Receive your fan ID on the day of the match. How to get a fan ID and match tickets. Fast, no queue. What is a fan passport

14 important questions about FAN ID

“Soviet Sport” has collected the most important questions about the fan passport and tried to answer them.

We remind you that every football fan who has purchased a ticket for the 2018 World Cup is required to apply for and receive a fan passport ( FANID). You will NOT be allowed into the stadium without it!

1. Is a fan ID required for all spectators?

2. Is it possible to buy a ticket using one identification document, and when applying for a fan passport, enter the details of another?

Yes. You only need to use the same identification document when applying for a fan passport and when receiving it.

Articles | How I tried to buy tickets for the 2018 World Cup, but, alas...

3. Is it possible to obtain a fan ID before purchasing a ticket for a match?

No, only ticket holders can obtain a fan ID.

4. Is it possible to get a fan ID after purchasing a ticket without having a ticket in hand?

A ticket is only required when applying for a FAN ID.

5. Is the fan passport valid for the entire period of the 2018 World Cup?

A fan passport is issued once for the entire period of the 2018 World Cup.

6. What should I do if a spectator applies for a fan passport, but then changes his last name?

During registration, the details of a valid identity document must be entered, so a new fan passport will need to be issued.

7. If I lost/forgot my fan ID, is it possible to get a duplicate on the spot?

To receive a duplicate, you will need to present an identification document, the details of which were indicated in the application for a fan passport. A lost/forgotten fan ID will be blocked.

8. Is it possible to obtain a fan passport at the issuance center for a spouse, friend, or relative?

Yes, upon presentation of a photocopy of the identity document of the principal, a power of attorney certified by a notary, and an identity document of the authorized person.

9. Who can apply for and receive a fan ID for children under 14 years of age?

Legal representative of the child. This is the parent or representative appointed by the guardianship authority.

At the same time, in five cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sochi, Kazan and Kaliningrad - on December 7, the grand opening of registration and issuance centers for fan passports (Fan ID) for the 2018 FIFA World Cup took place. The Moscow center was opened at the address: Khamovnicheskiy Val Street, house 34.

The opening was attended by Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Vitaly Mutko, Minister of Communications and Mass Communications of Russia Nikolai Nikiforov, Ambassador of the FIFA Fan Fest Alexander Kerzhakov and Ambassador of the 2018 FIFA World Cup Laysan Utyasheva.

“This is the most important stage of preparation for the World Cup, practically the beginning of the tournament. The draw has passed, everything is clear, the most important moment is coming - purchasing tickets and receiving fan IDs. Fan ID includes many services - visa-free entry, free movement around our country and cities. We are very glad that such work begins today, there are already up to 80 thousand applications, it will be possible to receive passports, so I urge all fans to prepare for the FIFA World Cup,” said the head of the Russia 2018 organizing committee, Vitaly Mutko.

According to Nikolai Nikiforov, the fan passport will become a standard and will be used in other countries.

“Russia introduced the fan passport for the first time. Colleagues expressed doubts, but the Confederations Cup proved the opposite - more than half a million people received passports, including those outside Russia. About 90 percent received passports in advance, 10 percent in tents near the stadiums,” he said.

A fan passport is a personalized spectator card that every fan who buys a ticket to the 2018 World Cup matches should receive. It gives the right to free travel between the cities that are organizing the world championship matches, as well as on city public transport (applies to buses, trolleybuses, trams and metro), commuter trains and Aeroexpress trains. A fan passport gives foreign citizens the right to visa-free entry into Russia during the tournament. You can only receive it after FIFA confirms your ticket purchase request. This can be done online and at registration centers. On December 5, the second stage of ticket sales for the 2018 FIFA World Cup started. Fans can apply for purchase exclusively on the official website of the tournament. This stage will be divided into two periods. The first - by random draw - will take place until January 31. Fans can apply for tickets for all matches except the opening and final matches. It does not matter what day the application is submitted: all potential buyers will have an equal chance of success. If the number of applications exceeds the number of available seats, tickets will be allocated using a random draw.

The World Championship will be held from June 14 to July 15, 2018 in 11 cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sochi, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Saransk, Samara, Rostov-on-Don, Volgograd, Kaliningrad and Yekaterinburg.

The 2018 FIFA World Cup is one of the most anticipated events for many football fans. However, in order to get to the long-awaited match, you need not only to buy a ticket, but also to issue an individual spectator card (fan passport, FAN ID).

The card can only be issued for a specific spectator, so each visitor to a football match must ensure that the relevant requirement is met. Russians should also know how to get their personal fan ID for the upcoming World Cup in 2018.

Foreigners can apply for a spectator card for visa-free entry into Russia during the long-awaited sporting event.

Stages of obtaining a fan passport

The application can be submitted through FAN ID or at special issuance centers. The site is most convenient for those who do not live in the host cities of football matches and for foreigners. Others can go to specialized centers. Regardless of the chosen method, you need to know all the stages of obtaining a fan passport.

Initially, you need to buy a ticket to a FIFA football match. Tickets can be purchased at ticket sales centers in participating cities and on the official FIFA website. Only after purchasing a ticket can you proceed further.

If you have chosen a remote method for issuing a document, you will need to visit the special FAN ID website, select a language convenient for you and fill out a special application with the obligatory entry of the ticket number and filling out all the cells.

You will need to enter the following personal data to receive a fan:

  • last name, first name and patronymic;
  • Date of Birth;
  • details of the document that identifies the football fan;
  • citizenship.

Then on the FAN ID website you will need to upload a photo, taking into account the standard requirements.

When planning to go to the Distribution Center, you need to take the original ID and match ticket or at least the ticket application number.

In the future, the process of obtaining a fan passport follows the same procedure:

  1. You need to provide your current contact information and wait for the result. It is advisable to provide a telephone number and email address. In the future, you will be able to find out the stage of document readiness.
  2. Now you can receive notifications about the readiness of documents: in print, delivered to the operator, issued, not processed, refusal to issue. It is important to understand that any application is processed in stages and you need to be patient. Refusal to issue may be due to incorrect data, poor-quality photography or an error in the security service, and it will always be reasoned. Up to 72 hours are allowed for consideration of the application. Notifications always come via SMS and email.
  3. The finished document can be picked up in a convenient way: at the Issue Center or at the post office. In any case, you must present the original ID.

    Have you issued a fan passport for yourself?

Every football fan should know how to guarantee a fan passport for the upcoming 2018 FIFA World Cup in order to still attend the sporting event.

The most important information about obtaining a fan ID

Football fans are interested in receiving detailed answers to their questions:

  1. To obtain a fan passport, the following documents are required: passport, ticket or fan ID. The package of documents provided is standard.
  2. A fan passport must also be issued for children. To obtain a document for a child under 14 years of age, the assistance of a parent, guardian or other legal representative will be required. A child under 14 years of age must present the original birth certificate for the match or its ID, and have a photograph taken for the document.
  3. A photo is required for the fan passport. If applying in person, a photograph can be taken directly at the passport issuing center. When submitting an application through the website, a photograph must be attached electronically. In any case, a photograph is required to obtain the document.
  4. You can sometimes get a fan ID for your close relative. To do this, you will need to present a personal passport, a copy of the principal’s passport, as well as a power of attorney with notarization.
  5. It is not necessary to issue a passport for each match separately. The fan passport will be a single document for all matches during the World Cup. The most important thing is to always take your fan ID to matches, as the document will be scanned upon entry each time. For this reason, it is extremely important to know how to obtain a fan passport in a timely manner to attend the 2018 FIFA World Cup matches in Russia.
  6. Foreigners can count on visa-free entry and exit when holding football matches in Russia. This will be valid from June 4 to July 25.

A fan passport is considered invalid in the following situations: loss or damage to the document, indication of inaccurate personal data, change of surname after receiving the document before the match date. In these situations, you will need to replace the document at the nearest specialized center.

Taking into account important points guarantees receipt of a document for legal attendance at all football matches during the World Cup. Every fan should know how to properly obtain a fan ID to legally attend matches at the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

Each spectator of the World Cup matches will have to obtain a 2018 World Cup fan passport (Fan-ID). Both Russian citizens and foreigners will need this document. The personalized card is designed to identify each stadium visitor so that organizers can minimize the risk of unrest among football fans and prevent terrorist attacks. At the same time, having a Fan-ID will give its owner a number of benefits. What kind of benefits will these be, how to apply for them and where to get a fan ID? Let's look at each of these questions in detail!

Why do you need a passport?

The 2016 European Football Championship was remembered not only for its spectacular matches, but also for clashes between fans from different countries, which sometimes turned into real street fights! First of all, the brutal clashes between Russian fans and English ultras are memorable. To stop such incidents, the organizers of the world championship took a number of special measures. A fan card, for which the applicant must provide his detailed personal data, should become one of the barriers to football hooligans. It will allow identifying unwanted subjects at the initial stage. According to the organizers, this innovation should increase the safety of the world championship.

Another threat that the “fan passport” is designed to stop is terrorism. The infamous events in Paris and Berlin are still fresh in my memory. Therefore, the special services are vitally interested in the appearance of a document that would become an additional barrier for extremists.

Fan-ID is not know-how. For the first time in domestic realities, it was tested during the Sochi Olympics. Apparently, the experience was so successful that the organizers of the Confederation Cup and the World Cup adopted the personalized map.

How to get a fan passport for the 2018 World Cup

First of all, the applicant needs to buy a ticket to any match of the 2018 World Championship. Only after this can he apply for a Fan-ID. To become the owner of this document, a fan must either contact the center for issuing such passports, or use a special website where he can apply for it online.

Specialized offices will open in 11 cities participating in the World Cup. Here is their list:

  • Moscow;
  • Kaliningrad;
  • Saint Petersburg;
  • Volgograd;
  • Kazan;
  • Nizhny Novgorod;
  • Samara;
  • Saransk;
  • Rostov-on-Don;
  • Sochi;
  • Ekaterinburg.

In Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sochi, fan card issuance centers opened in December 2016. In February, ticket holders for Confederations Cup matches will be able to receive a Fan-ID there. However, World Cup fans must apply for passports separately. The timing of the issuance of documents for World Cup spectators is still unknown.

You can also get a 2018 World Cup fan ID on the official website To do this, you need to go to the resource and fill out a form in which you must indicate:

  1. ticket order number;
  2. citizenship and passport details;
  3. date of birth;
  4. photo showing the face from the front;
  5. email address and phone number.

Exactly the same requirements are practiced in the centers for issuing fan cards in the cities participating in the World Cup.

Online registration is especially beneficial for foreigners. After all, for this they will not need to specially come to one of the 11 cities where the world championship football matches will be held. Citizens of foreign countries will only need to fill out a form and wait for the application to be approved. After all formal procedures, Fan-ID will be sent to them by mail. By the way, the presence of such a document will allow a foreigner to enter Russia without a visa, as well as take advantage of preferential and even free transport in some places. This innovation should not only improve the safety of spectators of the World Cup, but also simplify the movement of all World Cup fans as much as possible!


The unprecedented rampant terrorism and football ultras forced the organizers of sporting events to take a different look at the previous security criteria. The personal Fan-ID became the answer to new challenges. Such certificates have proven themselves well during the Winter Olympics in Sochi. Therefore, there is no doubt that this know-how will have a beneficial effect on the security level of the World Cup!

A 2018 World Cup fan passport is required for the duration of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Let's see why this Fan-ID is needed, how to get it and what other advantages does it provide?

What is a fan passport?

A fan passport is a document required for all spectators of the 2018 FIFA World Cup matches, required to enter the stadium. A fan ID is a small laminated form containing a photograph and personal information of the owner. The document also has a special magnetic chip for storing all information about its owner.

Why do you need a fan ID (Fan-ID)?

To personally attend matches of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, you need to obtain a fan ID. Without it, even if you have a ticket, entry to the stadium will be denied. This personalized individual card is designed to minimize the risk that one of the fans decides to cause riots. The procedure will also help stop various conflicts between fans, who will now behave more disciplined.
In addition, the fan registration card will help prevent possible terrorist threats: in order to receive it and be allowed into the stands, you will have to go through a check, including through intelligence service databases. If it turns out that a person has previously been seen in something criminal (even hooliganism), then he may be denied a Fan-ID.
Anyone who decides not to maintain public order, burn fires in the stands, try to bring prohibited items into sports facilities, throw things on the field, etc., risks being left without a fan ID. For such violations, a person will no longer be allowed to attend other World Cup matches.

How to get a fan passport for the 2018 World Cup?

Anyone who decides to watch the 2018 World Cup games live will need a registration card. You can apply for a fan ID only after the application for a ticket from FIFA has been confirmed. Only after this can you start registering a Fan-ID, which is possible through: a personal visit to a specialized center or an official online resource.
Points where passports will be issued are open in all 11 cities where matches of the 2018 World Cup will be held.

Here is their list:

  • Moscow

Moscow, st. Khamovnichesky Val, 34. Opening hours: Tue.-Sun. – from 11.00 to 20.00 (without break).
Monday is a day off.

Moscow, Koroviy Val street, building 5, building 1. Opening hours: Mon.-Sun. – from 9.00 to 21.00 (without breaks). On holidays, the Distribution Center operates according to normal hours.

Moscow, Volokolamskoe highway, 73. Opening hours: Mon.-Sun. – from 09.00 to 21.00 (without breaks). On holidays, the Distribution Center operates according to normal hours.

  • Saint Petersburg

St. Petersburg, Liteiny pr., 26, business center "Preobrazhensky Dvor". Opening hours: Tue.-Sun. – from 11.00 to 20.00 (without break). Monday is a day off.

St. Petersburg, Primorsky Prospekt, 72, shopping center "Piterland". Opening hours: Mon.-Sun. – from 09.00 to 21.00 (without breaks). On holidays, the Distribution Center operates according to normal hours.

St. Petersburg, Dobrolyubova Ave. 20, building 1, SWISSAM school. Opening hours: Mon.-Sun. – from 09.00 to 21.00 (without breaks). On holidays, the Distribution Center operates according to normal hours.

  • Kaliningrad

Kaliningrad, st. Teatralnaya, 35. Opening hours: Tue.-Sun. – from 11.00 to 20.00 (without break).
Monday is a day off.
How to get there: You can get from Khrabrovo Airport to the FAN ID Issue Center by bus 244-E. Proceed to Victory Square. The distribution center is located on the second floor of the Morskoy business center.

  • Kazan

Kazan, st. Bauman, 44/8, shopping and entertainment complex "Rodina". Opening hours: Tue.-Sun. – from 11.00 to 20.00 (without break).
Monday is a day off.
How to get there: from the Kremlevskaya metro station you need to walk along the even side of Bauman Street to house 44/8. The distribution center is located at the intersection of Bauman and Musa Jalil streets. The entrance is located on the side of Bauman Street.

  • Nizhny Novgorod

Nizhny Novgorod, st. Sovnarkomovskaya, 28. Opening hours: Tue.-Sun. – from 11.00 to 20.00 (without break).
Monday is a day off.
How to get there: from the Moskovskaya metro station (exit from the Moskovsky railway station) you need to walk along the even side of Sovetskaya Street to house No. 18 (the intersection of Sovetskaya and Sovnarkomovskaya streets). From house No. 18, turn left onto Sovnarkomovskaya Street. Proceed along the even side of Sovnarkomovskaya Street meters to house No. 28.

  • Samara

Samara, Moskovskoe highway, 17. Opening hours: Tue.-Sun. – from 11.00 to 20.00 (without break).
Monday is a day off.
How to get there: from the Moskovskaya metro station, on the odd side of Gagarin Street, proceed to Moskovskoe Highway. The distribution center is located on the third floor of the Power of Sports shopping center.

  • Rostov-on-Don

Rostov-on-Don, st. Nizhnebulvarnaya, 6. Opening hours: Tue.-Sun. – from 11.00 to 20.00 (without break).
Monday is a day off.
How to get there: from the railway station you can take buses 3, 3A, 7, 70, 80 to the Stanislavskogo Street stop. Further along the even side of Voroshilovsky Prospekt go to the Don River. Before the Voroshilovsky Bridge, turn left and go down the stairs to Nizhnebulvarnaya Street. Turn left and walk 150 meters. The distribution center is located in the Five Seas business center.

  • Sochi

Sochi, st. Novaya Zarya, 7, MoreMall shopping center. Opening hours: Tue.-Sun. – from 11.00 to 20.00 (without break).
Monday is a day off.
How to get there: from Sochi railway station you can take buses 105, 105k, 105c, 125 to the MoreMall Shopping and Entertainment Center stop. The distribution center is located on the ground floor of the shopping and entertainment center. The entrance is from the embankment in the middle of the center, to the right of the Touching Zoo.

  • Ekaterinburg

The distribution center is located at: Ekaterinburg, st. Vainera, 9 in the Passage shopping center.

How to get there: from the metro station “Metro 1905 Goda” (exit towards Teatralny Lane). From the station exit on Teatralny Lane, you need to go straight to the Bankovsky shopping complex, turn right into Bankovsky Lane and proceed straight towards Lenin Avenue to the entrance to the Passage Shopping Center. The distribution center is located on the third floor.

  • Volgograd

The distribution center is located at the address: Volgograd, Ave. named after V.I. Lenina 54B.

How to get there: from the train station take trolleybus 12v or minibus 123 to the TsPKiO stop. From the stop on the even side of V.I. Lenin Avenue, proceed to the Premier Building business center. Then turn left and proceed to the shopping center "Europe City Mall". The distribution center is located on the second floor of the Europe City Mall shopping center.

  • Saransk

The distribution center is located at: Saransk, st. Bolshevistskaya 30, Business Center "Admiral"

How to get there from the railway station: from the Saransk-1 station, cross the Heroes-Stratonauts Square. Further along Lenin Avenue, follow the odd side to house 23 (the intersection of Lenin Avenue and Polezhaeva Street). From house 23 turn right onto the street. Polezhaeva. Proceed along the even-numbered side of the street to house 36 (the intersection of Polezhaeva and Bolshevistskaya streets). From house 36 turn left and follow Bolshevistskaya Street to the Distribution Center.

To apply for a 2018 World Cup fan passport online, you need to go to the site and fill out a form where you will need to indicate:

Ticket application number or ticket number
Full name
Passport details including citizenship
Date of birth
Contact information (phone number, e-mail, etc.).

You will also need to upload your photo, which has a number of strict requirements.

Online registration is especially beneficial for foreigners. After all, for this they will not need to specially come to one of the 11 cities where the world championship football matches will be held. Citizens of foreign countries will only need to fill out a form and wait for the application to be approved. After all formal procedures, Fan-ID will be sent to them by mail.

Approximate Estimated delivery time Fan passports abroad – up to 30 days. In Russia, delivery to the border postal exchange point is carried out within 7 - 11 days.
For obtaining a fan passport no need to pay anything. All costs are already included in the ticket price. At the same time, a fan passport for the 2018 FIFA World Cup is mandatory for both Russians and visitors to our country. Even children will have to complete it.
When receiving a Fan-ID at a specialized center, take with you the main document that proves your identity. Citizens under 14 years of age will need a birth certificate. If your fan ID is lost, it will have to be restored. As the organizers of the 2018 World Cup promise, this will be possible even at the box office of the stadiums hosting the championship matches, and not just at the distribution centers.

What other benefits and benefits will the 2018 World Cup fan passport provide?

Fan-ID’s tasks also include creating favorable conditions for all football fans:
For foreign citizens, this document will replace a visa. That is, upon presentation of Fan-ID (foreign passport, tickets, etc.), guests from other countries will be able to freely enter Russian territory.
At airports, using an individual fan card, you will be able to go through passport control using a simplified procedure.
Identification will allow you to avoid numerous checks at the entrance to stadiums.
It will provide an opportunity to travel for free on public transport in the cities participating in the World Cup.
Using a personal fan card, you will be able to use Russian Railways services for free. We are talking about traveling by rail between the cities where the world championship matches will take place.
It is expected that thanks to this document, during breaks between football matches it will be possible to attend many cultural and entertainment events for free or at a good discount.
Closer to the start of the 2018 World Cup, the tournament organizers will announce other benefits of a fan passport. But even now, the implementation of such a system for identifying football fans seems promising, convenient and extremely useful.

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