Standing straight arm block row. How to do lat pulldowns with straight arms and what does it give? Working out the shoulder muscles in a crossover

Grasp the top handle of the cable machine with a shoulder-width grip with your palms facing down. Move about half a meter away from the machine.

Bend your torso forward 30 degrees, stretch your arms in front of you, slightly bending your elbows. Flatten your shoulder blades and you are now ready to begin.

Keeping your arms straight (without bending your elbows), lower them until the handle of the machine is level with your hips. Exhale as you perform this movement.

As you inhale, return to the starting position.

Repeat for the specified number of approaches.

Execution Variations

The exercise can also be done with a grip narrower than shoulder level.

— This exercise simulates a lying pullover. This is not a basic exercise; it is done with a small working weight to “finish off” the muscles.

— The handle needs to be pulled to the feet, at the lowest point, pull your shoulders back, bend over - this will further shorten your lats.

— The back should be arched in the lower back, the pelvis should be laid back, the legs should be slightly bent.

Description of the exercise "Pulling" upper block down with straight arms while standing" was written specifically for the Body-Zone website (bodybuilding and fitness). Any copying is permitted only if a direct active link to this page is provided.

Hello dear friends! Today I wanted to talk about such an exercise as It cannot be called an original exercise or a forgotten one.

In principle, it is widespread, but I rarely see anyone doing it. And as experience shows, those exercises that are done little are the most effective. And I cannot pass by such an exercise.

There is another type of traction, only in it the gluteal muscles. Girls will really like this exercise, and I like it too. The exercise is called deadlift on straight legs with a barbell.

The exercise, as you already understood, is called pull the upper block down with straight arms. For some reason everyone knows it but no one does it. Such a paradox! Let's try to figure out what's what.

The starting position of the legs is hip-width or shoulder-width apart. In general, this position of the pelvis or shoulders is considered the most stable. The more stable we get into the starting position, the more advantageous the position our muscles will be.

The more concentration will go to target muscles, in this exercise these are the latissimus muscles and round muscles. Take the top block at shoulder width or a little higher. The grip can be normal or monkey grip, move back half a meter.

How far you should stand from the block is up to you, the blocks in each hall are different. The main thing is that your latissimus muscle is stretched as much as possible.

The knees are slightly bent, the pelvis is slightly back, not to the same extent as bikini girls become, but it should resemble something. The pelvis is slightly back and the latissimus muscle is stretched as much as possible. The hands don’t work here, but the muscles work, this is very important!

Another very important point! Why do many people start doing this exercise and then quit because they don’t like it? They cannot feel the latissimus muscle in it and feel the triceps.

My friends, this happens when you lower your elbows down and add more with your hand. Make sure that this does not happen and that this does not happen, make sure that your elbows are strictly to the sides. Then the work of the triceps will be minimized. We've sorted out the first phase.

The second phase is when we lower our straight arms in front of us straight to our hips. And we bring the shoulder blades together, then return them to their original position. You don’t just lower the block down, but stretch your arms to feel the latissimus dorsi muscles.

Draw a semicircle with your hands. Try to take in as much space as possible. It is very important to stay at the bottom for a split second so that the latissimus muscles contract better.

The exercise is awesome! Doesn't require much weight, suitable for both men and women. Works the back muscles very well and does not burden the psyche, since heavy weight It's more likely to get in the way.

In this exercise, technique and concentration on the working muscles are important. Well, that’s all, dear friends, that I wanted to tell you about this exercise.

And that's all I have for friends! I won’t write a lot of water, there’s nothing to it! Everything is short and to the point! If it's not difficult for you, support the site, share the content with your friends, don't be indifferent, thank you!

Best regards, administrator

About 10 years ago, in almost all gyms, they practiced exclusively basic exercises with dumbbells and barbell. All isolated movements, including those on simulators, were ignored.

Today the situation has changed and in the programs of many advanced athletes you can see work on simulators. One such exercise is the straight-arm lat pull-down.

It is worth noting that many people completely forget about him and others like him, and do not focus attention on them.

Isolation exercises are great as “finishers” after basic exercises; they work the muscle well.

Benefits of exercise

  • The overhead pull-down is suitable for girls who do not like to work with free weights. Moreover, this a good option in order to add variety to training process and work your back.
  • The Straight Arm Pulldown can be used as a “push” to build strength, endurance, and muscle mass. This is any “thinner” training program, including conservative ones.

The straight arm lat pulldown is not a basic exercise, so it should always be a secondary exercise, not a primary one.

In the modern scientific community, it has been proven that isolation exercises allow you to feel the target muscle much better. Working with just one base, not everyone can get the desired results. Alas, the body is designed in such a way that the muscle needs to be constantly shocked. Moreover, this must be done from different angles.

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I would like to note that the standing pull-down of the upper block to the waist is somewhat similar in technique to a pullover. Only in this case, the emphasis is more on the back.


  • Forms a strong and robust torso;
  • Works the back well;
  • Widens the back;
  • Suitable for both boys and girls who do not want to work with hardware.

What muscles are activated during work?

During the process of pulling the upper block on the crossover while standing:

  • The main load falls largely on the latissimus muscle. This isolated exercise. Other muscles practically do not take part in the work.
  • Large and small ones act as synergists pectoral muscles, as well as the shoulder blades.

Pulldowns on a crossover: technique of execution

The correct technique will allow you to effectively work out the latissimus muscle and also avoid injury. There is nothing complicated about it, since the exercise is classified as simple. All actions take place on a simulator such as a crossover. You will also need a wide handle. Let's look at it step by step.

To take the starting position, follow these steps:

  • Grip with two hands - slightly wider than shoulder width.
  • The position of the hands is slightly above shoulder level.
  • We pull the block towards us and retreat a few steps.
  • Straighten your arms and stand in a stance with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • For better emphasis The toes can be slightly turned outward.
  • The forward tilt of the torso should be approximately 30 degrees.

To reduce the stress on your elbows and knees, you can bend them slightly during the exercise.


  • Exhale and pull the handle towards you up to your thigh. It is important that the effort falls not on the arms, but on the latissimus muscle.
  • As you inhale, bring your hands back.

What can be replaced?

This exercise is an isolating exercise, so a minimum number of other muscles are involved in the work. After all, the entire load falls on the target muscles – the latissimus.

The best alternative would be various basic exercises, as well as any other isolating exercises that work the target muscle.

  • If you need something similar to this exercise, then there are the following options:
  • Use of elastic bands or straps for two hands;
  • Replacing the handle with a rope;

Change position - kneeling. Summarizing all of the above, it is worth noting that this exercise

best suited for girls. As for beginner guys, you can include it in the program as a finishing exercise, but not the main one. Also great for adding variety to your training program. It is worth understanding that cravings vertical block

will never replace basic exercises, so it must definitely go in a set with basic exercises.

  • When you include straight arm deadlifts in your program, you should adhere to the following recommendations:
  • While performing the exercise, do not bend your arms. They should remain straight. A slight bend in the elbows is allowed.
  • Lowering your hands completely to your hips, hold for a few seconds to better stretch the fibers.
  • Don't round your shoulders or bend your lower back.
  • The handle should not rise too high, in which case the deltas will be involved in the work.
  • There is no need to make an impulse, the movements should be measured, without jerking.

The downward movement is performed explosively, and the upward movement is performed slowly. As for approaches and repetitions, everything is in.individually The standard and classic scheme will look like this: 3-4 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

Naturally, the number of sets and repetitions can vary depending on the athlete's goals.

Pulling the block down with straight arms

Block pull down with straight arms (pullover) Pulling a block down with straight arms in a bent-over position is biomechanically reminiscent of a “hybrid” of a pullover and a row wide grip

. It is one of the exercises for the latissimus and rhomboid muscles, but involves more stabilizers and rotators of the shoulder.

In bodybuilding they usually say that this movement gives a characteristic “shoulder turn” and helps give the body a V-shape. In reality, the purpose of the exercise depends on the body type and the purpose of the training. If for some people this exercise is in a good way"raise" chest due to greater involvement of the lats in the work, then for others - exclusively as a rehabilitation movement for the rotator cuff.

Movement is included in training in different ways. If a light, “pump” back workout is planned, this may be the first exercise in the cycle; if something heavier is planned, with a deadlift, this may be one of the final exercises.

Technique for pulling a block down with straight arms

It is necessary to adjust the height of the machine so that when you move your arms to the top position (tilt at 45 degrees to the axis of the spine, arms in the same plane with your back), the weight returns completely to its original position. For most average to tall people, this is the highest position of the crossover lock. If you are short, you can lower the clamp a little. It is allowed to stand on the step platform at the lowest point, if necessary.

The shoulder blades are “tightened” to the spine, but not so tight that it is impossible to rotate the shoulders. The stomach is tightened, the natural deflection in the spine is removed, the hands are placed on top of the handle, and a closed grip is used, the palms cover the handle and press on it. The tilt of the body is maintained throughout the exercise.

By pressing the handle with your hands, the weight is raised until the handle comes to the level of the pockets, that is, to the top of the hips. Throughout the movement, keep your back tense, arched and straight. Once the contact point is reached, the weight is returned to the starting position, also creating additional resistance with the arms.

Technical errors include “dropping” the weight so that the weights hit each other and the muscles remain relaxed in the process of returning to the starting position, as well as bending the back at the lower back, arching the back into a hump, bending the elbows too much when the load is shifted to the triceps, and adducting shoulders to ears.

Approaches and repetitions are determined depending on the purpose of the training, usually 3-4 sets of 8-20 repetitions, drop sets and light weights are allowed.