Football tournaments with enterprises and communications firms. How to organize a tournament. Organization of corporate football tournaments for adults and friendly matches

Alexey Kornyshev spoke about how eSports tournaments are organized, who does it, and why the most problems arise with logistics.

Who usually organizes eSports tournaments?

Alexei: Esports tournaments are divided into two types: commercial and non-commercial. The first ones are organized by publishers with the help of specialized and regular event agencies. Sometimes agencies do this themselves. In the CIS, five organizations hold their own and partner leagues: Starladder, WePlay, GSL, ESL (CIS), as well as the association of two large e-sports clubs Na`Vi and Virtus.PRO.

The organization of non-profit tournaments is carried out by enthusiasts of all stripes, from fans of the discipline to government agencies from the level of federations.

How many people are involved in preparing the tournament?

Alexei: This is influenced by three factors: the format (online or offline), broadcast to one of the streaming services and the planned attendance of the tournament site by spectators.

The size of the team directly depends on these indicators. For example, in World of Tanks, an online tournament without broadcast can be held by one person. While The Grand Finals 2015, which took place in Warsaw, was broadcast on the Internet and attracted 15,000 spectators on site, about 300 people worked. These are Wargaming employees, ESL contractors and partners involved in various areas.

This is what esports looks like from the outside

How long does the preparation take?

Alexei: Again, it all depends on the size of the event. The online tournament in the example above can be organized in two hours, while preparations for The Grand Finals 2015 began 10 months before the event. The trend is simple: than more tournament will receive viewers, the more time it takes. Medium-sized championship in organizational plan comparable to preparing a concert.

How much will the tournament cost?

Alexei: Organizing a regular online tournament costs almost nothing. Whereas the final estimate for 2 days and 4 teams looks much more impressive. If we take it as a percentage, then 7.5% of the budget immediately goes to the prize fund. The same amount is required for renting a site for 1000 people (two days “turnkey” with service). On-site broadcasting (equipment, staff salaries) will take 25%. Logistics of 4 teams and personnel - 10%.

The season finale costs will be 50% of the total tournament budget.

The Grand Finals 2015, Warsaw

Are there any technical issues that need to be addressed in preparation?

Alexei: With online competitions everything is simple. In the case of LAN tournaments (when all participants gather in one place, each with their own computer - editor's note), the highest priority and most important technical component is the Internet on the site with a 100/100 Mbit channel. You should also take care in advance of a “reserve” of electricity for a specific number of watts, which is calculated based on the energy consumption of all equipment and light. Without this nothing will work.

Next on the list of must-haves technical problems Any organizer of an offline tournament depends on the size and possibilities of site development, the degree of distance of the tournament site from city public transport lines, catering and other services.

What difficulties do organizers face?

Alexei: I would highlight logistics and finding the right site. The infrastructure in the CIS is still developing. Finding a hall that satisfies all the requirements from the list above, and even has a beautiful design and is in good condition, is not so easy.

There are also some oddities here. We once held a tournament in Nizhny Tagil. So, the local House of Culture, in terms of its characteristics, could compete with similar options in Moscow and Minsk.

And, of course, logistics. This is always difficult, and usually also expensive. Most competitions are international, so there are a lot of things to keep in mind, including visas and passports for all participants and players.

Who usually handles logistics?

Alexei: Depending on its volume, either a separate manager is allocated or a manager who hires a logistics company. The latter organizes the delivery of players and staff. At The Grand Finals 2015, we did just that: people had to be brought from Korea, China, the USA, Singapore, European and CIS countries.

Five tips for an eSports tournament organizer

1. It's better to spend good tournament online than bad offline.

2. Participants need fair rules and comfortable conditions. The audience will enjoy a show and an exciting fight on stage.

3. Choose your commentators wisely. 90% of the viewer's interest depends on them.

4. Famous teams are the main asset of any successful tournament.

5. At a professional tournament there are matches, and at a gaming festival there are competitions. Be careful.

Dmitry de1uxe Repin

Na`Vi team member

Dmitry Repin described cyber sports tournament from the participant’s point of view: how to qualify, what awards there are and why such competitions are needed at all.

Who can participate eSports tournament? And is a team necessary?

Dmitriy: Mostly tournaments are held for teams. Still, “Tanks” is a team discipline, and the ability to work harmoniously is very important. The most prestigious league, the Gold Series, is played 7vs7. The latest major competition, the Grand Final of the League, featured sevens of players from all corners of the globe.

Of course, there are also individual competitions – tournaments for individual players. They are carried out on everyone major competitions and even at in-game Wargaming events.

How is the selection process carried out? Do participants have to pay fees?

Dmitriy: There is no need to pay fees :) Quite the contrary. With more or less high results, you can already receive good prizes from the organizers. To start, you will need a computer with “Tanks” (a laptop will also work) and a team.

Participants were selected for the Grand Final in stages - throughout the year they passed the qualifiers in their regions (Gold Series of a particular cluster) and scored points. That is, new team first he plays rating tournaments, gets into the Silver Series, and from there he goes to the Gold Series.

You can get to the last stage without going through the Bronze and Silver Series. The Wild Card tournament is an excellent and quick way to the top for ambitious teams. The SC6 team, which played in the Gold Series for only 3 months, was able to get to the Grand Final of this season from our cluster.

Do you like to play football? Probably, everyone who has kicked a ball in a yard since childhood will answer this question in the affirmative, even if now there is not enough time for this activity. But many continue to meet in the clearing playing their favorite game, abstracting from everyday worries. It would seem – what’s so difficult? I found a clearing, or if I have the means, I rented a hall or a football field. I brought a ball with me, gathered my friends into teams - and a small tournament was ready. Especially if there are more than two teams willing to participate. And so, having assumed the responsibilities of such an organizer, after a couple of meetings the person imagines himself to be a real guru in organizing football tournaments. For a case of beer.

First, let's start by defining what kind of competitions these are, what differences exist. Football tournaments can be organized on a large lawn in the format classic game 11x11. It is possible to develop competition regulations with the rules of mini-football, both on the floor and on artificial turf, playing with four, 5x5 or 6x6 players. The size of the site is also important. When you have a lot of people interested, and the number of teams exceeds the number of available fields, the field is divided into several areas. The recommended size of the court when the game is played with a 5x5 or 6x6 squad is 30x40 or 40x60 m.

There are long-developed rules by which the game schedule is drawn up. You can find them on the Internet without racking your brains about how to make sure that 27 teams take part in your tournament, which are not at all divided into the 4 sites you rented. It also matters how much time you allocate for the teams to play. Practice shows that in a one-day tournament with a large number of teams, the playing time of athletes rapidly decreases. You will have to play 7 minutes per half. But with this format, you are guaranteed the most positive communication between the gathered people outside the field, when rivals turn into fans and spectators for other teams. For the unity of the company’s team, if we hold a tournament within the same corporation, it has significant significance and brings people together in an informal setting.

Holding mini-football tournaments is one of the most popular areas in corporate sports. There are entire business leagues in which your corporate team can take part. Or, you can find among the many offers from event agencies one that will correspond to your status or corporate interests, or, conversely, agree to participate in a charity memory tournament famous athlete or to help those in need. If you can’t decide how best to organize your work within the framework of a corporate sports program, feel free to contact our Style Project agency, we will develop a program especially for you, thanks to which your team will achieve high quality new level, will be able to find opponents for training, or we will create a real football festival for all your employees, like at world championships.

Special attention, something that should be given enough time and for which you should never skimp on the budget, is professional judging. The rules of the game of football have long been developed and adopted by world football associations, but the human factor will always matter, despite the technical innovations that are used in the world when refereeing football matches. Be sure to hire qualified people to operate your games. To do this, just contact your local football federation and they will advise you of competent specialists.

Almost all people love to receive gifts and surprises. That is why in any competition special attention is paid award paraphernalia. In addition to purchasing medals, cups, certificates for participants, we can also offer you individual prizes best players in nominations. If funds allow, all these items can be developed according to an individual design with elements of your logo and using corporate colors. Everyone who came to the tournament will forever remember a souvenir in the form of a badge, a small cup or some kind of thing useful for sports. Entrust the development of a turnkey tournament to professionals, and then you won’t have to blush in front of the partners and clients you invited to participate in your football celebration.

You can do:

  • spring/summer and autumn/winter;
  • One-day tournaments for prizes from the company president;
  • Take part in joint football festivals with partners.
  • Organize football competitions as part of the Spartakiad.

At a time when every player considers himself a great specialist, coach and professional referee, it is better to entrust the organization and holding of a football tournament to specialists who will take responsibility for observing all the features in the development of rules and regulations, its compliance with world football rules, will help in resolving such issues as developing a game schedule and calendar grid, developing a script for the award ceremony, working out and producing prizes and souvenirs. Contact Style Project, and your football will be remembered for a long time by all participants!

Danilova Evgenia

Manager sports projects STYLE PROJECT company

The first step is to create an organizing committee. The organizing committee includes people interested in the competition. The organizing committee, based on general guidelines, usually agrees and approves the “Regulations for the tournament” and instructs the chief judge to develop regulations and select judges.

Regulations on the tournament . The main document regulating all relationships between the parties involved in the organization and conduct of the tournament is the “Regulations on the Competition”. “Regulations” are the organizational and legal basis, norm, “law” for participants and judges. What sections should be included in the “regulations”:

Goals and objectives. Typically, the objectives of popularizing the game of checkers, improving the skills of participants, identifying the strongest players, the purpose of selecting candidates for national teams or players who receive the right to participate in other tournaments, etc. are indicated here.

Dates, place and system. A specific period is indicated from the opening of the tournament to the procedure for summing up the results, and the address of the location of the gaming premises. The system of holding the tournament, in particular the number of rounds, is described in general terms, and the regulations are described.

Management of the tournament. The organization hosting the tournament (or several) is indicated. The direct conduct of the tournament is entrusted to panel of judges, approved by the conducting organization.

Participants.The conditions for participation (admission) in the tournament are indicated: by age and qualifications, territorial basis (class).

The procedure for determining places . Here are the main indicators by which the participants' places are determined, including in the case of equality of the main indicators for several participants.

Awarding and summing up. This section describes the procedure for summing up the results of the tournament and what certificates (diplomas) are used to mark certain achievements of the participants. It also describes who gets what rights to participate in other tournaments or for which this tournament had qualifying status.

Financing.Indicates who bears the costs of holding competitions and participating in them and for what.

The situation is prepared. The next step is holding competitions.

The holding of a checkers tournament should begin with the registration of those wishing to participate in the tournament. After the recording is completed, a meeting of participants must be held.

At this meeting, it is necessary to congratulate all participants on the start of the championship, wish them success in sport, remind them of the rules of the game, announce the procedure for holding the competition and, at the conclusion of the meeting, draw lots for participants.

The tournament referee is required to appear at the tournament premises 30 minutes before the start of the games in order to have time to prepare everything necessary for the successful conduct of the tournament.

It is clear that every judge must be well aware of the rules of the game, the drafts code, the regulations and regulations of the tournament. In addition, each judge must, through his actions, create an atmosphere for a fair and uncompromising fight, so that athletes give all their strength, skill and skill to achieve victory.

When explaining the rules in children's competitions, it is advisable to recall the rule that is often found among children - “touch-go.”

When playing checkers, everyone must adhere to the “touch and move” rule. A move is considered complete if the player moves his checker (or king) to a new field and removes his hand from it. If one of the players, while making a move, moved his checker (or king) to a new field, but he did not take his hand away from it, he has the right to move this checker to any field possible for its move. If you need to place checkers on the board more accurately, the children need to first say “I’m correcting”, and then just touch the checkers.

Competitions can be held using different systems:

By round robin system;

According to the Swiss system;

According to the Olympic system.

Here we will take a closer look at the round robin system.

To hold a tournament, it is necessary to first draw up a schedule of games, which all participants must be familiar with.

To conduct a round-robin tournament, the judge needs a standings table based on the number of participants.

Full name


place f


Everyone registered to participate in the tournament draws lots - a serial number for placement in the competition table.

Full name


place f


Ivanov Egor

Petrov Alexander

Sidorov Ivan

Smyslov Pavel

Vladimirov Ilya

Vasiliev Andrey

When all participants are entered, according to the draw, entered into the tournament table, the color of the checkers is determined for each of the participants and the first round is held.

If the participants meet each other once, then the colors of the checkers for any number of participants can be easily determined using the rule; if in standings Both players are listed with even numbers (or both with odd numbers), then the player with the larger number plays white. If one of the opponents is listed as an even number and the other as an odd number, then the player with the lower number plays as white.

For example, in a match between Egor Ivanov and Andrey Vasiliev, Egor Ivanov should play white, since his number is odd - first, and Andrey Vasilyev's number six is ​​even, and in this case the participant with the lower number plays white.

And vice versa, when Ivan Sidorov and Ilya Vladimirov meet as white, Ivan Sidorov should play, since both participants have odd numbers. The player with the highest number plays with white.

Exception:the last number, if there is an even number of participants, plays with the numbers from the top of the table being black, and the numbers from the bottom being white.

For clear management of the tournament, it is important to correctly mark the results of the games played in the tournament table. For a win, the winner gets a point - 1 (or 2 points according to international rules), the loser gets 0, for a draw both get half a point - ½ (or 1 point).

At the end of the tournament, places are distributed based on the total points scored by each participant. So, for the highest number of points, first place is awarded, then places are distributed in descending order. Thus, the participant with the fewest points remains in last place.

(Extract from the Russian Code)



The tables are used to determine the order of play in tournaments, and also indicate what color checkers (white or black) are provided to each participant. Previously, all participants in the tournament, by drawing lots, receive numbers from first to last - according to the number of participants. Then the corresponding table is selected, from which it is clear which numbers meet each other in each round.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

Making an amateur football club– not too expensive (even within a medium-sized business), but quite difficult. With professional clubs, everything is much more complicated, especially since there are already enough famous teams in Russia, and achieving success can be very difficult.

Football (which is soccer) in Russia is perhaps the most popular view a sport perhaps as popular as ice hockey. In this regard, many amateurs have thought about creating their own football team, developing professionally in this direction. Be that as it may, the development of football in Russia is very weak when compared with the amount of attention paid to football in European and, to a lesser extent, South American countries. The beginning player is given the opportunity to enroll in the children's youth sports school(Youth Sports School), and young people should go to the Institute of Physical Education and Sports, but rare talent reaches the professional level. However, sports football clubs still exist and are developing in Russia, and with the right level of investment, a football club can bring a lot of money to its owners.

It must be said that from a legal point of view, there are amateur and professional football clubs in Russia, meaning sports clubs that participate in competitions and are one way or another registered in the Russian Football Union. In general, creating an amateur club is relatively simple, but to register a professional one you will have to meet many requirements. However, only professional ones participate in more or less significant competitions; on the other hand, participation in the LFL (Amateur Football League) will allow you to earn a name, find sponsors and later register your own professional sports club. Here we will dwell in a little more detail on the system of football competitions in Russia, so that a novice entrepreneur understands what he has to go through. Once in the Amateur Football League, you should not count on moving to the Professional Football League (PFL), regardless of the team’s success; to register a professional football club, you need to have your own (or at least rented) property and an authorized capital of at least 1 million euros. By the way, for a professional club this is very little; even little-known professional clubs in Russia have ten or more million euros. That is, the conditions are not too strict. If a club was able to get into the PFL, it participates in regional competitions, and only the best move on to the next division - the Football National League (FNL). And FNL, in turn, is an opportunity to get into Russian Premier League(RPL), in which the best of the best participate; Even a Russian who is far from football can name the names of at least half of these clubs.

You can understand that the club’s path is very long and difficult, because to move to the next division you need at least a year - this is one season, at the end of which you need to take one of the highest places in the league. Of course, a starting club is unlikely to be able to compete even with clubs from the PFL, not to mention the FNL, but it’s worth starting somewhere. By the way, if you find yourself in last positions according to the results of the Professional Championship football league, you can lose the status of a professional club, and then you will have to return to amateur competitions. But the teams that took leading positions in the championships within the PFL have the right to participate in the Russian Cup. The level of the opponents here will be very high (at least, most of the opponents), but you will immediately be able to make a statement if you manage to perform well.

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Many clubs can be registered in the LFL; they usually participate in competitions with each other, paying fees for participation in competitions; there is no need to talk about profit when having your own amateur club. But here you can show yourself and, ideally, find a sponsor, thanks to whom you can create a professional football club. An amateur football club is radically different from a local team, although it comes directly from it. An amateur club can be registered for competitions if it plays “real” football, that is, one that is prescribed by international standards. First you need to come up with a name for your club, then find a team and a place to train. It is not necessary to have your own football field, because all competitions, as a rule, take place on neutral territory, that is, LFL participants pay fees for which an arena is rented. Clubs, as already noted, play within their region. In general, the costs of creating your own amateur club are not too high. It is theoretically possible to come up with a name, emblem, logos, uniforms, and develop a corporate style without any expense; in the worst case, you will have to turn to professional designers. Such a club exists as a non-profit organization, but in general the law stipulates the registration of professional clubs.

Next you need to find a training ground, an hour of playing good field will cost from 4 thousand rubles on average. However, you need to understand that to reach a more or less acceptable level you will need to train a lot, and this can cost very serious money for beginners.

Next you need to buy Sports Equipment, as well as uniforms for football players. To begin with, a standard set for training and playing will be enough; it costs from 20 thousand rubles; a set of uniforms for one player costs 10 thousand rubles. As you know, 11 people take part in the game on one side, but in general the minimum standard number for a club is 23 players, taking into account substitutes and reserves. That is, the amount spent on equipment is 250 thousand rubles.

Additional funds will need to be spent on moving from city to city, and in extreme cases - on flights (fortunately, this is rare, because you have to play at most in nearby regions Russian Federation). Taking the cost of travel there and back to an average of 1 thousand rubles, it turns out that 23 thousand are allocated per team for each competition. And this does not take into account hotel check-in, provisions and the like. You also need to pay for accommodation and travel. coaching staff. That is, the minimum calculated here is when the players manage to leave, play and return in one day. Often, funds for all this have to be found from their own reserves, that is, the players pay for it all. And here we need to talk about them, because they are the ones who influence the success of the club. It is often possible to create an amateur football club only on the enthusiasm of the players; in the best case, a graduate of a sports institute or a participant in a youth sports school will join the team. In general, this can be the most difficult stage, because it is not always possible to find people willing to spend their time and effort on creating a separate club. But if you find such devoted football fans who also play it well, then you can count on them to cover the costs of their endeavor. Total: creating an amateur football club is a matter of, at best, two dozen people.

And now the team has achieved some success, sponsors have noticed it, and the time has come to move to a truly professional level. So, to become a professional club, you need to register your legal entity. The optimal choice is a public company, in common parlance, an open joint stock company. Here lies important point- a football club is commercial organization, and not non-profit, which greatly affects its activities. However, for an entrepreneur, this is rather an advantage, and according to Russian legislation, the club has the right to engage in any additional entrepreneurial activity (legal, of course). This includes providing educational services on a reimbursable basis. True, in order to develop this direction, you first need to obtain an educational license, because the club will train professional players who will play football as their main activity. Simply put, they will get a profession. And for the club itself, this is a good direction, as it allows you to form your own youth team and develop the club more effectively. It's definitely worth thinking about. Moreover, the club will have everything necessary for the school, otherwise it will not be registered as a professional club. Yes, this is especially important because the Russian Football Union will register a club not just because it has one million euros. There must be appropriate infrastructure and equipment (at least under lease agreements), suitable coaching and teaching staff, and the club must also have a certification commission. And, of course, the million euro already mentioned more than once; By the way, the law states that the club must have a paid-up authorized capital of one million or in ruble equivalent at the Central Bank exchange rate at the time of registration of the club. There is one important point here - the authorized capital can be paid for with your own property, which means that for this money you can buy a stadium and establish other infrastructure; in general, for a million euros you can almost or completely equip your newly-minted club. Although a professional club already pays money to coaches and players, it may have to hire new players - and this will be additional expenses, both one-time and permanent (staff maintenance and salaries). In addition, the club must conduct an annual audit of its accounting activities. In general, it makes sense, in addition to coaches and players, to hire other personnel, including lawyers, who will represent the interests of the club and resolve all issues arising within their competence. At this point it’s worth thinking about hiring security, your own medical team, scouts to search for new players and generally to participate in the transfer market. The staff of even a simple but professional club usually includes several dozen people, not counting the players.

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For the needs of the club, it is necessary to have its own field. In general, many start-up clubs rent fields from major stadiums on a permanent basis, so one stadium can be the home ground for several teams. Big clubs, of course, prefer to have a whole stadium at their disposal, getting the most out of match tickets, training on their own pitch and allowing their second or even several clubs (which usually consist of youth teams) are the so-called farm clubs, which consist of a backup, reserve team of the main club. True, having your own farm club is the destiny of a super club, but such a prospect can be considered for the future. The construction of a stadium will indeed be very expensive; the bill can cost tens or hundreds of millions of rubles, while modern projects that require developed infrastructure and meet international standards can cost more than one billion rubles. It is clear that a start-up club will never receive such an amount, so you can think about simply renting an existing football field. However, if we consider the cost of building only a field, then it can be created for relatively little money. The simplest project will cost about 10 million rubles; a field with good coverage can be built for 25-30 million. In addition, more professional equipment is purchased, the field is equipped, and people are hired to maintain it. If you have enough funds, then it is better to invest in your field and your stadium; subsequently it will be able to bring a lot of profit to the club, and one of the important sources of income generally depends on the number of spectator seats. If the team reaches a new level, then it will have to participate in serious competitions, which requires more advanced equipment, good capacity, and high-quality service. According to the law, in any case, certain requirements are imposed on the club, without fulfilling which it will not receive club status, but the club must still correspond to its level and constantly develop.

The club's income comes from many sources. Some clubs are financed and almost act on behalf of their title sponsor, who may also be the owner of this club. The history of Red Bull clubs, which were founded and supported by the company of the same name, using its clubs as a marketing tool, is indicative. But thanks to the support of such a large company, we were able to quickly develop clubs in several countries. If you find such a sponsor, you don’t have to worry about the future of the club, but these are isolated cases. Usually clubs achieve success at not very popular competitions, where they are noticed by companies, after which they begin to invest money in the club, which becomes their advertisement. Of course, the sponsor is interested in the team’s success, so he is ready to invest money. Financing from big teams comes not only from the title sponsor, but also from other organizations. For example, clothing manufacturers can issue free uniforms with the condition of advertising their brand; advertising is placed at the stadium; in general, advertising brings a lot of money to the club, and it is generally placed wherever possible. The next source of income is the price of entrance tickets to the competition, and the famous team receives a percentage of the cost of entrance tickets if it even performs on a rented field. Because it puts on a show and attracts viewers. Having your own stadium and filling it at every match, you can count on serious profits. A small source of income (and for well-known clubs it is significant, although not the main one) is the sale of club items, that is, replicas of uniforms, flags and other paraphernalia. The club can also receive funds by participating in major competitions, especially if it receives some titles there and takes prizes. True, this is only relevant in the case of well-known commands. Finally, some clubs develop young football players, then accept them into the team, and then sell them on the transfer market. In general, without a competent financier and economist, or rather a staff of such specialists, conducting, to one degree or another, big club impossible. It is impossible to give exact figures; many of today’s Russian clubs Although they nominally make a profit from their activities, they are supported by the owners not for the profit received directly from the game, but by sponsors for whom the club is an advertising platform. But in any case, became famous club does not need funds, which is why such a business can be considered truly promising multimillion-dollar income.

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To summarize, we can say that creating an amateur football club is not too expensive (even within a medium-sized business), but quite difficult. With professional clubs, everything is much more complicated, especially since there are already enough famous teams in Russia, and it can be very difficult to achieve success. However, such a project in any case is planned for years to come, and there are a lot of risks here. Very few teams have made it from amateur club to super club, and many more have failed.

Matthias Laudanum
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