What kind of training load accounting allows you to analyze indicators. Accounting for training loads. Determining the goal. Accounting for individual

Comprehensive control

Complex control is the measurement and evaluation of various indicators in training cycles in order to determine the level of athlete’s preparedness (pedagogical, psychological, biological, sociometric, sports-medical and other methods and tests are used).

The complexity of control is realized only when three groups of indicators are recorded:

1) indicators of training and competitive influences;

2) indicators of the athlete’s functional state and preparedness, registered under standard conditions;

3) condition indicators external environment.

Complex control in most cases is implemented during testing or the procedure for measuring results in tests. There are three groups of tests.

First group of tests- tests performed at rest. These include indicators of physical development (height and body weight, thickness of skin and fat folds, length and girth of arms, legs, torso, etc.). At rest, the functional state of the heart, muscles, nervous and vascular systems. This group also includes psychological tests.

The information obtained through the tests of the first group is the basis for the assessment physical condition athlete.

Second group of tests- these are standard tests when all athletes are asked to perform the same task (for example, run on a treadmill at a speed of 5 m/s for 5 minutes or do pull-ups on a bar 10 times within 1 minute, etc.). The specific feature of these tests is to perform an unlimited load, and therefore motivation to achieve the maximum possible result is not needed here.

Third group of tests- these are tests during which you need to show the highest possible motor result. The values ​​of biomechanical, physiological, biochemical and other indicators are measured (forces exhibited in the test; heart rate, MOC, anaerobic threshold, lactate, etc.). The peculiarity of such tests is the need for a high psychological attitude and motivation to achieve maximum results.

Varieties integrated control. (types of control)

Based on the tasks of managing an athlete’s training, a distinction is made between operational, current and staged control.

Operational control- this is control over the athlete’s operational state, in particular, readiness to perform the next attempt, the next exercise, to conduct a fight, fight, etc. It is aimed at assessing the reactions of the athlete’s body to training or competitive loads, the quality of performance techniques and combinations in general.

Current control- this is an assessment in microcycles of preparation of the results of control competitions, the dynamics of loads and their ratios, registration and analysis of everyday changes in the level of preparedness of an athlete, the level of development of his technique and tactics.

Stage control- this is the measurement and assessment at the end of the stage (period) of preparation of various indicators of competitive and training activities athlete, load dynamics and sports results at competitions or in specially organized conditions.

Directions of control

Control over competitive influences has two directions: monitoring the results of competitions in training cycles and measuring and assessing effectiveness competitive activity.

Control over competition results consists of assessing the effectiveness of performance in competitions in a certain (most often annual) training cycle. Measuring and assessing the effectiveness of competitive activity. Modern measuring and computing technology makes it possible to register dozens of different indicators of a competitive exercise and competitive activity.

Control over training influences consists in systematically recording quantitative values ​​of characteristics training exercises performed by the athlete. The same indicators are used for both control, so for planning loads

The main indicators of load volume are the number of training days; number of training sessions; time spent on training and competitive activities; quantity, mileage of specialized exercises.

Indicators of load intensity are the concentration of exercises in time, speed, and power of exercises.

In the process of load control, the volume of specialized exercises is summed up; volume of exercises performed in separate intensity (power) zones; volume of exercise; aimed at improving general and special physical, technical and tactical readiness; the volume of rehabilitation exercises performed in microcycles, monthly and in an annual cycle. Comparison of these indicators with the dynamics of sports results allows the coach to identify rational relationships between individual types of training loads, the timing of achieving the highest results after their peak values, the period of delayed transformation of training loads into high sports results.

Monitoring the athlete’s state of readiness. Assessment of the athlete’s state of readiness is carried out during testing or during competitions and includes:

Special assessment physical fitness;

Evaluation technical and tactical readiness;

Assessment of psychological state and behavior on

Assessment of the state of health and basic functional systems is carried out, as a rule, by medical and biological methods by specialists in the field of physiology, biochemistry and sports medicine. The methodology for this control is given in special textbooks.

Assessment of special physical fitness consists of individual assessments of the level of basic physical qualities: strength, speed, endurance and flexibility. In this case, the main attention is paid to the leading ones for this sports discipline physical qualities or individual abilities that make up these generalized concepts.

Assessment of technical readiness . Control over technical readiness consists of assessing the quantitative and qualitative aspects of an athlete’s technique when performing competitive and training exercises.

Equipment control is carried out visually and instrumentally. The criteria for an athlete's technical mastery are volume of technique, versatility of technique, and efficiency.

Tactical readiness assessment. Monitoring tactical readiness consists of assessing the appropriateness of an athlete’s (team’s) actions aimed at achieving success in competitions. It provides control over tactical thinking, tactical actions (the volume of tactical techniques, their versatility and effectiveness of use).

Typically, control of tactical readiness coincides with control of competitive activity.

Accounting in progress sports training

An effective accounting system during sports training is important. Taking into account sports training indicators allows the coach to check the correctness of the selection and use of means, methods and forms of the sports training process, and to identify a more effective way to improve sportsmanship. It allows you to monitor the levels of various aspects of athletes’ preparedness, the dynamics of sports results, physical development, health status, etc. Analysis of accounting data makes it possible not only to control, but also, by actively intervening in the educational and training process, to improve it. All parties must be taken into account training process.

Sports training indicators are recorded in the following forms.

Stage accounting carried out at the beginning and end of any stage, period, annual cycle. In the first case it is called preliminary, in the second - final (final).

Preliminary accounting allows you to determine the initial level of preparedness of an athlete or group of athletes. The final accounting data, when compared with the results of the preliminary accounting, allows us to evaluate the effectiveness of the educational and training process and make adjustments to the subsequent training plan.

Current accounting is carried out continuously during individual training sessions, in micro- and mesocycles of training. It provides for fixation of means, methods, values ​​of training and competitive loads, assessment of the athlete’s health and preparedness.

Operational accounting is a type of current. Operational accounting data allows you to obtain the necessary information about changes in the condition of the trainees, conditions, content and nature of training during the lesson. This information is necessary for successfully managing the training process during one lesson.

The main accounting documents in a sports school are a logbook of classes, a training diary, a logbook of elite athletes, public instructors, sports judges, and a table of records. sports school, competition reports, personal cards and medical control cards of those involved.

Table The main content of integrated control and its varieties (Zh.K. Kholodov)

Types of integrated control Directions of control
Control over competitive and training influences Monitoring the condition and preparedness of athletes Monitoring the state of the external environment
Control of competitive activity (SC) Control of training activities (TD)
Staged a) measurement and evaluation of various indicators at competitions that complete a certain stage of preparation b) analysis of the dynamics of SD indicators at all competitions of the stage a) construction and analysis of load dynamics at the preparation stage b) summation of loads for all indicators for the stage and determination of their ratio Measurement and evaluation of control indicators in specially organized conditions at the end of the preparation stage For climatic factors (temperature, humidity, wind, solar radiation), for the quality of inventory, equipment, coatings sports facilities, characteristics of competition and training courses, sliding, behavior of spectators and the objectivity of judging at competitions and their influence on the results in sports competitions and control training sessions.
Current Measurement and evaluation of indicators at the competition that completes the macrocycle of training (if it is provided for in the plan) a) construction and analysis of load dynamics in a training microcycle b) summation of loads for all characteristics during a microcycle and determination of their content Registration and analysis of everyday measurements of athletes' preparedness caused by systematic training sessions
Operational Measuring and evaluating performance in any competition Measurement and evaluation of physical and physiological characteristics of exercise load, series of exercises, training session. Measurement and analysis of indicators that informatively reflect changes in the condition of athletes at the time or immediately after exercise and activities
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Training load is the muscular work done by an athlete during a training session, weekly, monthly, semi-annual and annual cycles. The main parameters of the training load are:

volume - V,

intensity - I ,

number of movements - n ,

lead time - t.

For example, an athlete performs squats with a weight of 80 kg 10 times in 5 approaches. The load volume in one approach will be: 80 kg X 10 = 800 kg. IN five approaches, respectively - 800kgx5=4000kg. It is convenient to record load volume indicators in tons - whole and tenths. A recording of an exercise indicating the volume of load and the number of movements (5 sets x 10 repetitions = 50 movements) might look like this:

1. Squats with a barbell on the front 5x80x10; 50

Example of recording one workout:

Workout No. in order Day of week Date

129. Tuesday 03/19/01.

1. Squats with a barbell on the front 5x80x10; 50

2. Scissor squats 5x60x (8+8); 80

3. Leg bends on the simulator 4x20x10; 40

4. Snatch row 5x100x8; 40

5.Hyperextension 4x25x10; 40

6. Calf raises with a barbell 5x120x15; 7. Hanging leg raises 5xmax;

8. Raising the torso incline bench 5x10x15;

n = 250 Feeling good: good

t = 88 min. Performance: normal

Where: V is the sum of the load volume in all exercises; I is the intensity of the training load, namely the average size of the load (working weight) in all vypo completed exercises: I = V/n;,

n is the integral sum of the number of movements in all exercises;

t - time to complete the training load;.

This method of calculating the load is adopted in power types sports Bodybuilding is no exception, despite the use of special equipment, since all the variety of training equipment is designed and works according to the principle: weights - counterweight. The work on the lower leg and abdominal muscles is not calculated due to the specificity of these exercises. Considering the fairly high regulation of the training process in bodybuilding and the very stable ratio of the amount of work for the main muscle parts in the structure of the training process, this method of recording the load can be considered quite objective.

One page of the diary is allocated for one training session, on which in the left top corner The serial number of the training session is indicated, followed by the day of the week and date. Below, in the order of execution, the exercises, the number of approaches, the working weight of the weight and the number of repetitions are written down. After calculating the work performed, the same line indicates the amount of work performed in the exercise and the number of movements performed.

In the lower left corner, the volume of work performed in the training session is recorded - V, the intensity of the load - I, the number of movements performed - n, the time of performing the training work - t. In the lower right corner of the page, in the column “Well-being” and “Performance,” the athlete makes appropriate entries in arbitrary categories: excellent, good, normal, bad, and so on about the subjective assessment of his condition.

The main accounting and evaluation criteria of the training process are the quantitative (V,n) and qualitative (I,t) parameters of the weekly cycle load. A qualified training process requires mandatory use of weekly load indicators.

Let's consider the procedure for calculating and recording the weekly load characteristics of the work performed.

The total volume of training work completed in a weekly cycle - V total weekly calculated by the formula:

V total week=V1+V2+V3+V4+V5+V6 ;,

where V1,V2,...,V6 is the load volume of each training session.

Average load volume in one (conditional) training session of a weekly cycle - V average weekly calculated by the formula:

V average week = V1+V2+...V6/6; or Vtotal week/6;, where V1,V2,...,V6 is the volume of load in each training session, the number 6 in the denominator of the fraction is the number of training sessions in the weekly cycle.

Average intensity of training work completed per week - I average weekly, is calculated by the formula: Iaverage week = Vtotal week/N;, where Vtotal week. is the volume of the weekly load, and N is the number of movements performed in the weekly cycle.

The total number of movements performed in a weekly cycle - N total weekly, it is considered as follows:

N sum.week = n1+n2+n3+n4+n5+n6; where n1,n2,...,n6 is the number of movements performed for each workout.

The average number of movements performed in one (conditional) training session - N weekly average, is calculated by the formula:

N average week = N total week/6 ;.

Average time spent on one training session within a weekly cycle - T average weekly, is calculated by the formula:

T average week = t1+t2+t3+t4+t5+t6/6;, or T total week/6;

where t1,t2,...,t6 is the time of completion of each training session in the weekly cycle, number 6 in the denominator of the fraction is the number of training sessions in the weekly cycle.

The principle of systematicity is, first of all, the regularity of classes, the rational alternation of loads and rest.

Regularity of classes involves a rational alternation of psychophysical stress and rest. Any load has four phases: energy expenditure, recovery, super-recovery, return to the original level. This is why physical education classes are never held on two consecutive days. In addition, it is the need to observe the principle of systematicity that explains the program requirement for the discipline “Physical Education” - regular attendance at all classes provided for in the curriculum.

The principle of systematicity when conducting educational and training sessions largely ensures continuity and consistency in mastering educational material.

The principle of systematicity ensures continuity educational and training process with optimal alternation of loads and rest.

The fact is that even J. Lamarck (1809) noticed, and later many researchers studied in detail, the remarkable property of living systems, which is that the body not only compensates for labor expenses, but compensates for them “in excess.” By super-restoring spent energy substances and renewing protein structures, the basis for the delayed effect of the work performed is created. This provision reveals the essence of improving the functional systems of the body (increasing fitness) under the influence of systematic (regular) targeted training sessions.

It is necessary, however, to take into account that if the training session is followed by too long a break, then this effect is gradually lost to one degree or another (reduction phase). This applies primarily to the level of performance (formed skills and abilities are retained for a longer time). Therefore, the rest interval should end before the reduction phase begins. This provision emphasizes the importance of the principle of systematicity and one of its sides - continuity of the educational and training process.

Repeatability and variability in application various exercises and tasks in optimal time periods are also mandatory components of the principle of continuity.

Factor repeatability in physical education it is expressed to a greater extent than in other types of education. This is explained by specific patterns of acquiring and consolidating skills and abilities, improving the forms and functions of the body.

Equally important is variability, those. modification of exercises, dynamic loads, updating the forms and content of classes without changing their target orientation. This diversifies the educational and training process and reduces the psychological overload that occurs when performing monotonous tasks.

Subsequence in mastering educational and training tasks and educational material within the framework of one lesson, a multi-month and multi-year process physical education also from the sides of the principle of systematicity. The general afterbirth in the multi-month and multi-year aspect) will be determined; Yes, from broad general physical education to more specialized classes. In a long-term plan, the sequence is also influenced by the characteristics of a person’s age-related development.


The impact of physical exercise on a person is associated with the load on his body, causing an active reaction of functional systems. To determine the degree of tension of these systems under load, intensity indicators are used that characterize the body's response to the work performed. There are many such indicators: changes in motor reaction time, respiratory rate, minute volume of oxygen consumption, etc. Meanwhile, the most convenient and informative indicator of load intensity, especially in cyclic sports, is heart rate (HR). Individual load intensity zones are determined with a focus on heart rate. Physiologists define four zones of load intensity based on heart rate: 0, I, II, III.

The division of loads into zones is based not only on changes in heart rate, but also on differences in physiological and biochemical processes under loads of different intensities.

When developing general endurance, a trained athlete is characterized by a natural “entry” into the second zone of load intensity. In second training area(from 150 to 180 beats/min) anaerobic energy supply mechanisms are activated muscle activity. It is believed that 150 beats/min is the threshold of anaerobic metabolism (TANO). However, in poorly prepared athletes and athletes with low sports uniform PANO can also occur at a heart rate of 130-140 beats/min, while in well-trained athletes PANO can “move away” to the border of 160-165 beats/min.


To manage the process independent studies it is necessary to carry out a number of activities: determine the goals of independent study; determine the individual characteristics of the student; adjust lesson plans (perspective, annual, semester and microcycle); determine and change the content, organization, methodology and conditions of classes, and the training means used. All this is necessary to achieve the greatest effectiveness of training, depending on the results of self-control and recording of training sessions. Taking into account the training work done allows you to analyze the progress of the training process and make adjustments to training plans. It is recommended to carry out preliminary, current and final accounting with recording of data in a personal self-monitoring diary.

The purpose of preliminary accounting is to record data on the initial level of preparedness and fitness of those involved.

Current accounting allows you to analyze the performance of training sessions. During training sessions, the following are analyzed: the number of training sessions performed per week, month, year; completed volume and intensity of training work: results of participation in competitions and performance of individual tests and category classification standards. Analysis of current accounting indicators allows you to check the correctness of the training process and make the necessary amendments to training plans.

Final accounting is carried out at the end of the training period or at the end of the annual training cycle. It involves comparing data on the state of health and fitness, as well as data on the volume of training work, expressed in the time spent performing exercises and in the number of kilometers of athletics running, skiing and swimming of varying intensity, with the results shown in sports competitions. Based on this comparison and analysis, training plans for the next annual cycle are adjusted.

The results of many types of self-control and accounting during independent training sessions can be presented in the form of quantitative indicators: heart rate, body weight, training loads, test results, sports results, etc. Information about quantitative indicators will allow the student to set a certain quantitative task at any time. , implement it during training and evaluate the accuracy of its implementation.

It is useful to present quantitative data of self-control and accounting in the form of a graph, then the analysis of the indicators of the self-control diary, preliminary, current and final accounting will more clearly display the dynamics of the health status, level of physical and sports readiness of those involved, which will facilitate the daily management of the process of independent training.


Sports competitions - one of the most effective forms of organizing mass health and sports work. Competitions are not only like a form, but also as a means revitalization general physical, sports and applied And sports training students.

Sports results are, essentially, an integrative indicator of the quality and effectiveness of psycho physical training student, carried out on educational training sessions. In a competitive environment, students demonstrate their physical capabilities more fully. That is why the adoption of standards for general physical training for training sessions carried out in a competitive setting at qualifying competitions in a training group or in a training stream.

Thus, sports competitions can act both as a means of preparation and as a method of monitoring the effectiveness of the educational and training process.

The entire system of student sports competitions is built on the principle of “from simple to complex,” i.e. from intra-university competitions in a study group, on a course (often according to simplified rules) to inter-university competitions, etc. before international student competitions.

Intra-university sports competitions include test competitions within study groups, study streams on a course, competitions between courses of faculties, and between faculties. Depending on the content of the “Regulations on the Competition,” the competition can be either personal (for each performer), or team, or individual-team; accessible to every student, or for " sports elite» study group, course, faculty, determined at the preliminary competitive stages. But in any case, every student can participate in the first stages of this system of intra-university competitions, regardless of their level of sports preparedness.

Intra-university competitions in sports (including mass cross-country, relay races, etc.)

test competitions in training sessions

competitions for the championship of educational groups

course championship competitions

competitions for the championship of faculties (competitions for the championship of dormitories)

university championship competition

Interuniversity competitions in sports or complex sports events

friendly competitions between courses, faculties, universities

regional and city competitions

regional competitions

zonal competitions (by territorial or departmental basis)

Russian student competitions and participation in national teams in competitions of the Russian Federation

International student sports competitions

friendly competitions between individual faculties

or universities

championships and Universiade

International University Sports Federation (FISU)

participation in the Russian national teams in the European, World and Olympic Games Oh

The strongest student-athletes usually participate and compete in interuniversity competitions individually or as part of national teams of individual courses, faculties, and universities.

The target objectives of interuniversity competitions, as well as their sports level, can be very different: for example, friendly sports matches between students of the same faculties of different universities or between teams of similar educational institutions. The purpose of such competitions is to establish personal contacts between future colleagues in the profession rather than to find out athletic advantage. However, a sports task can also be set - to achieve the best sports result in competitions between universities in a city, region or Russian universities. This determines the level of sports preparedness of students at each university, and, consequently, the nature of the attitude in individual educational institutions to the sporting interests of students and to the creation necessary conditions for sports improvement of student-athletes.

At the level of individual universities, international sports meetings can be organized on the initiative of the administration and public organizations. International student competitions are also organized by interuniversity public sports associations.

Olympic Games - the most authoritative and representative international sporting competitions.

Student-athletes have always performed successfully as part of the former USSR Olympic team. Starting from the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City, the team consisted of 45-48% students.

In 1994 after long break(since 1912) olympic team Russia once again entered the sports arena under its national flag to participate in the Winter Olympics in Lillehammer. The team consisted of about 75% students who made a worthy contribution to the successful performance of Russian athletes.


In order to adjust the training methodology physical exercise, regular observations over a period of time are necessary.

Let us give an example of monitoring the development of strength of the wrist flexor muscles (manual dynamometry). The research was conducted in 1996 on groups of boys and girls. Hand strength was measured during athletic gymnastics classes from October to April. As shown in Fig. 9.11, among students from October to December, hand strength increased by 1.6 kg, and among female students during the same time it decreased by 2.6 kg.

Figure 1 – Average strength of the wrist flexor muscles (in kg) by month (according to A.I. Zaitsev)

Figure 2 – Change in the strength of the flexor muscles of the hand in (kg) under the influence of atl. gymnastics (according to A.I. Zaitsev)

After exams and holidays, the results for boys are lower by 4.3 kg compared to December, and for girls by 3.7 kg. For students, from February to April the result continues to decrease and in April it is 52.0 kg, for girls it increases by April to 37.5 kg.

From Fig. Figure 2 shows that the load was insufficient and caused the hand strength of the students to change slightly after the classes. This requires reconsidering and increasing the load in athletic gymnastics classes.


    Ilyinich V.I. College sports. M., 1995.

    Evseev Yu.I. Physical culture. Rostov-on-Don, 2004

    Maslyakov V.A., Matyazhev V.S. Mass physical culture at the university. M., 1991.

    Physical culture / Ed. V.I. Ilyinich. M., 2004

    Have control over your training process is possible only if there is information about completed physical exercises, changes in the level of development of motor qualities, the degree of mastery of movement techniques, the functional state of your body and overall performance.
    Documentary form accounting The required data is a training diary. In this diary, indicators of completed tasks are recorded daily. training loads and self-monitoring data.

    You can make a diary from an ordinary general notebook, graphing it according to the sample (see Table 61).

    Table 61. Sample preparation of a training diary page

    After each classes it is necessary not only to write it down in detail in a diary, but also to analyze it, noting how this or that physical activity was tolerated, your feelings and observations in the process of studying the exercise technique, as well as your well-being.
    To obtain the necessary information, training loads are classified and systematized by type, focus and specificity. Loads different types- running, skiing, swimming, outdoor games, weight training, hand-to-hand combat etc. Focus loads implies its impact on one or another energy supply mechanism. Specific are all exercises, techniques and actions that are similar in biodynamics, energy or any other defining parameters to the structure of professional actions. Non-specific exercises include exercises for general physical training.

    Indicators loads are also divided into private, summary and general. Particular ones include the volume of loads in performing individual techniques or exercises (preparatory, simulation, special preparatory, etc.). Total - the number of similar exercises, techniques and actions performed, unidirectional loads in various sections of physical training for any cycle workout- week, month (mesocycle), stage, period. The total volumes reflect the completion of all loads for any period of time or the total loads in any sections (types) of training over large periods of time - for a period or for a year. As an example of taking into account indicators of training load volumes, you can use Table 19 (see Chapter 5).
    When generally monitoring the completed training work, it is best to take into account the main parameters of the exercises for the subsequent systematization of loads in four zones of different physiological orientation:

    • predominantly aerobic (H1);
    • mixed aerobic-anaerobic (H2);
    • glycolytic anaerobic (H3);
    • alactic anaerobic (H4).

    Volume registration training loads therefore, it is necessary to carry out both in the number of repetitions (kilometers of running and swimming raised during strength training kilograms and tons of weights, etc.), and in terms of the time spent on their implementation (exercise time + rest time in interval work). If taking into account loads in particular indicators and the number of repetitions reflects in more detail the specific “technology” of training, then taking into account in general time indicators allows us to take into account all the loads performed according to their physiological direction.
    For self distribution loads according to their primary focus, you can use the data in table. 62.

    Table 62. The importance of load components when distributing training exercises according to the zones of their physiological orientation (according to N. I. Volkov, 1968).

    Load direction

    Load Components

    Number of repetitions

    Rest, min


    in the exercise

    until recovery

    Features and work done. Adjustment

    Determining the goal. Accounting for individual

    Self-study management.

    To manage the process of independent study, it is necessary to carry out a number of activities: determine the goals of independent study; determine the individual characteristics of the student; adjust lesson plans (perspective, annual,

    per semester and microcycle); determine and change the content, organization, methodology and conditions of classes, and the training means used. All this is necessary to achieve the greatest effectiveness of training, depending on the results of self-control and accounting for training sessions. Taking into account the training work done allows you to analyze the progress of the training process and make adjustments to training plans. It is recommended to carry out preliminary, current and final accounting with recording of data in a personal self-monitoring diary.

    The purpose of preliminary accounting is to record data on the initial level of preparedness and fitness of those involved.

    Current accounting allows you to analyze the performance of training sessions. During training sessions, the following are analyzed: the number of training sessions performed per week, month, year; completed volume and intensity of training work: results of participation in competitions and performance of individual tests and category classification standards. Analysis of current accounting indicators allows you to check the correctness of the training process and make the necessary amendments to training plans.

    Final accounting is carried out at the end of the training period or at the end of the annual training cycle. It involves comparing data on the state of health and fitness, as well as data on the volume of training work, expressed in the time spent performing exercises and in the number of kilometers of athletics running, skiing and swimming of varying intensity, with the results shown in sports competitions. Based on this comparison and analysis, training plans for the next annual cycle are adjusted.

    The results of many types of self-control and accounting during independent training sessions can be presented in the form of quantitative indicators: heart rate, body weight, training loads, test results, sports results, etc. Information about quantitative indicators will allow the student to set a certain quantitative task at any time. , implement it during training and evaluate the accuracy of its implementation.

    It is useful to present quantitative data of self-control and accounting in the form of a graph, then the analysis of the indicators of the self-control diary, preliminary, current and final accounting will more clearly display the dynamics of the health status, level of physical and sports readiness of those involved, which will facilitate the daily management of the process of independent training.

    6.4. Limit of physical intensity

    The relationship between exercise intensity

    and heart rate. Signs of overexertion

    Managing the process of self-study includes dosing physical activity, its intensity during physical exercise.

    Physical exercise will not bring the desired effect if physical activity is insufficient. Excessive load intensity can cause overstrain phenomena in the body. There is a need to establish optimal individual doses physical activity for everyone who independently engages in any system of physical exercises or sports. To do this, it is necessary to determine the initial level of the functional state of the body before starting classes and then monitor changes in its indicators during classes.

    Most accessible ways assessments of the state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are a one-stage functional test with a squat, the Stange test and the Genchi test (see Chapter 9).

    The degree of physical fitness can be monitored by determining the maximum oxygen consumption using the K. Cooper method (see Chapter 5).

    Practice has shown that an untrained person with poor fitness (VO2 max less than 25 ml/kg/min) can increase it by about 30% as a result of systematic exercise.

    When dosing physical activity and regulating the intensity of its impact on the body, the following factors must be taken into account:

    * number of repetitions of the exercise. The more times the exercise is repeated, the greater the load, and vice versa;

    * range of movements. With increasing amplitude, the load on the body increases;

    * starting position, from which the exercise is performed significantly affects the degree of physical activity. This includes: changing the shape and size of the supporting surface when performing exercises (standing, sitting, lying), using starting positions that isolate the work of auxiliary muscle groups (with the help of gymnastic equipment and objects), increasing the load on the main muscle group and on the entire body, change in the position of the body’s center of gravity relative to the support;

    * size and number of muscle groups involved in the exercise. How more muscles participates in the exercise; the larger they are in mass, the greater the physical activity;

    * pace of exercises can be slow, medium, fast. In cyclic exercises, for example, it gives a greater load fast pace, in strength training - a slow pace;

    * degree of difficulty of the exercise depends on the number of muscle groups involved in the exercise and on the coordination of their activity. Complex exercises require increased attention, which creates significant emotional stress and leads to faster fatigue;

    * degree and nature of muscle tension. At maximum tension, the muscles are insufficiently supplied with oxygen and nutrients, fatigue quickly increases. It is difficult to continue working for a long time even with rapid alternation muscle contractions and relaxation, because this leads to high mobility of the processes of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex and to rapid fatigue;

    * power of muscle work(the amount of work per unit of time) depends on the time it is performed, the speed developed and the force during movement. The greater the power, the higher the physical load (for more details, see Chapter 5);

    * duration and nature of rest breaks between exercises. Longer rest contributes to a more complete recovery of the body. By nature, rest breaks can be passive or active. During active pauses, when light unloading exercises or muscle relaxation exercises are performed, the recovery effect increases.

    Taking into account these factors, you can reduce or increase the total physical activity in one lesson or in a series of sessions over a long period of time.

    Training loads characterized by a number of physical and physiological indicators. Physical indicators of load include quantitative characteristics of the work performed (intensity and volume, speed and tempo of movements, amount of effort, duration, number of repetitions). Physiological parameters characterize the level of mobilization of the body's functional reserves (increase in heart rate, stroke volume, minute volume).

    Training loads performed at a heart rate of 131-150 beats/min are classified as the “aerobic” (first) zone, when energy is produced in the body with a sufficient supply of oxygen through oxidative reactions.

    The second zone is “mixed”, heart rate 151-180 beats/min. In this zone, anaerobic ones are connected to aerobic energy supply mechanisms, when energy is formed during the breakdown of energy substances under conditions of lack of oxygen.

    Well-being quite accurately reflects the changes occurring in the body under the influence of physical exercise. When practicing on your own, it is very important to know the signs of overload.

    If the load in classes is excessive, exceeds the body's capabilities, fatigue gradually accumulates, insomnia appears or drowsiness increases, headache, loss of appetite, irritability, pain in the heart, shortness of breath, nausea. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the load or temporarily stop classes.

    6.5. Pulse mode for rational training

    loads for people of student age.

    heart rate/pano (heart rate/threshold

    anaerobic metabolism) in individuals of different ages

    Research has established that for different ages, the minimum heart rate intensity that gives a training effect is for persons from 17 to 25 years old - 134 beats/min; 30 years old - 129; 40 years - 124; 50 years - 118; 60 years - 113 beats/min (Fig. 6.4).

    Rice. 6.4. Training load zones based on heart rate:

    I - zone of optimal loads, II - zone of heavy loads

    The dependence of the maximum heart rate on age can be determined by the formula: heart rate (maximum) = 220 - age (in years).

    As already indicated in Chap. 5, the threshold of anaerobic metabolism (TANO) - the level of heart rate at which the body switches from aerobic to anaerobic mechanisms of energy supply, is directly dependent on physical fitness and age. In trained people, TANO is higher compared to untrained people, and in young people it is higher compared to older people.

    In averagely physically fit people from 17 to 29 years old, the heart rate/PANO is at the level of 148-160 beats/min, while in people 50-59 years old it is at the level of 112-124 beats/min. The higher the PANO, the more the load is performed due to aerobic reactions. In qualified athletes in endurance sports, PANO is at a heart rate level of 165-170 beats/min, with oxygen consumption being 65-85% of the maximum.

    It should be recalled once again that aerobic reactions are the basis of the biological energy of the body. Their efficiency is more than twice that of anaerobic processes, and breakdown products are relatively easily removed from the body.

    The increase in the aerobic capabilities of exercisers is mainly determined by the ability of various body systems (respiratory, cardiovascular, blood) to extract oxygen from the atmosphere and deliver it to working muscles. This means that in order to increase aerobic capacity, it is necessary to increase the functional power of the circulatory, respiratory and blood system through regular targeted training.

    To ensure the harmonious development of physical qualities, it is necessary to perform physical activity with a wide range of intensity during independent training sessions. Based on the analysis of a large number of physiological curves for the dynamics of physical activity during training, we can recommend its optimal ratios for the first 2 years of independent training, noted in Table. 6.11.

    Table 6.11.

    Duration of training periods

    loads of varying intensity for 2 years

    independent studies