What is more expensive: salmon or trout? What is healthier: trout or salmon?

What is the difference between salmon and salmon? Nothing - it's the same thing. Sometimes it happens that some names are confused or used by mistake and not in accordance with the desired meaning. There are situations when this is done specifically for the purpose of some benefit. Consider the issue of salmon and salmon, because many people find themselves deceived, sometimes without even knowing it.

According to the classification of ichthyologists, the term “salmon” refers to the genus Salmon, the family Salmonidae and the order Salmonidae. So, this classification is directly related to:

  • salmon, also known as lake salmon;
  • species of salmon called "trout".

As you can see, trout is not one fish, but more than 30 of its species, which are combined into one family. In a similar situation, other fish that are also salmon: pink salmon, chum salmon, omul, sockeye salmon, grayling, lenok and many others.

What caused the fish to be called “salmon” in everyday life?

Knowing that all the fish mentioned above belong to the same family, you should look at a map that will illustrate the geography of their distribution and main places of residence. The local population in each region will call this fish differently. The distribution of salmon is observed in the waters of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and in reservoirs of the northern latitudes of our planet. One of the most suitable places for spawning of this fish in the Russian Federation is the Kamchatka Peninsula.

Externally, representatives of the salmon family have a number of similar characteristics and are predators.

Impact of progress

Another significant factor in naming confusion is marketing. On the shelves of retail chains you can often find another name that characterizes not only the fish itself, but also the place where it was caught: “farmed salmon.” That is, it means that this specimen was raised from the egg in farms specializing in fish breeding. This is a kind of hybrid that was bred specifically for breeding on an industrial scale and which differ in growth rate.

In captivity, fish eat special feed, quickly gain weight and become overgrown with fat.

Based on a summary of the information provided, it should be concluded:
1. Real salmon - Atlantic or lake salmon.

2. The term “salmon” cannot identify a specific fish, that is, it will not be correct for the following reasons:

  • this is the name of the entire genus, not just one specimen;
  • such names can only be used by local residents, near whose residence this family is common and who sell it all over the world (which also increases confusion);
  • actions of sellers and carriers who, using this name, rebrand products, as this affects their income, increasing profits from sales.

Main differences between salmon

Atlantic salmon is distinguished by its large size in its family. It is a predator, so during its life it quickly gains mass and reaches 40 kilograms and a length of 1.50 meters. Life expectancy is 12 years. The commercial weight of the fish caught is 7 kg.

Individuals of this species have:

  • silver color;
  • large scales;
  • complete absence of stripes on the body;
  • medium-sized pointed head;
  • elongated body shape.

The main habitat for salmon is the salty water of the seas and oceans. During the spawning period, sexually mature fish gather to the freshwater rivers in which they spawned to procreate. During this period, salmon completely stop feeding, driven by the instinct of procreation. After a successful grating, they return to their usual habitats to recuperate. This process takes 2–3 years before the subsequent exit to the spawning grounds.

It’s easy to distinguish between wild and artificially bred salmon in the fish section of a store – you just need to compare the price. For wild salmon it will always be significantly higher.

Important! The difference in taste between salmon raised in artificial conditions and the same species caught in the wild is great. It consists of the following:

  • wild fish is better, tastier, but more expensive;
  • salmon raised in checks is much cheaper and fattier, and much more accessible to the average consumer.

Freshly frozen red fish fillets greatly lose quality for the worse, so when purchasing salmon steaks, you should choose the chilled version.


Each consumer is free to choose whether to believe marketing professionals or not. There is a common belief that salmon and salmon differ in the shade of their meat. This is not so, the saturation of the red color of the fillet depends on the amount of shrimp in the diet of predatory fish.

Red fish has always been considered a delicacy. In almost every family, you can always see salted or baked fish on the holiday table. When choosing fish in a store, questions often arise about which fish is better to choose, because trout and salmon are similar in appearance, but differ in price, amount of nutrients in the meat and taste.

Similarities between salmon and trout

Both salmon and trout belong to the salmon family, both fish have red meat, live in salt waters, and spawn in fresh water. That is, these fish are anadromous freshwater fish. In both species, the body is covered with spots, and the females are significantly larger than the males. Upon reaching sexual maturity in males of both species, the lower jaw becomes hooked.

As representatives of the salmon family, both salmon and trout have an adipose fin near the tail; by it, individuals of this family can be distinguished from others, including the herring family, with which salmonids are similar.

In the high-quality meat of these fish you can see whitish veins. For both salmon and trout, caviar is a delicacy.

Often, unscrupulous sellers try to pass off one of these fish as another. To avoid being deceived, it is very important to know the main differences in the appearance and meat of trout and salmon.

How to distinguish them from each other?

It is not always easy to distinguish trout and salmon from each other, especially for a person who is far from fishing. But there are a number of signs by following which you can understand what kind of fish is offered to you in the store.

Let's look at the differences in appearance of whole fish.

  • To size. The size of an adult trout usually does not exceed 30 cm, unlike salmon, which can reach up to 1.5 meters in length.
  • By weight. Salmon is most often caught when it reaches 5-7 kg in weight, while trout weighs only 3-4 kg. In natural conditions, the weight of salmon reaches 43 kg.
  • According to the shape of the head. Trout has a short, truncated, rounded head, while salmon has a more elongated, larger and sharper head. You can see teeth on the trout's vomer.
  • According to the shape of the tail. Trout has a square-shaped tail, while salmon has a triangular-shaped tail.
  • By color. Trout has lighter skin, and on its sides there is a pink-red stripe, sometimes with a pearlescent tint. The color of trout is determined by its habitat, the color of the water, the time of year, and the food consumed. Salmon is distinguished by a gray carcass and a lighter belly; unlike trout, it does not have stripes. Juveniles are darker in color and have more pronounced spots. Adults often have a light belly and silvery sides.

  • By scale size. The difference between the scales of salmon and trout depends on the size of the fish; accordingly, salmon is larger and has larger scale plates. And also the scales of salmon are silvery, round and with a scallop-like edge.
  • By fat distribution. The fat in a trout's body is found only in the abdominal part. In the body of salmon, fat is distributed evenly throughout the carcass.
  • According to body shape. The trout's body is wider, in contrast to the streamlined and narrower body of the salmon.
  • Along the front fins. The fins of trout are less elongated in length than those of salmon.

There are differences in the appearance of fish meat.

When buying already cut fish or fillets, you need to pay attention to the color of the meat. In salmon it is lighter, pink, and can be close in color to orange shades. If you are offered salmon meat with bright, saturated colors, then most likely the seller used dyes to improve the appearance of the meat or is trying to pass off trout as salmon. Trout meat has a brighter color. When comparing the flesh color of these two fish, the differences are obvious.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to purchase fresh meat, and when buying frozen fish, it is often impossible to understand the color. Both salmon and trout are pink in color when frozen. You should try to choose fish with white veins to avoid the use of dyes, and buy the product from reliable sellers.


Which is fattier and tastier?

Regarding taste, it is impossible to say categorically which fish is tastier, because everything depends on the individual preferences of a person. It is believed that trout has more tender meat and a more subtle, refined taste than salmon. But trout after freezing can lose these properties, so it is better to buy it chilled or fresh, which, unfortunately, can rarely be found in stores.

When comparing salmon with trout, many find it too simple and crude. One of the advantages of salmon is its large bones, which are easily removed from the meat.

Which fish is more expensive?

Salmon is more expensive. The cost of fish is most often determined by where they live and where they are caught. Before the introduction of sanctions, salmon was supplied to Russia from Norway; at the moment, most salmon is supplied from Chile and the Faroe Islands.

Most trout are imported from Karelia. Aquaculture is actively developing in Russia, there are trout farms for which fry are purchased abroad, and they grow into adult fish in Russia.

Which is better to choose?

Salmon is usually called “northern” or “noble” salmon for its tasty and nutritious meat. When talking about trout, people most often refer to rainbow trout by this common name, as this is the most common species.

If you buy fish for salting, then it is better to choose salmon, salted, it becomes tender and soft due to its high fat content. To prepare fish soup, you need to choose fish based on the desired fat content of the soup. Salmon fish soup comes out with noble golden droplets of fat, while trout fish soup comes out less greasy due to the lower fat content in the fish. Salmon is more suitable for grilling, as it will not turn out too dry.

If you have a choice between frozen and chilled fish, then, of course, it is better to avoid freezing.

To preserve as many nutrients as possible, it is better to eat salmon lightly salted. You can make sandwiches, put it in salads or prepare rolls. It is better to stew or bake trout, so it is guaranteed to retain everything useful in the meat.

The caviar of these fish is used both as an independent dish and for preparing a variety of snacks, sandwiches and canapés. In Japan, caviar is often included in sushi. Red caviar can be used as a filling for pancakes, other dough products and in salads.

Salmon meat is richer in Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, and therefore can be considered more beneficial for the body.

Fatty acids perform many different functions in the body, primarily for the cardiovascular system. Omega-3 reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, which can be deposited on the walls of blood vessels and cause atherosclerosis, as well as increase the fragility of the vascular wall. This way, you can prevent the formation of blood clots and reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

With sufficient consumption of fatty acids, the absorption of calcium from dairy products improves and joint mobility increases, which leads to the prevention of osteoporosis and arthritis. Omega-3 also plays an important role in the functioning of the nervous system; a deficiency can cause chronic fatigue, insomnia and depression.

Do not think that trout, with its lower content of fatty acids, is not so healthy. Trout meat contains many microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Trout contains iron, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, selenium, iodine and others. Thanks to phosphorus, trout improves mental activity and improves cerebral circulation. When treating anemia, it is recommended to eat trout meat due to its iron content. Because despite its low calorie content, it is a good source of protein and fat necessary to maintain the health of the body. Often on a diet, the body receives an insufficient amount of fatty acids, which are needed to protect blood vessels, maintain metabolism and synthesize hormones.

It is important to remember that when cooking trout, the calorie content increases, so it is better to give preference to steamed or oven-baked dishes.

When choosing fish, no matter whether it is salmon or trout, you need to be especially careful with the color of the meat. After all, to grow a kilogram of salmon you need to spend three times more small fish and plankton. It is because of the eating of plankton and krill that the meat of fish from the salmon family acquires a red color. The pigment from the shells of these small crustaceans accumulates in the flesh of the fish and gives pink, scarlet or orange color to the meat.

It is not profitable to use plankton to feed fish in hatcheries, as it is expensive. Therefore, most aqua farms include dyes in fish feed. The most commonly used drug is canthaxanthin, which can cause liver and vision problems.

It is important for producers to control the size and weight of fish, so hormones, nutritional supplements, antibiotics and vitamins may also be used.

Therefore, if there is an opportunity to make a choice in favor of fish caught from natural habitats, it is better to stick with it.

To learn how to choose salmon, watch the following video.

There is a story on the Internet that in ancient times in Rus' only commoners ate red fish (salmon, trout), and the nobility disdained this fish. We will not confirm or deny this information, as we do not have reliable data. But we’ll add our two cents on the topic of whether salmon or trout is healthier.

Both trout and salmon have a lot in common:

  • They belong to the same family of red fish: salmon;
  • They have the same meat color: red;
  • Almost the same set of useful microelements: polyunsaturated fatty amino acids Omega - 3 and Omega - 6; vitamins A, PP, B, E; other micro- and macroelements.

There are two main differences between these fish species: salmon grow much larger than trout; the price per kg of salmon meat is higher than per kg of trout meat.

Unscrupulous retail sellers take advantage of the fact that trout and salmon meat differ significantly in price (they do not disdain such actions in large supermarkets): they pass off trout meat as salmon meat.

How can you avoid falling for the bait of scammers? When inspecting pieces of fish, you need to pay attention to their size (salmon pieces should be larger), as well as the condition of the lower part of the fish (belly).

The fact is that the fat in salmon is distributed evenly throughout the body of the fish, while in trout there is more fat in the lower part. This fact is not striking, but if you look closely while choosing in a store, the difference is visible.

What is healthier: salmon or trout?

Trout meat is drier/dietary. Doctors recommend it to people who have problems with excess weight, but who should consume polyunsaturated amino acids Omega 3 and 6. But the amount of useful micro-macroelements and their digestibility in the body depends on the method of preparing the fish.

Trout meat is more suitable for grilling and steaming in foil.

When both types of fish are prepared in this way, the meat ceases to be healthy, it simply becomes “tasty.” Moreover, some of the beneficial substances for which people buy this delicacy “leave” from the fish into oil (olive, sunflower) and become a carcinogen. That is, a substance that quietly “kills” the gourmet’s body.

Our resource never tires of repeating two life axioms that most people neglect:

  • It is easier to prevent any problem than to eliminate its consequences;
  • A person makes his body “sick” on his own because he has an incorrect diet, drinks little quality water, has a “stupid” daily routine, etc.

We recommend to all our readers who have health problems: from cancer to “ugly” acne on the face, to analyze their diet structure, what and how much liquid they consume, what their work and rest schedule is.

Remember: all diseases are a consequence of your actions, and nothing more. He understands – a consequence, a logical result of your attitude towards your own health!

The logical conclusion follows from this: if you have “ruined” the body, you can 100% help it.

Yes - it is a complex, difficult process. Bringing your body into a painful state does not require much intelligence. But making it healthy requires enormous effort in the right direction.

But we are confident that these actions are within your capabilities. All the best!

Red fish is incredibly refined and tasty. Many of us can afford to buy it only on exceptional days - only on holidays and for some significant events.

Of course, if your monthly income is high enough that you can consume this product regularly, you are in luck. Because for most it is simply an unaffordable luxury. Only at some very significant events can we see such a delicacy, and, as a rule, it literally flies away before our eyes. Remember what amazing sandwiches you can make with red fish, what an inimitable taste it has, what satisfaction we feel when we eat it.


By the way, all varieties of such fish are quite fatty. Therefore, only a small piece is enough to satisfy your hunger. Also, red fish has a very good effect on the gastrointestinal tract. It ensures permeability and has a beneficial effect on the entire digestive system. As we know, red fish comes in different varieties. This includes trout, salmon, pink salmon, and chum salmon.

But in fact, there are even more species of this fish than we can imagine. In this article we will talk about two representatives: salmon and trout. There is an opinion among people that the first type is much more tasty and valuable. But in this article we will try to dispel all the myths and understand it in more detail and constructively.

Different types

So, which is better: trout or salmon? Firstly, it should be noted that these are indeed different fish. It differs both in quality and price. In addition, fish have different properties, each of them is useful and amazing in its own way. It is difficult to give an exact answer which one tastes better. In this case, a lot depends on your individual gastronomic preferences. And also on what contribution to your health is most valuable to you.


So which is better: trout or salmon? To answer the question as fully as possible, let’s give each species a small description.

Salmon is a fish that lives in the Atlantic Ocean, in lakes in Russia, Norway and Sweden. It contains large amounts of phosphorus, fluorine and magnesium. Very often, doctors recommend that pregnant women consume it, since this fish helps the fetus, or more precisely its skeletal system, to form correctly.

Eating salmon also helps people get rid of many cardiovascular diseases. It has a good effect on the skeletal system, and also thanks to it the intestines begin to work more smoothly.

There is an opinion that eating salmon can save a person from such an unpleasant disease as asthma. It also has a positive effect on human mental activity. By the way, if you are overweight, then salmon is an indispensable assistant in this case too. The fact is that its use will speed up the metabolism and help the rapid breakdown of fats. So, even though this fish is considered quite fatty, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, it helps to get rid of excess weight.


Now let's talk about trout. This fish is found in lakes and also has a number of beneficial properties, like salmon. So, what qualities is this fish famous for? It contains elements such as zinc, iodine, magnesium and potassium.

Eating trout reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis, and the functioning of the digestive system is also normalized. It is surprising that trout even helps to cope with depression, and also, which is important for girls who watch their weight, it is considered a dietary product. You can eat this fish and not be afraid of weight gain.

Everyone must decide for themselves which is better: trout or salmon. To make a choice between two representatives of salmon, we talked about each of the fish. We also gave some general characteristics. Now let's look at their main differences from each other.

External differences

To begin with, let's highlight a number of external signs. Firstly, if you buy a whole fish, then salmon is much larger than trout. The difference in color is also quite significant. In salmon it is almost monochromatic, while trout can be green (on the back) or have a whitish tint on the sides. The color of the meat also has a number of differences. Salmon has a rather dim hue. But trout can have a rather striking red color. Of course, if the shade is too saturated, you should be wary. Since the fish can be simply tinted. It is not recommended to buy frozen, because the above differences will be almost invisible.

Which fish is fattier and higher in calories?

Which is better: trout or salmon? To answer this question, let's talk about the fat content of each type. After all, this indicator is very important when choosing. Although, of course, this is an absolutely individual preference. After all, some people like fatty fish. Another person may have different preferences. What is fattier, trout or salmon? Of course, it is salmon that is considered fattier.

It is enough to give a fairly simple argument to be convinced of this. The fat content of salmon is 15 g per 100 g, and the fat content of trout is 4.3 g. The calorie content is accordingly: salmon has 220 kcal, and trout has 150 kcal. The difference is quite noticeable! But it is worth noting that salmon, despite the large amount of calories, is unlikely to contribute to weight gain. Because it's incredibly useful. But, of course, if it is eaten in moderation.

Which one is healthier?

Okay, what is healthier: salmon or trout? A lot depends on what goals you are pursuing. For example, if you want to lose weight, it would be better to buy trout at the store. Because it has less calories. Trout also has a very good effect on skin condition. Salmon, as we found out earlier, also has a large number of useful properties. Therefore, if you want to experience all these positive aspects, eat without fear of gaining weight.

Of course, in all these questions it is extremely important to take into account the fact that much depends on the methods of preparation. You can buy frozen fish, as well as fresh and lightly salted fish; you can grill or boil it.

It is better to buy lightly salted salmon

The important question is which is better, lightly salted trout or salmon? Definitely the last named fish. It retains all its beneficial properties and substances almost in its original form. Therefore, if you want your body to receive a shock dose of vitamins and beneficial microelements, purchase lightly salted salmon. You can use it to prepare sushi, rolls, sandwiches or salads.

What happens, which fish is better: salmon or trout? It is worth repeating that there is no clear and absolute answer to this question. It all depends on what goals you are pursuing. The main thing is not to make a mistake with your choice and take into account certain recommendations, which we will talk about now.

How to choose the right one

So, choose the right salmon and trout. First, always pay attention to its color. Under no circumstances should you purchase fish that are yellowish in color. Most likely, it has been lying on the counter for quite a long time. Be wary of fish that are too bright. Most likely it is painted. Another very important nuance is its smell. If the fish is no longer fresh, an unpleasant odor comes from the gills. This means that it is not worth buying.


Also in this article I would like to dispel some myths. Many people ask which is better: trout, salmon or salmon? This question is not quite well posed. The fact is that salmon is the name of a whole family, which, by the way, also includes salmon and trout. The salmon family also includes chum salmon, pink salmon, and sockeye salmon. That is, it is a kind of general name. All fish of the salmon family are among the most valuable. In addition, they are quite difficult to obtain. That’s why the price of fish from this family is rather high. These fish are constantly in the sea or lake; at the age of six they enter fast rivers. Catching a representative of the family is a very difficult matter. From time to time they jump above the water in places where it is very difficult for a person to climb. Therefore, it takes quite a long time to catch. In addition, you also need to be smart to catch fish from the salmon family. Fishermen with long experience believe that it is best to fish in the morning. The chances of bringing home fish during this period increase significantly. It is also recommended to catch it before the rain.

How to cook?

There are a lot of ways to cook salmon. It can be boiled to make a delicious snack. Salmon also makes great salads. Many people even make shashlik out of fish.

So, from the above it follows that salmon is the name of the family, and not a specific fish. Therefore, if you ask the question of how salmon, trout and salmon differ, it will be quite difficult to answer. The only thing that can be said about this is that the last fish is the only one that stands out somewhat from this modest series. Because it has slightly different properties.


So, in this article we looked at two amazing fish of the salmon family: salmon and trout. Both of them have excellent taste and unsurpassed quality. Both salmon and trout are also beneficial for our body. Yes, indeed, both fish are quite expensive. But you can’t buy health anywhere either. If you consume these great products at least once a week, you can get rid of many problems.

Today we will learn to distinguish salmon from trout. “Why the hell do we need this?” - you ask. And you will be wrong. For example, can you tell the difference between the taste of cod and hake? Hardly. Not every fishmonger can tell the difference. What if in a restaurant they serve you hake under the guise of cod? Will you eat it or will you start a scandal? Considering that real cod costs many times more than hake, I usually raise a scandal (after which I receive an apology, discount cards and compensation).

Considering that white ocean fish fillets are often supplied without skin, it can be extremely difficult to determine the type of product. And it’s stupid to rely on the seller’s honesty: there is more order in supermarkets, but even there, incidents happen. And sometimes there are such names on the trays that I just shrug my shoulders.

Let's learn how to choose the right fish! So. There are quite a few differences between salmon and trout; we will look at the basic ones.

So. The vast majority of people cannot distinguish salmon from trout by appearance. On the one hand, there is salmon, and there is salmon, but sometimes the difference in price between salmon and trout is one to one and a half dollars per kilogram (and these are raw materials in a factory in Norway), which when producing the finished product results in a two to three dollar difference in price. cost. Which, accordingly, pushes unscrupulous manufacturers to sell one thing under the guise of another.


2. Salmon

3. Trout

4. The differences are as follows:

1. Size. As a rule, salmon is slaughtered when it reaches a weight of 6-7 kilograms. Trout – 3-4. That is, in the store (or on the tray) the salmon carcass will most likely be larger than trout (but not necessarily).

2. Shape of the head and carcass. The salmon's head is much larger and more “pointed”. The salmon is also more “elongated” and looks like a torpedo.

5. Trout is more “pot-bellied”.

3. The shape of the front fins. The fins of salmon are slightly more elongated than those of trout, this can be seen in the first two photos of salmon and trout.

4. Scale shape. Salmon has larger scales than trout

6. For comparison - trout

7. Color. Trout has characteristic stripes on the sides of the carcass, which salmon do not have.


9. Trout meat is almost always much brighter than salmon. The differences are dramatic.


11. Trout


13. Sometimes (due to various reasons) salmon and trout lose color. Frozen fillet may look like this

Usually this is a second-class product, which is sold by the manufacturer at a price significantly lower than a top-quality product. But for the end consumer (that is, you), this product is quite suitable (especially if it is cheaper). Second-grade fish behaves unpredictably when “professionally” salted or smoked, so processing companies do not often accept it. But if you are going to fry it, take it boldly. For pickling, it is better to take a better quality product.

7. Taste. This is where it gets more difficult
When fried, I'm afraid you won't be able to tell salmon from trout. Theoretically, it can be distinguished by the taste as salted (trout is less fatty, but its meat is more tender than salmon). But this is if the raw materials were first-class and the salting was just as good. Sometimes the manufacturer overprocesses the fish so much that it is extremely difficult to distinguish one from the other by taste.

The shelf life of chilled fish is only 14 days from the moment it is produced in Norway at the packaging station. It takes at least a week to deliver the products to the importer’s warehouse and clear customs (sometimes more). In the most optimal case, the supermarket where you buy fish has 5-6 days left to sell it. Pay attention to the appearance: if the meat is weathered, the skin is dry, the fish is clearly overcooked. If you often buy ready-made salmon steaks from the culinary department, remember that you are preparing them from fish that you were unable to sell on time. No one will tell you whether she lay there for 5 days (according to the norm) or 8.

The shelf life of frozen fish (at a temperature of -18 degrees) is two years from the date of production. So, on the one hand, it’s easier here. But fish in the supermarket lies in an open banette (much less often in a closed one) which does not hold the required temperature. You don’t know how long it’s been lying there, so again, pay attention not to its appearance. The slightest yellowness is a sign of oxidation. You can no longer eat such fish. At the same time, pale salmon or trout does not at all mean that the fish is bad.

Separately about processed (salted or smoked) salmon/trout. I emphasize: the fish may lose color, but this does not mean that it is bad. Excessively bright fish should be much more alarming: some manufacturers add dyes to the fish during processing. Do you need it? So if you see salmon that looks like trout and “pale” salmon in color, it’s better to take the pale one. Don't take risks.