Competitions involving horses. Scenario for a children's game program – “Knight's Move”. "Red light - green light"

Competitions for the family holiday “Year of the Horse 2014”

In order for your New Year's holiday to go perfectly, you need to prepare well for it. Competitions for the New Year 2014 for a cheerful company are exactly what will make your New Year's Eve funny and memorable

Horse surname

Two participants must take turns forming surnames from words that have at least some relation to horses. This is how I played with myself:

From the classic, Chekhov's: Kobylin, Zherebtsov, Kobylitsyn, Zherebyatnikov, Loshadkin, Kobylkin, Troykin, Uzdechkin, Rysitsky, Merinov, Ovsov (if you remember, it ended there).

But the competition can be continued (for this I got into the dictionary of terms for horse lovers): Allurov, Arkanov, Brykanov, Valtrapov, Vozhzhev, Vsadnikov, Galopov, Grivnov, Dzhigitovtsev, Cabbies, Pacers, Ippodromsky, Kavaleriytsev, Karyerov, Konkurov, Sedlov, Konovodov , Konyukhov, Kopytsev, Loshak, Podkovtsev, Stoilov, Stremyansky, Tabunov.

Three white horses

A music competition that is ideal for this New Year, 2014.
Option 1. You can conduct it in the form of a “Battle of the Choirs” with karaoke, one verse from each team. Male Choir, Female Choir, Legal Department Choir, and so on.

Option 2. If there are no singers, we play a recording of the original performed by Larisa Dolina, and ask the teams to dramatize the song in roles. Let them show with gestures how “the houses are a little ruffled”, “warm and damp”, “Winter has opened its snowy embrace”, “Only Christmas trees in triangular dresses, Everyone is running towards me, running, running”, and, naturally, everyone wants to see, how “three white horses” will be taken away into the “snowy distance”. The roles can be assigned in advance: Houses, Winter, Christmas trees, Horses and the main character, let’s call her “Gone with the Horses”. Something like this…

Brave Rider

To be honest, this is a competition with chairs, traditional for adults and children’s parties, but let’s call all the participants riders, but the chair, which temporarily plays the role of a horse, must be saddled in time. There is one peculiarity! Boys and men need to sit on horseback, but girls and women can sit sideways in a side saddle.

Best horse

We put all the guests in a large circle (this competition will also help to get people onto the dance floor after a gastronomic break), and we give each one an inflated but untied balloon. To prepare many of these balloons, inflate them in advance and insert them into plastic clips on sticks. Participants will remove the clamp themselves. You need to write your name on the ball (alternatively, draw a horse’s face and a serial number). The point is that your “horse” will then need to be identified in a deflated state.

Place the prize box in the center of the circle. Now on the count of “three” you need to release the balls, pointing them towards the center, towards the box. Our balloons are not tied, so it is impossible to guess the flight path. They will fly chaotically around the hall. The prize is taken by the one whose deflated balloon lands closest to the place where it lies.

To the watering hole

This is a relay race for which you need to divide the guests into 2 teams. Props: 2 sticks (1m - 1.2m) and a tray with drinks. If children participate, naturally, only water in small glasses. For adults, the “bar” can be varied.

Now the relay itself. We build two teams at the line. We place the trays on stools, at a distance of 4-5 meters. We give the first participants of the “race” sticks, they need to ride on them to a watering hole, have a drink, come back, and pass the “horse” to someone else.

Show jumping

We will not have a rider, a horse or a steeplechase. There will be obstacle dancing. We invite everyone to the dance floor and turn on catchy music. You need to move in a circle one after another. But the leader and assistant will create various obstacles along the way.

For example, we pull the rope at chest height so that the dancers have to bend over (as in limbo). On the second circle, the dancing guests must crawl under a rope stretched at a height of 1 m from the floor. On the third circle - step over or jump over (height - no more than 50 cm).

We reward those who managed to complete all the tasks most gracefully. Beautiful dance, easy overcoming of obstacles.

Horse racing

Everything is for real! We select 4 participants to participate in the competition, and all the rest will be spectators at the races. Give the ladies hats (these could be funny New Year's accessories - ears, horns, wigs).

Let's place bets! Each guest needs to decide which horse he is betting on - No. 1 or No. 2. Let's write it down.

Now let's get back to our participants. Out of 4 people, choose 2 by lot who will participate in the races as horses. The other two are to prepare the animals to run.

To do this you need:

  • shoe (put shoe covers on each horse's leg)
  • secure the frenulum (let it be a gauze bandage)
  • attach the saddle (a backpack will do or just tie it with a large scarf)
  • comb your mane (yes, with a regular comb)
  • give it a drink (bring water or another drink in a glass to the “horse’s” mouth)

The sequence of actions must be explained in advance, but the “shot” of the New Year’s cracker, which means the start, is given not before the race, but precisely before the start of preparation for the race.

The distance to be covered is very short. Around the Christmas tree, for example. The winner is easy to determine.

Now we call those who bet on the winning horse. They all need to do an energetic saber dance.

Snake for a horse.
The outgoing year was the year of the snake, and the coming year is the year of the horse. So let's spend the old year and welcome the new one. To do this, you need to arrange the obstacles in length so that you can run around them with a snake. But you need to run around them while sitting on a horse, that is, take a stick, a mop or something else, make a head and sit on your horse. To play the game, you can split into two teams to make it more interesting. Whichever team reaches the finish line first wins.

Hooves instead of legs.
And without disassembling our snake, we can hold another competition. You just need buckets to stand in with your feet. These buckets will serve as your hooves. And also, whoever covers the entire distance faster is the winner. You can also combine these two competitions, then it will be even more difficult to overcome the distance, but more fun.

What is a horse?
This competition can be played while sitting at a table. For the competition, you need to come up with a description of the horse so that it is funny and clear that we are talking about a horse. And if there are no words, then you will have to get out from behind the table and show with your hands and feet. It will be funny, and whoever does it better wins.

Happy New Year.
Everyone wants the symbol of the New Year to be favorable to them all year and contribute to this in every possible way. We suggest playing a game - who can come up with the most tender and beautiful words about a horse. You can use any words - beautiful, fast, strong, charming, and so on. Whoever comes up with the most words suitable for the horse wins.

Continuing the series of presentations about domestic and wild animals for children aged 1 to 4 years, a new children's presentation about animals- “Who is this horse?”

This time there were a lot of slides and plenty of information. It turns out that I want to tell a lot about the horse. However, this will not in any way affect the ability of yearlings to view the presentation. Before the first slide show, you can read everything, and then, when showing the presentation to your baby, read the text selectively, skipping the most difficult parts. It is for this reason that I did not voice the presentation.

Depending on the age, as well as the child’s ability to perceive information and perseverance, you can stop for a long time on each slide and describe in detail everything that is shown in the pictures, or not pay special attention to each image, but flip through the slides after reading the text.

The children's presentation tells about what kind of horses there are, how they neigh, run, what they eat, where they live, why they are so useful for humans, how they differ from each other, who their family is and much more. In the slides I used animated pictures, paintings by artists, photographs and drawings by cartoonists. You will also be able to hear what sounds the horse makes, how its hooves click and even the whole herd. The entire presentation is accompanied by a pleasant melody.

In a few days I will publish an article “Thematic activities for children. We teach animals." So subscribe to site updates through the form immediately after the article so as not to miss anything.

Children's presentation about animals: “Who is a horse”

In slide show mode (click to switch). Don't forget to turn on the sound!

With the ability to edit files even if the first option does not open. Don't forget to turn on the sound!

Below you can read a description of the animal. This is text from the presentation with the addition of something that simply did not fit there. You can print this description and read it to your children. A similar description accompanies everything on this site. By the way, subscribe to site updates using the form immediately after the article so as not to miss new presentations about animals.

Description of a horse for children

Hi baby! Today I will introduce you to one wonderful animal - a horse!

Look - it's a horse! She makes sounds called neighing and snorting. When she runs, she clatters her hooves loudly along the path.

A horse is a strong and large animal that is much stronger than a human. And the characters of horses can be different, there are good and evil, brave and timid, hard-working and lazy, calm and playful, in general, they are all different, just like people.

Horses can be wild or domestic. Wild ones live in the wild. They gather in herds, that is, all together, and live this way to make it easier for them to defend themselves from enemies. And the family lives next to the person who builds a cozy home for the horse. Such a house is called a stable.

In summer, horses eat grass and fruits that they dig out of the ground. They find food for themselves in clearings and meadows, where they are released to graze for the whole day. And in winter the main food is oats, wheat and hay. Hay is dried grass that a person prepares for the winter in the fall. Horses also love to eat fruit, especially apples. They will not refuse a piece of bread. They also drink a lot of water.

Horses come in different breeds, just like dogs and cats. Therefore, they can be from very small to very large sizes. For example, here is a small horse - a pony. And this is a big black horse. And the first horse, which was found millions of years ago, was the size of a small dog.

Horses vary in color - this means that they come in different colors. For example, black - that is, black color, also red and bay. Also gray, savrasaya, dun and others. There are horses with beautiful spots, for example, this one - look how beautiful it is!

These wonderful animals are given special beauty by their fluffy mane and tail, which also come in different shades. And in general, a horse is a very beautiful animal!

The horse's family is like this: mom is a horse, dad is a horse, children are foals.

Horses love their family. They protect it from enemies and even swat various insects (mosquitoes, flies, horse flies) from each other with their tails, which strive to bite them.

Horses, like cows, have milk called kumiss. It is very tasty and healthy!

Nature has endowed this beautiful animal with amazing properties - it hears sounds and smells much better than humans and many other animals. In addition, the horse is very strong, it can do a lot of work and run very long distances that only cars can travel. Previously, when there were no cars, horses served people and carried them on their backs. The person who sits on a horse is called a rider or rider .

Each rider learns to control the horse and tries to make friends with it so that it will allow him to sit on its back. For example, in order for a horse to walk with a rider sitting on it, you need to say “But-oh!”, and for it to stop, you need to say “Whoa.”

In the past and now, horses were valued for their ability to run quickly. Previously, because there were no fast cars, but now, because people came up with horse racing. They sit astride the animal and try to outrun each other, galloping very quickly. The horse can gallop, trot, and amble.

Previously, horses were harnessed to plows to plow fields, on which vegetables and grains were then planted. And also in carts to transport the harvested crops from the field, and more. Animals were also harnessed to carriages and carts to transport people and various objects.

You can also ride a horse in the park in the summer. The horse is kind, it won’t hurt you. And perhaps you will see a horse in a circus or in a real stable.

They are also very afraid of bees and run away from them. A large swarm of bees can severely bite an adult horse.

Kind animals can recognize themselves in photographs. Seeing the horse in the picture, it “greets” with a quiet neigh and tries to sniff.

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Beautiful video about a horse. Children sing.

Horse games are not only a great way to have fun or jokingly compete with friends, but also a training method that allows you to diversify standard training.

Games are an important teaching tool because they have a wonderful way of capturing students' attention and getting them interested in the work.

The act of playing a game is different from inventing a game out of something else. Playing a game indicates rules and competition. When we turn some ordinary activity into a game, it is a way of achieving a goal in a playful manner.

But When play is it worth it, and when is it not?

When NOT to play:

The fact is that developing new skills requires concentration and mental work. Students have a much better time if they can focus on acquiring skills before they have to use them under pressure.

2. Do not use games in your work until the basic skills of the riders are stable.

Before taking part in the games, the rider must learn to use the controls and develop a certain balance. The faster the gait and pace, the more skill is required to use the controls and maintain the beat. It is necessary to correctly assess the capabilities of riders.

3. The game must not harm the horse.

The horse must be comfortable, and compliance with this condition depends on whether the level of training of the rider and the horse itself is appropriate for the game.

Players must be mindful of the horse's safety. Natural competition between them should not provoke rough treatment of horses.

4. There is no need to involve fearful riders in games.

Even at the stage of planning games, take an interest in the fears of riders. When a person is worried, his fears worsen. Putting pressure on a rider who is scared or anxious tends to increase their anxiety. You may also trigger the rider's natural self-defense mode and he will refuse to play.

When you can play games:

1. To test and practice new skills.

When a rider has acquired or developed a new skill, such as a precise turn at the trot, play is an ideal way to test it.

Games that require the rider to maneuver around or near obstacles can give the rider the opportunity to practice using controls and skills, even if the game is played at a walk or trot.

2. To diversify your workout.

The games can be quite entertaining and will encourage students to encourage each other. In some way, this will push them to perform tasks perfectly. At the same time, games provide an opportunity relax, enjoy the workout and to die from serious work.

3. To set a specific task for the rider.

Games can be used to "challenge" the student, to set a task for him. He can compete against himself if he has a stopwatch, against other riders or as part of a team. If you are teaching group classes, try dividing riders into groups.

4. In order to increase the load.

Games are a great way to increase the difficulty when using a skill and still maintain a safe environment for the rider. You can work on your ability to navigate quickly and think quickly under pressure.

5. To develop cohesion among students.

Dividing into teams is a great way to bring students together. This can be especially useful for horse camps and stables with large numbers of young people.

6. To develop the rider's sense of the horse and automate responses.

Educational games help riders take their mind off their feelings and thoughts about whether what they are doing is correct. By immersing themselves in a situation, they develop reflexes and automatic responses. Rider, By automatically using your skills, you become one step closer to mastery.

Below you will find examples of horse games. We hope they will not leave you indifferent!

1. "Washing machine"

Preparing the arena:

A game:

The rider finds a sock and goes in search of a pair for it. Socks are hidden throughout the arena - invent interesting places where they can be hidden (in objects, on stands, on other players' horses, etc.). The found socks are given to the player by the presenter (coach).

Having found a pair, the rider goes to the “washing machine”, making his way along the path between the cones.

He puts a pair of socks in the car and returns looking for the next pair, and so on.

Then, to start the “machine”, you will need to press a “button” on it. Afterwards, the rider makes a couple of circles around the arena at a trot, following the trainer’s instructions (throws away the stirrups, the reins, spreads his arms to the sides, claps his hands, rides at a marching trot without stirrups, etc.).

Then he returns to the car, d leaves the socks and rides around the cones to the clothesline to hang the socks.

You need to complete tasks as quickly and “correctly” as possible.

Precautionary measures : Make sure horses are not afraid of socks, clotheslines and the washing machine. A dark hole in a box may bother them.

2. "Feed the bear honey"

Imagine a bear cub. He's hungry. Your mission is to find and bring him honey.

A game:

1. We go through the forest of racks. There are “honey pots” hanging on the “trees”, we collect honey. (Easy level: remove the plastic ring from the stand. Medium level: collect printed and cut out paper pots of honey from the stands. Difficult level: look for a paper pot of honey among the paper bees attached to the stand).

2. We return back along a zigzag path made of poles or cones.

3. We cross the river made of blue tarpaulin. (If your horses cannot walk on a tarp, use two parallel poles or a wooden "bridge").

4. We bring honey to the bear cub sitting on the barrel!

For this game, you can come up with a wide variety of route variations of varying degrees of difficulty.

3. Dice game

There are many different ways to use dice in games. Here is one example:

Rules :

1. Two riders stand at the beginning of the center line facing the opposite short wall. (The "passes" will run along the center line).

2. Riders take turns rolling the dice.

3. Now they will need to go through the number of steps that each one has on the die.

6. The riders keep rolling the dice and walking until one of them reaches the short wall first!

Work on:

  • A clear transition to a step and a stop.
  • The exact number of steps! (If more steps were taken than necessary, you will have to step back by the same number of steps!)

You can play at a trot or include changes in gait in conditions. Horsemen more advanced levels of training can do trot/halt/trot transitions.

4. "M" donkeys on a picnic/Snake/Serpentine"

Preparing the arena:

  • R Place 4 cones on both long walls of the arena opposite each other.
  • Place 4 teddy bears (or other toys) on barrels under one short wall (it will be the start).
  • Place one barrel at the far end of the arena with a towel on top.

A game :

Teddy bears gathered for a picnic! The rider takes one toy and rides along the serpentine from cone to cone up the arena and delivers the toy to the “picnic” (barrel with a towel). Then he trots back for the next toy.

The good thing about this game is that it suits a wide variety of riders. We all always have something to work on (for example, mfor young children on ponies or novice riders - on control, stopping and walking, for more experienced riders - on independent seating andbending while driving on serpentine roads, etc.).

5. "Simon Speaks"

According to the rules of this game, the leader (“Simon”) gives the players orders that they must follow. It helps riders to distract themselves from unnecessary thoughts and worries and redirect their attention to what is happening in the present moment and concentrate. This game is especially good during warm-up. You can change the game up a bit by saying the name of each player's horse instead of "Simon".

6. "Red light - green light"

Preparing the arena:

  • Arrange two obstacle courses along the quarter lines of the arena. Use stands, inverted cones, barrels, etc.
  • Place one “start” cone at the beginning of the strip and one “finish” cone at the end.
  • If there are more than two riders in the game, make more obstacle courses or one larger one for the entire arena.
  • The presenter will need “GO” and “STOP” signs. You can use red and green sheets of paper (red - STOP, green - GO).

A game:

The rider stands at the “starting” cone facing the direction of the obstacle course. E He needs to ride the line, avoiding obstacles and watching the STOP and GO signals given by the leader, deciding when the rider should stop and when to move on.

The first one to cross the line first wins. If the rider does not stop within three steps of the signal, he must wait 3 seconds before walking after the next IDI signal.

This game helps practice stopping, walking and steering, and also trains peripheral vision (for the rider You need to not only avoid obstacles, but also watch for STOP and GO signals).

7. "Ping Pong"

To play, you only need two (or more) volunteers.

A game :

One of the volunteers goes to any place in the arena and shouts “PING” from there. The rider must go there.

Another volunteer goes to another area of ​​the arena and shouts “PONG” and the rider goes there.

Then PING and PONG move alternately.

This game is good for work over management. This is a great way to encourage your students to turn their heads in the direction they are guiding the horses. They also learnchoose your own travel routes.

8. "Save the Baby"

Preparing the arena:

  • 3 barrels and 2 obstacle stands are placed on one side of the arena.
  • 4 posts on the center line.
  • Plush toys - babies are placed on these two areas.
  • 2 racks and 2 poles lying on the ground are on the other side of the arena.
  • The mother's plush toys are placed somewhere else in the playpen.

This is what it looks like:

A game:

Obstacles on the ground (barrels, etc.) are the desert, posts along the center line are the forest, and two poles on the ground are the bridge.

The baby toys got lost in the desert and in the treetops of the forest. Riders need to go through obstacles, collect the babies and return them to their mothers. However, after they remove the baby, they will first have to bypass the Ogre, who lives under the bridge (trainer or assistant). To pass, you need to touch those parts of the horse that the Ogre points out. After passing the Ogre, you can deliver the baby to its mother.

The rules of the game can be changed and diversified!

9. Games with rings

Rings are a tool that every trainer should have! There are 1001 ways to practice with rings. We will present to your attention only a small list.

First, let's talk about the types of rings:

Hard rubber rings, including those with a non-smooth surface, can be purchased at pet or diving stores.

Children's bath rings - in children's stores.

What type of rings should I use?

  • Smooth rings for sensitive children.
  • Rings with a non-smooth surface for sensitive children with whom you are working on increasing sensory awareness.
  • Rings with a non-smooth surface for children who are unable to focus their attention on one thing for a long time. Such a ring brings their attention back to itself.
  • Both types of rings when it doesn't matter, or for children who need help distinguishing objects (for example, a pink smooth ring and a blue one with a pimply surface).

Use the type that best motivates your child!

9.1. Ring toss

The rider moves around the arena and collects rings. He can receive rings from the instructor, remove them from the racks, pick them up from the sides, etc. This works on stopping, pacing, stretching, and also addresses some physical fitness (“Hmm, you can’t reach the ring, what should I do?”), conversational (“Could you pass me the ring?”) and problems with manners (“Please” and “Thank you”).

Next, the rider needs to try to throw rings on a cone (for example, of the same color), throw them into a hoop or throw them on the tail of a crocodile, etc. This is how you work on stopping accuracy, consistency skills, identifying identical colors (ring and cone, if you choose this option), and hand/eye coordination skills. Make it more challenging by having riders throw rings at targets on the move without stopping while controlling the horse with one hand!

To make the task easier, lift the cones and place them on barrels or boxes, allowing riders to ride up and put the rings on instead of throwing them. This way you will support those riders who are unable to hit the target in the initial stages. Later you can lower the cones to the ground.

Throwing rings on the tail of a toy? It's fun!

And if you find a toy cake with candles, you can please the birthday rider!

9.2. We put rings on cones

Place cones on barrels or boxes in different places of the arena (in corners, along a long wall, near letters or inside the arena, etc.).

Give the rider six colored rings.

Determine exactly how and which rings to put on which cones, and or set a specific travel route.

As riders get better at the challenge, you can make it more difficult (like placing cones on the ground).

9.3. Rings on racks

Place obstacle posts around the arena (I prefer to place them down the quarter line because this allows riders to be guided along the switchbacks).

Give the rider a ring and have him put it on the post.

You can match the colors of the rings to the colors of the posts and work on matching skills, or designate the numbers of the posts and call them out to the rider in random order or dictate them as a route for him to remember.

This game is great for developing stretching and hand-eye coordination skills. If the rider stops too far from the post, you can tilt it towards him if you think necessary, or vice versa, make the rider stretch, tilt the post further if the rider is experienced!

9.4. Swords and rings

Make six cardboard ring holders and place them on three cones along each of the long walls of the playpen.

Give the riders toy swords - let them remove the rings using the sword and throw them into a box that stands either at the cone or at the opposite end of the arena. The rider can do this while stopping, while moving, collecting rings one at a time, or trying several at a time.

9.5. Knight Tournament

Attach the rings without posts (be creative, but remember to be safe).

Give the riders each a “spear” (even a swimming “noodle” can act in its role).

The rider must remove the ring with the spear and return it to the instructor.

For safety reasons, riders should ride in turns or hang the rings away from each other.

To make it more challenging, encourage riders to continue walking or trotting rather than stopping to remove the ring. Riders can also switch the spear to the other hand after removing the ring.

9.6. Color combination

You will need several sets of rings of different colors.

Place the rings around the arena (on stands, on the sides of the arena, in the hands of assistants, etc.). Keep one ring from each set.

Have riders choose a ring from you - you can hold them, put them in a bucket, hang them on racks, etc.

Each player puts his ring on his wrist and rides around the arena, collecting rings that match the color and returning them to you.

This game is great for developing horse handling skills, control skills, accuracy, combination, develops a sense of correct stopping, etc.

9.7. Boot toe rings

Hang rings on the toes of each rider's boots. Let them ride around the arena, trying not to lose the rings!

To make it more challenging, ask riders to trot or navigate an obstacle course.

10. Games and activities for beginners and insecure riders

10.1 Ball in a bucket/box

The rider must take the ball from the assistant, ride to the far end of the arena and place it in a bucket or box.

Ideas : Take and hold a basket with 4 balls, and place a bucket or box in each corner of the arena. The rider needs to carry each ball to a basket in each corner. You can move either throughout the arena, or perform a certain figure before putting the ball in the bucket.

To complicate the task, you can use skittles. The rider must place them on an overturned box or bucket!

10.2. Balance balls

The rider needs to take the ball from an assistant and take it to a specific cone in the arena, then place it on top of the cone (tennis balls work great).

Ideas : Place 4-6 cones along the center line and give the rider a ball to place one ball on the cone at a time, taking turns.

Complicating the task: hand the rider a jar of four balls and have them place each ball on each cone.

10.3. Rings on cones

The rider needs to put six colored rings on six cones located on boxes in different places of the arena, for example, in corners, down the length of the wall, on letters.

Ideas : the rider carries all 6 rings and puts them on the cones in the sequence in which the leader dictates to him, or rides along a certain route.

If the rider is doing well, you can make it more difficult by placing cones on the ground so that he has to throw the rings.

Cone to cone:

...and a cone on the box:

10.4. Fishing

The rider holds an aquarium net in his hand. He needs to go to the other end of the arena, where there is a bucket of water (or just a box) in which plastic multi-colored balls “float”. The rider must use a net to “catch the fish.” You can make it more complicated: catch a fish of the color that the leader chooses, transfer it in a net to another box or bucket, while moving at a trot and (or) performing certain figures.

10.5. Sticks

The "Sticks" game is built on the same principle as the "Ball in a bucket/box" game, but this time you will need small hollow tubes/sticks/cylinders, etc.

If you are using hollow tubes, try fitting them onto sticks/poles placed around the playpen. You can use cardboard cylinders from toilet paper rolls or paper towels.

10.6. Flags

Make flags. Take large cones (they have holes in the top). Place the cones either along the center line or randomly, for example, in the corners. The rider takes one flag at a time from an assistant and places them in cones.

The rider, having placed the flags, can collect them back, one at a time or all together.

10.7. Postmen

Place 8 containers or boxes on the letters of the arena. Prepare "letters" (you can laminate paper envelopes for durability).

Riders must deliver letters to the letter where the presenter indicates, and take the “parcel” from there: a ball, a toy, etc., return to X and give it to the presenter. Take the “letter” again and take it to the indicated letter, etc. You can give riders bags so that they can deliver and collect several packages at once along a given route.

This game is also good because it helps novice riders remember the location of letters on the arena.

10.8. Game with balance

The rider is given a badminton racket and with it he rides along a given route, balancing a small object on the racket.

The rider can take the item to a specific location and drop it into a box or bucket.

You can diversify the game and make a relay race: the riders will pass the item to the next participants!

10.9. Egg and spoon

The rider, holding a boiled egg in a spoon, must ride along a certain route. Instead of eggs, you can use balls, apples or potatoes - whatever fits the size.

You can complicate the task: the rider carries the object “there” at a walk, and “back” at a trot, etc.

10.10. Football

Place five cones at one end of the arena (either on boxes or on the ground, depending on the rider's experience). The rider reaches the marker with a soccer ball in his hands and tries to knock down as many cones as possible by throwing the ball at them.

You can use pins as targets and throw smaller balls at them. The leader should have 2-3 balls, the rider follows them along a certain route, making 2-3 approaches.

The game can be a team game.

10.11. Basketball game

You will need a baby hoop attached to a board on one side of the playpen. You can put a box or box under it into which the balls will fall. The essence of the game is the same as in the game "Football", but now the rider will have to hit the hoop to get points. If the ball falls into the box - 5 points, on the ground - 3 points, etc.

You can play in teams by placing two hoops on opposite short walls of the arena.

10.12. Golf

Use a children's golf set and small plastic balls.

The rider must knock the balls off the cones placed around the arena.

He will need to guide the ball to specific targets around the arena to score points.

The ball is then driven into the box by the rider.

10.13. Polocross with plastic containers for beginners

You will need at least two plastic food containers and a few lightweight balls.

1. The rider must not lose the ball while carrying it around the arena in a container.

2. While the rider is riding around the arena, he needs to throw the ball and catch it back into the container.

3. The rider rides around the arena with a ball in a container and must throw it into a box in a certain place in the arena.

4. The rider catches in the container during a stop a ball thrown by another rider.

5. The rider tries, stopping between two riders, to throw the ball to one and catch the ball from the other.

6. The rider tries to throw and catch the ball at a walk or trot, etc.

You can increase the speed of the game as the riders' skills increase. Additionally, the container can be tied to a bamboo stick to make the game even more similar to the original polocrosse (you will need a helper on the ground).

10.14. Balancing with a bean bag

You will need either a homemade bag of beans (rice, buckwheat or any other cereal) or a “relaxation” bag filled with balls.

The rider must ride along the given figures (route), balancing the bag on his head, holding it at arm's length, under the chin, etc.

Take two unbreakable cups and some “water”. The rider holds a cup in each hand and pours water from one to the other while an assistant leads the horse.

After filling one of the cups, extend your hand with it to the side or up. Or pour water into both cups and raise both arms above your head, spreading them apart like an airplane, extending them forward.

10.16. Buckets of water

Use plastic buckets, small cans, or other containers with a handle. The rider needs to collect water in a bucket in one bucket, move to another and pour the water into it. You can set a time limit or continue until the bucket is full. If the rider is inexperienced, he may need an assistant!

A confident rider can trot or canter.

10.17. Playing with a gymnastic ball with a handle ("hopper")

You will need several children's gymnastics balls with handles. Place baskets around the arena, each second should contain a ball. The rider rides up to the basket with the ball, picks it up and transports it to an empty basket, then rides and takes the ball from the next basket, etc.

Beginning riders can simply pick up the ball and ride along a specific route or pattern.

You can arrange a kind of relay race. When one rider drops the ball into the basket, the second one is already standing at this basket and picks up the ball to take it to the next empty basket, where the third rider, or the previous one, is already standing.

10.18. Treasure Hunt

Various items are placed around the arena or even outside, in the stable area (if the rider is experienced enough). Having received a list of items, the rider must collect them in a bag.

To make the game more interesting, you can make an obstacle course.

10.19. Obstacle course

You can use barrels, flags, cones, etc. as obstacles that the rider needs to avoid.

The strip can pass only through the arena, or go outside (to the left, etc.) - it depends on the capabilities of the rider.

10.20. Sword and rings

Place three cones along each of the long walls of the arena. Place cardboard cylinders on the cones - these are holders for the rings. Using toy swords, riders must pick up rings and throw them into a box that sits next to each cone or at the end of the long wall of the arena. You can pick up rings while stopping or on the move (depending on the abilities of the riders).

Complicating the task: collect all three rings at once and take them to the box at the end of the arena or collect all 6!

10.21. Tunnel race

Riders reach a certain point in the arena, dismount, crawl through a tunnel (an assistant must hold the horse), mount the horse and ride to the finish line. The finish and start are marked with cones.

The game can be played as a relay race. The tunnel is made high. You can dismount and lead the horse through the tunnel in your hands if all the horses are calm about this. You can also ride along it on horseback. But, be careful, especially if the day is windy!

10.22.Moving the cups

You will need 5 racks and 2 cups. We place the racks in a line, the cups on 1st and 3rd racks.

The rider rides to post 1, removes the cup and places it on post 2, rides around post 5, rides up to post 3 and swaps the mugs from posts 2 and 3. Thus, going around the line each time from one end or the other, the rider rearranges the cups so that they change places and take positions 1 and 5, respectively.

10.23. Bottle race

Use 2 plastic bottles and 3 crates/barrels.

The rider starts with a bottle in his hands. He puts it on the middle box, goes to the last box and picks up a bottle from it, then goes to the first and leaves it there. (You can arrange a relay race).

10.24. Flag game

You will need 4 large cones and 4 flags. The rider carries the first flag and places it in the hole of the cone, goes back, takes the second flag and places it in the second cone, etc.

10.25. Garbage collection

The rider holds in his hand a bamboo stick with a sharp end and picks up “garbage” (plastic bottles, pieces of paper, bags) in the arena. He takes the garbage to the starting point and leaves it there, passes the stick to another rider, or continues to collect the garbage himself.


It is not customary for us to wait for the New Year to come according to the Eastern calendar. We celebrate this holiday on a grand scale, with spiritual breadth, mixing traditions and cultures.
Therefore, I propose to spend the New Year creatively, unconventionally, and fun. The scenario for celebrating the Year of the Horse will suit you if you love fun, laughter, jokes, jokes. There are no age restrictions.

This could be a youth group, or maybe a family where several generations gather at once. This scenario would be suitable for a small corporate party, for a circle of friends, and even for a children’s party. The main thing is not to hold back and have a blast and have a blast.

Scenario for celebrating the New Year of the Horse 2014

"Great Leap Forward"

To celebrate the holiday you will need paraphernalia

All guests come in Horse costumes. You don't need to sew special clothes for this. Regular clothes are fine. You just need to put on a horse mask, attach the tail and “attach” cardboard hooves to your ankles and wrists. Feel free to fantasize. Put all your creativity into your costumes.

To conduct competitions you will need:

  • fun mood;
  • cardboard squares;
  • selection of musical accompaniment;
  • horse head template;
  • printed or handwritten tongue twisters.

For awards, prepare horseshoe medals (can be chocolate, or can be made from paper or cardboard).

Horse-entertainer, Horse-storyteller and all other Horses participating in races

Horse storyteller:

New Year's hoof strikes
We have a lot to do.
Hey, coachman, turn on the fire!
The Year of the Horse is rushing at a trot!

Let's forget all the sorrows -
Let's leave them behind.
Let's take flight -
Let's celebrate the New Year together!

Oh, the earth is humming and ringing...
Let's mount the horse, brothers!

Entertainer horse:

Today is an unusual day. Magic looks through the windows. And the most beautiful, graceful, virtuoso, elegant Horses arrived at our ball. Let's not hit our muzzles into the snow, and let's not get our hoofs into a pothole! May the Spirit of Oats, the Horse God, be with us! No holes for us, no bumps on the way of the Great Horse Races!

Don’t glance sideways at the feeder - the best selected grain and swill will go to those who work hard and have a lot of fun! There’s no one to pull the reins today, so we’ve bitten the bit and let’s go!
Are you ready, O my magnificent horses, for exploits?

(Everyone shouts: “YES!”)

Then let's stretch our hooves before important tests! And let the earth tremble!

Competition 1 – Dance. Nomination – Best Horse Dancer

The music can be any, I suggest O. Gazmanov’s song “Squadron of My Crazy Thoughts” - excellent “horse” dance music

Entertainer horse:

Wow, how they stretched their hooves together!
They showed themselves well in the dance!
But the performer and master of the dance is
Best dancer number one!

(if the girl wins:
Honor and praise to the great beauty!
Dance today has one mistress!)

The winner is awarded a horseshoe medal

Horse storyteller:

A hungry horse does not plow a furrow...
Is the herd sad, silent, sighing?
The feeders are full of treats -
The holiday invites us to the table!

(friendly feast, ate, drank, had a snack)

Entertainer horse:

Horses should not become heavy and fill their bellies. Otherwise the race will fail. And we still have to gallop and gallop to the finish line. Forward, my frisky ones, great discoveries and rewards await us!

Competition 2 - Drawing. Nomination – Best Horse Artist

Horse storyteller:

They say that the Creator is not limited by boundaries. They whisper that he is able to create masterpieces even with his eyes closed. We will now check whether this is true.

Easel and brushes are yours!
The path is open for creativity!
And even night and darkness
They won't stop us from creating a horse!

A template is hung on the wall, and participants are blindfolded. Blindfolded, you need to draw the horse's face. This can be done by a couple of participants, competing to see who is faster and better. You can draw in turns. Instead of drawing, you can glue pre-prepared cardboard parts (eyes, bangs, teeth, nostrils) onto the template. Cardboard parts are clearly recognizable to the touch and can make very cool horses.

Entertainer horse:

Wow, what talent! No, not talents... TALENTS! The geniuses of the brush and easel, the great Malevichs, Picasso and other Borges nervously bite their nails, looking at these unsurpassed masterpieces of painting!
But we have one winner! The best Horse Artist today was…

Horse storyteller:

Talent needs to be fed and soldered. Otherwise, the field of creativity will dry up. The best food feeder is waiting for you, ladies and gentlemen!

(at the table, ate, drank, had a snack)

Entertainer horse:

Oh, I feel it: the temperature is rising, the temperature is rising, the vocal cords are gaining strength! This means it’s time to go through the next stage of testing at the Great Races!

Competition 3 - Singing. Nomination – Golden Horse Voice

The time has come for the singers to be given a title.
Down with the melody, you give us a neighing horse!

Horse neighing imitation competition. You can just laugh one by one (it will look unsurpassed on video :)), or you can laugh while “singing along” to the tune of different songs (any of your choice).

(medals are handed out)

Entertainer horse:

And so that the ligaments do not rust
Let's add a little lubricant inside.

(drank, ate)

Entertainer horse:

You hear? The wind of change is blowing!
Our horse is like an athlete!
There are no minutes to rock up!
Let's continue our ride!

Competition 4 - Sports. Nomination – Best Horse Athlete

Two options:

1 way Suitable for a youth group.
Participants are divided into pairs. One is the “horse”, the second is the “rider” who sits on the “horse”
Cardboard squares are laid out around the room. The goal is to gallop from square to square, trying not to leave the distance.
If there is not enough space, you can take the competition one by one.

Method 2 easier: the “horse” squats down, the “rider” takes his legs in his hands. The horse's task is to walk through the squares with his hands. The “rider’s” task is to control correctly and not lose sight of his partner’s legs.
The competition takes place to cheerful music. For example, like this:):

Horse storyteller:

You hear: a melody sounds...
Nocturne? Etude? Or a rhapsody?..
Only the best musician
Now show off your talent!

Competition 5 - Musical. Nomination: Best Horse Musician

2 options for holding the competition:

Participants are divided into two teams.
1 way:
The teams take turns singing songs that mention horses, ponies, horses.
The team that remembers the most songs wins.

Method 2“Guess the melody” type: songs about horses are selected, and you need to guess the song based on the first chords.


Gray horses, dappled horses.

The dark horse took the lead.

And ponies are horses too.

Clouds are white-maned horses

The dog can be a biter
Only from a dog's life
Only from life, from the life of a dog
Dogs can bite!
The dog grabs the heel with its teeth,
The dog eats the citizen's horse...

Under a sad moo, under a cheerful growl,
Born to the sound of friendly neighing
Big secret for the little one
For such a small company,
For such a modest company
Such a huge secret

Oh, who the hell is that white kopeck worth...

Mom bought a konik, but the konik was missing a leg...

Oh, you horses, my horses...

Somehow I came across some picky horses...

In a dream I dreamed that my horse was black, oh, he was having fun, frolicking, oh, he was splashing under me

I was looking for a mare, I found a mare (“Mill “Night Mare”)

I wanted to ride into the city on a white horse, but the owner of the inn smiled at me.

Oh, you are a daring horse, why are you chomping at the bit?

My heart ached in the middle of a clean field, I unsaddled my wild and fast horse...

Sivka-Burka, prophetic kaurka - stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass!

I'm a little horse, I'm worth a lot of money...

And at night I dream of a horse, a red horse comes up to me, a red horse breathes in my face, squints with its purple eye...

Ah, three white horses, ah, three white horses - December, January and February

Far, far away a young horse galloped into the field...

The wooden horses galloped away...

Oh, frost, frost, don't freeze me. Don't freeze me, my horse...

Wow, I'm gone))).
If you have the desire and enthusiasm, you can carry out both proposed options.

Competition 6 - Fabulous. Nomination: Most Attentive Horse

Entertainer horse:

Our minds will not weaken!
Have everyone's ears been washed?
As soon as the word “Horse” appears -
Knock your hoof together!

The participants’ task is to listen to the story and when they hear the word “horse” (or something similar in sound) – beat their feet on the floor or clap their hands. During the story, the storyteller horse distributes horseshoes to those who are attentive and respond in time to the right word.

Horse storyteller:

December is ending. It rustles, shines, and is wrapped in gifts. O, sure! New Year has come to us!
The blizzard knocks its hoof at the end, the Christmas tree sparkles with lights. And we will go out into the yard, put on our SKATES and skis and go for a walk and sing songs.
Far, far away, behind the white snowdrifts, where the city ends, there is a HORSE farm. There is freedom for horses and HORSES! They don't honor KONIN; they love oats and selected wheat. There, frost has painted the sky with patterns from time immemorial.
A bearded Grandfather is racing on a sleigh, and his frisky HORSES are carrying him to visit those who are waiting for magic. Eh, white-maned cavalry! Don't let the horse thief steal you away!
You are elusive, playful, fast, like a dream! On your backs is a whole heap of miracles, the CONTOUR of Happiness and the brightness of firecrackers. The CONFetti holiday will fly away in many colors, but warm memories will remain. And in order not to freeze in the cold and the cold wind, isn’t it time for us to drink some COGNAC?

Competition 7 - Oratorical. Nomination - The Most Eloquent Horse

Entertainer horse:

Well, let's check if there is still good spirit and good words in our friendly company, which takes part in big races?
The most eloquent person will win the main prize of this stage!

Participants take turns reading tongue twisters (you need to prepare printed strips with text in advance)

All tongue twisters are related to the “horse” theme:

Tongue Twisters:

The horse clicked his hoof from behind,
Dust swirls under the hoof.

Magpie balabok, balabok filly.

The farrier forged the horse. The horse farriers the hoof, the horse farriers the horse with a whip.

Horse with rider
Yes, without a saddle or bridle,
No girth or bit.
Neither saddle nor bridle,
Not that little thing - What to put the bridle on.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

Masha stings,
The horse neighed
Red ears flattened...
You, Ryzhukha, don’t worry
At the boundary line - don't make rye!

I'm driving through a pothole, I won't get out of the pothole

Stupid horse. (V. Levin)

The horse bought four galoshes,
A couple of good ones and a couple of worse ones.
If it's a nice day -
The horse walks in good galoshes.
It's worth waking up first in the morning -
The horse comes out wearing thicker galoshes.
If there are puddles on the street all over -
The horse comes out without any galoshes at all.

Why are you, Horse, regretting your galoshes?
Isn't your health more important to you?

If only there were a mare, I wouldn’t beat... If only there was a mare!

Horses love oats. Lesha brought them hay.

The horse neighed. devoured the rye

A white horse stood on the corner and ate a piece of rotten straw.

A blacksmith forged a horseshoe on an anvil for a horse

Pegasus, who was delivering mail, scratched the horseshoe threshold, promised to arrive later, and galloped off to pluck some wheatgrass. Pegasus brought Psyche. Psyche beamed and sent a kiss

Here is an ax, here is an ax handle, here is a whip, here is a whip handle.

Horse storyteller:

The finish line is visible...
Are you at least a little tired?
It's time to take us ON THE HORSE
And it's time to take stock!

The horseshoes scored in competitions are counted. The winners of the nominations are announced, and huge cardboard medals with inscriptions are solemnly hung around their necks.
Those who collect the most horseshoes are awarded small prizes (you can give Christmas gifts or specially purchased small items: keychains in the shape of a horse, notebooks with the image of a horse, pens, magnets, cups, etc.)

Entertainer horse:

The New Year's hoof beats impatiently.
Let him only bring us joy.
We will ask the Horse to live HAPPY for a year.
Let us certainly be lucky!
Let hopes come true, grow together,
Wings grow for flight.
Let a miracle come to every home.
Congratulations on your new happiness, Happy New Year!

Svetlana Shkaleva
"Horse Celebration" Scenario for middle group children

"Horse Celebration"

Historical reference

September 1 -Teplyak Day. On this day there is a warm, southern wind. They say: “Teplyak holds on, bows to the passing summer.”

The day before, August 31, the day of Frol and Lavra was celebrated. These saints were considered the patrons of horse breeding.

Children enter the hall to the sound of a calm melody and sit down.

Look around: you will be enchanted by the beauty, there is no land more beautiful than ours.

The bread turns golden, the forests turn green, the distance of the sea is colored with azure.

And what kind of gardens we have in Kuban, and what beautiful girls. Kuban is the breadbasket of our country, famous for its poems and songs.

Song "Near the Kuban Mother River"

You are welcome - welcome to visit

Come, you won’t regret it, if you have time.

Make yourself at home, don't be shy.

Rejoice, have fun!

Today we have an unusual holiday - Equestrian. Today we will glorify the horse. And here comes our dear guest.

Cossack Stepan rides into the hall to the music “Gallop” on a “STAND HORSE”.

Hello, well done! What is your name?

Hello, hostess! Hello guys! My name is Stepan. I am a Cossack, I was in a hurry to come to you for an equestrian festival. After all, in the Cossack economy there is nowhere without a horse. He will plow the field, and bring the luggage - wood, hay - if necessary, and deliver it to the city. A Cossack cannot do without a horse.

After all, a good Cossack without a horse is like a bird without wings.

And it is no coincidence that a holiday was held in honor of the horse. On this day, horses were sprinkled with holy water, their manes were decorated with ribbons, and they were treated to bread and salt. On this day they did not work, but held competitions in an open field.

We will also have a competition today. Let's see how smart and strong your guys are.

But first, let's warm up.

Exercise “Our horses are clean” by E. Tilicheeva.

Guys, let's treat my beloved horse with bread and salt. This is the best treat for him.

Relay race "Treat the horse with bread"

Two teams of three people participate. Stepan stands with a horse at a distance of 10-15 meters from the players, and there are bowls on the floor in front of him.

Each team has an obstacle course in front of them. Each child holds a “piece of bread” cube in his hands. Participants take turns walking along the bench, crawling under an arc, putting their “bread” in a bowl, running back to their team and passing the baton to the next player. The team that completes the task faster wins.

According to the Kuban custom, as usual

A holiday is not complete without games and dancing.

Before starting the game, I will remind you of an old Cossack belief: it was believed that whoever finds a horseshoe will bring happiness to him.

Here are the lucky horseshoes

If you're throwing healthy

Come visit us here

And throw it without difficulty.

Game "Lucky Horseshoe"

Several children compete to throw golden horseshoes made of cardboard onto the necks of bottles.

Forged-forged, reforged,

Vanyusha's horse is shod.

He hits with a horseshoe, he hits with a hoof, nailed with a golden nail.

Game "Horses"

Children are divided into “horses” and “grooms.” A line is drawn on the floor with a rope, with “horses” on one side and “grooms” on the other. "Horses" holding hands and approaching the line.

Ta-ra-ra, ta-ra-ra,

The horses left the yard.

Then they run away, clicking their tongues. The "grooms" try to catch the "horses" and take them to a fenced place - the "yard". When all the “horses” are caught, the children change roles.

They sent the young woman down the hill for a reason

The water is deep, but the bucket is far away

Merry Cossacks gathered there by the river

Everyone sings the songs, and the horses rest.

Boys say proverbs:

A Cossack without a horse is like a soldier without a gun!

A Cossack does not cry even in trouble.

A Cossack will drink from a handful and dine on the palm of his hand.

The Cossack himself is starving, but his horse is full.

A Cossack horse is a dear father and dear comrade.

For a Cossack, a horse is more valuable to himself.

Girls say proverbs:

How on our street all the people are worried.

The Cossacks are coming and going - brave fellows.

The peaks are sharp, the horses are clean. Good cavalrymen!

They begin to dance, their checkers sparkle.

Kuban song "Gallop"

Come on, our Cossacks

You are all easy going

Who will take off his hat faster?

Who will dance more merrily?

Game "Take off your hat"

Let's rest a little and sing a song.

Song "Cossacks" by K. Listov

A new game has arrived -

Not an easy task

In fact, it’s time for us to take action and show diligence.

Two buckets are at your disposal

Come on, water the horse.

Game "Drink the horse"

2 teams of 5 people each participate. Between the teams stands the Cossack Stepan, holding a “horse”. Each team has a bucket. Children take turns passing buckets from hand to hand. Whose bucket reaches the “horse” faster, that team will win.

Well, you have fun, your legs are eager to dance!

Is it possible to fall behind here, let's all dance!

General dance of Cossack Stepan and children

It's great here, we had a lot of fun with you!

But it's time to go home.

Our Horse Festival has come to an end.

On the horses!

Children behind Stepan Kazak “ride horses” to the play “Cavalry”

D. B. Kabalevsky and so they leave the hall.