Turboslim - which is the most effective: customer reviews. Rules for taking the line for weight loss “Turboslim Turboslim what is better for weight loss

One of the most popular pharmaceutical products for weight loss is the Turboslim line of drugs from the Russian company Evalar. It includes 21 dietary supplements, each of which has a unique recipe, formula and principle of action, but they are all united by common goals - weight control and figure correction. The features of Turboslim products are their natural composition, high efficiency and affordable cost.

Types of Turboslim tablets for weight loss

The Evalar line of dietary supplements (dietary supplements) for the fight against extra pounds is conventionally divided into several categories with specific properties and a range of effects on the body. Turboslim tablets are included in the active weight loss program. They help speed up metabolism, burn fat tissue, suppress appetite well and normalize diet. This group is divided into several drugs that can be used as independent agents or in combination with each other.

“Smart” red tablets Turboslim for weight loss during the day work taking into account the biological rhythm of the body, forcing it to fight excess body weight. They are a combination of plant extracts and biologically active substances that form a unique composition of the product:

  • inulin;
  • guarana squeeze;
  • papaya extract;
  • citrus flavonoids;
  • vitamins B, C;
  • zinc;
  • red seaweed extract;
  • bromelain;
  • chromium picolinate;
  • extract from cherry stalks.

Once in the body, the components of the drug cause a real cellular revolution. Under their influence, metabolic processes are launched, metabolism is accelerated, excess fluid is removed, and the consumption of fat reserves is stimulated. The effectiveness of the Turboslim Day dietary supplement is due to the versatile effects of its substances, which work in several directions at once:

  • suppression of hunger and cravings for sweets;
  • rapid breakdown of fats due to guarana caffeine contained in the plant extract;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • activation of intercellular fluid circulation;
  • detoxification of organs from toxins, metabolites, harmful elements;
  • ensuring drainage effects on tissues;
  • maintaining physiological blood glucose levels;
  • increased thermogenesis;
  • reduction of the lipid layer;
  • normalization of carbohydrate-fat metabolism;
  • positive effect on intestinal microflora.

According to the instructions for use, the indication for taking the drug is not only excess weight. The supplement helps restore the nervous system, strengthen the immune system, and improve digestion. It is recommended to drink Turboslim daily tablets, 1 tablet after breakfast and after lunch, with a small amount of plain water. The duration of the course is 1 month. If necessary, the therapeutic procedure can be repeated after 4–5 weeks.

Turboslim night

The first certified weight loss product Turboslim night allows you to lose unnecessary pounds while sleeping. The peculiarity of this drug is that it effectively suppresses appetite that occurs in the evening and at night. In addition, the dietary supplement prevents the deposition of fatty tissue and promotes gentle cleansing of the body. Blue dragees work ideally in combination with red Turboslim day tablets, but have a fundamentally different composition:

  • Garcinia squeeze;
  • senna extract;
  • L-carnitine;
  • chromium picolinate;
  • fennel;
  • chitosan;
  • lemon balm extract;
  • vitamins B, E;
  • linoleic acid;
  • silicon dioxide, amorphous;
  • calcium stearate of plant etiology.

The dietary supplement has a targeted effect, helping the body get rid of excess weight. Garcinia extract is a source of hydroxycitric acid, which helps control appetite and promotes the conversion of glucose into glycogen instead of lipid tissue. Under the influence of this substance, excess carbohydrates are not transformed into fat, but become energy. When taking Turboslim night, the following reactions occur in the body:

  • Binding of fats with their subsequent removal under the influence of chitosan (extracts from crustacean shells).
  • Accelerating the natural weight loss algorithm at night.
  • Stabilization of blood glucose levels, which helps reduce cravings for sweet foods.
  • Strengthening intestinal motility, mild laxative effect due to senna components.
  • Improving digestion, preventing the fermentation process in the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract).
  • Normalization of metabolism, elimination of deficiency of useful elements due to the presence of minerals and vitamins in the preparation.

Turboslim is not a medicine, but before you start using it, it is better to consult a specialist and carefully study the instructions. The daily dosage depends on the desired effect. If minor figure correction is required, you need to drink 1 tablet daily. If you have significant excess body weight, it is recommended to take 2 tablets. Reception is held in the evening, during dinner. Duration of therapy is 4 weeks, after a month the procedure can be repeated.

The product for burning fat deposits from the Evalar company is made from high-quality ecological raw materials of natural origin. The difference between the drug Turboslim alfa and its analogues is the optimal balance of its constituent substances, aimed at accelerating metabolism and transforming lipid reserves into a source of energy. Tablets for losing unnecessary pounds contain:

  • L-carnitine tartrate;
  • alpha lipoic acid;
  • vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6;
  • auxiliary components: calcium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, aerosil;
  • shell composition: titanium dioxide, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, polyethylene glycol, polysorbate-80.

The combination of active elements of Turboslim alpha activates metabolic reactions, increasing their speed, which has a beneficial effect on the process of weight loss and consolidation of achieved results. Numerous studies have revealed a wide range of functions of the dietary supplement:

  • Rapid breakdown of fats and carbohydrates in order to process them into the body’s energy resource.
  • Increasing the rate of metabolic response, stimulating the production of enzymes that help digest food.
  • Preventing the accumulation of lipid reserves.
  • Reducing the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.
  • Elimination of age spots, wrinkles, improvement of skin condition.
  • Normalization of general well-being, elimination of discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Protects tissues and cells from toxins and free radicals.

Turboslim diet pills with alpha-lipoic acid are taken 2 tablets 1 time per day before meals for 1 month. To maintain the effect and prevent weight gain, it is recommended to repeat the course after taking a short break. Including moderate physical activity in your daily routine, such as running, swimming, fitness or dancing, will increase the intensity of excess body weight loss.


The Turboslim figure correction system from Evalar is an excellent solution for those who cannot withstand a grueling diet and work for hours in the gym. The safety and high effectiveness of the drug is guaranteed only if a person losing weight does not have the following contraindications to its use:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • sensitivity to one of the components of the tablets;
  • diabetes;
  • children (up to 18 years old) and elderly (after 55) age;
  • continuous maintenance drug therapy;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • arrhythmia;
  • chronic pathologies;
  • alcoholism;
  • diseases of the digestive and excretory systems;
  • presence of stones in organs;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • insomnia.

Side effects

Achieving the desired result is possible only if all recommendations for the use of Turboslim have been taken into account. It is important to adhere to the dosage regimen specified in the instructions for the drug to prevent possible negative consequences. In case of overdose or improper use of dietary supplements, the following side effects may occur:

  • skin allergies (itching, rashes);
  • nervous disorders (aggression, insomnia);
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • increased fatigue;
  • diarrhea;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • intestinal inflammation;
  • gastritis;
  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • heartburn;
  • dehydration;
  • dizziness;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • tachycardia;
  • fainting;
  • loss of consciousness.

Price for Turboslim tablets for weight loss

The cost of a dietary supplement depends on the region of its sale, the pricing policy of the distributor and the type of drug. Turboslim products can be purchased at a pharmacy or online store with delivery by courier. In Moscow, the following prices are set for dietary supplements:


Tea for weight loss has always been considered a universal and affordable remedy. It must be taken over a long period of time. No side effects from the use of the drug have been recorded.

A whole line of dietary supplements for weight loss was released by the Russian Evalar brand entitled Turboslim. I especially loved it tea.

What is included in the dietary supplement, how long you need to drink this drink for weight loss and whether it is addictive, we will consider later in the article.

Turboslim tea for weight loss - instructions for use

Turboslim for weight loss is considered a dietary supplement. It is designed for weight control. Evalar also developed coffee for weight loss.


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The line consists of the following products:

  • Turboslim cleansing;
  • express weight loss;
  • appetite control;
  • calorie blocker;
  • drainage;
  • alpha;
  • Turboslim day and night.

The fat burning drug must be taken according to the instructions. It helps everyone in different ways. How much it should be consumed depends on the person’s weight.


Turboslim Cleansing helps you lose weight due to its laxative and tonic effect and decreased appetite. The instructions write that the digestive system and intestinal functionality are normalized.

The fat-burning drink of the Turboslim line has a natural composition:

  • green tea;
  • Garcinia Cambogia extract;
  • corn silk;
  • senna;
  • cherry petioles.

How to take Turboslim “Cleansing” tea:

  1. Cleansing tea is drunk 2 times. per day with meals.
  2. For brewing you need boiled water, cooled to 70 degrees.

Evalar advises taking tea with its other products and reinforce the effect with physical exercise. A diet is not needed, because appetite is already greatly reduced, as reviews say.

After 10 days of use you need a break. Since it contains caffeine, the drink is prohibited for hypertensive patients.

"Express weight loss"

The ingredients included in the composition accelerate the weight loss process by at least two times.

Turboslim capsules "Express weight loss" divided into 3 doses - morning, afternoon, evening and sachet. The instructions indicate that Turboslim Express Weight Loss suppresses hunger, helps burn fat and removes excess fluid.

Also, when using the drug, the body is well cleansed. Each capsule serves its purpose. So, a morning dose helps burn fat and remove fluid. A person feels cheerful due to increased tone.

Daily capsules are aimed at suppressing appetite and accelerating the processing of fat cells. With the help of evening capsules, the body is cleansed and night weight loss is activated. It is advisable to take this drug at the same time.

"Appetite control"

Turboslim "Appetite Control" - chewable tablets that suppress hunger. It helps well with the diet, affecting the taste buds. These pills no need to chew.

Better keep it in your mouth as long as you can. Dosage: one tablet before each meal. Reception should be regular. This drug should not be stored in high humidity.

"Calorie blocker"

The drug is ideal for those who cannot control their appetite. Calorie blocker tablets will help learn to eat healthy foods in smaller portions.

Product helps reduce appetite, reduces “love” for sweets and stops the absorption of carbohydrates and fats. Therefore, fat deposits are used to obtain energy.

The composition maintains natural glucose levels, making it easy for the body to avoid sweets. Before it has time to be absorbed, fat molecules bind and are excreted. Reviews noted that the digestive system works better and spasms go away.

The instructions recommend accept Calorie blocker 3-4 pcs. before every meal. The course lasts 20 days, then a 2-week break is required. It is impossible to say how many courses you will need to lose weight.

Doctors say that Evalar products should be supported by sports. The drink or tablets should not be consumed for more than six months at intervals.

Turboslim "Express weight loss" - composition and rules of administration

As mentioned, Turboslim capsules are divided into 3 doses. Their composition and dose of substances differ.

So, express morning consists of extract:

  • guarana;
  • red seaweed;
  • grape leaves;
  • calcium carbonate;
  • ascorbic acid.

Per capsule per day extract includes:

  • garcinia;
  • prickly pear flowers;
  • corn silk;
  • senna;
  • chromium picolinate.

In the evening dose express weight loss includes extracts:

  • garcinia;
  • lemon balm;
  • senna;
  • fucus

As well as L-carnitine and chromium picolinate.

Capsules should be taken with food. 2 tab. in the morning and at lunchtime, 1 in the evening, and dilute the sachet in 1 liter of water and drink all day.

This technique observed for 3 days. Body shaping does not stop at one course. A nutritionist will advise you how much to drink.

How many times a day can you drink Turboslim “Drainage”?

This drink helps you lose weight by removing fluid and burning fat. Feedback says that “Drainage” significantly reduces swelling. The plant extracts included in the composition are not harmful to health.

« Drainage produces a grape flavor, other flavors are fake.

The instructions say that the dietary supplement is 2 tsp. diluted in 1 liter of water and drunk all day.

For emergency weight loss, use 0.5 tsp. funds for a cup of water and Drink 4 glasses. in a day.

An overnight appointment is required." Drainage" drink 10 days, 4 courses per year. Otherwise, the fat-burning drink will remove all the beneficial substances.

Turboslim Day - active weight loss during the day

Turboslim Day reinforced form is intended for daily use taking into account the rhythm of life. These capsules contain an increased dose of substances and have a drainage and decongestant effect.

All Evalar products are designed to stimulate fat burning and reduce appetite. This fat burning drug is needed combine with Turboslim Night.

Then you won’t need any diet, the capsules will work for 24 hours. Tablets are taken once a day, 2 pieces each. with food in the morning.

The optimal duration is 1 month. 2 months later costs repeat the procedure. Tablets daily are contraindicated for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Rarely, the components of the product cause allergic reactions.

Turboslim Night - active weight loss at night

Night tablets reduce evening appetite and lead to natural weight loss at night. Thus, metabolic processes accelerate at night, and the body is cleansed in the morning.

The drug “Night” consists only of plant extracts. A person will not feel any unpleasant sensations at night.

You need to take 1-2 capsules at night. during dinner. Light meals help with the absorption of substances, the emphasis is on fresh vegetables. Simple tea, coffee or juice will not help achieve the desired absorption. Night, like Day, is taken for 1 month.

Turboslim "Alpha" - lipoic acid and l-carnitine

Alpha is designed to speed up metabolism. It helps to cope with age-related weight loss and improper functionality of the gastrointestinal tract.

According to Alpha's instructions uses after 40 years. Alpha lipoic acid in tandem with l-carnitine accelerates metabolism, and these substances are often lacking in the body.

The drug Alpha can be used not only to combat extra pounds, but also to consolidate the results of weight loss.

It will be more effective to combine Alpha tablets with fitness or exercise.

You need to take them for a month, 2 pieces at a time. 1 rub. a day before meals. People write that you need to take a fat-burning drug three times a year.

How to drink Turboslim coffee correctly?

Evalar tea and coffee are used in a special way. Slimming coffee you need to drink 2 packs. in a day writes instructions.

Brew 150 ml of boiling water, a full cup of water turns the drink into a liquid unsuitable for weight loss.

It is not forbidden to add milk powder and a sweetener to a fat-burning drink when losing weight. The daily dose should be taken in the first half of the day in several doses.

Coffee can be combined with any diet; it contains 42 kcal. Some reviews write that prolonged drinking can cause diarrhea. It is better to discuss how much to drink with your doctor.

Are there any contraindications and side effects?

The Evalar weight loss line has a number of contraindications. Tea, capsules Alpha, Drainage, Night and Day are prohibited for pregnant women, breastfeeding women and those who cannot tolerate the components of the drug.

It is not advisable to drink weight loss tea at night if you have insomnia. Increased excitability is observed at the beginning of using the product.

The fat-burning drink should be used with caution by hypertensive patients. The weight loss drug increased my blood pressure, and the acid caused a rash.

The manufacturer also writes that tea is harmful to persons under 14 years of age. All Evalar dietary supplements are prohibited for teenagers.

Side effects are not harmful to health. Thus, diarrhea may occur as a cleansing effect is observed. Popular tea from Evalar can cause itching, skin rash, insomnia and tachycardia.

Cases of overdose have been recorded. It manifests itself with diarrhea, vomiting, increased excitability and anxiety. Then the stomach is washed and tea intake is stopped for a while to allow the body to recover. No serious or dangerous consequences have been observed in practice.

Turboslim for weight loss has earned different reviews. People write that this is the most effective tea. There are reviews that write about losing weight by 7-9 kg per month. In these cases, the weight loss drug was taken in its entirety.

The issue of losing weight does not leave any woman alone. In the modern world, there are many ways to lose weight, but losing weight is not always effective. In addition, not all women can eliminate foods that they are so accustomed to, and sports exercises are not always possible to do regularly. Diets do not bring permanent results, the kilograms soon return, so special drugs have been developed for weight control.

The most popular is Turboslim for weight loss, whose brand products are considered the most effective to date. Turboslim tablets can be found even in a regular grocery store, since the company has been a leader among a variety of drugs for effective weight loss for many years. This drug is an effective aid in improving metabolic processes. But there are several types of Turboslim, which differ in their spectrum of action, composition and effect. Which of these Turboslim drugs is most effective in a particular case will be discussed below.

Turboslim is a drug from the manufacturer Evalar, which is considered a dietary supplement to food. The company states that other dietary supplements are not as effective in losing weight. Many people are interested in how to drink Turboslim correctly to lose weight and whether the drug gives any results.

Please note: One of the problems that arises is choosing the right Turboslim, since the range of products is quite diverse and each turboslim has certain properties.

For example, some are intended for people with increased appetite, which is the cause of excess weight, some are for getting rid of excess fluid from the body, some are for speeding up metabolism and others. In addition, each person needs an individual approach, since each body reacts differently. Now even many show business stars use Turboslim capsules for effective weight loss.

Types of the drug Turboslim

Turboslim Day

This drug Turboslim is distinguished by its content of effective active substances that trigger metabolic processes. The drug is also an effective assistant in cleansing harmful waste and toxins, the presence of which impairs the functionality of organs and also slows down the process of fat burning. This type must be taken for a month, strictly following the instructions for use. You should definitely take a break of at least 30 days. It is impossible to say for sure whether “Day” is the most effective supplement, but it undoubtedly improves the breakdown of fat deposits and reduces weight.

Turboslim Night

This Turboslim works at night, accelerating fat burning during sleep. It is necessary to consume “Night” only before bed, which will ensure effective disposal of extra pounds and a positive mood in the morning.

Important! This supplement is not used separately, but only in combination with “Day”.

Reviews of Turboslim Day and Night say that, thanks to lemon balm, hay and garcinia, which are part of the drug, they strengthen the body and have a sedative effect, which is not only necessary for losing weight, but also for normalizing sleep and getting rid of stress.

Turboslim Tea

This Turboslim cleanses harmful waste and toxins, and also normalizes intestinal function. This drug is not very effective in terms of weight loss, but it is necessary to cleanse the body. This, in turn, speeds up metabolic processes.

Turboslim Coffee

“Coffee” can be drunk throughout the day without restrictions, replacing regular coffee with it. When used regularly, the components of Turboslim help improve the absorption of nutrients. Of course, the drink will not get rid of a lot of excess weight, but it will perfectly reduce your appetite before eating, which will soon help you lose weight.

Turboslim cream

This is one of the newest products from the manufacturer, which has an effect at the site of application. The cream contains ingredients that help increase the elasticity of the skin. Vitamin E improves blood circulation throughout the body, which enhances the absorption of nutrients, thereby speeding up metabolism. The product is not the most effective, since it does not act comprehensively on the body. Even if the drug produces results, it will not be long-lasting.

Turboslim Express weight loss

The drug is the most popular among women. “Express weight loss” helps to achieve visible results in a short time. Consumption helps to get rid of 3 kg of excess weight 3 cm around the waist in just 3 days. Although the tablets are effective, the result is short-lived, since weight loss occurs due to maximum cleansing of the body with the help of a laxative and diuretic effect.

Important! When you stop using Turboslim, the kilograms quickly return to their places.

Turboslim Calorie Blocker

The ingredients of the product are completely natural. They help quickly break down food, absorb it and remove it from the body. Consumption of the product allows you to prevent the absorption of carbohydrates and fats into the walls of the stomach, which prevents them from being deposited. This allows you to lose weight. You should take 1 tablet. before each meal. There will be no rapid weight loss, but with proper nutrition and exercise, you can achieve effective weight loss.

Turboslim bars

For those who suffer from eliminating sugary foods from their diet while on a diet, you can breathe a sigh of relief. After all, Turboslim bars can be consumed during dietary restrictions and at the same time get rid of extra pounds. The ingredients of the bars are natural, including cereals, nuts, and honey. These ingredients are quite satisfying and tasty, so it also contains fat burners that help break down fat deposits. Turboslim bars should be eaten between main meals.

Their use has the following effect:

  • Long-term feeling of fullness and dulling of hunger;
  • Breakdown of fat deposits;
  • Appetite suppression;
  • Giving energy.

One bar contains about 110 kilocalories, so it is recommended to eat no more than two throughout the day.

Turboslim Lose weight in a week

There is even a full-fledged weight loss program from the manufacturer Evalar, which includes a variety of diets.

Among them are:

  • Meat menu;
  • Mediterranean menu;
  • Vegetarian menu.

Each menu includes special bags of dry food, which should be diluted with boiling water before consumption. The diet includes breakfast, lunch and dinner. Also, each diet has separate instructions, if the rules are fully followed, it is possible to lose extra pounds.

For maximum results, 3 steps should be followed:

  • Cleansing;
  • Weight loss;
  • Consolidation.

The first stage is characterized by cleansing the body of waste and toxins, normalizing the functionality of the intestinal tract, and accelerating metabolism. The second stage of taking the powder helps to get rid of the bulk of excess weight. But the third stage consolidates the results obtained and the transition to the usual diet occurs.

Of course, it is quite difficult to eat powders alone, especially for a long time, so the brand has created a menu in which you can additionally eat about 1,500 kilocalories, and the lower the weight of the person losing weight, the lower the calorie content of the food should be. This Turboslim is one of the most effective ways to lose weight among all the company’s products, so it is recommended to choose this option.

Prices for Turboslim products

In the table below we provide approximate prices for Turboslim products; more detailed information can be found on the company’s official website www.turboslim.ru.


The composition of Turboslim contains dietary supplements that do not have the best effect on the human condition.

Among the contraindications for taking the drug:

  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Allergic reactions to the components of Turboslim;
  • Cholecystitis;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Jades;
  • Stones in the kidneys;
  • Heart diseases;
  • Cystitis.

Turboslim is also prohibited for people suffering from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as there is a risk of exacerbation.

Side effects

Turboslim also has many side effects. Many people report severe pain in the lower abdomen when using the pills for the first time. This is due to the effective action of the ingredients on the intestinal tract, which leads to softening of the stool and then excretion from the body. It may also be accompanied by bloating and colic.

Please note: Since the drug has a laxative effect, this can provoke the appearance of hemorrhoids, so it is not recommended to take products with this effect for weight loss, as there is a risk of problems and diseases in the body.

Often the intake is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. If such side effects exist, you should immediately stop using Turboslim.

The following symptoms appear no less often:

  • Anxiety;
  • Sleep problems;
  • Depression;
  • Stress and nervousness.

These side effects appear due to the presence of components in Turboslim that affect the functioning of the central nervous system. We must not forget that the drug is a supplement that does not allow you to lose weight, but only help with it. With a normal unhealthy diet and lack of exercise, effective weight loss cannot be achieved.

This drug works best in combination with a diet, for those who have trouble with willpower, it’s just what you need) I’m using it not for the first time, in a month if you take care of yourself you can easily lose 5 kg, if you have trouble with night gobblers (I get this condition... This drug works best in combination with a diet, for those who have trouble with willpower, it’s just what you need) I’m using it not for the first time, in a month if you take care of yourself you can easily lose 5 kg, if you have trouble with night gorges (for me this condition appears with the onset of cold weather in autumn/winter) I buy turboslim night with these tablets, the result is also good, although I drink them often I don’t notice any side effects, during the entire period of use I lost more than 15 kg for sure, from this company also periodically I buy myself tea and coffee, but they are more suitable for those who need to cleanse the intestines and remove toxins from the body.


For those who expect a quick result, I’ll immediately disappoint you, the weight loss from the pills is very slow, but thanks to them, for the first time in my life, I was able to completely stick to the diet without breakdowns, although the burst of energy promised by the manufacturer from the pills was so I didn’t feel it, but overall... For those who expect a quick result, I’ll immediately disappoint you, the weight loss from the pills is very slow, but thanks to them, for the first time in my life, I was able to completely stick to the diet without breakdowns, although the burst of energy promised by the manufacturer from the pills was so and didn’t feel it, but overall I managed to lose weight, I lost three kg and I’m grateful for that), the weight didn’t return after stopping the drug, I didn’t find any negative changes in my health either, on the contrary, I got an incentive to lose weight further, signed up for the gym and bought myself an alpha complex, I hope this way you can start your metabolism.


The course went without any side effects, although I was very afraid of diarrhea. There was a laxative effect, but it was small, it didn’t cause me any discomfort, I’m even glad that the intestines were finally cleaned out. Regarding weight loss, I am very pleased, I lost 3 kilos and this despite the fact that all my activity was walking to work and going up/down stairs.... The course went without any side effects, although I was very afraid of diarrhea. There was a laxative effect, but it was small, it didn’t cause me any discomfort, I’m even glad that the intestines were finally cleaned out. Regarding weight loss, I am very pleased, I lost 3 kilos and this despite the fact that all my activity was walking to work and going up/down stairs. But by the way, I actually began to eat less with him. So Turboslim enhanced formula works for the day!

As soon as I feel that I have eaten too much I run after them, they always help out) they contain guarana extract (suppresses the feeling of hunger, energizes), carnitine (helps speed up fat burning processes), cherry extract (has a laxative and diuretic effect) I always take them monthly course, two tablets every day. Depending on my fat level... As soon as I feel like I've eaten too much, I always run after them.
help out) they contain guarana extract (suppresses hunger, energizes), carnitine (helps speed up fat burning processes), cherry extract (has a laxative and diuretic effect) I always take them in a monthly course, two tablets every day. Depending on the degree of my fat content, the result manifests itself differently, sometimes you can lose 5 kg easily, but if there is less excess fat, then the result is usually 2-3 kg, then you have to add physical activity. No matter how much you lose, the result remains stable for a long time.


I really wanted to lose weight by the summer, but because of problems with my back it was not possible to play sports, I was completely hopeless, my last hope was to try diet pills and even though everyone at home tried to dissuade me, citing bad reviews and side effects, I took a risk and didn’t do it one bit. I regretted it. I managed to lose 3 kg without any... I really wanted to lose weight by the summer, but because of problems with my back it was not possible to play sports, I was completely hopeless, my last hope was to try diet pills and even though everyone at home tried to dissuade me, citing bad reviews and side effects, I took a risk and didn’t do it one bit. I regretted it. I managed to lose 3 kg without any diets or sports, and despite the bad prophecies of relatives, there were no allergic reactions, so I can confidently recommend it. The weight did not return, on the contrary, thanks to the pills, my appetite decreased within a month. After stopping taking the pills, my stomach was already accustomed to receiving a smaller portion at a time, so I continue to lose weight a little and continue without the drug. There was an incentive to try something else and move on.

I used these pills in combination with nighttime weight loss, I really liked the fact that they gave me energy, decreased appetite and some kind of resistance to stress or something, I wasn’t so irritated at the sight of cookies and sweets, the nighttime gluttons stopped bothering me completely. Within a month, intestinal function returned to normal and I managed to lose 3 kg, my stomach disappeared, my volume melted... I used these pills in combination with nighttime weight loss, I really liked the fact that they gave me energy, decreased appetite and some kind of resistance to stress or something, I wasn’t so irritated at the sight of cookies and sweets, the nighttime gluttons stopped bothering me completely. In a month, intestinal function returned to normal and I managed to lose 3 kg, my belly disappeared, my volume melted, and this despite the fact that there was no sports at all, and the diet was not particularly followed. A little later I want to try this complex again, but also include some additional physical activity. I highly recommend it to those who have not yet decided to try it; I personally have not experienced any side effects.

Volodina Raya

I started losing weight on Turboslim 3 months ago and thought that after a month on the drug the weight would come back and that’s it, I’d have to look for a new way to lose weight, but so far I’m losing weight and that’s good)) The weight is coming off at a steady rate of 4 kg per month, it’s not that fast , as I expected, but not... I started losing weight on Turboslim 3 months ago and thought that after a month on the drug the weight would come back and that’s it, I’d have to look for a new way to lose weight, but so far I’m losing weight and that’s good)) The weight is coming off at a steady rate of 4 kg per month, it’s not that fast , as I expected, but no stretch marks appear. In general, I have such a figure that fat accumulates on my stomach and now it has become almost flat, of course there is a little bit of fat sticking out, but it looks aesthetically pleasing)

Depending on my mood and the occasion, I choose what suits me best. If you’ve eaten a lot and need to really unload, I take a day/night complex; if you just want to have fasting and cleansing days, I buy Turboslim tea/coffee; if I have a photo shoot, I buy express weight loss in three days). Any drug in this series cleanses the intestines well, removes excess... Depending on my mood and the occasion, I choose what suits me best. If you’ve eaten a lot and need to really unload, I take a day/night complex; if you just want to have fasting and cleansing days, I buy Turboslim tea/coffee; if I have a photo shoot, I buy express weight loss in three days). Any drug in this series cleanses the intestines well, removes excess water, due to which the body is well toned. A HUGE PLUS to the drugs is that they suppress the feeling of hunger and stop the temptation to chew something before going to bed).

I recommend trying day and night together. I decided to take it on the recommendation of a friend, she praised Turboslim too much. I ordered both supplements on the herbal market website for two courses at once (I drank with a break of 10 days between courses) with a good discount, I took them strictly according to the instructions. By the way, don’t forget that you need... I recommend trying day and night together. I decided to take it on the recommendation of a friend, she praised Turboslim too much. I ordered both supplements on the herbal market website for two courses at once (I drank with a break of 10 days between courses) with a good discount, I took them strictly according to the instructions. By the way, do not forget that you need to drink about 2 liters of water per day. In two and a half months I became 12kg lighter, and this is an excellent result for me.
I recommend

I once used other diet pills, but they didn’t help me, but I really enjoyed the day. When I took them, I had little appetite and I didn’t want to overeat, because of this it was very easy to lose weight and I didn’t take the drug for a month there was not a single breakdown, although I am a human being, one might say... I once used other diet pills, but they didn’t help me, but I really enjoyed the day. When I took them, I had little appetite and I didn’t want to overeat, because of this it was very easy to lose weight and I didn’t take the drug for a month there was not a single breakdown, although I am a person, one might say, without willpower and it is common for me to constantly have breakdowns)

When I took the drug, there was no heaviness in the stomach, diarrhea, pain, the pills didn’t really affect anything except weight loss and didn’t even weaken me, and this is a huge plus for me!
If you lose weight on them, then get ready for the fact that you may have to reduce the portions to which you are accustomed, you should not be afraid of this, this is a normal phenomenon when you drink a drug based on L-carnitine, guarana and chromium picolinate... And you will lose weight quickly , I lost 5 kg in a month.


I’ve lost weight on many dietary supplements, but so far for me the easiest and most optimal weight loss remains weight loss on turbo slims. I drink them separately, it’s more convenient for me and doesn’t cost me. Daily capsules are an ideal option for those who eat all the time))) When I take them, it’s for food... I’ve lost weight on many dietary supplements, but so far for me the easiest and most optimal weight loss remains weight loss on turbo slims. I drink them separately, it’s more convenient for me and doesn’t cost me.
Daily capsules are an ideal option for those who eat all the time))) When I take them, I don’t feel like eating at all, I start to feel hungry exactly when I’m really hungry and my stomach is already starting to digest itself. Thanks to the fact that I eat little, I lose weight quickly. And L-carnitine additionally enhances fat burning, turning fat into energy, so I eat little, but I feel good and even more cheerful than when I overeat everything.
With these tablets, normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is still restored. since he is not overloaded with food and can work calmly.
It seems to me that every overweight girl should try this product, it’s impossible not to lose weight with it! Well, if you don’t like it, you won’t buy it again (although I’m sure that after drinking and losing weight on this dietary supplement once, you will return to it again and again... well, everyone just judges for themselves))))


I like the entire line of Turboslim weight loss products, I don’t use them often, but I lose a lot, as it accumulates over a year or two. I used the complexes day and night 3 times and I think that they should be combined, since they complement each other) Now I want to talk about day capsules, since, it seems to me, they perform... I like the entire line of Turboslim weight loss products, I don’t use them often, but I lose a lot, as it accumulates over a year or two. I used the day and night complexes 3 times and I think that they should be combined, since they complement each other)
Now I want to talk about daily capsules, since it seems to me that they do the main job. Thanks to them, I eat less during the day, and not because I want to, but because they contain certain natural substances that reduce hunger and do not allow the brain to send false signals about hunger, for example, when you are nervous... and it also decreases craving for sweets thanks to chromium picolinate (by the way, this supplement can be purchased separately, but it will cost... In Turboslim, picolinate is combined with other components and works even better.
There is no nausea, diarrhea or bloating from daily capsules, they essentially have no effect at all except reducing appetite and accelerating fat burning…. In the first place in the composition there is guarana, which is supposed to “invigorate”, but I did not notice such an effect, at least if there is one, it is not pronounced.
In general, it’s better to drink complexes day and night together, since I believe that if you’re going to lose weight, then lose weight thoroughly)) With a day complex you can lose 3-4 kg, but if you add Night, then I lost up to 9 kg, and in general 6-7 stable.

Among the huge variety of dietary supplements, Turboslim diet pills occupy a leading position. There are several videos of this drug, with which you can effectively lose extra pounds. When a person does not know how to control the size of his portions, cannot moderate his appetite and refuse snacks, specialized pills come to the rescue that allow you to lose weight without serious restrictions on the diet and exhausting workouts.

About the drug

The drug Tubroslim is manufactured by the Evalar company. The manufacturer has developed a whole series of biologically active food supplements that promote weight loss. Each variation has a different effect on the body and is selected depending on the human body. However, even with their effectiveness, we must not forget about the basic rules of losing weight:

  1. Eat healthy meals in small portions at least 4-5 times a day.
  2. Daily fluid intake is at least 2 liters of water per day.
  3. Additional physical activity, constant walks in the fresh air.
  4. Refusal of bad habits, fast food, alcohol, fatty, sweet and salty foods.
  5. Eating more greens, vegetables and fruits.

Without following these basics, it is impossible to achieve significant results in the plumb line.

Turboslim tablets for weight loss saturate the human body, thereby dulling the feeling of hunger. Opinions about this drug differ among doctors and people who have used it. To understand how effective it is and what disadvantages it has, you need to know what effect it has on the body, what it consists of, what properties and contraindications it has.

Turboslim diet pills can be used not only for problems with excess weight. They are used in the following cases:

  1. With weak immunity.
  2. As a sedative.
  3. To normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The benefit of the drug is that it is low cost, it reduces appetite and thereby prevents you from eating a lot of food at one time. There are savings on products.

Clinical effect, composition, properties, contraindications

Many people wonder what is the most effective drug for weight loss. How not to make a mistake in choosing what components are included in the composition, what contraindications various tablets have, what properties they have on the body.

  1. Hoodia Gordonii extract is the main component of Turboslim tablets. This is a natural extract that contains molecules that have an effect on nerve cells. This effect is similar to the effect glucose has on the body. Thus, a person deceives himself and begins to feel false satiation. The natural extract also contains components that improve metabolic processes in the body and also reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood. Hoodia Gordoni extract cleanses the body of waste and toxins.
  2. Inulin is another natural component of plant origin. It is present in plants such as Jerusalem artichoke and chicory. This component has a positive effect on the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. Thanks to this, weight loss occurs. It also helps to quickly saturate the body. Satiety is felt for a long time after taking the drug. If you use inulin constantly, a person will stop overeating, he will begin to eat measuredly, in small portions and not feel hunger at night. This is due to the fact that when it enters the body, the natural component is converted into a gel. It coats the stomach lining and increases the level of satiety hormones.
  3. Chromium picolinate – this component is responsible for gaining muscle mass, its recovery after hard training, and transporting glucose in the body. If there is not enough chromium, metabolism slows down, proteins are poorly absorbed, and thus excess weight is gained. However, in its pure form, chromium is dangerous for the human body. In the production of preparations based on it, chromium picolinate is used. It starts regeneration processes, improves thyroid function, and helps with low-calorie diets.
  4. L-carnitine – this component is also called levocarnitine. It is included in most weight loss medications and sports supplements. It is used by experienced athletes and fitness visitors. Levocarnitine removes excess fluid from the body and breaks down fat layers.

These are the main components of the drug. In addition to them, it contains green tea extract, lemon juice (powder), sorbitol, Aerosil, mint oil and others.

After the composition is clear and the active components are designated, you can move on to the properties of the drug:

  1. Improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Dulling of the feeling of hunger. Saturation of the body for a long time.
  3. Developing healthy eating habits.
  4. The ability to more effectively engage in heavy sports and build muscle mass thanks to the main components of Turboslim tablets.
  5. Normalization of the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  6. Reducing the level of bad cholesterol and glucose in the blood.
  7. Cleansing the body of toxins, excess fluid, salts and toxins.
  8. Increased stress resistance. Improved mood.
  9. Reduced blood pressure.
  10. Improves the condition of nails, skin and hair.

In most cases, dietary supplements are made from natural ingredients of plant origin. Thanks to this, they have the least number of contraindications.

Doctors and nutritionists recommend that pregnant and lactating mothers take any new medications carefully. This is due to the fact that the body undergoes restructuring during these periods and any innovation can negatively affect the child’s health.

The drug is also contraindicated in case of individual intolerance or allergic reactions to the components of the tablets. Otherwise, they can be used for various diseases since they do not have a harsh effect on the body.

The most famous variation of weight loss capsules. They are intended for daily use depending on the pace of daily life. For best results, the Turboslim day complex must be combined with night capsules.

These tablets consist of guarana, which accelerates metabolic processes and promotes the burning of fat layers, an extract from red algae, which helps cleanse the body of toxins. It also contains bioflavonoids, which activate fat burning processes. Papaya extract blocks the formation of fat deposits.

For people losing weight, it is important to support the body at night so that it loses extra pounds. On average, the human body burns 400 kcal in one night. However, this is not enough for active weight loss. Capsules intended for night time activate the processes of burning calories and enhance them.

This drug contains:

  1. Melissa – promotes good sleep, calms nerves, fights insomnia.
  2. Garcinia Cambogia extract – breaks down fat fibers. It tidies up the skin, smoothes out wrinkles and stretch marks.
  3. Senna extract – improves intestinal function and reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

This is a universal drug that does not need to be mixed with additional tablets. It is used in cases where a person cannot control his appetite, has age-related problems with weight loss and weight gain, and also has a slow metabolism.

Alpha lipoic acid in combination with lovocarnitine helps speed up metabolic processes, helps control appetite, improves bowel function, and helps cope with age-related weight gain problems.

These capsules help improve metabolic reactions and thereby promote rapid weight loss. The course of the technique lasts 3 days and is designed for rapid weight loss. Throughout the day, you should take 6 tablets of different colors before three main meals, and also drink a special drink at the end of the day.

The drug activates the fat burning processes of the body itself, removes waste, excess fluid and toxins from it. Has a laxative effect to remove food debris. Eliminates swelling and salt deposits. Helps improve general condition. A person reaches the maximum plumb line in the shortest possible time.

Why you should use Turboslim tablets

In order to understand how effective this drug is for burning fat and whether it is worth purchasing, it is necessary to consider a scientific experiment in which outsiders took part.

The purpose of the experiment was to see how effective weight loss capsules would be for different body types. 200 people took part in it. All volunteers underwent a medical examination before the experiment. They took Turboslim tablets day and night. At the same time, fatty, sweet and salty foods were excluded from the diet. Additionally, morning exercises and daily walks in the fresh air were added. Results:

  1. During the course, 110 people were able to lose 15 kilograms of weight and felt an improvement in the general condition of the body.
  2. 60 people were able to reduce their weight by 6-10 kilograms. They approved the product and expressed a desire to continue using it in the future.
  3. 30 people were dissatisfied because they were unable to reduce their weight by more than 5 kilograms.

Based on these figures, we can safely say that this drug is effective for various types of organism. However, with some features it may not bring the desired result.

Scientists, nutritionists and doctors agree that dietary supplements are not medicines. Because of this, the duration of the technique may extend for more than one month. The instructions clearly indicate the period after which you should stop. If the result is not enough, you can repeat the course after a two-week break.

Also, depending on which capsule option you chose, be it day, night, alpha or express, the number of tablets consumed per day will depend. It is strictly forbidden to exceed the specified dosages. Otherwise, you can harm your body.

Reviews from specialist doctors

Andrey Gusarev (Moscow). Dietitian, 45 years old, 15 years of experience.

I am familiar with Turboslim drugs for weight loss firsthand. This is a whole chain of dietary supplements designed primarily for weight loss. I have a calm attitude towards dietary supplements, even though their benefits have not been officially confirmed. After carefully studying the composition and properties of these capsules, I began to implement them in my own weight loss techniques. I used the complexes day and night. I can say that these are one of the few effective fat burners that I have encountered in my entire career. I recommend it to my clients all the time.

Vladimir Alushtov (St. Petersburg). Dietitian, 50 years old, 17 years of experience.

Over many years of work and constant study of nutrition systems, I have recommended dietary supplements in various situations. I don’t consider these supplements to be somehow illegal or useless. When I came across Turboslim fat burners, I spent a long time testing them for effectiveness. I can say that this is a workable remedy for losing excess weight, but it is stupid to rely only on its effect. We must not forget the basic rules of losing weight.

Customer Reviews

Based on the reviews of most clients, we can judge that Turboslim tablets are one of the highest quality fat burners. With their help, you can lose weight by an average of 10-12 kilograms per month.

Negative reviews represent approximately 12% of 100%. They are usually left by people who did not add additional stress to the process of losing weight, ate what they wanted, and led a passive lifestyle.

Where to buy Turboslim tablets

Since dietary supplements are not medications, they can be purchased without any prescriptions. You cannot buy Turboslim in a regular pharmacy. To do this, you will need to go to the online store and order capsules for home delivery. For 220 rubles you will receive a package of 20 chewable tablets.

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