Freestyle football training for beginners. Video lesson: Football freestyle. How to choose a dress according to your figure

What is freestyle football

Football freestyle is the art of performing various kinds of tricks with the help of a ball. Real freestyle professionals can do a lot of things - throw and catch the ball with their feet, throw it over their heads, stuff in various ways. The basics of freestyle football are accessible to almost everyone, it’s just a matter of correct positioning goals and sufficient patience.

Preparing for training

To learn the football freestyle technique, you need to properly prepare - buy a specially made ball, comfortable shoes and clothes that do not restrict movement. Very an important condition will determine the most convenient place for training.

Chasing the ball

The first stage of learning the art of football freestyle is mastering the technique of chasing the ball. Start with the simplest elements and move on to more complex ones. Try stuffing with one leg, then with two, if successful, use your knees and head. Chasing the ball on the head is the most difficult element; here you may need the help of your serving partner.

Basic tricks

The first real trick that will be available to you after learning minting is called ATW - "Around The World". The principle of its execution is to twist the leg around soccer ball during the filling process. A little patience and perseverance - and you will pass this stage.

Another basic ball juggling trick is the Crossover. It is performed with both legs - the supporting one throws the projectile up, the second one sweeps over it at this moment.

“Touzani Around The World” is one of the most popular feints among athletes, named after the ball wizard Soufian Touzani. The essence of the movement is to use a combination of performed with outside ATW and "Crossover".

A variation of TATW is "Mitchy Around The World" - this trick differs from the previous one in that it is performed from the inside.

“Stall” is a technique for holding the ball in various ways. When performing this trick, freestylers use the head, neck, heel, rear end hips.

Freestyle football training in schools

Those who want to master the art of freestyle football at a professional level can enroll in the appropriate school. This kind educational institutions open in many major cities. For example, there is an academy named after Igor Oleynik in Moscow, and a “HeartSchool” in Kazan.

Video training

Freestyle football self-teaching lessons are also available on video. The basics of this sports art You can learn by watching, for example, this video:

And therefore it does not require a large area for training. Now you can start training directly. The first thing you should learn is to stuff or “chase” the ball. You can try with one leg first. Then use your other leg from time to time. With proper skill, in one or two days you will be able to hit the ball from one foot to the other alternately. Next, you should practice tapping the ball on your knees and on your head. The second is much more difficult. You can speed up this process if you call a friend and pass the ball to each other using your head.

Why do you need to learn how to hit the ball? Professional freestylers hit more than one thousand times a day. Hence the results. Chasing the ball in freestyle is the basis of all fundamentals.

Once you have learned how to keep the ball in the air with your feet, move on to learning your first feint. This trick is called ATW, which means “around the world”. Its essence is that when throwing the ball, you need to have time to spin your leg around it and successfully catch it, continuing to chase. Of course, for a beginning freestyler this trick will be difficult. However, in a couple of days you will be able to master it perfectly.

In addition to this feint, there are a whole lot of different movements, but they can be described endlessly. Good luck with your training.

Dribbling the ball is a basic technique in football. It is necessary to clearly control the position of the opposing team on the field in order to dribble the ball correctly. Experienced football players improve their dribbling technique using various feints.


A feint is a deceptive maneuver with the legs and body used to outwit an opponent. They are very effective in the game, but an experienced opponent can easily recognize them. Most often, feints are used when a player of the opposing team attacks from the front and side. Many feints are quite simple and do not require special physical agility.

For example, you are dribbling the ball. A player from the opposing team begins to attack and tries to take it away. You need to deceive him and not miss the ball. You need to tilt your torso to the side and swing your leg in the same direction. The enemy will think that you are changing direction. At this moment it is necessary to sharply go in the other direction, at the moment when it is most difficult for the opponent to take the ball.

You dribble the ball straight. The enemy attacks you from the side in order to take possession of the ball. You need to suddenly and quickly lift your lead foot and maneuver as if you were going to stop the ball by stepping on top of it.
The opponent changes direction, and at this moment, instead of stopping the ball, you send it with a sharp movement forward and thereby gain time and keep the ball in .

The ball is passed to you, you stop it with your sole. Ahead and a few steps opposite you is the defender of the other team. At that moment, when you are close enough that the defender can intercept the ball, you swing, say, with your right foot, pretending that you are going to direct the ball to your left, but instead of kicking, you just swing your foot over the ball.

There are a lot of feints and each one is good at a certain moment. To use them correctly, you need to think on the field and clearly control the entire situation happening around you. Very often, professional players hone their mastery of one or another feint to perfection and turn it into a powerful weapon.

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Football players on the field can find themselves in a variety of situations. Sometimes they have to make decisions in a split second. It is the football freestyle skill that will help improve the quality of dribbling and dribbling the ball during a match. Let's look at what you need to do to master freestyle football.

You will need

  • - Ball;
  • - sports uniform;
  • - football field.


Develop your own style. The movements can be very simple, from dribbling with the left side of the foot to performing a “rainbow” with the ball. It is important to master several techniques well in order to develop your freestyle to an excellent level, as well as to make improvised movements. Watch often and interact with other coaches and players. This will give you more ideas to develop.

Practice your moves in game situations. After you've worked on a move in practice, try it in a game. If you do well, add this move to your arsenal. If not, keep training.

Start improvising with the movements that you get. Once you have enough moves under your belt, you can adapt them to real-life situations. This is where the real freestyle begins. You must understand that there are no absolutely identical game situations in 2 different matches.

IN this lesson“Football freestyle training” provides all of us with a unique opportunity to learn as closely as possible what exactly the so-called freestyle of ball possession is.

This educational video lesson is needed for:

  • rapid familiarization with freestyle football techniques;
  • technology improvements;
  • learning new useful exercises.

Lessons from an experienced freestyler

Basic exercises

This lesson will show you all the basic freestyle football techniques. And everyone who wants to learn something should start with the easiest and basic exercises. First of all, of course, this is minting. The trick itself is called ATW, which means “Around the World.” It involves passing the ball around your foot without letting it fall to the ground. You need to hook the ball right along its edge, give it a slight spin so that you have time to move your foot around the ball.

Maybe make it a little more complicated this exercise. To do this, we first mint, kick the ball at knee level with one foot, and with the other leg we simply turn around the ball and kick it. Next, all the learned exercises are done several times in one sequence.