How to pump up your shoulders and make them wide. Exercises to increase shoulder width for men and women. Bent-over dumbbell flyes

The criteria for the beauty of the male body have their own standards. Prominent and broad shoulders have been and remain one of the main measures of attractiveness for a man. The width of the shoulders determines the proportions of the athlete's upper body. The larger it is, the narrower the waist looks. Consequently, the figure looks much more attractive. This is the reason for the high interest of those involved in building beautiful and relief body the most effective exercises for working out shoulder muscles.

The equipment used when performing shoulder exercises depends on the location of the training. In the gym it is best to exercise with a barbell, but at home it is much easier to use dumbbells. The latter have less weight than barbells, but you can also perform good and useful exercises with them.

The formation of the shoulder occurs with the participation of the deltoid muscle. It consists of an anterior, middle, and posterior bundle. To achieve proper development shoulder region, the load on all three beams should be absolutely uniform. This anatomical structure makes it quite difficult to train the shoulders. However, with some effort, the athlete can not only achieve the desired result, but also make the figure truly attractive.

The training is best composed of basic exercises aimed at engaging and working the entire delta. A separate bundle should be inflated only when the load placed on it was not enough and it began to lag behind the rest in development. In other cases, isolation exercises are not necessary.

You can train like gym, and at home. The main thing is that the athlete has equipment such as dumbbells and a barbell at his disposal. The weight is selected so that at least eight or ten lifts can be done in one approach. Take too much heavy weight It is not recommended to give the shoulders definition and width. Increasing loads, that is, working with heavier equipment, should be done when the main goal is to increase muscle strength. In this case, you need to lift the shells from five to eight times, perform four to five sets.

Beginner athletes are recommended to master and perfect the execution of one or two basic presses to the point of automaticity. They perfectly work the deltoid muscle and provide an even load on the entire shoulder girdle. When it is sufficiently trained, it becomes noticeable which of the beams requires more work. At this stage, you can add isolation exercises to the training, which are chosen depending on which muscle group needs additional work.

List of effective shoulder exercises

The main exercise for working the shoulder muscles. The main emphasis in it is on the middle delta bundle. However, pumping of this area occurs with the active participation of both the anterior and posterior bundles.

Initial position:

  • stand straight, spread your feet shoulder-width apart;
  • Take the projectile with a direct grip and lift it to chest level;


  • lift the projectile, exhaling at the end point;
  • take a break;
  • slowly, inhaling, lower the barbell to its original position, that is, to chest level.
  1. no need to take maximum weight;
  2. your back should be slightly arched;
  3. You can use dumbbells as an apparatus.

A basic exercise that is entirely aimed at pumping up the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Unlike the previous one, it is performed from a sitting position.

Initial position:

  • sit on a sports bench;
  • arch your back a little;
  • take the projectile with a wide grip.


  • simultaneously with exhalation, lift the barbell, while fully straightening your arms;
  • while inhaling, lower the projectile behind your head.
  1. The bench press must be performed smoothly, slowly, without jerking;
  2. The exercise can be diversified by alternating lowering the projectile behind the head and towards the chest.

Ideal training for pumping up the deltoid muscle at home. It is not only effective, but also accessible, since it is performed not with a barbell, which not every athlete has at home, but with dumbbells. Exercises using this sports equipment great for those who, for whatever reason, are unable to engage in gym, but wants to pump up his shoulders.

The training really works and allows you to achieve the desired result. The main thing is to be ready to give your best, be patient, and show diligence. Perseverance should be demonstrated not by the number of approaches, but regular exercise. Otherwise, no significant effect will be achieved.

Initial position:

  • sitting on a bench with a back, keep your back straight and straight;
  • the chin should be parallel to the floor, the gaze should be straight;
  • keep the projectiles at eye level;
  • Extend your elbows, but make sure they are under your hands.


  • exhaling, squeeze the shells up;
  • Without turning your hands, bring the dumbbells together at the top point;
  • hold for a few seconds;
  • inhaling, smoothly return to the original position.
  1. hands must be moved in the same plane;
  2. to avoid adverse effects on the elbow joints, sharp straightening of the arms at the extreme point should not be allowed;
  3. It is strongly recommended not to bend back or bend your back.

This exercise has already become a classic in bodybuilding. Its effectiveness is beyond doubt. As is already clear from the name, this training was part of the mandatory training of Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose success in building sculpted and beautiful body Absolutely anyone knows, even those far from the world of sports.

Initial position:

  • sit on the bench, press your back to the back;
  • bend your knees so that they form a right angle;
  • spread your legs wide, place your feet as far as possible on the floor;
  • lift the dumbbells to neck level;
  • Bend your elbows at an angle of 90 degrees, turn your palms towards you.


  • exhaling, squeeze the shells vertically upward, turning your hands outward with your palms;
  • make sure that your palms are facing forward at the extreme point;
  • stay late;
  • take a breath, return the projectiles smoothly to the starting position.
  1. It is better to perform training with lighter dumbbells than for other exercises;
  2. The elbows at the extreme point should be left slightly bent, and not straightened to the end;
  3. The press must be performed straight, preferably without stopping in the lower position;
  4. In order not to have an additional impact on the spine, acceleration and jerking should be avoided.

Another exercise that is great to do at home. The training is isolating. It is aimed at working out and pumping up the side of the delta.

Initial position:

  • stand up, lean forward slightly;
  • lower your arms with the dumbbells down.


  • take a deep breath, spread your arms shoulder-width apart;
  • rear end the dumbbells are slightly raised at the extreme point;
  • exhaling, gently lower your arms to their original position.
  • Cheating is unacceptable;
  • the entire load should be concentrated on the shoulders.

If there is cheating during the training, a completely different muscle group is involved. This reduces the result.

Aimed at working the back of the shoulder girdle muscles.

Initial position:

  • standing straight with dumbbells in your hands, lean your body forward at an acute angle;
  • lower your hands down.


  • taking a deep breath, spread the projectiles to the sides, raising them to the maximum possible height;
  • As you exhale, return your hands to their original position.
  • at the extreme point of lifting, the front part of the projectile should be slightly tilted forward;
  • You need to keep your back straight, but bend a little at the lower back;
  • You cannot round your back, as this can lead to injury.

Basic training, which is more aimed at working out the middle delta beam, but also pumps trapezius muscles.

Initial position:

  • standing straight, grab the barbell with an overhand grip, holding it down;
  • The distance between the palms should be about two fists.


  • exhaling, lift the projectile to your chin;
  • hold the barbell in the most extreme position;
  • take a breath, return to the starting position.
  1. elbows should be constantly apart and rise strictly vertically;
  2. You cannot bend your neck and back, your chin should be horizontal;
  3. when lifting the barbell to the chin, the bar must be raised above shoulder level;
  4. the weight of the projectile should not become an obstacle correct execution exercises.

The best exercises for training shoulders - Video

Let's sum it up

To achieve the desired result, you need to include the proposed exercises in your regular workout and practice on a regular basis. Don't focus solely on exercise. You also need to remember about proper nutrition.

If space for home workouts is limited, dumbbells are the safest equipment. It is better to perform bench presses at the beginning of training, that is, when there is no feeling of fatigue. By following the recommendations given, combining both basic and isolating exercises on the shoulder girdle, each athlete will be able to give their shoulders ideal proportions and make their waist visually narrower.

The shoulder muscles are partially loaded during basic exercises on the arms and back, but this load is not enough for their high-quality and rapid growth. Only training will help to work them out properly, at the beginning of which the shoulders will be loaded comprehensively, and then in isolation.

If you're trying to build shoulder muscles, it's mostly about increasing the size of your deltoids. Due to the complex mechanism of work, the deltoids cannot be given as heavy a load as, for example, the pectoral muscles. When isolating the shoulder muscles when performing exercises, remember that the load must be increased gradually. It is important not to overdo it to avoid injury.

How to pump up your shoulders

Seated dumbbell press

An exercise that can be safely recommended to beginners or those who are just concerned about the volume and strength of their shoulders. It is also quite suitable for warming up the muscles before performing more complex exercises.

Standing barbell press

A classic exercise for pumping up the deltoid muscles, the implementation of which is fundamentally important for the harmonious development of the muscles of the whole body. Makes it possible to implement the principle of load progression.

Standing barbell row to the chin

Loads the trapezius, anterior and medial deltoids. Moreover, the wider the grip, the greater the load transfers from the trapezius muscle to the deltoids.

When performing the exercise, the back should be straight, the movement is led by the elbows. Do the deadlifts slowly, properly feeling and working the deltoids and trapezius. At the top, your elbows should be higher than your shoulders. After this, just as carefully and slowly return the bar to the lower position.

Raises (swings) of dumbbells through the sides while standing

Exercise for advanced athletes. Tilt your body forward slightly, lower your shoulders as low as possible. Thumbs When performing the exercise, you should look down. Make swings with extreme caution so as not to injure your deltoids.

Wide grip pull-ups

The deltoid muscles are complexly involved. In addition to the deltas, the trapezius muscle and arm muscles will be loaded.

Pumped shoulders make men visually larger and more attractive. Properly applied efforts will ultimately pay off 100%. Train and achieve your goals.

The 7 shoulder training programs given in the article will help you figure out what exercises you can do to pump up your deltoids. Each set of shoulder exercises will help pump up the entire shoulder girdle and work out all the deltoid muscle bundles and separately, middle, anterior and posterior.

How to pump up your shoulders

There are no two people who would train exactly the same way and build big shoulders. Each athlete performs a different sequence of exercises, number of approaches, uses different weights and length of rest periods. This article will help everyone figure out how to pump up their shoulders in the gym or at home.

Individuality is an inherent property of a person, and there is nothing wrong with that, but it imposes restrictions on how to pump up the deltoid muscles for an individual person. Certain principles and approaches make training better, especially when it comes to the question of how to quickly pump up your shoulders. So I made 7 really effective complexes shoulder exercises, each of which will tell you how to pump your shoulders for relief, width and mass.

Please note that the order of exercises, weights, number of repetitions and volume can be changed to find the best way for you to pump up the deltoid muscles. Once you choose a workout that works for you, follow it for 4-8 weeks and then return to your usual routine or try another one from this list.


  • Below we will mainly talk about how to pump up your shoulders in the gym, but some of the programs are well suited for training at home.
  • The given sets of exercises do not include warm-up. When warming up, perform as many reps as you need, but never reach muscle failure.
  • Choose a weight that will allow you to reach muscle failure in the prescribed number of repetitions. This will be the correct pumping of the shoulders in order to involve the maximum number of delta muscle fibers in the work and achieve muscle growth.
  • If you're training with a partner, do a few forced reps on your heaviest set of overhead presses. If not, then perform a drop set on the last set of each exercise, reducing the weight by about 25% when muscle failure is reached. In total it needs to be achieved 2 times.

How to build big shoulders: mass training

Goal: building up all delta beams

Most effective method how to pump up your shoulders in the gym - this is to work with big scales, but you need to approach training correctly so as not to get injured. To do this, you need to warm up well and follow the exercise technique.

To build shoulder mass, always start your workout with the most difficult exercises (in this case, overhead presses) that allow you to lift more weight. Then perform single-joint exercises on each of the three deltoids: anterior, middle, and posterior. This will create the basis for building up muscle mass, if you maintain your overall training volume.

When we pump our shoulders, we can complicate the training in several ways. For the overhead press, start by using dumbbells, which are notoriously more difficult to balance and allow for a greater range of motion than a barbell. You'll also do the reverse pyramid because it allows you to do more sets with muscle failure. For the first 2 sets, you'll use fairly heavy weights in a low rep range (6) to build strength. As fatigue accumulates in subsequent approaches, reduce the weight by about 5 kg. Perform the last 2 heaviest approaches with a belay partner so that you can maintain technique.

Because the front delts do a lot of the work in chest training, and the middle delts bear the brunt of the weight during the overhead press, the rear delts often remain small and weak. In this workout, shoulder pumping takes place when you have a lot of strength in reserve. At the same time, don't be afraid to change the order of single-joint exercises based on your own. weak points. If you think that all of your deltoids are proportionally developed, simply perform these exercises in a different order at each workout.

Massive shoulder training program

  1. Dumbbell overhead press - 4 sets of 6,6,8,10 reps (2 minutes rest)
  2. Barbell row to the chin - 3 sets of 8,8,10 reps (2 minutes rest)
  3. 3 sets of 8,10,12 reps (1 minute rest)
  4. Lifting the barbell overhead with straight arms - 3 sets of 8,10,12 reps (1 minute rest)

How to build sculpted shoulders

Goal: definition of deltas

Here you will find out good way how to pump up deltoids by drawing individual fibers. Lifting light weights for high reps is no longer considered the best way to achieve delt definition. First and foremost, this indoor shoulder workout aims to stimulate muscle growth (moderate weights in a moderate rep range). To increase the number of calories burned during and after training (post-exercise oxygen consumption effect), high volume is used in combination with supersets. Here you will move faster and feel a real burning sensation in your muscles. Now you know how to pump up your muscles so that they are not only sculpted, but also the so-called “cut” appears.

Shoulder training for relief

  1. Military bench press - 4 sets of 8-12 reps (2 minutes rest)
  2. Standing dumbbell lateral raises - Superset:
  3. Dumbbell lateral raises while sitting in an incline position -
  4. 3 sets of 10-12 reps (no rest)
  5. Crossover chin pull - 3 sets of 10-12 reps (60-90 seconds rest)
  6. 3 sets of 10-12 reps (no rest)
  7. Raising arms to the sides with an expander - 3 sets of 10-12 reps (60-90 seconds rest)

How to quickly pump up your shoulders

Goal: mastering the technique and providing a solid foundation for further training

This routine consists of overhead presses and single-joint exercises for each deltoids. Start with a machine to learn the movements before moving on to free weights, which are best for building muscle.

Start with a light load and focus on proper technique. Add weight only when you can fully control the movement.

Training program

  1. Standing dumbbell lateral raises - 3 sets of 12 reps (60-90 seconds rest)
  2. Raising your arm in front of you in a crossover - 3 sets of 12 reps (60-90 seconds rest)
  3. Extension of arms in the butterfly simulator - 3 sets of 12 reps (60-90 seconds rest)

How to pump up your middle deltoids

Goal: building up the middle deltoid muscles

To make your shoulders wider, it is necessary to develop the middle bundles of deltoid muscles. This will also allow the waist to appear narrower and give rise to a wider shoulder girdle. The emphasis in this program, naturally, is on exercises for the middle deltas.

You will perform them at the beginning of the workout, when the energy is at its highest. high level. You can alternate this program with a more balanced delt workout (like mass) during your weekly split.

A set of exercises for the middle deltoids

  1. Seated overhead press - 4 sets of 8 reps (2 minutes rest)
  2. Barbell row to the chin - 3 sets of 8-10 reps (60-90 seconds rest)
  3. Raising the dumbbell to the side with one hand -
  4. Standing dumbbell lateral raises - 3 sets of 10-12 reps (60-90 seconds rest)

How to pump up your rear delts

Goal: building up the posterior deltoid muscles

The posterior deltoid muscles often lag not only in beginners, but also in advanced bodybuilders. Simply put, they don't get as much stimulation as the front and middle deltoids, which are involved in chest exercises and shoulder presses.

To develop your rear delts, perform this routine for 4-8 weeks, or alternate it with a more balanced shoulder workout.

A set of exercises for the rear deltoids

  1. Overhead press -
  2. Dumbbell lateral raises while sitting in an incline position - 4 sets of 8 reps (60-90 seconds rest)
  3. Raising arms in a crossover - 3 sets of 10 reps (60-90 seconds rest)
  4. Extension of arms in the butterfly simulator - 3 sets of 10-12 reps (60-90 seconds rest)

How to pump up your front delts

Goal: building up the anterior deltoid muscles

If you train your chest frequently, you probably already have well-developed front deltoids. After all, they are involved in all pressing exercises, especially when performing them in an incline position. However, relatively weak anterior deltoids may hinder the building process. pectoral muscles. This training is designed to correct this situation.

There should be at least 48 hours between chest and shoulder workouts to allow the muscles to fully recover.

A set of exercises for the front delts

  1. Seated overhead press - 4 sets of 8-12 reps (2 minutes rest)
  2. Arnold press - 4 sets of 8-10 reps (2 minutes rest)
  3. Raising dumbbells in front of you - 3 sets of 10 reps (60-90 seconds rest)
  4. Raising your arm in front of you in a crossover - 3 sets of 10-12 reps (60-90 seconds rest)

What to do if your shoulders don't grow

Goal: preliminary fatigue of the deltas

The triceps can sometimes be the limiting factor in shoulder training, especially on the press. If these muscles always give out before you've properly worked your shoulders, you'll never be able to push your delts to muscle failure and build your shoulders in compound exercises. The practice of pre-exhaustion is designed to correct this situation. This The best way how to properly pump up a lagging muscle. Here you fatigue the delts first with single-joint exercises and then perform overhead presses while the triceps are full. Thus, the deltoids must reach failure before the triceps do.

At the beginning of your workout, do not be tempted to go heavy with weights, as this will put additional stress on your elbow joints. Also, if you feel very tired by the time you get to the compound exercise, do it in a machine. It will be a little safer this way.

Training program

  1. Pull the lower block to the side with one hand - 4 sets of 8-10 reps (60-90 seconds rest)
  2. Lifting the barbell in front of you with outstretched arms - 3 sets of 10 reps (60-90 seconds rest)
  3. Extension of arms in the butterfly simulator - 3 sets of 10 reps (60-90 seconds rest)
  4. Overhead press in the simulator - 3 sets of 8-10 reps (2 minutes rest)
  5. Barbell row to the chin - 3 sets of 10-12 reps (2 minutes rest)

Greetings, friends! It's been a while since we figured it out training programs. Today I decided to consider everything related to the question: “How to pump up deltoids?”, as well as many other related issues. In short, if you are interested in how to make your shoulders (deltoids) more powerful and voluminous, then this article is for you.

We talked about the anatomy of the deltoid muscles (shoulders) in a short article. Therefore, I will not consider this here. If interested, read it. That article will not take you more than 2 minutes.

Pumped shoulders are very beautiful, but not many people understand why. The fact is that the wider and larger your shoulders, the more impressive your silhouette looks. Ideally, you should have a very narrow waist and very broad shoulders. This is what ANY bodybuilder strives for.

So, let's not go into too much trouble. It's time to specifically consider how to pump up the deltoids.

How to train?

There is a constant debate about what is more effective at growing deltoids: swings or presses. I’ll say right away that I am a supporter of the mandatory performance of rows and presses to grow your shoulders and, in my opinion, this is more than logical. Now I will explain why.

Presses and rows are basic exercises that involve several joints and muscle groups, so we can work with much heavier weights than in dumbbell swings, which means we will follow the basic rule for muscle growth - load progression!

Dumbbell swings are isolation exercises that target your deltoids more precisely, but despite this, they have a number of disadvantages. Ready? Let's go.

Firstly, because swings are isolating exercises, they work according to by and large, only deltas without including other muscle groups in the work, which means we will not be able to regularly increase the working weight and will violate the rule of load progression.

Secondly, deltoids are very delicate muscles, because... can perform both pulling and pressing movements. And the more complex the device, the easier it is to break.

The shoulders have incredible mobility thanks to their hinged design. By the way, the shoulder is the MOST MOBILE JOINT in our body, so it is injured much more often than all the others.

The same is true for the shoulder muscles – the deltas. You hear about a delta injury much more often than, for example, an injury to the quadriceps muscle.

Therefore, it would be much more logical to do various presses and rows, which are less dangerous on the one hand, and will load your deltoids well before the isolating load - swings.

In short, first heavy presses and deadlifts, and then “finishing off” the already tired deltoids with various swings.

How to pump up deltoids. Best exercises

So. Now I will list the best, in my opinion, exercises for growing your deltoids, which have proven their effectiveness more than once.

Standing/seated barbell press (military press)

Excellent basic exercise, which awesomely grows the shoulder girdle, but there are a few caveats.

The standing or seated barbell press should be performed in front of you (from the chest), and not from behind your head. I begin to understand what the herd instinct is when I see how people in the gym, one after another, begin to perform this exercise, winding the barbell by the head, simply copying each other. They also often perform a similar exercise in the Smith machine.

With this position of the shoulders (when the bar is placed behind the head), the shoulders take on an extremely uncomfortable position and the risk of injury greatly increases. Especially when people lower the bar too low, and even perform the exercise in full amplitude. Up, down, up, down... Grunt! Injury!

It is better to perform this exercise by lowering the barbell in front of you. It is more physiological and safe.

Another problem is that such an exercise can cause unpleasant sensations in the lower back, especially for beginners whose muscles in the lumbar region are very weak.

An alternative to the standing barbell press is the following exercise.

Seated dumbbell press

This great alternative previous exercise for several reasons.

  1. Firstly, when you bench press, your wrists have nowhere to go, and they can be in a very uncomfortable position for them. When you press with dumbbells, your hands will automatically rotate into a more comfortable position for them, which will reduce the risk of injury.
  2. Secondly, during bench presses with dumbbells, many stabilizer muscles are activated, which fix the dumbbells in the hands relative to each other.
  3. Thirdly, due to the absence of a bar, the middle (hybrid) bundles of deltoid muscles are worked out much more strongly.
  4. Fourthly, because you are sitting, there is practically no axial load on the spine, so this exercise is suitable even for those who experience problems with the lower back.

Barbell row to the chin

Great basic exercise! The trouble is that very rarely such an exercise is performed correctly. Yes, what can I say. Almost never!

What is the problem? It’s just that traditionally, the upward movement, when we pull the barbell to the chin, begins for most with raising the shoulders. This is extremely unphysiological! Thus, the entire burden falls on shoulder joint.

It is GOOD when only the deltoids are contracted during this exercise, but it is BAD when the entire load falls on the shoulder joint, as when lifting the shoulders up.

What to do? You will have to greatly, almost completely change the technique of this exercise, so that in fact it will no longer be a barbell row to the chin.

You need to pull TO THE CHEST, firstly. And don’t raise your shoulders, secondly. You need to force yourself to keep your shoulders in place, but at the same time pull the barbell up, not to your chin, but to your chest. Up to your chest because this way your elbows will be lower than your shoulders. This is one of the basic rules.

Remember, in the barbell row to the chin: ELBOWS ARE ALWAYS BELOW THE SHOULDERS.

The pull is performed like this: take the barbell with a grip slightly wider than your shoulders, lean forward a little and, WITHOUT RAISING YOUR SHOULDERS, lift the barbell to chest level (until your elbows are parallel to your shoulder joints). The narrower your grip, the more the trapezius is involved in the work and the greater the range of motion. And vice versa. A wider grip means the deltoids work more and the amplitude is smaller.

The barbell row to the chin mainly uses the middle bunch of our deltoids, which most visually makes the torso wider, and therefore is most noticeable for jocks.

In general, the front deltoid bundle works with all types of presses, so for most they are greatly hypertrophied, and the middle and rear deltoid bundles are underdeveloped. That's why many jocks seem stooped.

Solution: be sure to do rows to develop the middle and rear bundles of our shoulders, because this is their main function.

Side swings with dumbbells

Side swings with dumbbells are isolating exercises, i.e. exercises that involve only one joint (in this case, the shoulder). I must say that in the first year of training there is no point in doing swings at all for a beginner, because... The muscles will be able to handle the load from bench presses and rows.

Swings are usually needed in two cases:

  • if you want to “finish off” your deltoids with targeted load after the main workout;
  • if you want to pre-warm up and pump blood into the deltas before the main workout;

Exist different kinds swings, but all of them can be divided into three main groups:

  • front;
  • middle (to the sides);
  • rear (inclined);

Raising dumbbells in front of you will target your front deltoids. As a rule, there is no need for this, because The front deltoids are heavily loaded in various other presses (bench press, etc.). If you still think you need to do front swings, use high reps with light dumbbells, or take one heavy dumbbell and lift it in front of you.

To properly load the middle bundles of the deltoid muscles, you need to use dumbbell swings to the sides (across the sides).

They need to be performed like this: lean forward slightly, lower your shoulders down to turn off the trapezius from work, try to lift the dumbbells so that your elbows are slightly higher than your wrists.

There is one trick. To understand how to do side swings, you need to imagine that you are holding a cup in your hands and pouring water out of them. Then your wrists will rotate correctly (little finger on top and thumb at the bottom). This will work great on the middle strands of your deltoids.

The posterior bundles, as a rule, are the most stubborn, but this is most likely due to the fact that the technique of performing the exercise is lame. In fact, there is nothing complicated. Just lean forward a little more (almost to a horizontal position). The technique is like two peas in a pod and is similar to the technique for medium buns.

The posterior bundles are traction muscles. Therefore, they grow well when performing barbell rows to the chin with a much stronger forward tilt of the body (almost 90 degrees). Swings are performed in the same position.

Another alternative is the Lee Haney behind-the-back deadlift. It was invented, as you understand, by the cool bodybuilder Lee Haney, who won the Olympia 8 times, but that’s not the point.

Usually, it is performed either with a barbell behind the back or in a Smith, but there is a problem. Your ass is in the way! Not very comfortable.

Lee Haney's behind-the-back row is similar to a shrug (shrug), but here the elbow joint is still bent at the top point. Alternatively, you can perform deadlifts with dumbbells instead of a barbell. Raise them alternately to stabilize the body and concentrate on the rear bundle of our deltoids.

If I were specifically asked: “How to pump up deltoids?”, then I would describe a POWERFUL training program for shoulders this way:

  1. Seated dumbbell press: size 2 + 3-4 x 6-12.
  2. Barbell row to the chin: 1 size + 3-4 x 6-12.

If you have been training for a long time, you can add dumbbell swings at the end to “finish off” your deltoids:

  1. Dumbbell swings: 1 size + 3-4 x 8-12.

If you, like most people, are lagging behind back beam your deltoids, then bend forward a little stronger, replacing the usual swings with dumbbell swings in a tilted position:

  1. Bent over dumbbell swings: 1 size + 3-4 x 8-12.


  1. Deltas perform two types of movements: presses and rows.
  2. The deltoids are very “delicate” muscles due to the incredible mobility of the shoulder joint, so they are easy to injure.
  3. Various presses and barbell rows to the chin are best for growing deltoids.
  4. Swings can only be used to warm up deltas (with small weights) or to “finish off” at the end of a workout. Swings play a secondary role.
  5. Presses develop mainly the front deltoids, while rows develop the rear deltas.

This is where I will end the article, friends. I hope that you learned something new about how to pump up your deltoids. All the best.

P.S. Subscribe to blog updates. It will only get worse.

With respect and best wishes,!

P.P.S. If you are just starting out in bodybuilding, then it is too early for you to specifically train your shoulders. You need . It will give you a POWERFUL start.

Shoulder training is the best way to widen your back and create a V-shaped figure. Pumping the deltoid muscles helps strengthen the shoulder joint, allowing you to perform pull-ups and other back exercises with heavy weights. In addition, shoulder exercises increase the range of motion of the arm joints - which is extremely important when performing.

In order to pump up your shoulders, it is necessary to work the deltoid muscle from different angles - that is why there are many various exercises for shoulders performed with both barbell and dumbbells. However, it is important to remember that the shoulder joint is considered one of the most fragile. Even a minor shoulder injury will prohibit any exercise involving lifting weights with your arms.

A basic shoulder exercise is the vertical barbell or dumbbell press. Also, for training the deltoid muscles for mass, rowing a barbell to the chin (or alternately lifting dumbbells) is effective - the exercises develop the rear and middle fascicles of the deltas, making the back visually wider. Swings and lateral raises, in turn, give the shoulders roundness and volume.

Shoulder muscles: training strategy

The deltoid muscle of the shoulder consists of three bundles - anterior, posterior and lateral. Each of them is responsible for performing a certain type of movement. The front and front parts of the middle beam perform pressing functions, the back part of the middle beam and the rear delta are responsible for traction functions. The middle delta has the largest volume, so it is, as a rule, given priority in training.

Also, the shoulder muscles are connected to the muscles of the upper back and trapezius muscles. That is why proper training Shoulder training should be based on varying exercises and working the muscles from different angles. The key is to focus on technique and use moderate weights, as the shoulder joint is extremely easy to damage.

Best Shoulder Exercises

The best and most effective exercise To pump up the shoulders and increase the strength of the deltoid muscles, a standing barbell press is used. Note that this exercise is one of the five important for the comprehensive development of the muscles of the body. A variation of this is vertical shoulder presses - for example, seated or standing dumbbell presses.

The correct technique involves maintaining the press in conscious tension. This will help balance the load while strengthening your core muscles. Raising the barbell up is carried out while exhaling; during the movement, the triceps look straight forward. The shoulder joint should always be in the joint capsule - you should feel that the shoulder always has support.

Basic shoulder exercises:

  • Vertical presses - middle shoulder muscle
  • Lateral dumbbell raises - side bun
  • Pull to the chin - back and middle beam
  • Reverse bent over flyes - trapezius and posterior muscles shoulder

How to swing your shoulders correctly?

A shoulder exercise program should combine both barbell and dumbbells. The main advantage of exercises with dumbbells is the ability to focus on muscle symmetry - that is, to evenly develop the deltoid muscles and pump the muscles of the shoulder girdle at different angles. The standing barbell press increases mass, and flyes create volume.

In this case, the exercise that best influences the increase in the volume and mass of the shoulder muscles is considered to be the barbell row to the chin. By developing the rear and middle deltoids, it quickly makes the back visually wider. The wider the barbell grip, the more load is transferred from the trapezius to the deltoids - experiment and choose the grip that suits you best.

The effectiveness of barbell rows to the chin exceeds various dumbbell lifts in front of you and to the sides. A variation of the exercise is to alternately lift dumbbells to the chin. Hold dumbbells in both hands, but only pull one to your chin. The second dumbbell should act as a balance and counterweight to better distribute the load on the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Massive shoulder training program

It is better to leave pumping your shoulders for the second half of your workout in the gym - strength exercises The first part of the training will prepare the joints for the upcoming loads. The workout itself should consist of a basic and 2-3 isolating exercises for the shoulders with dumbbells (for example, dumbbell rows to the chin and dumbbell raises to the sides).

Vertical dumbbell or barbell shoulder presses are performed in 3-4 sets of 7-10 repetitions each with mandatory preliminary warm-up of the joints and proper rest between sets. Each isolation exercise is performed in 2-3 sets and 10-15 repetitions with an average working weight. It is recommended to train shoulders no more than 2 times a week.

In addition, shoulders do not combine well with training the back and chest muscles, since in all cases powerful arm work is required. Most often, “shoulder day” is leg day. In addition, shoulders can be combined with biceps or triceps training.

Seated dumbbell press

The advantage of training shoulders with dumbbells is the variability of your grip. For example, if the dumbbells face each other, the load on the shoulder joint is reduced.

Exercise for training anterior beam shoulder muscles. It is recommended to lift the dumbbells one at a time - this makes it easier to control the technique.

Best exercise on the shoulders, increasing their volume and giving them roundness. In addition, the trapezius muscles are also involved in the work.

Exercise for the lateral bundles of the deltoid muscles. When performing, the thumb looks down and the shoulder joint is fixed in one position.

Swings with dumbbells

When performing the exercise, the body is slightly tilted forward, the shoulders are lowered as low as possible - imagine as if the trapezius muscles are pressed against the back.

Supersets and dropsets for shoulders

A superset is a combination of two different exercises by alternating their execution. The shoulder muscles respond extremely well to this training strategy. It is recommended to combine pumping of the front and rear delts, as well as two exercises for the middle part of the deltas. In addition, as an advanced training technique, you can use trisets, working all the deltoids in one intense approach.

In turn, a drop set means reducing the working weight and increasing the number of repetitions from approach to approach. In each approach, up to 20-25% of the weight is dropped, a total of 6-8 approaches of the exercise are performed without a break. The dropset and associated pumping are the best completion of shoulder training. and, as a rule, each dropset workout is performed on different delta beams.


Shoulder muscle training should be based on combinations of heavy vertical presses (for example, standing barbell presses) and isolation exercises with dumbbells, performed with a medium weight and with perfect technique- this will allow both the even development of the deltoid muscles and minimize the risk of injury (the shoulder joint is one of the most fragile).