Stand in a plank for as long as you need to stand. Universal exercise - just one Plank exercise! Pros of the Plank exercise for the abs

The plank is a universal exercise. Its versatility lies in the fact that usually when performing physical exercise Not all muscle groups are involved, just one or at most two. Lanka is amazing because when it is performed, all muscle groups of the body are involved at once. In other words, just one exercise allows you to pump and tighten your entire body at once. All muscles are evenly strengthened, the body is healed. Arms, back, stomach, legs - all these parts do not go unnoticed. But the question is how long to stand in plank so that the result will be noticeable soon.

Many people wonder how a static exercise can have such a miraculous effect on the body. In order to understand how the plank works, let's look at the classic version of the plank, because most people start training with this type of plank. Interestingly, the effectiveness and efficiency of this exercise depends on how often you perform the exercises, how long the plank is, and how many approaches you do.

In 1 minute

First, you need to read more about this exercise, learn and understand its technique. Of course, your legs may immediately give way and your abs will tremble. This is not surprising, because an unprepared person can get tired from such strong tension, which is directed at all muscle groups at once. But there is a good side - just one minute of plank exercise will burn about 5 calories. At the same time, you have perfectly stretched and stretched your muscles. Blood supply began to work, as did metabolic processes, strengthened muscle corset and received enough oxygen.

Practical advice: But don’t be a hero and try to hold the plank longer right away. This time is enough for beginners.

In 5 minutes

Some people can do the plank exercise for 5 minutes a day. This result is worthy of applause, so it is quite difficult. In 5 minutes of plank exercises you can lose 25 calories each muscle fiber warmed up and tensed up. If we talk about muscles, then a 5-minute load can clog the muscles. You can stop the exercise at this point.

In 10 minutes

10 minutes of planking is worthy of respect. Standing for so long is a great success. Perhaps, for any body, 10 minutes in the plank is quite a severe test, because during this period the muscles have developed to full capacity, and the posture has become even. It’s better to stop there, because you can inadvertently damage your muscles.

Important! There is no need to chase the duration of the exercises. If you do a short plank, but regularly and with several approaches, you can also get excellent results.

At the same time, the plank is an exercise where quantity and quality are not important, so it is best to concentrate on the correct execution of the plank than on the duration of the approaches.

Optimal time

There is no clear answer to the question of how long to stand in the plank. It's about individual fitness and the capabilities of your body. One person can easily stand for three minutes; for another, even 30 seconds will be especially difficult. You need to soberly assess your strengths and not harm your body.

Exercise schedule

There are general recommendations for performing the exercise, even though it is still better to draw up such a schedule individually. In short, you need to gradually increase the volume of training. Moreover, this concerns not only the duration, but also the number of approaches. If you follow this model, you can soon make your body beautiful and fit. It’s better to start with the classic version of the plank, and let the initial approaches be short, 30-60 seconds. Gradually increase the time of approaches and their number, and in a month you will be able to see the result.

Body works great

Surprisingly, while standing in a plank, a static exercise, the human body works intensively. Of course, it is not easy, even if at first glance it seems that nothing is easier than standing on your toes and hands for a couple of minutes (by the way, you can start by doing a plank on your elbows. This will lighten the load and allow your body to get used to the exercise) .

Pay attention! Certainly, full complex The plank will not replace exercise, however, if you are overweight, then you should not give up proper nutrition either.

The plank is effective in combination with other measures for slimness. There must be a set of exercises. But the bar definitely helps in this fight against overweight and allows you to achieve the desired relief much faster. Just a few minutes in the plank every day - and you will do your body an excellent service, making your body more elastic, flexible and beautiful. In addition, this is an excellent prevention of many diseases, in particular, back pain and digestive system. Remember that everything is in the hands of a person, and it is up to you to decide when to take a healthy and correct path.

What a cool exercise! The plank is both effortless and makes you feel every second as if it were your last. However, despite its simplicity, many people do it wrong. We've chosen three ways to help you improve your bar and make it even cooler!

Test yourself

Proper technique in fitness is everything! If you do it wrong, then your exercise is not only ineffective, but also potentially harmful. Of course, in the case of a plank, you are unlikely to get injured, but it’s better to do the exercise correctly, right?

So here is the correct procedure:

  1. Take a lying position.
  2. Bend your elbows and place your forearms on the floor so that they lie parallel to each other. Clench your palms into fists.
  3. Straighten your body into a string, but do not overstrain your neck and back.
  4. Tighten your abdominal and buttock muscles. These are the two main muscle groups that are worked in this exercise.
  5. Hold the plank until your muscles start to burn. Look at the floor in front of you and do not raise your head up.

Time yourself

When doing a plank, many people don’t hold it long enough. I don't argue this hard exercise and sometimes the burning becomes unbearable, but I am sure that you want to develop and become stronger. And to do this, you need to time yourself and hold the bar a little longer each time.

Use a timer on your smartphone or watch to keep track of time. I don’t recommend keeping your eyes on the timer all the time, as every second will seem like an eternity. :)


One tip that will noticeably improve your bar is to breathe. After the first 20 seconds, breathing correctly becomes more and more important. At first it will be quite difficult to pay attention to breathing, but after a while you will understand that by inhaling and exhaling correctly, you can significantly increase the time in the plank.

At rest, we breathe 12 times per minute. And with intense exercise, this number increases to 80! This is a good reason to start thinking about proper breathing.

Plank is great way. And, remembering the sensations that accompany this exercise, I want to repeat it again and again. What about you?

The plank exercise is one of the best for the abdominal muscles. It allows you not only to acquire abs of steel, but also to strengthen the muscles of your back, shoulders, and buttocks. The exercise is universal - it is equally effective for both women and men. To achieve the desired effect, you need to consider how to perform the “plank” correctly, otherwise you may get injured.

How to properly prepare for exercise

The plank exercise is not popular in gyms, since it’s unlikely to be possible to pump up abs this way. Its purpose is to strengthen muscles while burning fat. The effect will be positive only after the plank exercise is done correctly. There are basic rules that should be followed before class. You need to make sure you can stand up in correct posture, and then start this exercise for the press.

The important rules are as follows:

  1. The most important thing is a straight back position. If it bends or rounds, there is a risk of serious injury.
  2. The pelvis should be parallel to the floor, so the load is on lumbar region less.
  3. You should not keep your neck, head and shoulders tense; they should be located on the same plane.
  4. The lower limbs should be fully straightened. Any bending leads to the fact that the load on the lower back increases sharply.
  5. Shoulders should be above your wrists or above your elbows. Other options are not valid.

Having familiarized yourself with the basic rules, you can consider in detail how to do the plank exercise. This stand is different in that the most important thing about it is keep your body properly for as long as possible. It is much better to stand for thirty seconds as expected than to stand for 3 minutes with your back or legs bent. When deciding to perform the “plank” exercise, you can see how to do it correctly in the video, but due to the lack of active movements, it is better to seek the help of a trainer initial stage. Many people come to a suitable implementation on their own, gradually increasing the load and following all the rules. So, before starting training, you need to understand what position all parts of the body should be in.

To do this you need to do the following:

  • stand with your back to the wall, feet together;
  • heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of the head should be pressed against the wall;
  • lower your shoulders, a deflection will appear in the lumbar region (the palm should fit into it, if more, the position should be corrected).

You need to stand in this form several times a day, and always before the start of class. On day 3-4, the muscles will get used to it and doing the “plank” will become easier in the sense that the body itself will take the correct position.

What does the plank exercise do?

The plank exercise for weight loss is one of the most difficult, as it involves the weight of a person’s body. Its advantage is that most muscles are tense, making it great for warming up before serious training. By the trembling of the whole body, after 20-30 seconds it is easy to understand which muscles are working during the “plank” exercise:

  • the press – it bears the main load;
  • core muscles;
  • gluteal muscles.
  • the body is more toned, the skin will be elastic;
  • the arms are stronger, but the muscles will not increase;
  • The belly slimming bar will allow you to notice its reduction, especially in the lower part, which is quite difficult to get rid of.

All muscle groups are in a stressful situation, which is why this type of training is more effective for losing weight in the abdomen and sides than simply pumping the press. Not every person starting to lose weight is capable of performing such a complex exercise. Muscle tone Everyone is different, in some cases, you first need to master simpler techniques to strengthen them. What the “plank” exercise gives becomes visible almost immediately, provided regular classes: the stomach becomes flat, the buttocks become elastic, the spine becomes stronger.

After a short period of time, the following will become noticeable:

  • carpal tunnel syndrome;
  • any chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • high blood pressure;
  • any spinal injuries;
  • radial nerve neuropathy;
  • pregnancy, especially if it has complications;
  • spinal hernia;
  • any injuries and sprains of the joints of the elbows, shoulders, hands and feet.

Most often, the program is designed for 30 days, after which the result is simply amazing. If you want to continue practicing, it is recommended to increase the load, as reviews show that after a month it becomes much easier and efficiency decreases.

Types of exercise

You can perform the “plank” in various ways, depending on your physical training person. Many people want to start weight loss exercises from the most difficult stage in order to quickly get rid of excess fat and get the body into the desired shape. The plank is an exercise that is ideal for losing weight in the abdomen and sides, but only when gradual increase loads. The degree of muscle tension depends on the type, more details about them in the table:

This option is the simplest and ideal for beginners. The hands in this form are located directly under the shoulders, the back and legs are straight, look ahead

The most popular option, in this case the support is on the toes and elbows, the whole body is elongated in a straight line. Breathing should be smooth

This option is recommended when the usual plank no longer causes such fatigue and tension. Lying on your side, you need to lean on your legs and elbow, the arm on which you rely is perpendicular to the body. The second hand is located on the other side. Stretch your body in one line, tensing your abs

The most difficult option that requires preparation. To perform the exercise, you need to straighten your body, leaning on your elbow, and then carefully straighten your arm. To make it more difficult, you can also straighten your other arm.

The duration of execution depends on the preparation of the person and the type of exercise. For beginners, it is enough to be in the correct stance for a quarter of a minute, which requires 3-4 approaches.. After the execution ceases to be painful, you can increase the time to 30 seconds, also 3-4 approaches. If you need to make the plank more difficult, it is recommended to increase the time to 1 minute for 4 approaches. When performing all types, you need to start with the most difficult one, ending with the simple version “on clasped hands.”


If you want to lose weight and strengthen your muscles, many people use the plank exercise, the benefits and harms of which are rarely studied. Of course, everyone knows that training can give positive results V short terms. Those who are especially concerned about their health will even learn from a trainer that, as a rule, there can be no harm from a seemingly simple exercise. It should be borne in mind that the plank exercise also has contraindications, albeit very few.

In other cases, you can perform the exercise as much as you like, the main thing is to listen to your body and sensations. In the absence of contraindications, a person has every chance to improve the condition of his figure in a short time.


The results after training using this exercise are simply amazing. Photos famous people who have achieved perfect abs using the “plank” can be seen in many magazines, and their opinion about this exercise makes you try for yourself its amazing effectiveness. Before starting classes with the plank exercise, a photo should be taken in advance so that after a month of training you can compare the results.

If you simply don’t have time for intensive training, discover the bar. It will help you keep your body in good shape, make it more prominent, and at the same time it will take you no more than 20 minutes a day.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

Plank exercise for women

How and how long to do a plank

The plank is not a cardio exercise, which means you don't need to run, jump or crawl to achieve the desired result. But you still have to sweat - despite its simplicity, the exercise is quite difficult, especially for beginners. Therefore, you need to do the plank correctly for no more than 30 seconds, gradually increasing the time.

According to reviews from experienced athletes, the maximum benefit (and visible effect) from the plank will be if you perform this exercise for 30 days, adding only 5 seconds to the original time each day. Also, do not forget about rest - arrange “fasting” days for yourself at least once a week.

You can easily perform the plank exercise at home, since it does not require any additional equipment or deep sports knowledge. You can start training at any time without changing your usual daily routine. But do not forget that the training is designed for at least a month - you are unlikely to achieve the desired result in less time.

How to learn how to do a plank at home

This question is especially important for beginners who, due to their inexperience, do not know what types of planks exist and how to do them correctly. Among its varieties are:

  • classic plank - done with elbows bent 90 degrees;
  • a simplified plank for beginners and overweight people - on bent knees;
  • an easier option - on straight arms;
  • side plank - with emphasis on the elbow.

You can also make this exercise a little more difficult by reducing the number of support points (raising one arm or leg) or fixing your legs at a height of about 50 cm (a regular chair or bench is suitable for this). The main condition for all these types of planks is that the body must be smooth, toned and tense. Under no circumstances should you bend your lower back or raise your head or buttocks. Only correct execution of the exercise will give the desired result.

Plank exercise: benefit or harm

The benefits of the plank exercise are simply incredible, because thanks to it, the muscles of the abdomen, back, buttocks, thighs, chest and arms are perfectly trained. This is an easy way to tone your muscles, tighten your chest, stomach and sides, while spending a minimum of time and effort. But in order for the exercise to bring maximum benefit without undesirable consequences, you need to remember simple and clear rules for its implementation:

  1. If you have problems with your spine, you should consult your doctor before starting exercise. Some back diseases (such as intervertebral hernia) are a contraindication to performing the plank. It is also undesirable to perform it during pregnancy and in the first 6 weeks after birth.
  2. To avoid injury, all muscle groups must be properly warmed up before performing the exercise. The average warm-up duration is 15 minutes (but not less than 10 minutes).
  3. Make sure that the body is elongated in one line, the stomach is tucked, and the head is straight. Only correct execution planks will bring the desired effect.
  4. Start working gradually, avoiding overload. If pain occurs, stop training immediately.
  5. Don't forget about rest - muscles need time to recover.

How long should you do the plank to get maximum effect?

There is a persistent misconception that the bar is as simple and easy exercise, you need to do it five times a day and at least 5 minutes for each approach (according to the principle, the more, the better). This statement is fundamentally incorrect, because such a training program is quite complex even for professional athletes, not to mention ordinary people. In order to hold the plank for 5 minutes at least once a day, you need long weeks of training, and doing this several times a day is out of the question.

It is optimal to start doing planks with 30 seconds a day, 6 times a week. Gradually increase the load every day (by 10-15 seconds daily). If you can’t increase your previous result, don’t despair, consolidate it and try to do a little more the next day.

The plank is an effective exercise for weight loss

Many people consider the bar a panacea for losing weight, but this is not so. Yes, it is very effective in tightening problem areas, But aerobic exercise simply necessary for burning fat deposits. Therefore, if you want to achieve maximum effect and lose extra pounds, you are better off combining a static plank with cardio exercise and proper nutrition.

It is equally important when losing weight to perform the exercise correctly and systematically, without overexerting yourself, but also without making concessions to yourself.

The method of doing a plank to lose belly fat is no different from the generally accepted one:

  • body position face down;
  • your arms need to be bent at the elbows at a right angle;
  • the body is straight, the stomach is pulled in as much as possible;
  • breathe evenly and measuredly, controlling every muscle of your body as much as possible.

If it is difficult for you to perform this exercise, then bend your legs and focus on your knees. Your arms can also be straightened. When the muscles get stronger (and this will not be earlier than in a week or two), move on to classic version exercises.

On the Internet you will find many positive reviews about the bar from people whom it really helped change their lives for the better. And this once again proves that exercise really helps not only to lose weight and make your shape ideal, but also to significantly improve your health.

How to do a side plank correctly

The side plank is a type of task that uses not only the rectus abdominis, but also the oblique muscles of your abdomen. This perfect exercise for losing weight on the stomach and sides. The main weight of the body in the side plank is transferred to one arm and one leg.

Performing the exercise:

  • lie on your side - your body is straight, one leg lies on the other;
  • lift up top part body, leaning on the arm bent at the elbow;
  • lift your pelvis, tensing your abdominal muscles, and hold it for 20-30 seconds.

Side planks can be made heavier if, for example, you lift your straight upper leg at an angle of 90 degrees during the exercise. But do not forget that this option is not for beginners, because to perform it you need well-pumped muscles.

Plank exercise for men

This rather complex exercise is perfect for men who want to have sculpted muscles abdomen, back, buttocks, arms and thighs. For representatives of the stronger sex, there is also a complex of gradual increase in loads, designed for 30 days. For beginners, only three approaches of 15 seconds are enough, but for experienced fighters, even a minute will not be enough. The method of how to properly do a plank for the press for men is no different from general recommendations- the body is straight, tense, the stomach is pulled in.

A set of plank exercises has also been developed for men, which involves almost all muscle groups. It consists of:

  • classic elbow bar;
  • exercise that is performed with outstretched arms;
  • lateral elbow bar;
  • planks with emphasis on one leg;
  • exercise with emphasis on one arm.

To achieve the desired result, you need to do this complex for 30 seconds, each exercise strictly according to the schedule - at the same time, 6 times a week.

Of all the above options for static exercise, the exercise on the side is rightfully considered the most difficult. Many people don’t know how to do a side plank correctly for a man. There are several important nuances here:

  • the arm should be perpendicular to the floor and bent 90 degrees;
  • legs are even, one on top of the other;
  • the pelvis needs to be lifted up, not to the sides;
  • The abdominal muscles should be pulled in as much as possible.

Plank exercise for women

Performing the plank exercise by women is not much different from the “male” version. All the nuances of how to do the plank correctly are also relevant here. And when using the same set of exercises for 30 days, the reviews are the most flattering. The only significant difference can be time - for women it decreases exactly by half.

Women can use the plank exercise both to lose weight and to maintain muscle tone. The side bar is especially important for women, because it copes well with treacherous barrels.

The main thing to remember is for maximum efficiency When practicing, you not only need to try hard in training, but also do it with pleasure.