilled Khorkina, throwing a coat over her shoulders, spoke compliments - in a word, looked after her masterfully.

The new acquaintances soon had to part ways: Kirill went to St. Petersburg, Svetlana returned to the Ozero Krugloye sports base. Before saying goodbye, the businessman gave his new young companion the most generous gift for those times - a cell phone to be in touch at any time. Khorkina was enchanted, apparently not knowing that she was escorting the legal husband of Vera Glagoleva to the cultural capital.

Entrepreneur and public figure became the second husband for the actress, appearing in her life after Vera Vitalievna’s separation from Rodion Nakhapetov. The couple met at a film festival; the business relationship did not work out, but developed into a romantic one. In 1992, Glagoleva and Shubsky got married, three years later became parents of a daughter, Nastya, and raised the director’s heirs from his first marriage. Kirill's infidelity to his wife was talked about more than once - but his union with Olympic champion Svetlana received wide publicity.

Vera Glagoleva and Kirill Shubsky. Photo: Boris Kudryavov, Express Newspaper

However, not immediately. For about seven years, the lovers intensively hid from the press. Yes, Kirill attended the athlete’s performances, but due to his position he could do this without arousing suspicion. He supported his gymnast companion at the Russian championships, followed her to European competitions, attended the Olympics in Sydney, and called often. And judging by Khorkina’s memoirs and confessions, he “fed” her with promises of a happy life together, which would definitely come. Sometime in the foreseeable future.

Later, Khorkina will remember this period with pain, convincing young girls not to trust married men - especially if they show the absence of a stamp in their passport: “Dear girls,

  • If a man assures you that he is single, and you even see his passport, which does not have a stamp, do not rush to believe it. And don’t be shy about asking to come to his home - where he says he lives, and make sure that that’s where his personal belongings are.
  • If this “man” assures you that you will certainly live together, but for quite a long time does not take any action in this direction, drive him to the neck.
  • If it turns out that you are expecting a child from this person, and he does not perceive such news with joy, think hard about whether you should continue to hope for something good between you.
  • And if the child born remains under your last name, like a brother or sister, do not delay the break with this person and never rely on him for anything,”

Khorkina exclaimed in an interview, having suffered through everything that happened to her.

The course of the secret romance changed dramatically after Svetlana's pregnancy. Shubsky, to put it mildly, was not happy: he again insisted that this fact must remain secret. The further development of events is not inferior to the plot of the Brazilian series. Instead of a real father, actor Levan Uchaneishvili appears next to Khorkina: free, successful, attractive - why not an impossible match for a champion gymnast? The “couple” appears in front of the cameras when Svetlana’s rounded belly can no longer be hidden. The athlete and the artist act out a love story, the reader seems to believe - and yet the mosaic does not fit.

Levan Uchaneishvili. Still from the film "Inheritance"

Khorkina flies to Los Angeles to give birth:

“I was told that I should go as far as possible and not tell anyone about my pregnancy. I didn't understand why it had to be this way. And yet she agreed. I reasoned: probably, during childbirth in America, I would receive more professional help than here. Today I understand that this is nonsense - in our country there are also excellent clinics and doctors...”

In the clinic she lies under someone else’s name, and her friend Yulia is present with her at the birth. In 2005, Khorkina’s son Svyatoslav was born. The new father - the real one, Kirill Shubsky - comes for discharge, but in the future he participates in the boy’s life only financially. The inexperienced public expects to see Levan next to the young mother, but he disappears on the set. And Khorkina is taken aback: “For some reason Levan doesn’t call. I’m a proud man and I won’t call him first.” In a word, the performance was not thought through.

Vera Glagoleva knew about her husband’s adventures, but, like a wise woman, she preferred to talk about what happened as if it did not exist. And she even filed a lawsuit because of the publication, but did not refute the information made public. Svetlana Khorkina got someone else's husband for seven years - but Shubsky's marriage did not break up, Glagoleva managed to forgive the betrayal. The husband was with his wife until 2017 - until the tragic summer, when the filmmaker died from cancer.

Vera Glagoleva with her daughters. Photo: Globallook

The athlete met her fate later, marrying General Oleg Kochnov. Svetlana’s companion easily became close to her son, allowed the woman herself to relax, feel adored and protected - so much so that Khorkina thought about having another baby. And he remembers the past, but does not regret:

“I don’t regret what happened in my life before, it all went into the treasury of life experience. Thanks to him, by the way, I am already able to distinguish lies from truth and understand what the real attitude of a man to a woman is. And now I’ve learned that, it turns out, you can do things for the sake of your loved one and treat them with care and respect.”

Khorkina with her son. Photo: instagram.com/alsou_a

Kirill Shubsky is a Russian businessman. He became known to the public after the death of his wife, a talented actress and director. Kirill was born in Moscow. Since childhood, the boy was purposeful and hardworking. He studied well, was fond of hockey, and even played for the youth team. After school he entered the Moscow Institute of Management. Having received higher education, joined the Komsomol. But he soon went into business.


In an interview with the “While Everyone is Home” program, Shubsky said that while still working in the Komsomol, the leadership decided to purchase a steamboat to train young people. But it turned out that it was a shrimp fishing vessel, it was transported to the shores of Africa. In one season, the ship “earned” more money than all the district fees. After such success, Shubsky decided to open his own business related to shipping and shipbuilding. From 1991 to 1994, Kirill headed the Aqua Limited company.

Until 1991, he gained experience in leadership positions in the youth commercial company Yuvenko and PKO Invest. After 1994, he served as president of Scientific and Commercial Society of Maritime Shipping LLC.

Since 2000, Shubsky has headed the closed joint-stock company Soglasie-Alliance. He still holds this post. The main activity of the company is the production of general purpose equipment and other machines. In addition, Soglasie-Alliance produces food products and household chemicals. Also engaged in the extraction of precious metals, business support and cargo transportation.

The company operates in several areas at once, holds shares in over ten industrial enterprises and firms, and in its operation resembles more of a holding structure. In 2001, Shubsky was appointed advisor to the President of Russia on preparations for the Olympic Games.

Until 2011, he was a member of the board of directors of Atlant-Soyuz airline. Since 2013, Shubsky has headed RT-Khimkompozit. The holding united Russian enterprises that produce polymers and composite materials. The company supplies products for aviation, space, energy industries, land and sea transport.

According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities as of February 2018, Shubsky - CEO JSC RT-Chemcomposite and President of CJSC Soglasie-Alliance.

Kirill Shubsky is the founder of two companies. He owns 37.5% in the private security company Soglasie SB. He also has a share in a non-profit organization - NP “Support for War Veterans and Military-Patriotic Education of Youth “Consent””.

Personal life

Kirill Shubsky is a prominent man. There were always a lot of women around him, and he was never deprived of their attention. Kirill met his future wife in Odessa at the Golden Duke film festival. At that time, Vera Glagoleva had a divorce behind her, and two little daughters from. Plus, the woman was 8 years older than Kirill. But neither one nor the other stopped Shubsky.

At first, Vera did not take his advances seriously. The actress communicated with the young businessman exclusively from a professional point of view. She invited him to finance her future painting, but he refused, but their communication did not stop there. He was not used to giving up - he looked after him beautifully and showed care.

As a result, Glagoleva believed that a happy life after a divorce was possible. Soon the couple played a wedding and got married. Vera's children - and Masha - became friends with their mother's new husband, he became a good friend and an excellent stepfather for them. Immediately after the wedding, Shubsky moved his family to Switzerland, where Glagoleva gave birth to a daughter.

Peace and quiet reigned in the family, they did not need anything, traveled a lot, Vera continued to make films, Kirill rose to new business heights. But the media did not stop talking about the fact that Kirill Shubsky has a large number of mistresses. No one wanted to believe in the fidelity of a rich, handsome and stately man. And, as it turned out, the rumors were not unfounded.

In 1997, Kirill Shubsky met a young gymnast. The athlete arrived in Switzerland as part of the Olympic delegation. After this meeting, an affair began, which they carefully concealed. Later, the girl said that he tried to be with her every free minute and was present at all competitions. Their relationship lasted 7 years. But everything “fell apart” when Svetlana announced to Kirill that she was pregnant.

Shubsky did not plan to leave Vera Glagoleva and did not want his legal wife to find out about the betrayal. Therefore, he sent Khorkina to the USA to give birth. As a result, the gymnast gave birth to a son, Svyatoslav, whom Shubsky did not recognize for a long time, but helped financially. After the birth of the child, the couple stopped dating. Soon Khorkina married Oleg Kochnov.

Of course, everything secret becomes clear, and this information is “leaked” to the press. But Glagoleva decided to save the family, she forgave Kirill. The actress treated gossip so coldly that soon everyone forgot about this incident. A new wave of this story arose when Khorkina published a book in which she revealed the name of the child’s father. Once again there was an uproar in the media, after which Shubsky recognized his son.

In July 2017, Shubsky and Glagoleva welcomed their daughter Anastasia. Their son-in-law became a talented hockey player. Even then, Vera Glagoleva was ill, but except for her family, no one knew anything about it.

On August 16, 2017 it became known about. The woman died at the age of 62 in a clinic in Baden-Baden. The Russian actress has been battling cancer for a long time. The cause of death was stomach cancer.

Kirill Shubsky now

The businessman does not like to advertise his personal life. He is not on any social networks. But sometimes his daughter Anastasia posts photos together on Instagram.

After the death of his wife, Kirill became the object of surveillance by journalists. The media began to raise the topic of the reunion of the businessman and Svetlana Khorkina. Of course, these are rumors and speculation. The former gymnast is happily married, and her relationship with Shubsky is long in the past. And the man himself did not make a single hint about renewing the relationship.

In December 2017, Kirill Shubsky and Anna Nakhapetova attended the Slovo Prize ceremony. V. Chernykh, where they received the “Presidential Prize”, posthumously awarded to Vera Glagoleva.

Book by the famous gymnast and politician Svetlana Khorkina published under the title “The Magic of Victory.” In fact, it talks not only about the sports part of Khorkina’s career. Svetlana talks quite frankly about her personal life. AiF.ru publishes several excerpts from the book.

Cover of the book “The Magic of Victory” by Svetlana Khorkina. Photo: courtesy of EKSMO publishing house

About five years later, when I was born, my dad was given a dorm room from work. Thank God, it was not a corridor system with one toilet for the whole floor, but a block system. There are two rooms (we occupied one, the other was occupied by neighbors) - a shared toilet and shower. It was a fun hostel: with insects and all other living creatures... I was especially attacked by bedbugs... Our 11-meter room was divided into two parts by a wardrobe: in one there was a large parental bed and my chair-bed, and in the other there was a tiny dining room table. And above this table, dad managed to build a home sports corner: he hung a trapeze with a rope from the ceiling so that I could climb on it like a monkey, develop and tumble... I didn’t do anything on them! She climbed the rope onto the trapeze, from there onto the closet, and jumped from the closet onto the bed. She was restless - just a plague! ...

One evening in the shared kitchen, my mother started talking with a neighbor about me and my daring agility. And she said that her daughter had been doing gymnastics for several months. “Maybe we should take Sveta there too,” she advised. “If he starts studying, the energy will go to useful things, and you’ll see that an appetite will appear.” There is now just a set of junior group girls, and it will be convenient for us to pick up the children after classes one by one.” The very next day, returning home after work, my mother took me by the hand and took me by bus to the Spartak Sports Palace...

I remember how at the beginning of the next workout, during the warm-up, I did the splits. She turned slightly and felt something crunch in her back. And then a sharp pain pierced me all over. It felt like every cell of my body ached. I tried to get up, but I couldn’t... The next day I was taken to CITO - the Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics - a place that later became my lifesaver, because over the years I sports life I had to go there more than once for treatment and prevention.

While driving there, I prayed. But a miracle did not happen: the CITO said that they would not be able to prescribe any treatment for me right away. I need to go in for an examination. And the sooner the better! Like, come tomorrow, go to bed, and we’ll see what happened to you, and only after that we’ll prescribe you treatment.

And I have a kaleidoscope of thoughts in my head: “How to “go to bed”? What kind of “examination”?! Nothing like this! I need to heal everything urgently! I have a control training the day after tomorrow - qualifying for the World Championships in Sabayo! At any cost, I must get on the team in Japan! Well, I do not! I won't just give up! I’m perfectly prepared for this tournament...” (Khorkina eventually won gold at this tournament - Ed.)

Svetlana Khorkina, 1995. Photo: RIA Novosti / Vladimir Rodionov

The appearance of a doping officer in front of my eyes always had an effect on me, just like a red rag on a bull! A doping test is always stressful also because you are forced to stand in front of a stranger completely naked and take tests in front of her. After all, in Everyday life The procedure for visiting the toilet is quite intimate - people don’t go there in crowds. And here a man stands and looks purposefully at you...

I remember we were at a training camp in Adelaide, preparing for the Olympics in Sydney... I reveal: there is a doping officer on the doorstep. I signed her report, and she stuck to me like a tail, because I simply had nothing to get tested right away... I went for a massage, she sat next to me and watched everything that was happening. Then there was a procedure in the hydrobath, and she also sat nearby. That evening I managed to sit with the girls in the hall in front of the TV - she sat next to us all the time and recorded everything that I did that evening... In the end, I got tired of this tail, I called her to my room and took her out a long-hidden can of non-alcoholic beer from the stash. I invited her to join me too. She recorded my jar in her protocol, I drank it and finally caused the necessary impulse to take the test...

We were glad that we were paid a stipend, that we lived at the training camp on full support, having the opportunity to train from morning to night. And after winning the Olympics in 1996 and receiving bonuses (for the first time they began to pay for gold medal 50 thousand dollars each - very decent money at that time), I was able to buy myself two fur coats: mink and arctic fox - great chic at that time. The leadership of the city and region gave me a cool car for that period - the 99th Lada model. I was not yet old enough to buy my own home. And why did I need a house in Belgorod? After all, most of the time I lived in Moscow, in a hostel, and then there was no one next to me who would look forward to the future. Of course, I had the opportunity to buy myself fashionable, expensive clothes. And with these considerable funds we could already live normally, without limiting ourselves. Although my parents, people of the old school, were used to living modestly and never particularly spoiled me. However, I always had everything I needed. I grew up in a normal Russian family, where they know the value of money, understand how it is earned and how it should be spent. Then my parents and I decided to put most of the bonuses into a bank account and, I think, we did the right thing. I lived in Moscow quite modestly on my salary, periodically sending something to my parents. And we always had enough.

Svetlana Khorkina, 2003. Photo: RIA Novosti / Vladimir Fedorenko

How come I didn’t have time to prepare for my uneven bars performance? (Khorkina was the favorite at the 2004 Olympics in Athens, but only took silver in the all-around - ed.). At that time, most gymnasts worked on uneven bars without pads. But a girl with pads performed in front of me. And after it I had to clean the bars from adhering magnesium longer than usual. Then some fuss arose around the uneven bars... But at this moment, when you are testing the bars of the uneven bars before a performance, not only the preparation of the apparatus is taking place, but the psychological immersion that has already been developed over decades in this apparatus and the program that you will now perform in the competition . Your complete reunification with the projectile occurs. And for some reason, someone was constantly distracting me at this moment, not allowing me to fully concentrate on preparing for the performance... And then suddenly, unexpectedly early, the green signal came on, indicating the moment the performance began, this secretly pushed me towards even greater fuss , did not allow me to fully tune in to the exercise. I didn’t even have the feeling that I was ready to start... Why were they in such a hurry to turn on the starting signal? Don't know. But the fact remains: the light comes on - you have 30 seconds to start your performance.

Work on the projectile occurs very quickly - about 50 seconds. And, if you are literally distracted for a split second, consider that you have fallen... And all this resulted in the fact that I stopped feeling the grip of my hands on the poles, I was torn off them, and I lost control.

Many years later, I finally watched my performance on the uneven bars and my preparation for it on video. And then everything fell into place: it was a real sabotage! A precisely calculated psychological move that unsettled me when all the turmoil that took place before my performance was artificially created...

Remembering all this today, I can say that neither the Athenian pain was cried out to the end by me and the wound did not heal, nor the Sydney one, when I collapsed on the knees of that lame horse... These are still living and bleeding wounds! Unfortunately, in big sport there are no little things... I’m more than sure: if I had won the uneven bars at the Athens Olympics, I would have continued my sports career and went to my fourth Olympics to conquer the peak that for me personally remained unconquered - the title of Olympic champion in all-around!

After Sydney, a man appeared in my life who constantly showed that he was not indifferent to me, looked after me very nicely, promised so many things, trying to evoke some kind of reciprocal feelings in me. Once it even seemed to me that I loved this man. But over the years, I still understood what exactly it seemed, even though I gave birth to a son from him a few years later, who in fact became my true love! Then, I think, this feeling was simply instilled in me, because on his part it was initially false...

Perhaps I should now, based on my own life experience, give some advice to girls who look at life with the same childish naivety. Dear girls, if a man assures you that he is not married, and even shows you his passport, which does not have a stamp about marriage and children, do not rush to believe him. Don’t be shy about asking to come to his home - where he really lives, and see for yourself that that’s where his things are. And one more thing: if he assures you that you will certainly live together, but for quite a long time does not take any action in this direction, drive him in the neck, unless, of course, you yourself are committed to a serious relationship and do not perceive him as something temporary...

Svetlana Khorkina with her son Svyatoslav. Photo: RIA Novosti / Ekaterina Chesnokova

It was not clear to me why there was suddenly a need to make a secret of our relationship and his paternity. I have not committed a single shameful act in my life, but I was told that I should go as far as possible and not tell anyone about my pregnancy. I was surprised: why from the person who swears that he loves me, from whom I am expecting a child, the reaction is not at all what I expected? It seemed like we lived like a family, discussed plans for the future... And then, it would seem, such happiness happened - we are going to have a baby! It’s a pity that this turned out to be happiness not for the two of us, but only for me. But even this could not darken my joy. I was incredibly happy. And today I can’t imagine life without my beloved son - my firefly...

My personal life was the subject of discussion in the pages of the tabloid press for several more years, until finally the gossips learned that I was happily married. And not at all with the one they were constantly gossiping about. But a few years later, my child’s father still found the strength to recognize his child, although I insisted on it.

Father communicates with son financially Svyatoslav helps.

My husband also gets along with my son. I would never get along with a man if I was convinced that my son was unpleasant to him or something else. For me, in any case, children will come first, and then everything else... Everything that happened in my personal life before, it all went into the treasury of life experience. And I don’t regret it, because, thanks to him, I learned to distinguish sweet lies from bitter truth and understand what a man’s real attitude towards a woman is. Thanks to my man, I know that you can do things for the sake of your loved one and treat him with respect, care and concern. Close relationships between people should begin with respect for a woman. And only then can what is called love arise. Sparkles of passion fade over time, but respect remains forever.

*The editors would like to express their gratitude to Eksmo Publishing House for their assistance in preparing the material.

The actress and director began to have serious health problems after the betrayal of the men they loved, people around her believe.
The news of the death of Vera GLAGOLEVA took not only her fans by surprise, but even people from the close circle of the actress and director. As it turned out, she died after a long battle with stomach cancer. Vera Vitalievna flew for a consultation to one of the clinics in Germany (her brother Boris lives in this country), and a few hours after visiting the hospital she passed away.

Upon learning of Glagoleva’s death, her colleague Elena Valyushkina, star of the hits “Formula of Love” and “Bitter!”, wrote on her page on the social network:

When a woman is betrayed, not once, but twice, by her beloved men, and she gets up and continues to live, create, raise children, not show it, win, delight, make movies. And this vile pain gnaws from the inside, tears me apart, does not allow me to sleep, and does not go away with time. This is how cancer begins. These are my thoughts...

According to friends, Glagoleva did not like to share her problems with others and tried to hide them even from her family.

Only from her first love, which revealed in 16-year-old Vera the ability to wholeheartedly admire the object of attention, the actress was left with a feeling of incredible purity, romantic flair and slight naivety.

“My first love is a very talented person, a musician,” our heroine shared. - I thought then that it was a feeling of something different, a feeling of joy when you walk by the hand.

By that time, in front of the future movie star and her older brother Boris, the family of their parents had broken up.

One day during the summer holidays, Verochka and Borya went kayaking with their father Vitaly Pavlovich. Dad’s colleague and her child also sailed with them.

Returning to Moscow, the children complained to their mother that during the trip, dad paid too much attention to someone else’s aunt and constantly fussed with her offspring. A scandal broke out. Vitaly Pavlovich packed his things and left home. Soon he left the prosperous capital for the North, where he started a new family.

From her marriage to Rodion NAKHAPETOV, GLAGOLEVA left two daughters...

Cross the line

Glagoleva met her first husband, Rodion Nakhapetov, when she was 18 and he was 30. Together with a friend who worked at Mosfilm, Vera, who was then fond of archery and became a master of sports, came to watch the film.

In the buffet, a girl in trendy trousers flared from the hip was noticed by cameraman Vladimir Klimov. It was he who invited her to audition for the film “To the End of the World...”, which Rodion filmed.

The romance between Nakhapetov and Vera began before my eyes,” actor Vadim Mikheenko, who played one of the roles in the film and the father of Yegor Beroev, told the author of these lines. - Rodion insisted that we be attentive to each other, because love and bright emotions had to be played. One day she broke into my hotel room, although I didn’t let her in because I was spending time with a prostitute. Seeing this disgrace, she began to treat Nakhapetov differently - he never allowed such liberties.

...Anna became a ballerina, and Maria tried herself as an actress.

According to Mikheenko, it was impossible to take your eyes off Glagoleva at that time.

Rodion was terribly jealous of her for me,” Vadim continues. - One day, an American friend of mine came to Moscow, and in the evening we gathered in a cafe with guys and girls. There was also Vera. But soon Nakhapetov flew in and took his beloved away. I understand him: when you work with a person, you are engaged in creativity, you cannot be distracted by some other things, or cross the line. I took it calmly, but Rodion was trembling. I learned this trepidation from him.

The couple had two daughters - Anya and Masha. The appearance of children did not in any way hinder the couple’s successful career. Vera both starred with her husband (they have five films together) and accepted invitations from other directors.

In 1987, Nakhapetov finished work on the film “At the End of the Night,” in which, alas, there was no place for his wife. It was this painting, purchased for display in the USA, that broke up their marriage. Nakhapetov decided that he had a chance to gain a foothold in America, and without thinking twice he flew overseas. Unknown to his family, who was patiently waiting for his return to his homeland, he began an affair with a US citizen, film producer Natalya Shlyapnikoff, who was born into a family of Russian emigrants. Having broken up with Vera, he became Natasha's husband.

Life is a complicated thing,” Nakhapetov commented to me on this situation. - I’m sure Vera would have succeeded in life even without me. To some extent, I helped her at the beginning of her career, they paid attention to her, and then her talent and charisma played a role. Then she herself became a director... When our girls were little, they communicated with Glagoleva more often, and then they no longer had common questions, their daughters stopped needing care. Although my relationship with them has never been severed, they often visit my home in America. By the way, I raised my wife Natasha’s daughter from the age of five and also consider her to be my own.

Crazy gift

In 1991, 35-year-old Glagoleva met 27-year-old businessman Kirill Shubsky. This happened in Odessa during the Golden Duke festival. Charmed by the gallantry of the young millionaire, Vera, without thinking twice, invited him to invest in domestic cinema. Kirill refused, but did not stop caring for the actress, and they later got married.

The family had a daughter, Nastya, the same one who became the wife of hockey player Alexander Ovechkin.

When our father Rodion Nakhapetov left our mother, it was incredibly difficult for her, because she loved him very much,” recalled the actress’s eldest daughter Anna. “Then I was very happy that my mother had a new man.” Kirill treated my sister Masha and me like his own daughters. When they had Nastya, he didn’t make any distinction between us; many men don’t treat their own children the way he treats us. She and her mother got married in church, and Masha and I carried the crowns, which they then put on their heads. Everything was beautiful.

Ironically, both of Vera's husbands were born on the same day - January 21. But Rodion Nakhapetov is old enough to be Kirill Shubsky’s father. The actress’s first husband is exactly 20 years older than her second. Alas, just like in her alliance with Nakhapetov, during her marriage with Shubsky our heroine had to endure the vile betrayal of her beloved.

When his and Glagoleva’s daughter was not even four years old, Kirill, as part of the delegation of the National Olympic Committee, of which he was a member, went on a business trip to Lausanne. In Switzerland, TV presenter Yulia Bordovskikh introduced the millionaire to her friend, gymnast Svetlana Khorkina.

Svetlana Khorkina's son Svyatoslav is very similar to his father.

Kirill turned out to be not only a pleasant companion, but also a gallant gentleman: as soon as we were at the lake, he threw his light cashmere coat over my chilled shoulders,” Khorkina described this moment in her memoirs.

According to the gymnast, her new acquaintance immediately decided to give her a mobile phone. To hear her voice at the first desire.

A crazy gift for those times! - the gymnast clarified. - We often called each other, whenever possible he flew to Moscow to support me at the Russian Championships and Cups, he was in the support group at the European Championships in St. Petersburg and Moscow, and then in Sydney. He was always there, both in the most difficult and happiest moments of my sports life.

A few years later, Khorkina realized that she was pregnant by her married boyfriend. True, Shubsky was not at all happy about this news. At his insistence, the athlete gave birth in Los Angeles under a false name:

The man with whom I was expecting a child hid me from everyone. He didn’t want to advertise our relationship, so he tried not to show me to any of his compatriots,” Khorkina recalled. And she clarified that after the birth of their son Svyatoslav in July 2005, an end was put to the exhausting relationship.

The millionaire officially recognized the child only a few years later, when peace and harmony returned to his marriage with Glagoleva, who managed to forgive her husband for a long trip to the side.

Wisdom in relationships comes only with age,” Vera Vitalievna sighed. “I was able to leave behind everything bad that happened between us.”

Destroyed plans

IN last years Glagoleva was raising her grandchildren and threw herself into her work.

“I just don’t believe in Verochka’s death,” actor Valery Garkalin barely holds back tears. - So smart, gentle, talented. I didn’t even know about her terrible illness... When my beloved wife Katya was alive, we were family friends - she and Kirill and I and Ekaterina. And then my wife died and I had two heart attacks. I stopped communicating with many, but I constantly kept in touch with Verochka, at least by phone. I was happy for her that she gradually became a director, making real psychological films, each of which became a discovery for me. Her life was in full swing...

Double Olympic champion By artistic gymnastics Svetlana Khorkina in her autobiography “The Magic of Victories” spoke not only about her sporting successes, but also spoke in detail about her personal life.

Upon completion sports career Khorkina gave birth to a son in 2005 from businessman Kirill Shubsky, who was officially married to actress Vera Glagoleva. But Shubsky did his best to hide the fact of paternity and asked Khorkina not to talk about it.

“I didn’t understand why there was suddenly a need to make our relationship and his paternity a secret? I have not committed a single shameful act in my life, but I was told that I should go as far as possible and not tell anyone about my pregnancy.”

“I was surprised: why from the person who swears that he loves me, from whom I am expecting a child, the reaction is not at all what I expected? It seemed like they were living like a family, discussing plans for the future. And then, it would seem, such happiness has happened - we are going to have a baby! It’s a pity that this turned out to be happiness not for the two of us, but only for me. But even this could not darken my joy. I was incredibly happy."

Later, when the famous Russian gymnast became a State Duma deputy, Khorkina married special services general Oleg Kochnev, who was almost 25 years older than her, and Shubsky admitted his paternity:

“My personal life was the subject of discussion in the pages of the tabloid press for several more years, until finally the gossips learned that I was happily married. And not at all with the one they were constantly gossiping about. After a few years, the father of my child finally found the strength to recognize his child, although I insisted on it.”

38-year-old Khorkina, based on her own experience, gave some advice to girls in her autobiography.

“Dear girls, if a man assures you that he is not married, and even shows you his passport, which does not have a stamp about marriage and children, do not rush to believe him. Don’t be shy about asking to come to his home - where he really lives, and see for yourself that that’s where his things are. And one more thing: if he assures you that you will certainly live together, but for quite a long time does not take any action in this direction, drive him to the neck.”

After the expiration of her parliamentary powers in the State Duma, the famous gymnast worked for several years as an assistant in the Administration of the President of Russia. Currently, reserve lieutenant colonel Khorkina works as first deputy head of CSKA.

Gymnast Svetlana Khorkina long years claimed that the father of her son Svyatoslav is the actor Levan Uchaneishvili, but over time, many stopped believing in this story. As it turned out, not in vain...

“Today there are no real men. With rare exceptions. For some reason, most people lack a sense of responsibility for their actions in a relationship with a woman. But there is a feeling of impunity for incorrectness,” the athlete reported about her disappointment in the stronger sex.

Khorkina calls herself a strong woman, but makes a reservation that at the time she became pregnant, she was given no more than 15 years. “I wasn’t afraid at all. It was just not clear why the reaction from the person from whom I was expecting a child was not at all what I expected,” the gymnast admitted.

Svetlana claims that she lived with her chosen one as with her husband, and was sure that it would always be this way. Her beloved was not happy about her son, but this could not overshadow her happiness from the birth of her first child.

“It was not I who made a secret of his paternity and our relationship, but he. But I kept it and still keep it to this day. I don’t name names because I think it’s incorrect to reveal other people’s secrets. And why would I do PR for him? He didn’t deserve this,” Svetlana said categorically.

The gymnast explained that she left to give birth in the USA because her lover was hiding her from everyone.

“I didn’t understand why it had to be like this. And yet she agreed. I reasoned: probably, during childbirth in America, I would receive more professional help than here. Today I understand that this is nonsense - in our country there are also excellent clinics and doctors...” - 7Days quotes Khorkina.

The champion admitted that she believed her beloved and continued to hope that they would be together and start a family. Svetlana gave birth in a good clinic, but under someone else’s name, so that no one could find her. The only person who was nearby at that time important point, there was a friend Julia. At the same time, her lover still came to be discharged from the maternity hospital and to this day helps his son financially.

“I insisted that he adopt the child. It seemed to me that a girl could bear her mother’s surname, but a boy should not, and for the future son it was important to have his father’s surname. Although now I already regret it a little. After all, Khorkin’s surname is well-known. But I think when Svyatoslav Kirillovich grows up, he will decide for himself…” the gymnast concluded.

On November 16, the daughter of Vera Glagoleva and Kirill Shubsky, Nastasya, turned 24 years old. Among those congratulating her there were spiteful critics who reminded her of how her father allegedly cheated on her mother with gymnast Svetlana Khorkina.

In honor of her birthday, Nastasya Shubskaya on her official page in social network Instagram published an old photograph in which she was photographed as a very small child with her parents, actress Vera Glagoleva and businessman Kirill Shubsky.

“Thank you for life and the happiest childhood,” Shubskaya briefly signed the publication.

Many subscribers immediately showered the birthday girl with congratulations and compliments. However, there were also spiteful critics who reminded Nastasya of some details of her father’s past.

In particular, commentators reported that Kirill Shubsky allegedly cheated on Vera Glagoleva with worldwide famous athlete Svetlana Khorkina. “Really, what’s wrong with having a mistress and a child with a living wife))))”, “Shame on Shubsky!”, “I forgot to tell my dad thank you for my brother from Khorkina)))”- Net users spoke out.

Let us remember that in 2005, a year after the end of her sports career, gymnast Svetlana Khorkina gave birth to a son, Svyatoslav. Nothing was known about the child's father. Khorkina herself claimed that she gave birth to a baby for herself. The public and the media were not satisfied with this answer, so Hollywood actor Levan Uchaneishvili took on the role of the child’s father. However, it later turned out that this was just a PR campaign.

As a result, Svetlana never managed to hide the name of the father of her first-born. Khorkina described the history of her relationship with him in detail in her autobiographical book"Somersaults in stiletto heels." The gymnast’s lover did not leave the family even after the birth of his son.

Two-time Olympic champion Svetlana Khorkina admitted that the decision of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) to deny the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) the restoration of full status did not come as a surprise to her. She expressed hope that the IOC will still allow Russian athletes for the 2018 Games.

– What is your opinion about WADA’s decision?

– From the very morning, when I went to work, I heard all this. To be honest, I had no illusions, but I hoped for common sense. Because, as far as I know, we have fulfilled all the requirements that the World Anti-Doping Agency set for us. There is only one key question left for them - that we recognize the existence of a state doping program. But if this never happened, why admit it?

That's why I had no illusions. Although I hoped for prudence. I'm sad for them and for everything that's happening in international sports And Olympic movement, because this undermines the authority of the IOC and does not allow all fans of world sports to expect the Games as a holiday. We are always waiting for some scandals and trials. We have moved to another, lower level.

– Do you think Russia can still be excluded from the Olympics?

– I really hope that the final decision of the IOC on Russia’s admission to Winter Olympics will be adopted in favor of the entire world sports movement. Now the responsibility lies with them. After all, without their decisions, we were involved in children’s, student, and military sports, and we will continue to do so. The task of the state is to have a healthy nation. Of course I want to leave Olympic Games, as an event of a universal scale, where the best of the best perform.