3 km FSB standards. Physical training standards for special forces from different countries. GRU special forces training

Appendix No. 8

Physical fitness testing standards
candidates for service in special forces, riot police

Sequence of exercises.

Cross – a distance of 3000 meters in a time of no more than 11.45 seconds.
Pull-up – hanging on straight arms, overhand grip. For candidates whose body weight exceeds 95 kg, this exercise can be replaced by lifting a 50 kg barbell for biceps – 10 times.
Jumping up - jumping up from a crouched position with a change of legs.
Push-ups - bending and straightening your arms while lying face down on the floor.
Press – lifting the body from a position lying on your back, hands behind your head.
“Army spring” - bending and extending the legs from a position lying face to the floor to a crouching position.
To be enrolled in the OMON or OMSN, the total points must be at least 375.

Appendix No. 9
to the Manual on the organization of the use of forces and means of special units of internal affairs bodies Russian Federation during special operations (events)

conducting testing to identify the moral and volitional qualities of a candidate for service in a special unit

Testing is carried out in the form of a duel between the candidate and one of the instructors (employees) of the squad. Before the fight, the candidate must demonstrate wrestling techniques and techniques for punching and kicking a boxing bag in order to determine his skills in the specified sport.
The fight consists of three rounds of three minutes each with one of the instructors (staff) of the squad. The break between rounds is one minute.
The first round is wrestling (according to the rules of sambo and judo).
The second round is striking combat. Hitting the legs is prohibited.
The third round is a “free” fight (with elements of hand-to-hand combat and wrestling techniques (throws). Hitting the head, the head with the elbow, the shin, the joints of the legs, and the groin area are prohibited.
During the fight, the competing parties are required to use a protective kit (helmet and boxing gloves, hand pads for hand-to-hand combat, chest vest, protective shell, pads on the shins, knees, elbows).
If during the fight the candidate threw, applied a painful or choking hold, or held the opponent with shoulder blades on the wrestling mat (20 seconds), then the round is stopped early and resumed with a new opponent after a rest.
The candidate is considered to have passed this test if he fought actively during all three rounds.

Good day, airsoft players, militarists and all concerned. Today we are starting a series of articles about various law enforcement agencies. We will talk about both Russian special units and the special forces of the rest of the civilized world. Let's touch on interesting features of this or that squad, we will learn about training regimes, standards and similar things that may be of interest to both airsoft players and people simply not indifferent to military topics. We decided to start with the guys who serve in the special forces of the Federal Security Service, that is, the FSB.

Naturally, complete information about the training of FSB special forces soldiers is not and will not be publicly available, which in principle is logical. However, a certain amount of knowledge has nevertheless become public knowledge and thanks to it we can at least somewhat imagine the scope of tasks and how difficult the goals are facing those who serve in the FSB special forces detachment.

The FSB special forces are not at all a single consolidated detachment. The special forces of the FSB of Russia include a fairly large number of units. In fact, the FSB special forces includes many Regional Special Purpose Departments, and has representative offices in cities such as Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, Irkutsk, Nizhny-Novgorod (the second department in Sarov), Yekaterinburg "Malachite", Novosibirsk and many others.

Of course, the most recognizable and famous are the special forces units Directorate “A” (Alpha), Directorate “B” (Vympel). The glory must be said to be well deserved - a clear confirmation of this can be considered the performance of ALPHA fighters at international competitions Super SWAT International Round-Up 2011, where the guys took two first places and the title of the best international team.

In general, initially Group Alpha consisted of only 13 people, and their main task was to protect the diplomatic missions of the Seventh Directorate of the KGB of the USSR. By the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union, the number of Group A, taking into account regional divisions, was already about 500 people.

“Alpha” acquired fame and wide publicity, and even the name itself, in 1991 - by the way, the name came from an easy suggestion from journalists, and eventually stuck.

The special forces officers of Directorate “A” are tasked with a very wide range of tasks. Just look at the incomplete list of countries where the guys had to perform combat missions. In addition to Russia, Alpha fighters managed to visit such countries as Cuba, Jordan, Afghanistan, Switzerland, USA, Israel, England, France, Canada...

FSB special forces training, as a rule, is carried out in non-standard conditions in order to prepare fighters for an adequate response, regardless of the prevailing circumstances - this includes not only various variations of kill-house and a standard set of exercises aimed at improving skills in using small arms, but also joint training with other units, and not only from Russia. Naturally, the FSB special forces also have their own developments in terms of training and tactics - the most effective things are state secrets and are not subject to disclosure.

Since the 70s, almost all the most modern samples of special equipment have passed through the hands of Alpha. small arms. Pistols, rifles, machine guns - this whole wide range of weapons goes to the guys from Alpha, and the best examples remain there on an ongoing basis. The group's employees use the most technologically advanced and advanced body armor and other protective equipment with the maximum level of protection. The soldiers are trained to use not only the most modern domestic machine guns, machine guns and sniper rifles, but also samples of foreign weapons. In special cases, Alpha does not even disdain crossbows and other exotic weapons and equipment.

Despite all the secrecy in terms of training and training of special forces, some information is still available to ordinary citizens. For example, on the Internet you can stumble upon the standard standards of the FSB special forces.

Standards and requirements for combat and physical training for FSB special forces officers

  • Running 100 m. (Shuttle run 10 to 10) - 12.7 s (25 sec)
  • Cross 3000 m - 11.00 min
  • Push-ups - 90
  • Pull-up - 25
  • Press (lying on your back, flexion-extension of the torso) - 100
  • Bench press (your own weight, but not more than 100 kg) - 10 times

A brief summary of standards for hand-to-hand combat for FSB special forces operatives

  • Demonstration of punching and kicking techniques - 2 min. On a punching bag
  • Sparring according to free rules with throws and painful techniques- 3 battles of 3 minutes each.
  • Jumping up with changing legs - 90

Other standards for special forces soldiers of the FSB of Russia

Complex strength exercise (performed sequentially 8 times: - 10 push-ups, 10 presses, 10 times squatting, 10 jumping ups). 8 reps (no pause)

It should be noted that All exercises are performed one at a time without rest breaks!

A significant part of the Alpha group operatives know how to drive all types of cars, are familiar with operating a huge number of types of armored vehicles, and have special mountaineering and diving training. A separate category of Alpha special forces employees have serious flight training skills. All this is designed to solve the most important and important task - to neutralize and eliminate the terrorist threat and at the same time preserve the lives of people who find themselves hostages in the hands of terrorists.

Finally, I would like to say a note to the reenactors - if you are going to get used to the image of Alpha, then try to pay serious attention to physical training. Alpha is, first of all, skills and endurance, and only then equipment and weapons.

Are you wondering what the level of physical training should be for army personnel and special forces? You can find out about this here.

FBI agent physical training.

Standard for men (20-29 years):
Raise your torso from a lying position 38 times without stopping
Do 29 push-ups without stopping
run 300 meters in less than 59 seconds
run 1.5 miles (2.4 km) in 12.29 minutes

Standard for women (20-29 years):
Raise your torso from a lying position 32 times without stopping
Do 15 push-ups without stopping
run 300 meters in less than 71 seconds
run 1.5 miles in 15.05 minutes

Young agents train on the roof of the Justice Department building in Washington, where the FBI was headquartered from 1933 to 1972.

Do you want to compare with the standards of the Russian FSB? Everything is written on the service’s website (here we present it only for men):
10 pull-ups
5K skiing in 28 minutes or less
100m dash in 14.4 seconds or less
running 1 km in 4 minutes. 25 sec.
running 3 km in 12 minutes. 35 sec.
What about army standards? Here are some examples.

The test is used to evaluate soldiers' endurance and consists of push-ups, crunches and a 3.2 km run. Standards vary depending on the age and gender of service members.

US Marines training.

United Kingdom

Men must do 44 push-ups and 50 crunches (2 minutes for each exercise), and also run 2.4 km in 14.5 minutes maximum.


Just to get into the armed forces, you need to pass a physical training exam consisting of 15 push-ups, 45 crunches and shuttle running (on the same short distance back and forth with multiple repetitions). In general, recruits must run 1.12 km in 6.5 minutes. For land, air and naval forces standards are different.

Australian soldiers at one of the military training bases.


The Singapore Army's individual fitness test also includes push-ups, crunches and a 2.4 km run. But instead of specific standards, points are awarded here according to a special scheme (depending on age, gender, number of repetitions performed, etc.).
Just from April 1, 2015, new standards were introduced, according to which the results are divided into 5 categories:
51 points or more: minimum recruit level
61 points or more: the minimum for a soldier on active duty and the norm for a “promising” conscript
75 points or more: “silver medalist”
85 points or more: “gold medalist”
90 points or more: commando and guard level
How does this work? For example, to become a special forces soldier, a 25-year-old Singaporean must do 58 push-ups, do the same number of crunches and run 2.4 km in 10.5 minutes - a total of exactly 90 points. The system is relatively flexible: let’s say you are not strong at running, but you are great at push-ups and crunches - then you can score the maximum points on these exercises and you will have less to earn in running.

Preliminary training of Singaporean youths before compulsory military service.


The minimum physical training requirements for contract soldiers can be found on the Ministry of Defense website. 3 are subject to inspection physical qualities: strength, speed and endurance. Anyone entering service under a contract has the right to choose one exercise for each.
Strength: for men under 30 years old, do 45 push-ups or 10 pull-ups on the bar; for women under 25 years old, do 12 push-ups or 25 forward bends.
Speed: run 60 meters in 9.8 seconds (12.9 for women) or 100 meters in 15.1 (19.5) seconds. Or overcome shuttle run 10x10m in 28.5 (38) seconds.
Endurance: men run 3 km in 14.30 minutes, or 1 km in 4.20 minutes, or cross-country skiing 5 km in 28 minutes. Women only run 1 km in 5.20 minutes.

Marines of the Pacific Fleet during the passing of standards in Vladivostok in 2014.

The police also have their own standards. In Russia, they vary among regional departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; details can be found on their websites. Here is a foreign example.

Hong Kong Police

To earn the position of police inspector, you need to complete 6 types of exercises:
Jump up: 45.7 cm for men and 35.6 for women
Pull-ups: 5 times for men (from a vertical hanging position) and 7 times for women (from a semi-hanging position with feet resting)
Shuttle run (10x10m): 26 seconds (men) and 29 (women)
Raising the body from a lying position: 17 times in 30 seconds (men), 15 in 30 (women)
Stand straight - crouching position - lying position - starting position: 14 times in 30 seconds. (male) and 12 over 30 (female)
800 meter run: 3 minutes 25 seconds (men) and 4 minutes. 12 sec. (female)

Well, the most interesting thing: special forces.

The strongest special forces in the world

"Navy Seals", USA

Swim 500 yards (457 meters) in 8 minutes
Do 100 push-ups in 2 minutes
do 100 crunches in 2 minutes
Do 15-20 pull-ups
run 2.4 km
Do all this at once, one after the other, with only short breaks between exercises.

Exercises in the mud during Hell Week. This is 5.5 days of endless exhausting training with 4-hour sleep breaks.

Shayetet 13, Israel

In addition to physical training, these naval commandos undergo extensive ideological training. Recruits are trained for 20 months, which includes parachute, infantry and fire training, underwater demolitions and anti-terrorism exercises.

Israeli "sea" seals" in training.

Special Air Service (SAS), UK

To get there, candidates undergo several days of rigorous endurance tests, train in the jungles of Malaysia and, finally, for a day and a half or more are tested for “persistence during interrogation.” According to statistics, only 10% of candidates successfully pass everything.

SAS recruits during a difficult forced march along the steep mountain slopes of the Brecon Beacons National Park in Wales.

Russian special forces

Quote from Men's Fitness magazine: “Most military training tries to teach, but Russian Spetsnaz prepares you for combat by inflicting pain. Recruits have an explicit goal - to injure other recruits. They break ribs, fingers and spines and must learn to accept pain which is experienced during classes.”

Or here’s another one, on one of the foreign sports forums: “We’ve all heard that Russian special forces soldiers must do at least 18 perfect pull-ups from a dead hanging position with a 10-kilogram load. And not even to the chin, but to the level of the Adam’s apple.”
About “breaking their spines”, however, it is very doubtful - this would result in a squad of cripples rather than strong fighters. And as for the standards, you can, in the end, look at the websites public organizations special forces veterans. For example, 604 Special Forces Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where for clarity everything is shown in pictures.

Soviet special forces training: a fighter does a somersault and while jumping throws a hatchet at a target.

Modern: using a hammer to break a burning stove on the back of a co-worker.

Special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation during tests for the right to wear a maroon beret.

A duel between special forces during an examination in Balashikha.

Passed the tests and is fit for combat service! At the ceremonial presentation of maroon berets.

People are hired to work in riot police only after passing the standards. This general rule both for existing employees who are transferred from other units, and for those who come from civilian life. Passing the standards consists of 2 parts: passing physical fitness tests and fighting.

Let me clarify that this option is not a strict rule and can be changed at the request of management in each specific region. Now in detail.

Physical fitness standards

Physical tests consist of:

  • Running - 3000 kilometers. You need to do it in 13 minutes. This is not difficult for a trained person, but if you have had problems with crosses before, then it is better to focus on this in your preparation.
  • KSU - complex strength exercises. They give up after running. You will have time to rest for 5-10 minutes and catch your breath.

KSU consist of 5 exercises:

  • Push-ups. standard from the floor, on fists or palms - it doesn’t matter. Quantity - 60 times.
  • Pull-ups on the bar. Be sure to fully extend your arms at the bottom point and ensure that your chin is higher than the level of the horizontal bar at the top point, otherwise the repetition will not be counted. You need to do 18 pull-ups
  • Abs exercise. Lifting the body in a lying position. You can hold your legs for comfort, with your hands behind your head. This is the simplest of all. The number of repetitions is 60 times.
  • Jumping with alternating legs. Starting position - hands behind your head, squatted on one knee. Then they jumped and dropped to the other knee. So - 60 times.
  • Emphasis crouched, emphasis lying down. Everyone still knows this exercise from school physical education lessons. From a lying position, bring your knees to your chest and back. 60 reps.

Execution rules:

  • rest between sets - 1 minute. You can deliberately delay a little time. They will push you, but think first of all about your strengths - the main thing here is “not to die”
  • You can rest during the approach. For example, when doing push-ups, you can rest for 5-10 seconds without getting up from a lying position, or during pull-ups, without jumping off the horizontal bar. But remember that if you hang for a long time, it will become more and more difficult to pull yourself up each time.

If everything is passed successfully, you will be given 3-5 minutes to catch your breath and prepare for the battles. The opponents are current riot police officers. Just 3 rounds of 3 minutes. Each round, new partners can come out. The first fight is a fight according to the rules of sambo, strikes are prohibited. Equipment will include a wrestling jacket with a belt. The second round is purely a “strike” according to the rules of kickboxing: punches and kicks above the waist are allowed. Knees and elbows are prohibited. Equipment includes gloves, a helmet, and maybe leg pads. The third fight according to the rules of hand-to-hand combat. Wrestling and blows above the belt are allowed.

The main task is to survive, and at the same time behave actively. This means that you don’t need to win the fight - this is unlikely to happen after a tough physical attack, especially against a prepared opponent. But you can’t just run away from your opponent on the mat for the entire round - you need to attack.

First of all, they look at character - how a person behaves in a situation when he gives up from fatigue, his “breathing” cannot stand it, and a fresh, well-prepared partner constantly strikes. If you fall, get up; if you miss a blow, it’s okay, continue standing without giving up. If you show your will, they will appreciate it. What is important here is not primarily martial arts skills, but personal qualities that are important for a riot policeman.

After passing, you will be congratulated and then personnel officers will inform you about further actions.
General recommendations:

  • Start preparing early. Make sure you can pass the test, otherwise you won't look good in the eyes of your future colleagues. Repeated passage is possible, but you will lose 2-3 months and the attitude towards you will be different.
  • Take the appropriate one for the season. sportswear. If you are testing in winter, you will have to run the cross-country outside - you need to be prepared for this. Be sure to take gloves and a hat. With frozen hands it will be much more difficult to do pull-ups later.
  • Save your energy and don’t give everything right away. They will still be useful in battles.

The standards for joining the riot police may change. Check this out right away on your first visit to the detachment so you know exactly what to prepare for.

We'll agree right away. You will soberly assess your strengths. You won't try to become better than the special forces right away. In physical activity, gradualness is important. For a long time I did not want to write about physical training, so as not to “bring sin to my soul.” I am aware that there are people who do not know the shores who will think that this is what you need to do every day. We didn’t get off the couch for several years, and then again! And immediately to the special forces. You need to approach such loads gradually, listening to your body. And is it necessary to come to them in everyday life? In short, if you decide to study, start small and don’t tear your veins in vain. And watch your pulse.

To begin with, let’s outline the standards that we pass. They have to be taken during all physical examinations.
- run 3 km. - you need to run out of 12 minutes. Everyone runs out.

- either one hundred meters (13 seconds maximum), or a shuttle run of 10 x 10 meters (no more than 26 seconds).
- 20 pull-ups
- 12 lifts and inversions on the horizontal bar.
- Do 30 push-ups on parallel bars.
- 60 push-ups.
- Bench press (your own weight) - 10 times.
- KSU (more about it below).
- Hand to hand combat(rented separately). It does not happen in the form of sparring. We pass stupid tricks.
Between each exercise, up to 5 minutes of rest are given. But 3 minutes is usually enough.

As you can see, the standards are quite lenient. Extra effort is not required to pass them. But physical training we have applied significance, so training is not limited to these disciplines. For example running. Personally, I run not for distance, but for time. Every morning I jog for 20 minutes. Naturally, we don’t train for wear and tear. Because it cannot be ruled out that you will have to work, but you can barely drag your feet. Of course, it happens that in hand-to-hand combat they will smash your face in a fit of excitement, you walk like a zombie, dragging your leg, and you think - if only, if only, if only not to go anywhere. But this doesn't happen often. Usually we still take care of each other in sparring.

Some lift iron with “cross fits” - description below. They have such a role - you need to be very strong. Although you can exercise without going to the gym. Do you know how much a fully loaded AK weighs? No? And you won’t find out until I come back to you again - they pushed the topic about automatic body kits, now I won’t say anything about it in this post.))) Well, in short, the professionals have already realized that I train not strength, but endurance. It is important that the body can withstand not a short-term heavy physical load, but can calmly endure a long-term, albeit not so significant one. Naturally, I save my strength and do not allow myself to give it my all.

Three times a week we have group physical training - other than that on this day I allow myself very little physical activity. It represents cross-fit. Horizontal bar, parallel bars, wall bars, tire from an armored personnel carrier, sledgehammer. 50 seconds on each apparatus with a minute of rest in between. First, warm up (10-15 minutes of running, standard exercises- high knee lifts, shin overlapping, side steps, jumping, jumping out, explosive running, etc., stretching). For example, I got a horizontal bar as my first projectile. 50 seconds of pull-ups. A minute of rest. Swedish wall- 50 seconds of straight leg raises with one frequency. A minute of rest. A sharp turn over of a wheel from an armored personnel carrier - 50 seconds. A minute of rest. You hit the wheel of an armored personnel carrier with a sledgehammer for 50 seconds with a spinning amplitude (with all its scope, in short). And this is a different wheel from an armored personnel carrier, and not the one rolled by another fighter)))). A minute of rest. Bars. 50 seconds of dips. A minute of rest. Push-ups - 50 seconds. This is repeated three times. Some fighters do cross-fit exercises with weights, but I don’t participate in them (lying barbell chest press, barbell squat, standing barbell clean, abs, and lower back exercise). The weight of the bar is not large, about its own weight.

Three more times a week (the day after “cross-fit”, everyone does the Cooper test (KSU - Complex of strength exercises). 10 push-ups, immediately after it without a pause - sharply pulling the knees to the chest in a lying position, also 10 times Then press 10 times. And immediately jumping up - 10 times. This is all repeated 5 times without stopping and resting. The next week - everything is done 30 times, but three circles, not five.

In addition to this, I do 200 push-ups a day - not in one go, but 4 times in different times. The body must be constantly ready for stress. I do 100 pull-ups, too - 4-5 approaches to the horizontal bar during the day. Well, plus showing off on the crossbar depending on the mood. I run 3 or 5 km cross-country 1-2 times a week. for a while. I run ten times a couple of times a month. Plus exercises for the neck, back and abs with own weight. I pumped my abs 50 times, looked at what was in the comments, did push-ups, and looked at the blog again.

I also unwind my spine after a run. A hundred times. Lie down on a polyurethane foam mat on your back - bend your knees, clasp your hands in front of you. Legs and head - in one direction, arms in the other. I recommend it if you don't want back problems. It is important to pump up your neck, although this does not help. The helmet can be worn continuously for no more than 2.5 hours. Whatever the neck is, such static load on the neck will sooner or later lead to disability. Well, in our country, helmets are developed in order to not be guaranteed to save a fighter from a quick death and to be guaranteed to lead to a painful life.

Naturally, everyone does the rest in their own way. individual program. This is not urgent service, where you cannot rely on the soldier’s willpower and you need to force him. Everyone understands the importance physical fitness in a clash. When you are exhausted, you are no longer a fighter. Therefore, there is no need to force anyone.
Well, that’s actually all physics is.