Download the no carbs app. Harm of simple carbohydrates and diet basics

Very effective method for everyone who is trying to lose weight.


Those who are faced with diets for the first time find themselves in an unusual situation: thousands of tips, millions of reviews and hundreds of different diets that still need to be sorted out. The “” application does not offer you a convenient sorting of all the abundance of diets, but rather offers one low-carb diet, which can be very effective for you and will help you get rid of those hated pounds.


Immediately after launch, you will still need the Internet as the application downloads a database for later use offline. The download will take at most 5 minutes (this is in the worst case), but then nothing will happen in the future. The interface cannot be called an example of beauty and design, but it is quite convenient to use. Below there are 5 sections:
1. Recipe book
2. Favorites
3. Search
4. Product list
5. FAQ (frequently asked questions)
Although the recipe book will be available offline, the photos will not be displayed without the Internet. Each recipe is written as simply and without problems as possible; preparing anything will not be difficult. If you are not familiar with this technique, the FAQ section will definitely help. In the Search section, you can select the ingredients you have in your refrigerator and then select recipes.


There were no settings in the application, it works stably and without complaints, as it should be. To summarize: “” is perhaps your chance to reset overweight or just get in shape. Enjoy!

is an extremely useful application in which you can find many recipes that do not contain carbohydrates. This is necessary for those users who decide to start controlling their diet and start losing weight. That is why many users happily began to use this program every day. After all, it has been completely translated into Russian, which allows it to become widespread.

Another advantage of the application is that the recipes are not thrown into one pile. In this program, everything is sorted into breakfast, lunch and dinner. Which is incredibly helpful in planning your meals. That is why so many users liked the program. You have never seen anything like this before, feel free to start downloading and mastering this wonderful application.

It is entirely in Russian and created by Russian-speaking developers. They constantly release updates and answer all questions raised by users. If any error occurs, you can contact them for help. That is why you should definitely listen to the opinion of the majority of users and download this application to your mobile device.

As a result, it turned out that it is an incredibly useful program, the memory of which is filled with many healthy recipes low-carbohydrate diet. It is applications like this that help users out every day.

Now there are a huge number of nutrition systems that exclude simple carbohydrates, due to which it is possible to achieve rapid weight loss. The “no carbs” system offers quite simple diet: You can eat at any time, in any quantity and order, but only permitted foods.

Harm of simple carbohydrates and diet basics

The developers of the system are sure: when we eat proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, the carbohydrates are broken down, but the fats eaten are stored. Having abandoned carbohydrates, the body is forced to look for another source of energy - and begins to break down old reserves, that is, fat cells that have already been deposited on the body.

It is thanks to this that such an unusual turbo diet without carbohydrates allows you to eat, for example, stewed meat, sausages, sausages, any butter, cream, sausages and even mayonnaise.

But the list of limited products includes: cottage cheese, tomatoes and cucumbers, cabbage, green beans, zucchini, eggplant and even broccoli. The products from this list are limited to a small amount, no more than 500 g per day.

Features of a diet with limited carbohydrates

You can choose your menu according to your tastes. For breakfast, you can eat an omelet, fried sausage with cucumber, or a couple of sausages in a lettuce leaf. For lunch - any rich meat soup with a small amount of vegetables (but no potatoes). For dinner, meat with a side dish is suitable - and there should be more meat than vegetables.

Prohibitions of a diet that excludes carbohydrates

It is very important never, under any circumstances, to eat anything from the list of prohibitions, otherwise you will completely ruin all your work and you

  • it will be necessary to start over, the creators of the system assure. So, the list of prohibited foods:
  • no cereals (no oatmeal, no rice, no buckwheat, etc.);
  • no bread - no rolls, no crispbread, no cakes;
  • no sweets (in all forms!);
  • no fruit at all (ever!);
  • no juices or sweet sodas (cola and Pepsi Light are allowed);
  • Corn, potatoes, beans, peas are prohibited, and onions and carrots can be added little by little to the soup.

Thus, side dishes, sweets, fruits and all flour products are excluded. At the same time, the creators of the system allow the use of sweetener, dry wine, as well as all strong alcoholic drinks.

Allowed diet foods excluding carbohydrates

However, a fairly impressive list of products remains permitted for consumption, which will surely easily satisfy any gourmet. So, you can always, everywhere and in any quantities consume the following products:

  • meat, lard, poultry, fish, seafood and offal in any form, including fried;
  • all types of sausages and sausages;
  • any cheeses, butters and heavy cream;
  • salt, spices, vinegars, garlic, gelatin;
  • mushrooms;
  • eggs;
  • mayonnaise (no more than 3 g of carbohydrates per 100 g);
  • sugar substitute (Milford Suess, Maître du Sucre, Sucrazit, Rio, Fitparad - any with aspartame, saccharin, cyclamate, erythritol. Strictly not with sorbitol and fructose!).

The list of foods that can be eaten in limited quantities, up to 500 g per day, includes all non-starchy vegetables and herbs, pickles, lemon and cranberries.

Occasionally you can indulge in cottage cheese, sour cream, tomatoes, radishes, avocado, zucchini, olives, ginger.

Criticism of the “no carbohydrates” diet

At first glance, the system looks tempting. However, such an amount of fats and proteins in the absence of carbohydrates can cause a serious blow to the liver, kidneys and pancreas, and cause the development various diseases from pancreatitis to any others. By depriving the body of fiber, you will increase the load on the intestines, which provokes disorders from diarrhea to constipation and bad breath.

This diet should only be followed strictly on the advice of your doctor, otherwise it can cause serious harm to the body, especially if you limit vegetables too much.