Video of morning Tibetan hormonal gymnastics exercises in bed. Energy gymnastics - getting younger by leaps and bounds Supporting the Moon. Video

The world knows very little about the life of Tibetan monks. Peace-loving Tibetans strictly guard their meditative peace - they have no need for extra interest, and can do harm. But still, some of their exercise techniques make their way into the world of mere mortals, and here is one of them.

This morning self-massage technique is popular among Tibetan monks. It would be fair to call her energy gymnastics, because affects the chakras and aura (biofield). Through acupuncture points, the activity of certain organs is influenced. It is also called " hormonal gymnastics", since it has a powerful effect on the endocrine system.

There is a legend about how this technique came to us thirty years ago. IN Soviet times, when our builders went to Tibet to install power lines, they saw a monastery and monks living in it without light, which caused them surprise and pity. Therefore, they brought the light to them at the same time. The monks, having seen such a miracle, decided to thank our installers by giving them this equipment and finally saying: “You will be able to appreciate this equipment in 20 years.” Over time, installers using this equipment covered it in the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. They were over 80, but they felt great.

This amazing gymnastics of youth helps to maintain all the endocrine glands in a young state at the age of about 25+ years. Gives a powerful charge of vivacity, energy, and positivity. Improves mental activity.

Tibetan gymnastics for health and longevity is very good, and with regular performance of simple exercises, the biological age of the body becomes significantly lower than indicated in the passport. In terms of time, performing all the exercises of this gymnastics takes 5-10 minutes, which you wouldn’t mind spending on yourself for your loved one.

What Tibetan hormonal gymnastics gives:

    Hardening the body.

    The ability to wake up early in a cheerful state.

    If there was noise in ears, then he passes.

    Improves vision and hearing.

    Disappears double chin, belly. Cosmetic rejuvenating Effect.

    Slowing down the aging process.

    Increases brain performance memory improves and concentration.

    Correcting your posture.

    Lifespan increases by 20+ years

    Organism cleared of toxins, cells are enriched with oxygen.

    A surge of energy and strength.

    The flow of energy in the body improves and blocks are removed.

With systematic exercise, relief from ailments occurs over a period of 6 months to 2-3 years (depending on the severity of the disease).

10 exercises of rejuvenating gymnastics of Tibetan monks.

It is best to do the exercises in the morning at 6.00 right in bed.

1. Rubbing hands, biofield diagnostics

The exercises begin with diagnosing the biofield. To do this, rub your palms together with pressure for about 15 seconds. If after this your hands are cold, plus also wet, then there are problems with health and energy. If they are warm, the energy of the biofield is somewhat reduced. But if they are dry and hot, then everything is fine with the energy of the biofield. By the way, in order to simply feel the presence of the biofield, there is also one ancient exercise “energy ball”: rub your palms, stretch your arms slightly in front of you, place your hands at a distance of about 20 cm from each other. Relax your mind and mentally imagine a ball between your palms. After some time, move your palms slightly to the sides and bring them together, as if squeezing the ball. There will be a feeling of elasticity and possibly warmth. Such a ball can be charged with positive life-affirming affirmations and rubbed into the head or chest.
When doing Tibetan gymnastics, it is important to do the exercises consciously and imagine the movement of energies.

2. Palping (for the eyes)

Warm palms are applied to the eyeballs (fingers pointing upward). And then press on the eyes with the lower part of the palm in the following rhythm: 1 second - 1 press. After thirty presses, hold your hands over your eyes for another thirty seconds, and if you have vision problems, then another +2 minutes.

3. Gymnastics for the ears

Press on your ears with your palms, fingers on the back of your head. With a rhythm of 1 second - 1 press, press your palms to your ears for 30 seconds. If painful sensations appear in the ears, the pressure can be applied more gently. If you do this exercise regularly in the morning, ear diseases go away and your hearing improves.

4. Facelift

The exercise has a cosmetological effect, making the facial skin elastic, toned, improving the oval of the face and lymph flow.

Hands clench into fists, thumb protruded. Starting from the chin and higher towards the ears, press with sufficient force with your fist (the pressure point is more on the knuckles of the index finger), bringing it to the ears so that the thumb is behind the ear (there is an active point there), and then in the opposite direction. Do this for thirty cycles.

5. Forehead massage

Exercise improves the functioning of the pituitary gland and has a positive effect on the sinuses.
There are many points on the forehead that influence the centers of endocrine (hormonal) regulation.

The left palm lies on the right, the right on the forehead. In this situation they are produced circular movements from temple to temple. There is an option without touching the forehead - the hands are at a distance of 4-5 cm from the face (energetic effect, but if you need a skin-smoothing effect, then with touch). The rhythm is standard, 1 movement per second. Do 30 seconds.

6. Crown massage

Exercise helps normalize blood pressure (both high and low), improves mobility shoulder girdle and relieves shoulder pain.

A cushion is placed under the neck, the hands need to be woven into a ring so that the right one is below and the left one is on top of it. And, as it were, “fly” with folded hands above your head (over the energy center located on the crown - Sahasrara) starting a movement 5-6 centimeters from the forehead and to the back of the head. Make thirty such movements. Afterwards, hold your hands above the crown of your head and move them from ear to ear thirty times as well.

7. Thyroid massage

The left hand rests on the right, which lies on the neck in the thyroid area. Leaving the right hand on the neck, the left hand should be moved down to the navel and back up to the thyroid gland. Moving your left hand in this way, keep it at a distance of 5-6 cm from the body. Thus, we seem to be collecting energy from the main energy center located in the navel area (see) and feeding the thyroid gland and the chakra located in this area with this energy.

In the last seconds of such movements, linger on the thyroid gland for 5-6 seconds.

8. Abdominal massage

Putting one hand on top of the other (left on top), make 30 circular movements. Exercise is beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract: old constipation disappears, the intestines work smoothly, the functioning of the liver and pancreas improves.

I would like to mention in a little more detail about the energy center located in the navel area. In Qigong (by the way, there is one) this center is called the lower Tan Tien (in other teachings it may be called differently, but basically the essence is the same). The main energy center, the storage of Qi energy, responsible for the material component(well-being as well) and health in general. Qigong has good exercise by pumping this center with energy - and Zen monks (Za-Zen) in meditation fold their hands into a boat and close their thumbs with the upward direction just below this center, apparently for good reason.

9. Shaking

Exercise cleanses the channels through which energy flows and improves capillary blood circulation.

Raise your legs and arms up, palms and feet parallel to the floor. You need to rotate your legs at the ankle joints, and at the same time rotate your arms at the wrists. Finally, shake your arms and legs for 30 seconds.

10. Foot rubbing

Accept sitting position and massage the feet, especially in the center. If pain begins to be felt in some place, then you need to massage until the pain disappears. Finally, rub your legs from bottom to top.


Tibetan energy gymnastics can work wonders with our body, healing and rejuvenating it. But as they say, and faith can work miracles. Therefore, when doing exercises, you need to believe in it. And there is hardly any point in doing gymnastics with a negative message, distrust, because thought is material.

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics video

It has a history of 5 thousand years. What gives it such enviable durability? What's the secret? And the secret is that this Tibetan practice gives a person energy, without which a full life is impossible.
It is thanks to various Tibetan practices, qigong gymnastics, which is also called Tibetan yoga, in China there are many centenarians who have survived the century mark. According to this indicator, the country ranks second in the world after Japan.

Energy gymnastics. What it is?

The masters of Ancient Tibet proved that the root cause of every disease is problems with the circulation of energy in the body. Qigong is an esoteric ability to control energy.
The main difference between this health-improving gymnastics from others is that it is not easy physical gymnastics, and gymnastics is energetic.

What does it mean? This means that the movements themselves, although very important, do not play a dominant role in healing. – this is only one of three components. The second component is breathing. And the third component is the ability to mentally disconnect from the world around you.
Thus, to master the art of this health-improving gymnastics, relaxation in movements, free breathing and an “empty head” are necessary.

But an “empty head” is the initial stage of the ability to mentally focus on the processes that occur in the body when performing an exercise, because the main value of qigong is the ability to create and direct the flow of energy inside the body.
The ability to concentrate, concentrate on the internal state of the body allows you to manage your own energy, direct it from organs where it is in excess to those organs where it is lacking.

Learning how to do an exercise and breathing is much easier than learning how to manage energy.
Performing the exercise in accordance with the recommendations, as well as breathing correctly, is very important, because the exercise creates an energy flow in the body, and proper breathing maintains it. But if, when performing an exercise, you make some inaccuracies or errors, it’s not a big deal. If somewhere the inhalation and exhalation were in the wrong place, that’s not a big problem either. The main thing is that your breathing is smooth and calm, and not forced.
But the recommendations on the movement of energy during the exercise cannot be neglected, but on the contrary, they must be treated especially carefully, because it is the thought process that will allow you to direct the energy in the right direction.

On initial stage doing this is quite difficult. But don't despair. First, you need to relax and perform the exercises without tension. And at the same time try to keep your head “empty”. And gradually, daily practice will lead to the formation of the skill of managing both your thoughts and energy flow.

There are certain exercises in qigong in which control of energy flow is especially important. For example, such as “Raising the Sky” and “Maintaining the Moon”.
The purpose of these exercises is to create a flow of energy that will remove energy blocks and balance the energy in a person’s channels. You don't need to know the intricacies of energy practices to do these exercises. They are simple and effective.

Raising the Sky. ( Description of the exercise).

Stand up straight, relax your muscles, put your feet together. Put your hands down. Turn your hands with your fingers towards each other so that there is a right angle between your hands and forearms. Point your palms towards the ground and hold them in front of you (Fig. 1).
Raise your arms forward and up. Point your palms up towards the sky. Keep them perpendicular to your forearms (Fig. 2).
While moving your arms, inhale smoothly through your nose. Look at your fingers with your head up. Gently hold your breath. Bring your palms up toward the sky, keeping them perpendicular to your forearms. Then lower your arms down through your sides, exhaling smoothly through your mouth. At the same time, lower your head and look forward (Fig. 3).

Repeat the exercise ten to twenty times. Each time you move your palms towards the sky, feel your back straighten. As you lower your arms, feel the flow of energy directed down along your body.

Do at least this exercise ten times every morning, without missing a single day for three months. The results will be very noticeable and you will understand why "Sky Lifting" is one of best exercises Qigong.

Moon support. (Description of the exercise).

The Moon Hold can be performed on its own or in combination with other exercises. We recommend that you start with Lifting the Sky, perform 6 times, and then perform Sustaining the Moon 6 times. Over time, you can gradually increase the number of repetitions.

  • Stand up straight, relax your muscles.
  • Then tilt your body forward and lower your relaxed arms down so that your fingers are slightly below your knees (Figure 1).
    Keep your arms and legs straight. Touch your chin to your chest and give your back a rounded shape. Gently hold your breath. Imagine how the flow of qi rises from the anus along the spine up to the top of the head.
  • Slowly straighten your body, raising your arms (do not bend your elbows) in a large arc in front of you (Figure 2).
  • Continuing the movement of your arms, move them to a position above your head; At the same time, inhale gently through your nose. When your hands are above your head, imagine that you are holding a ball the size of the full moon. Hold it with the thumbs and index fingers of both hands. Continue bending, moving your hands back behind your head. Imagine as if you are holding an imaginary moon ball. Lock this position and hold your breath for two to three seconds (Fig. 3).

Do not move for two to three seconds to enjoy the pleasant feeling of the energy spreading inside (it is advisable to take such a pause after the “rise of the sky”).

The exercise is over.

Repeat the exercise 10-20 times

Moon support. Video.

You need to perform the exercises in a calm state of mind. There should be no excessive emotions.
Do not take 1 hour before exercise and 1 hour after it. water procedures and expend your sexual energy.
Exercise outdoors whenever possible.
Wear comfortable, loose clothing, preferably made of natural fabric, so as not to impede blood circulation and the movement of qi.

It is enough to do these two exercises (or one of them) every day for two to three months and you will achieve amazing results.

Both exercises are very powerful exercise "Created Qi Flow", which is effective means to get rid of incurable diseases using the flow of qi.

Thanks to the activation of energy, you will rejuvenate your body and cause the regeneration of damaged tissues. These exercises can treat even incurable diseases.

How do you know if you are performing these exercises correctly?

Signs correct execution the following:

  • Warmth in the center of the palms. It is especially strongly activated after performing exercises and at the moment of falling asleep.
  • Goosebumps, pleasant trembling or swaying of the body spread throughout the body.

Especially after performing the Moon Support, a lot of saliva is released. The sensations described above do not appear immediately; do not try to force the appearance of these sensations in yourself. Just do the exercises, and the sensations will come as you perfect the correct execution. After performing these exercises, it is useful to use the energy that comes out from the center of the palms (Lao Gong point). Place your palms on the sore spots, and thereby you will heal yourself. This energy causes rapid restoration of tissue cells. If you don't have any obvious problems, just place your palms on your face and your facial skin will look like a baby's.

Do you know that among Tibetan monks there are many centenarians who have lived up to 120 years? Want to know their secret? About two thousand years ago Tibetan monks developed energy gymnastics exercises designed to prolong health, youth and ensure long years life.

Such gymnastics has a positive effect on all processes occurring in the human body, helps to gain strength, gives an incomparable charge of energy necessary for normal life, and revives the body oppressed by ailments. The main focus of gymnastics is to stimulate energy centers; with daily practice, the result will not be long in coming.

Where to start preparing?

Fortunately for many, Tibetan gymnastics does not require any special physical training, it is available to absolutely everyone. All you need is to stock up on time and a small amount of energy to perform various types of exercises, as well as adhere to certain rules, namely:

  • You need to do the exercises regularly. If you don’t make this a kind of habit, then you shouldn’t start, there will be no effect from rare activities, and you’ll just waste your time on it; For Tibetans, energy gymnastics is the same everyday activity as brushing teeth or eating. Therefore, allocate the right amount of time in your routine in advance, at least 20 minutes daily, and get ready to develop a new useful habit.
  • Do gymnastics in the morning before meals. Morning time is the most favorable time for health-improving exercises; the most active time of hormonal activity is from 6 to 8 am. So those who like to sleep longer will have to radically change their routine, but it’s worth it.
  • Clothing for classes should be selected as comfortable as possible; it should not hinder movement, press, tighten, or cause discomfort. To get the desired effect, you need to relax and not be distracted, so your clothes should be such that you feel like you’re not wearing them at all.
  • It is necessary to ensure that breathing is correct, deep and even. From correct breathing everything depends, neglecting it can not only not get the desired effect, but also cause harm to the entire body during exercise.
  • Not only the body, but also the soul inside it should be relaxed while performing gymnastics. If you are bothered by negative obsessive thoughts, unresolved conflicts, or anxiety is raging in your soul, you must first solve these problems, and only then start training. Training in a state of distress occurs through forcing oneself, and from this good result It's not worth the wait.
  • The surface for practicing should be chosen as hard as possible;

Let's start the exercises

After the preparation is completed, you can begin to master the complex of classes, it consists of 10 basic exercises:

  1. We rub our hands. You will need to start this exercise immediately after waking up, while lying in bed. You need to rub your palms for several seconds until you feel that they have become hot. This exercise is necessary in order to diagnose the state of your biofield; the body will give you a signal about what state it is in. If the palms do not warm up, but become wet, this will be a signal of health problems; warm palms will indicate that the energy is reduced, and dry and hot palms will indicate that the biofield is normal.
  2. Preparing the eyes. After rubbing, the palms should be placed on eyeballs and press lightly. In one second you need to make one press, a total of 21 seconds and 21 presses. Next, leave your palms on your eyes in a calm state for 2 minutes.
  3. Preparing the ears. Place your palms on your ears, placing your fingers behind the back of your head, and apply pressure. You need to make 21 presses in 21 seconds.
  4. We tighten our face. We clench our fingers into a fist, leaving only the thumbs straight. The exercise should be performed from the lower part of the face, rising to top part. Thumbs We massage the lower part of the cheekbones, and with fingers clenched into a fist we massage the oval of the face itself. Make movements with force, pressing on the face and gradually rising and then lowering down, and so on several times.
  5. We do an exercise aimed at the torso. The right palm should be placed on the area in which the thyroid gland is located, the left palm should be placed on top and the foot should be pressed against it. We take a breath and with a sigh we move left hand to the navel area and exhaling, return it back. Perform the exercise for 60 seconds, then place both hands on your stomach, lie on your back and lie down in this state for two minutes.
  6. We massage the stomach. To do this, you need to make circular movements on your stomach clockwise with your palms.
  7. Warming up the limbs. Raise your arms and legs up, keeping your palms and feet parallel to the floor, then begin to rotate them clockwise. Then we bend the limbs back and forth.
  8. Improving the rotation of energy. You need to stand up, put your feet shoulder-width apart, spread your arms to the side, keeping them straight, left palm raised up, right palm down. We begin a slow rotation clockwise so that there are 6 turns in total. After the exercise, you can lie down on a hard surface and rest a little.
  9. We are charged with strength and vigor. We sit on the floor, stretch our legs straight forward, place our palms on the floor, chin towards our chest, fingers pointing towards our buttocks. We begin to tilt our head back along with our torso, holding it at a right angle, inhale with each lift and exhale when returning to the starting position.
  10. We complete energy gymnastics. To do this, you need to rub the place where all the energy will be concentrated at the end of the workout, the feet. After the rubbing is completed, the classes can be considered over.

Gymnastics result

Energy gymnastics- this is time spent benefiting your health. You can get maximum benefit from a minimum of effort. To summarize, we list everything you will get from such an activity:

  • Relieving nervous tension;
  • Relieving muscle tension;
  • Improving the functioning of blood vessels and the heart;
  • Psychological relaxation;
  • Restoring the harmony of the energy system;
  • Return to normal concentration of mind;
  • Stabilization of hormonal levels;
  • Improving the flow of sexual energy;
  • Saturation of body cells with oxygen;
  • Elimination of visual impairments;
  • Improvement of the hearing aid;
  • Restoring the former flexibility of the joints;
  • Saturating the body with vigor and energy;

Tibetan monks really managed to find an effective recipe for maintaining health for many years. Being far from civilization, they trained their mind, body, soul year after year and eventually developed many techniques that are used today by millions of people around the world.

Energy gymnastics is one of the most effective techniques today; it gives people who have long forgotten what good health feels like to take a deep breath again and get rid of many ailments. Therefore, you should not put off gymnastics until next month, prepare for it and start tomorrow morning. Good luck in your endeavors.

Since everything new is well-forgotten old, I bring to your attention an excerpt from Vadim Zeland’s book “Forward to the Past!” (Reality Transurfing - 3), which describes energy gymnastics that help clear energy channels.
Don't miss the opportunity to feel the movement of the flow of energy in your physical body. Take and do this exercise:

Protective shell

Each person is surrounded by an invisible energy shell. An ordinary person is not able to feel it, but he can imagine it. Feel the entire surface of your body, as if you were immersed in a hot bath. I'm not saying try it. Just do it. When you don’t try, but do it, it works right away, and no training is needed. The energy spreads like a slow wave from the center of your body, comes to the surface and turns into a ball. Imagine a ball around you. This is your energy shell. It doesn't matter that it's not really noticeable. With just your imagination you take the first step towards controlling the shell. Over time, the real feeling will come.

People with developed extrasensory abilities can see both the shell itself and all the defects on it. Every person initially already has psychic abilities, they are simply not used, and therefore are in a dormant state. You can wake them up by long training sessions or at one moment - it is only a matter of strength of intention. Of course, it is quite difficult to achieve such an intention. But for our purposes, it will be quite enough to bring your energy to a healthy state. The weak shell is defenseless against violent invasion.

Healthy energy can be developed and maintained by regularly performing special exercises. It's very simple and takes little time. Stand up straight as you feel comfortable without straining. Inhale and imagine that the energy flow comes out of the ground, enters the perineum, moves along the spine (at approximately the distance indicated above), leaves the head and goes into the sky. Now exhale and imagine that a stream of energy descends high from the sky, enters your head, moves along the spine and goes into the ground. You don't have to physically feel these currents. Just imagining it is enough. Over time, your sensitivity will be trained so that you will learn to sense them.

Then imagine how both streams simultaneously move towards each other, without intersecting, each in its own channel. At first, do this while inhaling and exhaling, but over time, try to abandon the connection of flows to breathing. With the power of imagination (intention), you can accelerate flows and give them power. Now imagine that the updraft comes out and spills over your head like a fountain. Likewise, the downward flow comes out and also spills in the opposite direction, just under your feet. You have two fountains above and below. Mentally connect the sprays of both so that you find yourself inside the energy sphere. Then pay attention to the surface of your body. Simply feel the surface of your skin and then extend that feeling into a sphere, similar to balloon expands when inflated. When you mentally inflate the surface of the skin, the sphere of closed energy fountains becomes fixed. All this is done without stress. You don't have to go out of your way to feel something.

Don't worry that you can't physically feel the central currents. You got so used to them that you stopped feeling them, like any other healthy person. internal organ. By regularly concentrating on the currents from time to time, you will soon feel a physical sensation. Not as strong as, say, touch, but real enough.

This is energy gymnastics. By closing the flows onto each other into a sphere, you create a protective shell around yourself. By stretching the surface energy of the body into a ball, you secure this shell in a stable state. The benefits of such gymnastics can hardly be overestimated. First, the shell protects you from damage. Secondly, by training your energy, you cleanse the subtle channels. The plugs that impede the movement of energy fly out, and the holes in the shell through which it is consumed are closed. All this does not happen at once, but gradually. But you don’t need to constantly seek help from reflexologists and psychics. You yourself restore normal energy circulation.

Material taken from the site: "New Instruments of the Spirit"

Energy gymnastics is one of the ways to increase a person’s internal energy. Regular classes Energy gymnastics can quite quickly and significantly increase the level of free energy necessary to improve health, achieve one’s goals and fulfill desires.

This is the most “natural” and natural way to gain energy.

There is a huge amount of free energy around us. The energies of the Cosmos and the Earth surround us in unlimited quantities, take it or leave it, but most people receive only a small, insignificant part of it.


The amount of free energy a person has directly depends on the width and purity of his central energy channels or flows. Through these channels we absorb and process energy coming from outside.

For most of us, over time they wear out, become dirty, or become completely blocked. Hence all our problems arising from weak energy - depression, illness, dissatisfaction with life and lack of motivation.

The energy intensifies significantly, energy holes and breaches in the etheric body through which energy previously flowed outward are quickly closed. Many ailments go away, problems disappear, a huge surge of vitality is felt, mood and overall vitality improve.

You can enhance the effect of energy gymnastics by simultaneously saying positive affirmations out loud:

  • I am a powerful energizer!
  • My energy is intensifying!
  • The energy of life flows out of me!

Energy gymnastics (video)

This wonderful hormonal energy gymnastics came to us from distant Tibet more than 30 years ago. It is made by Tibetan monks in one of the monasteries and one day they passed on their secret to a person from Russia as a sign of gratitude. Only after 20 long years was he able to appreciate its amazing impact!

By doing just 5 minutes a day, you will maintain your glands and hormonal levels at the age of 25-30 years, at the same time you can increase your lifespan and prolong your youth by the same amount.

Watch this video in which the famous healer Elena Eisenberg will share with you the history and technique of this priceless energy gymnastics.

If you like energy gymnastics, you can download it by sharing the article on social networks.

Be energetically strong!

Arthur Golovin
