Occupational safety instructions for a mobile power plant driver. Operator of a mobile power station Qualification test of knowledge period of operator of a mobile power station

5. Standard instructions on labor protection for workers
construction trades, including:

5.39. Operators of mobile power plants TI RO-039-2003

This industry standard instruction has been developed taking into account the requirements of legislative and other regulatory legal acts containing state labor protection requirements specified in Section 2 of this document, inter-industry rules on labor protection (safety rules) for the operation of electrical installations and is intended for operators of mobile power plants when performing work. and maintenance of power plants according to their profession and qualifications (hereinafter referred to as drivers).

General safety requirements

5.39.1. Men at least 18 years of age who have undergone appropriate training, have group III electrical safety and professional skills for this profession, before being allowed to work independently must pass:

mandatory preliminary (upon entry to work) and periodic (during employment) medical examinations (examinations) for recognition as fit to perform work in the manner established by the Ministry of Health of Russia;

training in safe methods and techniques for performing work, instruction on labor protection, on-the-job training and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements.

5.39.2. Drivers are required to comply with occupational safety requirements to ensure protection from the effects of hazardous and harmful production factors associated with the nature of the work:



increased content of dust and harmful substances in the air of the working area;

moving machines, mechanisms and their parts;

increased voltage in an electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body.

5.39.3. To protect against general industrial pollution and mechanical influences, drivers are required to use cotton overalls, leather boots, combined mittens, suits with insulating lining and felt boots for the winter period provided free of charge by employers.

Operators must wear safety helmets while on a construction site. In addition, machinists must use dielectric gloves, galoshes or boots.

5.39.4. While on the territory of a construction (production) site, in production and service premises, work areas and workplaces, drivers are required to comply with the internal regulations adopted in this organization.

Admission of unauthorized persons, as well as workers in a state of intoxication, to the specified places is prohibited.

5.39.5. In the course of daily activities, drivers must:

use the machine for its intended purpose during operation, in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions;

maintain the machine in technically sound condition, preventing work with malfunctions in which operation is prohibited;

Be careful while working and avoid violating labor safety requirements.

5.39.6. Drivers are obliged to immediately notify their immediate or superior work manager about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurs at work, or about a deterioration in their health, including the appearance of an acute occupational disease (poisoning).

Safety requirements before starting work

5.39.7. Before starting work, the driver must:

a) present to the work manager a certificate of testing knowledge of safe work methods, receive a task and undergo training at the workplace on the specifics of the work performed;

b) wear special clothing and safety shoes of the established standard.

c) inspect and accept the power plant from the driver of the previous shift and receive an assignment from the work manager.

5.39.8. After receiving the task, the driver must:

a) check the presence of reliable guards for all elements of the electrical equipment of the control panel, the presence and serviceability of guards for the rotating parts of the power plant, the grounding of the power plant, the correctness and reliability of the fastening of electrical wires and the integrity of their insulation, the compliance of the fuse-links with the rated power of the generator, the tightening of bolt connections, as well as the reliability of the engine fastening and generator of the power plant, integrity and tension of V-belt drive belts, refueling of power supply, lubrication and cooling systems;

b) check the availability and serviceability of the tools and protective equipment necessary for work: a test lamp or voltage indicator, mats and insulating stands, insulating pliers, tools with insulated handles;

c) make sure that fire extinguishing means are available.

5.39.9. The driver is prohibited from starting work in the following cases:

a) malfunction or incomplete quantity of fasteners and guards;

b) presence of visible damage to the insulation of electrical cables or wires;

c) absence or malfunction of protective grounding;

d) detection of oil or fuel leaks in the oil and fuel lines of the relevant systems;

e) lack of protective equipment, tools and fire extinguishing equipment;

f) the location of the power plant in a hazardous area from operating mechanisms or buildings under construction.

Detected violations of safety requirements should be eliminated on their own, and if it is impossible to do this, the driver is obliged to report them to the work manager and the person responsible for maintaining the power plant in good condition.

Safety requirements during operation

5.39.10. When inspecting the fuel system, components and mechanisms of the power plant, as well as when refueling at night, you should use a portable electric lamp.

5.39.11. When starting the power plant, the driver is obliged to:

a) before starting the engine, check the position of the control panel switches and make sure that they are in the neutral position;

b) start the engine with a starter (or crank);

c) after warming up the engine, turn the rheostat handle to bring the voltage to the nominal value and give a signal to turn on the external network;

d) after turning on the load, check the operation of all units and the parameters of the electric current in the network;

e) if knocking and other extraneous noises appear, stop the engine and eliminate the malfunction.

5.39.12. During operation of the power plant, the driver is obliged to:

a) monitor the operation of the automatic engine speed controller, as well as the instrument readings on the control panel: monitor changes in oil pressure and temperature, generator temperature;

b) monitor the connections of the fuel lines, the tightness of the junction of the head and the cylinder block, preventing fuel leakage and breakdown of exhaust gases;

c) do not allow the engine or generator to be loosened to the frame; if necessary, stop the engine and tighten the mounting bolts;

d) inspect electrical equipment and live parts without penetrating the grids, doors and other fences of the power plant;

e) use an electric switch, dielectric gloves, a dielectric stand or mat when turning on or off external electrical networks;

f) open the radiator cap with an overheated engine using a glove, turning your face away from the filler pipe.

5.39.13. The driver is prohibited from:

a) pour gasoline into the inlet pipe when starting the engine.

b) grasp the handle with your fingers to avoid the handle striking back when starting an overheated engine;

c) use oxygen instead of compressed air or nitrogen when starting the engine;

d) use an open flame when filling the fuel tank, as well as when inspecting the fuel system and to warm up the fuel and oil lines;

e) hit the plugs of power plant fuel tanks and fuel barrels with steel (or other objects capable of causing sparks) when opening them;

f) measure the oil level with random objects;

g) exceed the rated generator loads indicated in the machine’s passport.

5.39.14. Each time the power plant is turned on after a power outage in the external network, the driver is required to give a warning signal about the resumption of power supply.

5.39.15. If it is necessary to install a power plant in a room, the driver must not allow the power plant to be installed for operation in a room with a volume less than 20 times the volume of the power plant.

5.39.16. When relocating a power plant to another facility, the driver should:

a) drain fuel from tanks into barrels;

b) disconnect the electrical cables, roll them into coils and place them in boxes;

c) close the electrical connectors with covers;

d) dismantle the grounding loop;

e) secure components, assemblies and tools;

f) inspect the running gear of the power plant;

g) check the serviceability of the towing device.

Safety requirements in emergency situations

5.39.17. In the event of fuel ignition at a power plant, the driver is obliged to stop allowing fuel to the sources of fire. The flame should be extinguished using a fire extinguisher, sand, earth, covered with felt, or a tarpaulin.

It is prohibited to pour water on burning fuel, electrical equipment and live electrical wires.

5.39.18. If sparking of the brushes occurs while the generator is running, it is necessary to stop the engine, find out the cause and eliminate the malfunction.

5.39.19. When reporting an accident on a power line or power plant, the driver must immediately turn off the electric generator.

Safety requirements after completion of work

5.39.20. Upon completion of work, the driver must:

a) disconnect external power lines;

b) stop the engine;

c) conduct a control inspection of the power plant and clean the units from dust and dirt;

d) check the tightness of the contacts on the current-carrying parts of the generator, clean the burnt contacts to a metallic shine;

e) tidy up the workplace, collect oily rags and place them in a special metal box;

f) put in order and put tools and accessories in the designated place;

g) inform the work manager or the person responsible for maintaining the machine in good condition about all problems that arose during operation.

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
Bulletin of regulatory acts of federal bodies
executive power, N 23, 06/09/2003 (resolution);
appendix to the Bulletin of normative acts
federal executive authorities,
N 23, 06/09/2003 (Code of Rules)

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Topic 1 Requirements for mobile power plants 18 questions

Topic 2. Devices and equipment of mobile power plants 11 questions

Topic 3. Operation of mobile power plants 26 questions

TOTAL 55 questions

Regulatory and technical literature for training on ticket issues

Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of January 13, 2003 N 1/29 “On approval of the Procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations” (with amendments and additions)

Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated January 13, 2003 No. 6 “On approval of the Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations”

Rules for the construction of electrical installations (PUE)

PTER of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia (02/09/1993) Rules for the technical operation of diesel power plants (PTED)

TR TS 010/2011. Decision of the Customs Union Commission dated October 18, 2011 N 823 (as amended on May 16, 2016) "On the adoption of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of machinery and equipment" (together with "TR CU 010/2011. Technical regulations of the Customs Union. On the safety of machinery and equipment")

Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 04/07/2014 N 199n (as amended on 12/12/2016) “On approval of the professional standard “Internal combustion engine operator in nuclear power”

Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (UTKS). Issue No. 3 Section “Construction, installation and repair work”

Professional standard “Gas transportation equipment operator”. Approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 21, 2015 N 1063n

Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated July 24, 2013 No. 328n “On approval of the Rules for labor protection during the operation of electrical installations”<

Federal state educational standard of higher professional education - 130302 Electric power and electrical engineering, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 30, 2015. Order No. 955 Ensuring the operation of a mobile power plant of all systems, installations (stations).

VPPB 01-02-95 (RD 34.03.301-95) Fire safety rules for energy enterprises

GOST 20375-83 Electrical units and mobile power plants with internal combustion engines. Terms and definitions

GOST 23377-84 Electrical units and mobile power plants with internal combustion engines. General technical requirements

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GOST 23162-2014. Interstate standard. Electric generating sets with internal combustion engines. System of symbols" (put into effect by Order of Rosstandart dated June 15, 2015 N 729-st)

. "GOST 33116-2014. Interstate standard. Electric generating units with gasoline internal combustion engines. General technical conditions" (put into effect by Order of Rosstandart dated June 15, 2015 N 732-st)

. "GOST 33105-2014. Interstate standard. Electric generating sets with internal combustion engines. General technical requirements" (put into effect by Order of Rosstandart dated June 15, 2015 N 730-st)

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These labor safety instructions have been developed specifically for the operator of a mobile power plant.


1.1. Individuals who are at least 18 years old, have a driver’s license, have passed a preliminary (upon entry to work) medical examination (examination), have at least III electrical safety group, have passed an introductory and initial on-the-job training on labor protection, trained in safe work methods, undergoing on-the-job training and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements.
1.2. The driver-machinist is required to undergo repeated training on labor protection at least once every 3 months, another test of knowledge of labor protection requirements - at least once every 12 months, periodic medical examination (examination) - in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
1.3. Perform only the work that is permitted by the administration, and provided that the safe ways to perform it are known to the driver.
1.4. The driver-machinist must comply with the internal labor regulations adopted at the enterprise.
1.5. It is prohibited to drink alcohol or use other drugs during working hours and on the territory of the enterprise, and it is also prohibited to appear at the workplace in a state of alcoholic or other drug intoxication.
1.6. While working, be attentive, do not be distracted by extraneous matters and conversations, and do not distract others.
1.7. The driver-machinist must know that the most dangerous and harmful production factors that can affect him in the process of performing work are:
— a suspended vehicle or its components;
— hot water and steam;
— flammable substances;
- increased voltage in an electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body;
— equipment, tools, devices;
— the driver falls as a result of his careless actions when exiting the cab and moving around the territory.
1.8. A car suspended only by a lifting mechanism poses a great danger, as it can fall and crush the driver.
1.9. Hot coolant, water and steam cause burns if they come into contact with the skin.
1.10. Flammable substances (vapors, gases), when handled in violation of safety rules, can cause a fire and explosion.
1.11. Equipment, tools and accessories can cause injury if used incorrectly or if they malfunction.
1.12. In accordance with the Standard Industry Standards for the free issuance of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment, the driver of a mobile power plant is issued:
— cotton overalls – 1 pc. for 12 months;
— dielectric galoshes for duty;
— rubber gloves for duty;
— combined mittens – 4 pairs for 12 months;
In winter additionally:
- jacket with insulating lining - at the waist;
- trousers with insulating lining - at the waist;
- felt boots - around the waist.
1.13. In addition, personnel servicing electrical installations, depending on the work performed, must be equipped with the necessary protective equipment such as:
— insulating rods, clamps, voltage indicators;
— dielectric gloves, boots, galoshes, mats, insulating pads, stands;
— portable grounding;
— temporary fences, warning posters;
— safety glasses, mittens, gas masks, safety helmets.
1.14. Workers who combine professions or constantly perform combined work, including in complex teams, in addition to the personal protective equipment issued for their main profession, must be additionally issued, depending on the work performed, other types of personal protective equipment. This is provided for by the Model Industry Standards for a combined profession.
1.15. Do not use protective equipment that has not passed the established tests, as well as those whose next test period has expired.
1.16. The driver must comply with fire safety rules. Smoking is permitted only in specially designated and equipped areas.
1.17. The driver must observe the rules of personal hygiene. Before eating or smoking, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
1.18. The driver-machinist is obliged to immediately notify his immediate or superior manager about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurs at work, or about a deterioration in his health, including the manifestation of signs of an acute occupational disease (poisoning).
1.19. For failure to comply with the requirements of these instructions, the driver-driver is liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


2.1. Wear overalls, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment.
2.2. Work clothes must be in order. A driver-machinist in untidy, dirty and oily clothes is not allowed to work.
2.3. Personal protective equipment, tools and equipment must be checked. In case of their unsuitability or malfunction, replace them with serviceable means.
2.4. Make sure that the power plant is in technically sound condition.
2.5. Before leaving the line, the driver must:
— check the presence of oil, water, fuel and make sure there are no leaks from connections and tanks;
— make sure that protective covers, safety devices and grounding are available and in good condition;
— check the fastening of the wires to the starter and to the batteries.
2.6. Do not install a mobile power plant near industrial and residential premises where people work, in order to avoid poisoning them with exhaust gases.


3.1. To ensure normal operation of the electric motor, it is necessary to maintain the voltage on the tires from 100 to 105% of the rated value. If necessary, it is allowed to operate the electric motor with a voltage deviation from -5 to -10% of the nominal voltage.
3.2. The driver-machinist constantly monitors the load of the electric motor and the temperatures of the bearings, inlet and outlet air for engines with a closed ventilation system, care of the bearings, start-up, regulation and stop operations.
3.3. When carrying out repair work without disassembling parts on the mechanical part of an electric motor or a mechanism driven by an electric motor, the latter must be stopped, and a poster “Do not turn on - people are working” is hung on the control key or switch drive.
3.4. It is prohibited to service a mobile power station while wearing a robe.
3.5. Sequence of installation of the lighting installation:
— at the workplace, the driver-machinist makes a final check of the operating condition of the power plant;
- Lighters, under the guidance of a foreman, install the lighting installation in such a way that the main cable is connected to the terminal board of the power plant last after installation of all intermediate links of the switching and distribution circuit. The foreman first checks and puts into working condition the switching elements of the lighting installation (cable, lighting fixtures, connecting and distribution devices);
— the connection of the main cable is made only when the power plant is not working.
3.6. It is not allowed to operate the power plant with a load of more than 50% of its total capacity (i.e., at least two digs). It is prohibited to connect one dig.
3.7. The total power of simultaneously switched on lighting equipment must correspond to the power of the power plant.
3.8. The sequence of turning on the lighting equipment of the installation:
— switches in all devices are turned off;
— the generator load must be performed alternately;
— when working with mixed light (light bulbs with arc devices), the driver (driver) is obliged to reduce the voltage to 70 volts.
3.9. At this voltage, the illuminators turn on the lamp devices one at a time. As the load is turned on, the voltage across the generator drops. The driver (driver) is obliged to monitor this and promptly increase the voltage to 70 volts.
- when the full power of the lamp devices is turned on, the driver (driver) increases the voltage to the nominal value - one volt;
— at a voltage of 110 volts, the illuminator turns on the arc equipment one at a time.
3.10. It is prohibited, under the responsibility of the driver (driver), to simultaneously turn on lamp devices with a power of more than 10 kW. The lighting foreman is prohibited from simultaneously removing the load of electrical devices at maximum diesel operation without notifying the driver (driver).
3.11. When the “turn off” signal is given, the driver-driver immediately follows the instructions; the lighting fixtures turn off the lighting fixtures using switches. Leaving devices with switches on is not allowed.
3.12. The driver-machinist is obliged to keep a form for recording the operation of the power plant, recording the actual diesel hours worked and any malfunctions (repairs) noticed.


4.1. The electric motor (installation) is immediately disconnected from the network:
- in case of an accident (or threat thereof) that occurs to a person;
- when smoke or fire appears from the electric motor or its control gear;
— in case of vibration in excess of permissible norms, threatening the integrity of the electric motor;
- if the drive mechanism breaks down;
— when the bearing is heated above the permissible temperature specified in the manufacturer’s instructions;
- with a significant decrease in the speed, accompanied by rapid heating of the electric motor.
4.2. It is prohibited to work on a faulty engine.
4.3. In the event of an accident, it is necessary to immediately release the victim from the traumatic factor, observing your own caution, provide him with first aid on the spot, if necessary, call an ambulance by calling 103, inform management about the incident, maintain the situation if this does not lead to an accident or injury to others people.
4.4. If an accident occurs with the driver himself, he should, if possible, provide self-help, notify his immediate or superior manager, or ask someone around him to do this.
4.5. In the event of a fire, immediately stop work, turn off the electric motor, notify management and take measures to extinguish the fire using available fire extinguishing means. If necessary, call the fire brigade by calling 101.


5.1. Tidy up your workspace.
5.2. Turn off the mobile power station and check the protective barriers if necessary.
5.3. Inspect equipment, tools, devices, protective equipment, hand over faulty ones to the immediate supervisor, and remove the rest to specially designated storage areas.
5.4. Take off the protective clothing, inspect it, put it in order and put it in storage.
5.5. Wash your face and hands with warm water and soap or take a shower.
5.6. Notify your immediate supervisor about any shortcomings discovered during work, as well as the measures taken.