Medicine Ball: A versatile training tool. Heavy Balls - Medicine Ball, Slam Ball, Medicine Ball

« Full name» medicine ball - medicine ball. “In shape and size, it resembles a basketball, filled with shavings, metal, gel or sand,” says Inna Zakharova, master trainer of the direction group programs federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit. “The medicine ball cover is made of thick rubber, nylon or leather.”

When choosing a medicine ball, first of all, you need to take into account its weight, size and coating material. You should select it depending on your experience and the type of exercises that you plan to perform with this fitness equipment.

How to choose a medicine ball: by type of exercise

“Training with medicine balls made of different materials puts stress on different groups muscles and affect the comfort of performing exercises,” explains Irina Zakharova. “Leather balls, for example, are often used in boxing and crossfit, while nylon balls are used for classic functional training.” Before purchasing a medicine ball, think about what exercises you will perform with it.

* In many basic and isolation exercises Medicine ball is used as a weighting agent, for example,

In this case, you should choose a small ball.

* For throwing exercises A bulky and heavy medicine ball is suitable. “Unlike a regular ball, it does not bounce off surfaces, but absorbs the force of the impact. Therefore, it is suitable for different variations of throws involving all muscles, including the core muscles,” says Inna Zakharova. What do these movements look like?

* For functional exercises on an unstable support (where the medicine ball plays its role), choose balls with a non-slip surface. The size of the ball will help you adjust the load: the smaller the diameter of the medicine ball, the more difficult it is to perform such exercises.

* For pulling exercises A medicine ball with one or two handles is best. “In this case, by the way, they can replace a weight,” says Inna Zakharova. “However, such a projectile is not suitable for exercises where it needs to be rolled from side to side. A handleless machine is more versatile: it can be used in all exercises, from throws to push-ups.”

How to choose a medicine ball: by weight

Experts advise not to chase large scales. “If you are a beginner, do not try to take a heavier projectile,” comments Inna Zakharova. — To begin with, take the lightest medicine ball, but strive to perform the selected exercises with it efficiently, and for now increase the load by increasing the number of repetitions. When you can easily perform more than 20 repetitions of an exercise, it makes sense to purchase a heavier apparatus.”

Medicine ball exercises are not something completely new. This is not a workout that was invented recently. There is information that Hippocrates used leather balls filled with sand to special complexes exercises to help rehabilitate wounded warriors. Such devices were also used in later times.

Obviously, this is why the projectile is called a medicine ball - a medicine ball. IN modern form it is a ball made of dense, rough rubber, filled with sand, sawdust or filled with a special gel. Leather can be used instead of rubber. Its weight can vary widely, from 1-3 kg for beginners and warm-up complexes exercises up to 5-7 kg and above - for strength training . You can make a medicine ball with your own hands. To do this you need to sew a ball out of leather the right size

and fill it with sand.

Nuances of training

Let's look at exercises with the classic form - a ball. The weight of the medicine ball is selected individually. It’s best to take a piece of equipment right in the store and do 10-15 repetitions of any exercise with it. You should be able to do this without much strain. As your training progresses, you can always replace the apparatus with a heavier one. But you should not buy a medicine ball with the future in mind. It should correspond to your current level of physical development.

It is best to train with a medicine ball in a gym, fitness club or crossfit gym. Indeed, in some sets of exercises the ball has a very impressive weight and sometimes flies out of your hands. What will happen to your favorite vase or cupboard if they are hit by such a projectile? And all the exercises are quite specific and require open space. In addition, a CrossFit gym or other similar gym has a variety of machines that you can use to diversify your workouts.

Exercises with a medicine ball Before each workout, you should do a regular warm-up. Work your joints well so as not to injure them with the weight of the projectile. Never eat too much before training. There are a huge number with medicine balls. And for warming up, and for training the whole body, and for influencing only certain muscle groups. Let's look at the universal ones. Each exercise must be repeated 10-15-20 times, performing 3 approaches.

So, exercises where all muscle groups are involved:

Making throws

The next routine involves throwing a medicine ball at a wall. Executes quickly. The pace is explosive.

  1. Stand in front of a gym wall and throw a medicine ball at it, like you're making a basketball pass. Repeat 10-15 times.
  2. Stand straight, with your back to the wall, spread your legs wide. Raise your arms above your head, then quickly bend down and throw the medicine ball at the wall between your spread legs.
  3. While squatting with a medicine ball in your hands, jump forward. Jump 10-15 times or as many times as you can.
  4. A heavy medicine ball can also be used as a classic kettlebell, lifting it from the shoulders with both hands and one. This is a great workout for the shoulder girdle.

Exercises with this apparatus are effective and differ little in impact from exercises with weights or dumbbells. You can alternate between different workouts, choosing what you like best. After all, each exercise should be performed with pleasure, only then the effect will be maximum.

Within the walls of the “YourRevolution1905” club, we are ready to professionally help you tighten your body and improve physical fitness. Whole sets of exercises developed by certified specialists, nutritional recommendations, “smart” weighing and much more, all this will help you achieve your goal as effectively as possible. For maximum efficiency and quick results You can train individually (one-on-one with a trainer) or in mini-groups of up to ten people. Come to our classes and we will help you become the best version of yourself!

September 13, 2016

Medball - what is it?

IN modern fitness special ones are widely used medicine balls or medicine balls. With their help, you can perform a whole range of useful and effective exercises. They are equally suitable for training adults and children, men and women.

Medicine ball is sports equipment round or other shape, the weight of which can range from 1 to 20 kg. There are also heavier models designed for training a separate group of athletes. Such balls are most often made from a durable rubber shell, which is filled with sand or other bulk material.

In essence, a medicine ball is a weighting device, a kind of analogue of a traditional kettlebell or dumbbell. IN training process it can be used in different ways: throw a medicine ball to a partner, throw it against walls, jump with it, etc.

One of the obvious advantages of this projectile is its compactness. A medicine ball takes up very little space, so you can train with it in a large gym or at home.

  1. Using a medicine ball in sports training very effective and aimed primarily at strengthening the musculoskeletal system of the human body.
  2. With its help, almost any movement is beneficial, since the ball creates excellent resistance.
  3. Medicine ball is an excellent tool for creating a beautiful and toned figure.
  4. Exercises with it are aimed at developing almost all muscle groups in the body.


  • legs and arms,
  • shoulder girdle,
  • chest and back,
  • buttocks,
  • press.

This equipment is necessary not only for sports training. It is an excellent find in the fight against excess weight; with it you can perfectly develop dexterity and coordination of movements. Medicine ball is also indispensable for health and rehabilitation purposes.

Children, teenagers, young people, adults and the elderly - absolutely for all categories of the population you can develop your own training with a medicine ball. This versatile and simple exercise machine helps fitness enthusiasts build a slim and flexible figure, and professional athletes develop strength, speed and endurance.

Description of basic exercises

Medicine balls are used for functional and explosive training, in single, pair and group training.

Below are the 5 most effective and most popular medicine ball exercises.

  • This exercise perfectly develops the muscles of the chest and shoulder girdle.
  • To complete it, you will need a strong wall (an option with a partner is possible).
  1. You need to stand two or three meters from her and fix the ball against your chest.
  2. Then you need to step forward with your left foot and at the same time throw a medicine ball against the wall.
  3. Having caught the bounced ball in your hands, you need to return to the starting position and, changing your leg, repeat the exercise.
  • It is recommended to perform three sets of 15-20 throws (the time interval between sets should be 1-2 minutes).

  1. First, you need to place your feet shoulder-width apart, while relaxing your shoulders.
  2. Having fixed the medicine ball near the chest, you need to perform a deep and sharp lunge forward with your right leg.
  3. After this, you need to extend your arms with the ball forward and turn your body to the right.
  4. Then you should return to the starting position and repeat the exercise, but with a lunge left leg(and, accordingly, turning the body to the left).
  • The exercise must be repeated 10-12 times on each leg.
  • This exercise wonderfully develops the back area.

Another effective exercise with a wall.

  1. To perform it, you need to stand facing the wall, fixing the medicine ball at chest level.
  2. Then you need to bend your knees slightly, move your pelvis, squat down and immediately jump vertically high.
  3. In this case, you need to touch the ball to the wall at the highest point of your jump.
  4. After landing on the floor, you should immediately sit down and repeat the exercise again.
  • In one approach you should perform up to 20 jumps.
  • Rest time between approaches is 2-3 minutes.

The exercise in the video is slightly different

This exercise fits perfectly into intense workouts. circuit training according to the CrossFit system.

  1. To begin, you need to stand straight with the ball at your chest.
  2. Having moved your pelvis back, you need to squat down and at the same time bring the medicine ball between your legs and back.
  3. From this position, you need to jump as far forward as possible, while throwing the ball back to your chest (but without letting it go from your hands).
  4. Having completed one jump, you must immediately begin the next one.
  • In total, it is recommended to perform at least 10 jumps in one approach.

  1. To perform it, you need to hold the medicine ball in front of you with both hands.
  2. One of the legs needs to be slightly bent at the knee and the body tilted forward, parallel to the floor.
  3. At the same time, the other leg must be lifted off the floor and pulled back.
  4. You must try to ensure that the raised leg, body and arms extended forward are in the same horizontal line.
  • This exercise must be performed 10-12 times.
  • After a short rest you need to change supporting leg and repeat the approach again.
  • Another effective exercise with a medicine ball that will help pump up your legs and develop a sense of balance.

How to choose the right medicine ball for your workouts?

  • You need to proceed from two main parameters: weight and shape of the projectile.
  • The choice of ball weight should be taken extremely seriously. It must provide sufficient resistance during the training process.
  • For beginners, it is recommended to choose a medicine ball with a weight of 1 to 3 kg. Over time, it will be possible to replace it with a heavier one.
  • Another important point Something to consider: At a sporting goods store, a medicine ball may seem too light. However, we must not forget that with it you will have to perform several approaches (with 10-20 repetitions) in one workout.
  • In stores you can find classic round medicine balls, as well as balls with handles or steering wheel-shaped projectiles. It is best to purchase a round medicine ball, as it is suitable for almost all types of exercises with medicine balls.


It's hard to believe, but medicine ball is over two thousand years old! Yes, this sports equipment is by no means new. Its inventor can be considered Hippocrates, who used balls filled with sand to restore his patients after injuries.

Today, medicine balls can be seen in almost any gym.

  • Almost all exercises with them are recommended to be performed in three approaches (10-20 times).
  • Experienced athletes who want to develop speed and strength can increase the number of approaches to 4-5.
  • When performing exercises with a medicine ball, you should follow simple safety rules. Because of its pretty heavy weight, these balls can be dangerous to others. Therefore, when throwing or receiving a medicine ball from a partner, you need to be careful not to injure anyone around.

According to the famous saying, everything ingenious is simple. Medicine ball is not very complicated either. This one is simple and universal trainer will help beginners create flexible, slender and strong body. Professional athletes with its help they will be able to further develop their strength and speed characteristics.

One of the main advantages of a medicine ball as a simulator for training at home is its compactness. It takes up little space: even the largest medicine ball does not exceed 40 cm in diameter. Plus, the medicine ball is not an elastic ball, it will not roll or jump around the house.

On the other hand, you can take it with you to Gym or at sports ground, where it will add variety to your workouts.

How to choose a medicine ball

Try your usual exercises: the weight of the ball should provide little resistance, but your coordination must remain precise so that the workout remains safe for the ligaments and muscles. Keep in mind that even if the ball seems easy to you in the store, you will need to do several sets of 10-20 repetitions.

To improve flexibility and agility at first, a ball weighing no more than 1–3 kg will be enough. Heavier models are suitable for strength training and well-trained athletes. In any case, it is better to first buy a lighter ball, and eventually replace it with a heavier one. You shouldn't buy it to grow.

As for the shape, unlike models with handles or a steering wheel, a regular round ball is suitable for a larger number of exercises. Therefore, we advise you to give preference to the classics.

Training with a medicine ball as a weighting agent

You can simply take a not too heavy medicine ball in your hands to further complicate the usual or.

Functional training

You can hold the medicine ball not only in your hands, but also between your knees or use it for support. Here is a basic set of classic exercises for the whole body.
  1. To warm up:
    • sit on the floor with your legs wide apart, use a ball for support during dynamic stretching;
    • stand up a little legs bent, take the medicine ball in your hand and, wrapping it around yourself, pass it behind your back to the other hand;
    • stand with your legs slightly bent, squat slightly, twist at the waist, moving the ball from side to side at knee level;
    • stand up straight, lift the medicine ball above your head, stretch, then lower the ball down to your feet (you can drop it and then bend down to pick it up).
  2. Push ups. Support on the ball will add to classic exercise coordination training.
  3. Twisting. You can take the ball in your hands and pull it out while lifting your body, or you can, on the contrary, hold it between your knees.
  4. Torso twists. While standing or sitting, turn at the waist, moving the ball as far as possible to the side.
  5. Plank. Lean on the medicine ball with your hands (or one hand): balancing on the ball will increase the load of a regular plank.
  6. For upper body muscles, lift and lower the ball in your hands:
    • lower your straight arms down, pull the ball, bending your arms at chest level;
    • move the medicine ball behind your head, elbows should be facing forward, straighten your arms above your head;
    • Stretch your arms in front of you, raise your straight arms with the ball above your head (you can carefully toss the medicine ball).

Do 10 repetitions. Take your time, perform the movements smoothly to work each muscle.

Explosive training

For extension muscle mass It’s better to choose a heavier ball and use it like a basketball: throw it forcefully at the wall so that it can bounce, and then catch it. Such exercises are especially effective for the muscles of the upper body (arms, abs, back), and also improve coordination and endurance.

Find a stronger wall and perform various throws:

  1. Face the wall, ball at chest level: forward throw (like a basketball).
  2. Side to the wall, ball level with the hip farthest from the wall: throw diagonally upward.
  3. Sideways to the wall greater distance, ball level with the shoulder farthest from the wall: a powerful throw down diagonally while simultaneously short jumping towards the wall for extra momentum.
  4. Standing on one knee with your side to the wall, the ball over the shoulder farthest from the wall: throw diagonally down.
  5. With your back to the wall, the ball at chest level: with the body turned, the forward throw is a complicated version of the first exercise.
  6. Back to the wall, leaning down, ball below: throw back into the wall. The difficulty is that the ball needs to be caught.
  7. Face the wall, medicine ball at chest level: jump sharply and throw your hands with the ball as high as possible (no need to let go of the ball).

Do 5-10 throws at a high tempo, resting 1-2 minutes between exercises. Remember to turn to the other side to practice punches with both hands.

Exercises in pairs

When performing exercises together, remember that the medicine ball is a heavy exercise machine. Be attentive to your partner so as not to drop the ball.

  1. Stand with your back to each other, feet shoulder-width apart. Bend over and pass the ball to your partner, then straighten up and receive the ball from above.
  2. Similar to the previous one, but pass the ball not downwards, but leaning to the side.
  3. Similar to the previous one, rotate at the waist and pass the ball at chest level.
  4. Standing facing each other at a distance of 1-2 meters, throw the ball to each other from the chest.
  5. Similar to the previous one, but throw the ball from the chest through the impact on the floor in the center between you.
  6. Kneeling facing each other, throw the ball from your chest across the floor between you.
  7. Standing sideways to each other, lift the medicine ball over your shoulder and throw it to each other through the impact on the floor in the center between you.
  8. Stand sideways to each other. Raise the ball over your shoulder and throw it to each other through the impact on the floor in the center between you.
  9. Standing next to each other facing the wall, throw the ball at the wall so that your partner can catch it.

After completing the exercise for 1 minute, rest for 30 seconds and switch roles.

If you need to buy medicine balls for home training or equipping a gym or fitness room, then look at the range of medicine balls at prices favorable to you in the SPORTS-TECH online store. Here you can buy medicine balls wholesale and retail, only from trusted manufacturers of high-quality sports equipment.

How to buy medicine balls in our store?

To do this, you need to click on the “buy” button under the product, which will then automatically be added to the cart. In the basket you can create a commercial offer in pdf format and print it on the company letterhead " Sports Technologies", or start placing your order immediately.

Assortment of medicine balls, medicine balls

Medicine balls are available from 1 to 20 kg in different colors. The surface can be made of the following materials:

  • awning;
  • rubber;
  • artificial leather;
  • Genuine Leather.

Medicine ball, or medicine ball, is necessary for athletes to recover from injuries and surgeries, and is also good as a training apparatus for fitness, gymnastics, weightlifting, etc.

With the help of such equipment, all the muscles of the body are actively restored and developed, but this happens in a gentle manner. It is suitable for children, adults, and elderly people with weakened musculoskeletal systems.

You should start training with a medicine ball with the lightest weight, gradually increasing it. It will also be easier for beginners to use a tool with one or two handles.

In our catalog, in addition to regular medicine balls, there are medicine balls-weights for 5, 10, 15 and 20 kg for complex workouts.

Affordable prices for medicine balls

Our online store offers the best prices for medicine balls. Three price categories are available: retail, wholesale 1 and wholesale 2. Wholesale prices depend on the final volume of purchase: the larger it is, the greater the discount. From 99,000 to 199,000 rubles it will be 5%, and over 199,000 rubles – 10%.

You can also arrange delivery of your order to any city. In Moscow, when ordering over 50,000 rubles, delivery will be free!

We hope that you will find the ideal medicine ball for yourself from our range, and that you will be satisfied with the quality of our products and service! We ask you to leave a review about medicine balls after purchasing in the SPORTS-TECH online store for other customers!