Who reads the fastest per minute? Reading aloud speed record: interesting facts. Slowest speed in sports

Everyone knows that records are set in professional sports, in the height of buildings and speed. vehicles. However, the desire to achieve outstanding quantitative indicators and record them, oddly enough, is also present in modern culture.

In September 2014, the next version of the Guinness Book of Records was published. Besides ordinary achievements, recorded in it, several well-known musicians appeared on the pages of the publication. Including Shakira, Miley Cyrus, Metallica, Katy Perry and some others.

How many words does Eminem read per minute?

Eminem set a record for words per minute when he performed the song “Rap God” - the famous rapper pronounces one thousand five hundred and sixty words in six minutes and four seconds. So, how many words does Eminem read per minute? The simplest calculation shows - 243.75 words!

However, Eminem's record for the fastest rap performance did not last long. He was beaten by Drum & Bass MC Harry Schotta. This achievement has not yet been recorded by experts. However, in the six minutes and twenty-three seconds that the track “Animal” lasts, the performer pronounces 1,771 words, which is 211 more than before. Harry Schotta himself claims that he did not strive for special fame, he was just trying to have fun... the result was outstanding success. It is unknown how true this is... however, an excess of aplomb seems to be uncharacteristic for Schott.

The similarity of both tracks in sound and tempo of performance is quite understandable: otherwise it is impossible to achieve such a speed of pronunciation. Let's hope that the performer will still be able to mobilize, tune in properly and surpass his opponent, creating new record in terms of words per minute. But even if for some reason this does not work out, he will still be one of the most outstanding rappers in the history of music in terms of recitative tempo!

The track, during which Eminem last performed a record for words per minute, is included in the album “The Marshall Mathers LP 2”. This composition, according to one of the ratings, was in high demand for no less than twenty weeks. The first performance of the song took place back in 2013 at the YouTube Music Awards 2013 and then at the MTV EMA 2013. Average speed performance reaches 4.28 words per second.

Eminem and the words per minute record - video

You can verify the reality of such outstanding and amazing speech speeds yourself by watching a short video:

Greetings, dear readers!

Have you ever wondered how the eyes and brain interact when reading? It turns out that when we read, the eyes do not look at the same letters, transmitting different pictures to the brain, which, in turn, “glues together” the resulting images. Interesting, isn't it? Do you know what the average reading speed of an adult is? This topic is quite fascinating, so I propose to dive a little deeper into it.

How many words can you read in a minute? This is your approximate reading speed. The average adult reads about 180 words, that is, 1 book page in one and a half to two minutes. This is not much. And it shows that many people’s technology is suffering.

For example, let's look at the past: before, people read much faster, and they learned to speed read on their own. For example, Napoleon could read 2,000 words in a minute, while Balzac needed half an hour to fully enjoy a 200-page novel. Why am I talking about foreign masters! Maxim Gorky read 4,000 thousand words per minute!

True, in an effort to increase the level of education, many have begun to return to the study of printed publications and are trying to increase the speed of text perception.

What determines how quickly you assimilate the information received? First of all, of course, it depends on your skill, simply put, on how often you do it and whether you try to improve your technique. The second is the nature of the text: you are unlikely to read the scientific works of some scientist, even very fascinating ones, as quickly as new book about my beloved Harry Potter.

Interference factors

First, let's understand the term “speed reading”. This word does not mean fast movements eyes, but the ability to analyze the content of what is read in a minimum amount of time. Rather, it is an analysis with high quality assimilation of information. This can be learned in specialized courses or with the help of training videos.

Interestingly, when reading quickly, the eyes do not strain as much as when reading slowly. So, you can increase your pace not only by taking master classes on speed reading. It is also worth considering factors that reduce speed, namely:

  • Inability to filter out unnecessary information.
  • Lack of confidence in one's strengths and capabilities.
  • Distracted attention.
  • Techniques that are aimed at perceiving words and increasing speed, rather than the meaning of the text.
  • Stress, external stimuli.
  • Lack of a clear purpose for reading.
  • The texts are not in their native language.
  • Rereading one phrase several times.

Normal speed of reading aloud

Let's go back to the standards. The normal speed for reading aloud is considered to be 200-250 words per minute. Of course, we are talking about high-quality perception of the text, and not about quickly skimming the text.

The older a person gets, the more the rate at which he reads decreases, unless he improves his technique.

Experts have calculated that with daily training, the brain modern man capable of perceiving a maximum of 300 words per minute, without loss of quality, however, in the Guinness Book of Records there is a note about a girl from Moscow who read 60,000 characters (about 3,000 words) in a minute. Although many are skeptical about this record and believe that the results were achieved not entirely honestly.

How to check reading speed

The easiest way is to use a timer on your mobile phone. Take a text that is new to you. It should not be too simple, but also not overloaded technically. Arm yourself with a pencil, take a minute and start reading. Mark the place where you stopped after the stopwatch rang and count the words.

However, the results will still not be accurate because it is difficult to assess how consciously you are reading the text. A test that you can take online will evaluate you more objectively.

To check, you need to read the proposed text for 3 minutes, trying to perceive the information in full. Then we answer questions based on the text. At the end, the system displays information about how many characters were suggested in total, how many you read per minute, reading time, text comprehension percentage and your personal reading speed.

How to increase your reading speed

Let's try two methods.

We use own hands. Remember how we learned to read at school before passing the standard? First, we move our finger horizontally along the line, and noticing that we can speed up the pace, we move it vertically. It is important to try not to go back to what you read.

Having mastered this method, take a card or A4 sheet folded in half. This separator should be kept above the line you are reading. Yes, you won't see what you've already read, but that's the point! We devote too much time and attention to already processed material, although we ourselves do not notice it.

Do you know others simple ways increase reading speed? Tell us in the comments! By the way, learning speed reading is more fun with friends, so share the article with them and subscribe to updates, there are many more interesting things ahead of you!

Why is it needed - high reading speed?

Reading speed records, which I will talk about below, are certainly important because they show a person’s capabilities. There are also records in running - 100 m in 10 seconds, but in life no one walks at such a speed.

There must be a purpose for reading. Otherwise, it is like a ship increasing its speed, but having no goal or final destination for its voyage.

Well, those metaphors seem to be enough. Let's look at the basic technical parameters of reading. In addition to reading speed itself, there are also such concepts as text comprehension and reading productivity.

The most important parameter is productivity, i.e. the ability to work through a text with a minimum of time and effort. And the goal is precisely to increase this reading productivity.

Productivity depends on the ability to properly plan and organize the reading process, and not just on reading speed.

At one time I achieved a high reading speed, but at the same time I realized that aimless reading with high speed only increases Chaos in thoughts. Therefore, after mastering this skill, I became interested in developing the “Rubbing Debris” and “Unfinished Business” skills. I then turned to the classification of reading lists and the purposes of reading. This, in fact, formed the basis of my Personal Reading System.

But, nevertheless, in this article we will talk about reading speed. Given the presence of other components of the System, this is a very important part of it.

Let's start with the usual reading speed - the so-called mechanical reading speed.

Those. without the lack of any reading technique. This is how we are used to reading, we can speed it up a little, slow it down a little, but in essence, the average speed will not be higher - 200 words per minute.

95% of people read at a speed of 180 - 220 words per minute (1 page in 1.5-2 minutes). At the same time, the level of text comprehension is about 60%.

In our country, a state standard for reading speed has been established for primary schoolchildren: for the first grade - 30-60 words per minute, for the second - 90-110 and for the third - 110-140.

In the United States, the following reading speed standards have been introduced, taking into account the assimilation of text content (at least 70 percent): for elementary school students - 80-158 words per minute, middle school - 175-204, high school - 214-250, for students - 250- 280, for highly skilled readers - 340-620 words per minute.

In 1956, during the implementation research project at the Northwestern Polytechnic University, K. Napier and E. F. Hart examined 147 readers: 82 among the business community and 65 among the rest of the population. The average speed was 232 words per minute. The speed among business people was 223 words per minute, among the rest of the public - 241 words per minute. However, two-thirds of the participants read at approximately 200 to 300 words per minute.

Further research has shown that an average speed of 230 - 250 words per minute is common for most readers, but among business people this speed can vary greatly.

Each of us has internal untapped reserves. As readers we should strive to achieve speed over 300 words per minute and assimilate the content of the text with a coefficient not lower than 70 percent.

To increase your reading speed, you need to apply some techniques, hence the technical reading speed. Those. speed, which is formed as a result of using various reading techniques.

Verbal reading speed has a limit (600-700 words per minute). This is the number of words people can pronounce in 60 seconds. So if we continue to read the way we were taught, talking to myself, then our reading speed cannot exceed 700 words per minute.

In order to increase your reading speed by about one and a half times, it is enough to stop turning your eyes back and reread the text. How to do this? Just form a new habit of reading only forward, without going back. Begin to consciously monitor your eye movements and “allow” them to move only forward.

Moreover, as research shows, the higher the speed, the higher the degree of understanding of the text. This happens because information is organized into meaningful chunks that are immediately understandable to your brain.

The Andreev School proceeds from the speed scale given in the table:

I have expanded the table to include, for convenience, the average number of words. Well quick reading allows you to increase your reading speed by an average of 3 times compared to the original; As a rule, students reach a reading speed of 3,000 characters per minute or more. This pace allows you to read about 100 medium-sized book pages in an hour.

Reading records

The reading speed of 16-year-old Kiev resident Ira Ivachenko is 163,333 words per minute with complete assimilation of what she read. This achievement was officially registered in the presence of journalists.

The unofficial reading speed record - 416,250 words per minute - belongs to another Kiev resident Evgenia Alekseenko. The record was set on September 9, 1989 during one of the tests by the center's management in the presence of 20 course participants. At the time of setting the record, Evgenia was 16 years old. It takes her about a minute to read a medium-sized book. Evgeniya retells the contents of what she read for hours, not missing the smallest details.

In his book How to Pass Exams, world memory champion Dominic O'Brien gives incredible story Evgenia.

It’s curious, but no one realized the unique ability of this young lady until she was 15 years old. It was then that her father gave Evgenia a long newspaper article to read. When two seconds later she returned the newspaper to him, saying that she found the text interesting, the father decided that the girl was joking.

However, her answers to the questions her father asked about the contents of the newspaper publication turned out to be correct.

Evgenia herself admits: “I have no idea what my secret is. The pages fly into my head on their own, and I remember the “meaning” rather than the exact text.

There's some kind of analysis going on in my brain that I honestly can't explain. But I feel like I have a whole library in my head!”

Student Russian School Oleg Andreeva Svetlana Arkhipova set a reading speed record for reading speed - 60,000 characters/min. It is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

American Sin (Sean) Adam became the record holder for speed reading. In 2003, he set a world record of 3,850 words per minute.

Englishwoman Anne Jones has won the world speed reading championship six times. Her reading speed is 4,253 words per minute. Now Anne is very famous in the UK in the field of speed reading. She also travels the world to provide speed reading training to her clients.

Presidents John Kennedy and Franklin Roosevelt also persistently trained in speed reading and achieved excellent reading results - over 1,000 words per minute.

M. Gorky read at a speed of 4,000 words per minute. A.S. Novikov-Priboi, recalling the days spent in Gorky’s company, spoke about how the famous writer read magazines. He simply glanced at them, page after page, and in the end it only took him a few minutes to “swallow” the magazine. Thus, Gorky could read a huge pile of magazines in a short time.

Balzac read at a speed of about 2,000 words per minute. Napoleon read at a speed of 2,000 words per minute.

V.D. Bonch-Bruevich recalls that Lenin had a phenomenal memory. Having barely read a page from a book, he could immediately reproduce it close to the text, despite the fact that he was reading diagonally. P.N. Lepeshinsky claims that the degree of tension in Lenin’s mental apparatus during reading was simply phenomenal. He remembered almost 100 percent of what he read, and he could read in several languages, with equal success.

So, summary:

1. The usual mechanical way of reading, which we learned from school, allows us to read at a speed of 200-300 words per minute.
2. By eliminating silent talking and returns, you can increase the speed by 2-3 times.
3. Further development of reading techniques allows you to increase the speed to 2,000 words per minute.
4. Comprehensive development of personality abilities (memory, attention, psychological state) allows you to achieve 5,000-10,000 words per minute.
5. And the fastest way to read is PhotoReading. Allows you to reach up to 25,000 - 30,000 words per minute.

A fact about speed reading and what heights a speed reader can reach. Many people read it quickly famous people living in different times. There are such unique ones in our time.

For example, in one of the sources we read the following “The reading speed of 16-year-old Kiev resident Ira Ivachenko is 163,333 words per minute with complete assimilation of what was read. This achievement was officially registered in the presence of journalists. Ira took part in special training in the Kiev "Center for Brain Development", which teaches speed reading techniques. From the words of school students, many have a figurative perception of information when texts are perceived as endless film strips. The unofficial reading speed record - 416,250 words per minute - belongs to another 16-year-old from Kiev, Evgenia Alekseenko. The record was set on September 9, 1989 during one of the tests by the center's management in the presence of 20 course participants.

In another source, namely in Andreev’s book “FAST READING TECHNIQUE” we read:

“One of the students of Oleg Andreev’s School, Moscow schoolgirl Svetlana Arkhipova, set a reading speed record of 60,000 characters per minute, registered in the Russian Guinness Book of Records.” It turns out that according to Andreev’s method, you need to train for about a year and a half for days, in order, perhaps, after three steps to achieve a speed of 20,000 characters per minute.

I studied on courses and under the program "Intelligence Trainer No. 1" and in at the moment I read text of almost any width only vertically, but it seems to me that pronunciation has not disappeared completely, but has only turned into condensed inner speech (my speed is 3000-5000 characters, depending on the complexity of the text).

Opinion of Sergei Mikhailov:

The exercises in all the courses I know are repeated. These are the following exercises:

  • extension exercises field of view,
  • exercises to suppress the pronunciation of words,
  • optimizing reading algorithms,
  • exercises on psychological preparation before reading,
  • exercises to develop attention.

The difference between methods and trainings lies only in details and technical capabilities, therefore, it is not correct to say that using one method you can achieve a speed of 10,000 characters per minute, and using another method - 100,000 characters per minute. In my opinion, we can only talk about how comfortable it is to engage in this or that training.

And how soon does he do it?

On Friday, Nicki Minaj released the album “,” which included a collaboration with Eminem on the song “Majesty.” The very next day, the Genius portal reported that in it the rapper managed to break his own record for the speed of reading.

This was noticed by one of the site users, hiding under the pseudonym 09ymmit07. While analyzing the fastest part of Marshall's verse, he counted the number of syllables the rapper spoke per second and later compared the numbers to the speed-crazy third verse of "Rap God."

As a result, he found that in “Majesty” Eminem raps 123 syllables in 12 seconds, thereby pronouncing 10.3 syllables per second. At the same time, the same indicators in “Rap God” are 157 syllables in 16.3 seconds - or 9.6 syllables per second. Genius editors later confirmed these figures.

However, "Rap God" still holds the Guinness record for the most words in a song - 1,560 words in 6 minutes and 4 seconds. The result is truly impressive!

By the way, what do you think of Eminem's new verse on Nicki's album?