Povetkin's father is a crime boss. Povetkin Vladimir Ivanovich. Alexander Povetkin now

Childhood and family of Alexander Povetkin

The future heavyweight boxer was born in Kursk and as a child was a thin boy. This made him turn his attention to contact sports. In one of his interviews, he recalled: “I started boxing at the age of 13 in order not to be beaten.” By this time, he had already learned wushu, karate and hand-to-hand combat. This path was not easy also because the collapse of the USSR, which occurred during this decade, left sports without support, coaches without salaries, and schools without the ability to organize trips to competitions.

The support of his father (unfortunately, the late Vladimir Povetkin), who passionately loved sports and managed to find himself during the turbulent perestroika years, helped Alexander overcome this period. Vladimir Povetkin helped not only his son, but also all Kursk athletes.

Alexander Povetkin's path in sports

Alexander received his first money, a student scholarship, while studying at a vocational school, where after the 9th grade he mastered the profession of a driver-fitter. Having received his license, he gradually worked part-time driving a car, and by the time he graduated, he became a member of the Russian national team and was already receiving a state scholarship.

Since 1992, he has been boxing and already in 1993 he participated in a boxing tournament, breaking his opponent’s arm in one of the fights. This is how the fans first saw his later famous “Povetkin punch”. In his native Kursk, Povetkin won all the tournaments in which he participated. Even in his youth, he always focused only on strong opponents and this helped to increase his skills. In 1995, Alexander became the winner at the Russian youth boxing championship. Then he again became first at the national junior championship.

Failure in 1997 at the European Junior Championships forced Povetkin to return to kickboxing for some time. He quickly achieved noticeable success in this sport, won the European Championship among professionals, and then won the World Championship as an amateur. In 1998, at a tournament in Krasnoyarsk, the future “Vityaz of Russia” received his first truly substantial fee. It was a $4,500 prize and a 50-gram .999 gold bar. The athlete still keeps this ingot as a memory and a talisman.

Alexander Povetkin in big boxing

In 2000, Povetkin returned to boxing and became the champion of Russia, and in 2001 - the champion of the Goodwill Games. This was followed by resounding victories at the European Championships in 2002 and 2004. At the World Championships in Thailand in 2003, Alexander again dealt his inevitable blow to his opponent - Jamal Medzhidov, who competed for Ukraine, left the ring with a broken jaw. Alexander became world champion in 2003, and then he received the champion title at the 2004 Olympics in Athens. In the final fight of the 2003 World Championship, Povetkin defeated Cuban Pedro Carrion, being 15 cm shorter than his opponent and 25 kg lighter. He went to Athens, firmly counting on first place.

Indeed, he managed to defeat both Roberto Camarelle from Italy and the 2000 Olympic silver medalist Muktarkhan Dildabekov from Kazakhstan. In 2004, he became the first Russian boxer to win Olympic gold in the heaviest weight category - the most prestigious in boxing. After receiving his Olympic gold medal, Povetkin moved from amateur to professional heavyweight boxer.

Today experts call Alexander Povetkin the most promising boxer in the heavyweight division. His most likely opponents are Oleg Maksaev and Nikolai Valuev, due to their age, they are already ready to end their professional careers. To defeat Klitschko, Chagaev, Ibragimov, he just needs to gain a little more experience. He already has this - Povetkin’s results are among the most stable today. Out of 27 fights, he won 26 victories, including 17 by knockout. Only Vladimir Klitschko managed to defeat him once. Povetkin has such advantages as fast movement around the ring, a series of his own “signature” punches and excellent command of fighting technique. Alexander Povetkin has state awards. He has the title of Honored Master of Sports of the Russian Federation, he was named an Honorary Citizen of the Kursk Region. In 2005, the boxer was awarded the Order of Friendship by Russian President Vladimir Putin. The list of awards for his sporting victories deserves a separate page.

Personal life and hobbies of Alexander Povetkin

Today Alexander Povetkin is known as the “Russian Knight”, he enters the ring to the song “Rus”, written by Nikolai Emelin. He calls himself a patriot of Russia, and of all the signs he uses only one - to be baptized before going into battle. The athlete has never smoked and hardly drinks - he says “I just don’t like this business.”

Povetkin graduated from the Kursk branch of Moscow Modern State University, Faculty of Law. He is happily married for the second time, raising his beloved daughter and does not like public speaking. The boxer's wife's name is Evgenia. The boxer's daughter from his first marriage is called Arisha. The daughter loves to watch her father’s fights and always congratulates him on his victory. She even saw several fights from the audience. “I live for Arina,” admits Alexander. The family has a dog - pit bull Kim. In his free time from sports, the boxer enjoys a variety of extreme sports. His favorite toy is a Yamaha motorcycle. At which it develops a breakneck speed of up to 250 km/h. But he tries not to break the rules, especially when driving a car. Now the boxer has a Mercedes, bought with money won in the ring.

His wife also has a car - also a “prize” for fighting. At various times he was interested in dog fighting, parachute jumping... Povetkin was taught to drive a car by his dad. When the boy was only 12 years old, his father put him behind the wheel of the family Volga. Alexander has a brother, Vladimir, who also connected his life with boxing. Vladimir Povetkin performed in the professional ring in the first heavyweight division (up to 90.7 kilograms). He defeated German Fadil Kazema in a 4-round rating fight in Berlin. In total he won 6 fights.

(26.02.1943 - 10.10.2010)

POVETKIN Vladimir Ivanovich - artist, restorer, scientist and musician. Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Honorary Citizen of Veliky Novgorod. Knight of the International Order of St. Constantine the Great. (see the topic "V.I. Povetkin's Awards") Creator and first director of the Novgorod Center for Musical Antiquities. Author of the scientific method of reconstructing archaeological musical instruments of ancient Novgorod and scoring them; methods of restoring archaeological birch bark letters. Povetkin's reconstruction work has revolutionized the usual ideas about ancient Russian musical instruments.

Born February 26, 1943. Place of birth - the village of Soldatsko-Stepnoe, Bykovsky district, Stalingrad region.

Mother - Baibakova Maria Fedorovna (03/27/1920, household Kartychev, Proleysky district, Stalingrad region - 04/23/2010, Veliky Novgorod, Novgorod region)

Father - Povetkin Ivan Petrovich (04/15/1902, from Ukolovo, Zolotukhinsky district, Kursk region - November 1985, Bratsk, Irkutsk region)

He received his school education first in the Tambov region, then in Kursk (1954) at school No. 29, after the 7th grade he studied at the Kursk Art and Graphic Pedagogical School (1958 -1962).

1962-1966 - military service in the Northern (Polyarny, Murmansk region) and Baltic (Kaliningrad, since 1965) fleets. Collaborated with the design bureau of the Baltic shipyard "Yantar" in Kaliningrad; some developments were included in the Project of the first Large Landing Ship in the USSR.

1966-1967 - Kursk Tractor Spare Parts Plant (adjuster).

1967-1968 - studied in Leningrad in the 4th year and received a diploma from the Leningrad Art and Graphic School.

1968-1969 - worked as an artist and correspondent for the Kursk newspaper “Young Guard”. He actively participated in the creation of the “Spring” section, dedicated to the folk talents of the Kursk region.

Since the end of 1969, while living in Novgorod, he carried out various artistic and restoration works, including copies of ancient Russian miniatures and restoration of wooden exhibits for the Novgorod State Museum-Reserve, developed sketches of stained glass windows and panels for the Novgorod Volkhov Hotel (work on translating sketches into material was carried out jointly with the artist V.F. Grebennikov). At the same time, he was engaged in wooden sculpture ("Lonely", "The Flame Hero", "Unarmed", etc.); there were projects of monumental moving and sounding sculptures (“Vekovek”, “Mother of Tunes”, “Old Bucket”).

In 1973, for the exhibition of the Novgorod Museum-Reserve, he created, based on the research of archaeologist A.F. Medvedev’s practical version of the reconstruction of the ancient Russian compound bow.

In 1975, he began restoration and reconstruction of archaeological finds, in particular, wooden household items of the ancient Novgorodians.

During these same years, he restored the lost tradition of weaving birch bark products. He taught this craft to his many guests, laying the foundations for the development of birch bark weaving in the Novgorod Land.

In 1977, he restored a 15th-century tile depicting a guslar, as well as a hollow gold ring with an insert of red amber - a masterpiece of jewelry art that most likely belonged to the 12th-century Novgorod artist and priest Olisey Grechin.

In 1978, he began the restoration and production of scientific traces of ancient birch bark letters.

In 1978, he reconstructed in shape and sound the famous lyre-shaped harp of the mid-11th century, on a fragment of the wooden body of which the carved inscription “SLOVISHA” was preserved.

In the same year, on June 4, at the Folklore and Crafts Festival in Vitoslavlitsy, V.I. Povetkin was the first to voice the traditional 20th-century gusli, brought from the Novgorod region by employees of the Novgorod Museum-Reserve in 1968.

In the fall of 1981, V.I. Povetkin introduced the archaeological and traditional gusli to the staff of the Laboratory of Folk Art (headed by A.M. Mekhnetsov) of the Leningrad State Conservatory and presented the gusli, made by him on the basis of traditional ones, with which in 1982 during a folklore expedition led by A.M. Mekhnetsov, the first recordings of gusel tunes were made from village residents of the Pskov region.

A huge amount of evidence of ancient musical culture discovered annually by the Novgorod archaeological expedition (headed by Academician V.L. Yanin), extensive experience and the original methodology of V.I. Povetkin's reconstruction of gusli, beeps, nozzles, jew's harps, various noise instruments of the X-XV centuries - all led to the creation in 1990 of the Novgorod Center of Musical Antiquities, unique in Russia and Europe. According to the accumulated materials, the Center is a cultural treasure of the Russian and European peoples.

Vladimir Ivanovich participated in the creation of the almanac “Chelo” - a publication of Novgorod State University. Yaroslav the Wise (1995). He gave and drew the title, as well as some sections of the magazine (“Springs”, “Word”, “Echo”, "Gorenka", "Archive",“Masters”, stave with bird notes for the musical section, “Pen”).

In 2000-2006, he carried out work, unique in world practice, to restore the oldest book in the Slavic world, the same age as the official Baptism of Rus' - the Novgorod Psalter written on wax, discovered on July 13, 2000 in the Lyudino end in a layer of the first quarter of the 11th century.

In 2007, he carried out the most difficult work of separating the archaeological original of the lyre-shaped gusli of the 12th century. and gusli of the 14th century. from glued reconstructive additions B.A. Kolchin, made by masters V.G. Pogodin and L.N. Krivonos.

In 2008, to celebrate the 1150th anniversary of Veliky Novgorod, V.I. Povetkin presented the city with wonderful musical works: “Hymn to Veliky Novgorod” and “Lullaby to Veliky Novgorod”.

IN AND. Povetkin contributed to awareness of the importance of traditional clothing and folk culture in the life of modern people. Vladimir Ivanovich himself was always dressed in a belted traditional Russian shirt. At the end of his lectures on the musical culture of the ancient Novgorodians, he always expressed the wish to all guests of the Center to have in their wardrobe the clothes of their people, sewn not according to stage rules, but according to traditional rules, and to learn at least one authentic traditional song - calendar, round dance, wedding.

Asceticism, honesty, spiritual strength, ability to work, love for one’s Motherland, for the traditional culture of all peoples of the World, caring attitude towards the Earth and the surrounding world are the main features of Vladimir Ivanovich, who created the unique and beautiful World of the Center for Musical Antiquities.

IN AND. Povetkin was buried in a Russian traditional shirt at the Western Cemetery next to his Mother, Maria Feodorovna Baibakova, the closest and most selfless woman who supported him in everything during his life.

About the activities of V.I. Povetkin is reported in the domestic and foreign media; radio broadcasts, films, literary articles, essays, poems, and paintings are dedicated to him.

All rights to the materials published on the site belong to the ANO “Center for Musical Antiquities V.I. Povetkin." Copying and use of any part of these materials is possible only with the consent of the copyright holder.
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“We have guys who are dedicated to boxing, have great potential, and most importantly, a desire to reach high heights. For the development of youth in Kursk, there are many gyms, including “Spartak”, in which Alexander and I (Alexander Povetkin - Olympic champion in boxing, world champion - Ed.) made the first blows on the punching bag, “Dynamo”, where the a tournament in memory of our father, many other sports complexes, where the younger generation who wants to engage in martial arts is always welcome,” says vice-president of the Boxing Association in the Central Federal District Vladimir Povetkin, brother of the famous “Russian Knight”.

No shortage of trainers

Vladimir Vladimirovich, what could prevent the popularization of boxing in Kursk? Lack of base? Lack of trainers? How to solve the current situation?

I cannot say that boxing is not popular in Kursk. Many children are brought by their parents at a very young age, placing them in the hands of our coaches, who from the very first lesson teach them not only the basic basics, but also instill a love for what the child does. There are quite a lot of well-known boxers today who started in Kursk, but decided to continue their career in the capital. We have no shortage of good trainers, they are all very experienced and know their stuff.

- What is your relationship with Kursk sports officials? Does sport need help from those in power?

Unfortunately, the administration does not provide us with the financial support we would like. At the same time, we maintain good relationships with everyone who is responsible for martial arts, including boxing. Often private individuals help, they contribute to the development of sports in Kursk for the benefit of a healthy nation.

Father's wish

- For you, is boxing a desire of your parents that has turned into a big hobby, or an integral part of life?

Initially, of course, this was primarily the desire of my father (Vladimir Povetkin, Honored Trainer of Russia - Ed.). In general, we started our sports life with gymnastics. After gymnastics, we tried our hand at karate, where we also stayed for a short time, changing this sport to boxing. But boxing initially did not become an integral part of our lives for us, and we decided to take up hand-to-hand combat. And only there did we realize that of all the above-mentioned sports, it was boxing that became closest to us, and we returned to Spartak again.

- Do you have any joint projects with your brother in the future? Is it easy for you to work in a team?

Since childhood, our parents have always told us that we should be together, that we are brothers, and that we must find compromises in any situation. Nothing has changed since then, sometimes it can be difficult, since Alexander and I are very different in terms of character, but this is not an obstacle to any joint affairs or decisions. As for joint projects, today there is only one - this is “Vozrozhdenie”, the Alexander Povetkin Foundation, which is engaged in the development of rising youth. He organizes various tournaments and camps. Quite recently, thanks to Alexander, Fedor Emelianenko came to one of these tournaments as a guest. When kids see such sports stars live, it gives them additional motivation to achieve their goals.

What are your ultimate goals in sports? Or are you completely satisfied with what you have achieved now? Any plans to go further? If so, what would you ultimately like to achieve?

For me, the main goal is to invest as much as possible in the development of sports in Kursk and the Kursk region, to create conditions for beginning athletes in which they will never have the thought of quitting what they started. As for my status, I am now the vice-president of the Boxing Association in the Central Federal District, but I do not rule out anything that could happen in the future. I have a good job, but in order to move forward more intensively, I need to devote a lot of time to it, and my priorities are my beloved wife and little son, with whom I try to spend the maximum amount of my time.

-Have you sparred with each other? If so, who was the winner?

Of course, we boxed, but not to find out who was stronger. By the way, it was from sparring with Alexander that my boxing career began. This happened in Germany at a training camp, my brother had no one to box with, and I decided to support him, then the German promoters, watching our sparring, saw me as a good athlete and offered to start a career. I didn’t refuse and, as you know, all 6 fights were successful and without defeat, after which I had to leave the ring due to health reasons.

Family traditions

- How close are you and Alexander as brothers?

Since childhood, we have always been very close and stood up for each other. Sometimes the character took its toll, there was everything: quarrels, fights and arguments. But our parents paid due attention to our upbringing and always insisted that we are one whole, and first of all, in any situation, we must remember that we are family and never forget about it. Therefore, we still have excellent relations and good mutual understanding.

- Do you have evenings with your family, or do things take away the opportunity to get together over a cup of tea?

Whenever possible, I always try to come to visit my mother, and Sasha too. But, as you know, Alexander now lives in Chekhov, and besides, he has intensive training, frequent training camps and constant preparation for the upcoming fight. Plus, he wants to achieve his main goal at the moment - a rematch with Klitschko, this takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore, unfortunately, we are not able to get together as often as we did in the recent past.

Alexander Povetkin is a Russian boxer who competes in the heavy weight category. Champion of Russia, world champion, winner of Olympic gold.

Alexander was born on September 2, 1979 in the city of Kursk. The boy's father was involved in boxing and sent his sons Alexander and Vladimir to the sports section early. At first, the boys practiced karate, wushu, and hand-to-hand combat. But after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Alexander switched his attention to boxing. Within a year, the young man achieved serious success and became the winner of city competitions. In 1995, Povetkin won first place at the Russian Youth Boxing Championship.

But two years later, the defeat at the European Junior Championships temporarily tempered the young man’s ardor and forced Alexander to switch to kickboxing. In this sport, Povetkin won the European Championship in the amateur and professional categories. Alexander’s brother also remained in the sport and competes in the first heavyweight division. Vladimir has 6 victories, including over the German boxer Fadil Kazem.

In addition to playing sports, the young man attended a vocational school, where he studied to become a driver-fitter. Povetkin’s love for cars was instilled in him by his father, who put the boy behind the wheel of his own Volga at the age of 12. At first, Alexander paid for all trips to competitions out of his own pocket, using a student scholarship. After graduating from college, Povetkin becomes a member of the Russian national team, where the young man is already paid a state scholarship.

At the age of 19, Alexander earned his first serious fee at competitions held in Krasnoyarsk. The boxer received $4,500 for the victory and a gold bar, which he left as a souvenir of the event.


In 2000, Alexander Povetkin received gold at the Russian Boxing Championship, and a year later he consolidated his result at the Goodwill Games. In 2004, the young athlete received first place at the European Championships, and in 2003 he became world champion. 2004 brought two major victories at once - at the Olympics in Athens and at the next European Championship. During his amateur career, Alexander Povetkin won 125 victories in 132 fights and rightfully won the unofficial title of “Russian Knight” at the dawn of his sports biography.

In 2005, Povetkin officially switched to professional boxing. The first opponent with whom Alexander entered into battle was Muhammad Ali Durmaz, an athlete representing Germany. The enemy was defeated already in the second round. This was followed by victories in fights against Serron Fox (USA), John Castle (USA), Stefan Tessier (Canada), Richard Bango (Nigeria), Ed Mahone (USA).

In 2007, there was a fight with former two-time world champion Chris Byrd, who was sent to the corner only in the 11th round.

The 2008 meeting with American Eddie Chambers turned out to be a difficult fight, whom he managed to beat only on points. After a fight with a boxer from the USA, Alexander Povetkin became a contender for the IBF world title. The status belonged to an athlete from Ukraine, with whom a fight was scheduled for December 2008. But Povetkin was injured during preparation, and the fight was postponed to 2009.

For unknown reasons, the battle was again postponed indefinitely. During this time, American boxers Jason Estrada and Leon Nolan fell under Povetkin’s blows, and Javier Mora (Mexico) and Teke Oruha (Nigeria) were knocked out.

In a sparring with Nikolai Firta, which took place in 2010, Alexander injured a tendon in his hand, but won the fight on points. After that, he did not appear at competitions for six months.

At this time, Vladimir Klitschko received the title of super heavyweight champion, and Ruslan Chagaev and Alexander Povetkin, the fight between whom took place in mid-2011, became contenders for the title of regular world champion. Povetkin won in the 11th round, surpassing his opponent on points, and received the status of world champion. In 2011, Povetkin fought with American Cedric Boswell, and at the beginning of 2012 - with the current world heavyweight champion of the first category, Marco Huck.

If the first victory came quite easily, then Alexander won the fight with Hook on points. In September 2012, a fight took place between Alexander Povetkin and American boxing star Hasim Rahman. The fight was postponed several times due to technical reasons. After entering the ring, it became clear that the American was not in the best shape, as the outcome of the fight showed: Povetkin confidently won in the second round.

In 2013, the long-awaited fight between Povetkin and Klitschko took place in Moscow. From the very beginning, the Ukrainian fought according to his script, taking advantage of his left jab and the length of his arms and legs. Alexander understood: in order to turn the tide of events, it was necessary to get closer to the enemy, but Vladimir Klitschko did not let the boxer get close, anticipating Povetkin’s techniques. An exhausting fight over 12 rounds led to the fact that Alexander was completely exhausted and was knocked down for the first time in his sports career. Klitschko also had a three-fold advantage in points. The video of the fight is freely available on the Internet.

Having analyzed the situation after the fight, Alexander Povetkin changed the coaching staff, signing a contract with the World of Boxing agency. Ivan Kirpa became the boxer’s new mentor. In 2014, Alexander appeared in the ring in excellent shape and easily defeated his German opponent Manuel Charr. Then he competed with Cameroonian boxer Carlos Takam for the WBC Silver title, knocking down the Cameroonian in the 9th round. In 2015, Cuban Mike Perez, a contender for the WBC world title, was knocked out.

Personal life

What is known about the personal life of Alexander Povetkin is that the athlete is married for the second time. Alexander’s first wife was the girl Irina, whose marriage took place in 2001. Soon a daughter, Arina, was born into the family. But the athlete was forced to move from his hometown to Chekhov, where training was held. After several years of exhausting travel, the young people separated.

For the second time, Povetkin married Evgenia Merkulova, the daughter of judo master of sports Yuri Merkulov. The wedding took place in the Czech Republic in 2013. The daughter from her first marriage, Arina, lives with her father and his new wife Evgenia. In interviews, Alexander often mentions the girl and says that he works for her.

Povetkin has a four-legged friend, pit bull Kim. The athlete is not averse to riding at high speed on his own Yamaha motorcycle, but more often he drives a Mercedes car. In his free time he enjoys skydiving. IN "Instagram" Povetkin has a personal account to which 43 thousand fans have already subscribed. On the page, Alexander posts work and personal photos and announcements of upcoming fights.

Alexander Povetkin now

In 2016, before the fight with Deontay Wilder, a scandal broke out and was widely covered in the sports news. Alexandra Povetkina. But the World Anti-Doping Agency determined that the dose of meldonium found in the athlete’s body was negligible, and the charge against Povetkin was dropped. Before the December fight with Bermane Stiverne, Alexander Povetkin was again found to have a banned substance in his blood – ostarine.

The next fight was canceled, and all titles were removed from the Russian athlete. The boxer is currently under doping investigation. The boxer's promoter Andrei Ryabinsky has already stated that during an independent examination in Lausanne, the athlete's samples turned out to be clean.

On July 1, 2017, Alexander Povetkin’s fight with Ukrainian opponent Andrei Rudenko will take place in Moscow’s Luzhniki Stadium.


  • Champion of Russia (category up to 91 kg) – 2000
  • Champion of Russia (category over 91 kg) – 2001, 2002
  • Champion of the Goodwill Games – 2001
  • Absolute champion of Russia – 2002
  • Two-time European champion – 2002, 2004
  • World Champion – 2003
  • Olympic champion - 2004
  • Regular world champion (WBA) heavyweight - 2011-2013
  • WBC Silver title - 2014
  • Honored Master of Sports - 2002
  • Order of Friendship - 2004

Boxer, Olympic champion Alexander Povetkin visited school No. 2120 in New Moscow. He talked to schoolchildren, shared his championship secrets with the students of the local boxing club and talked about what he believes in most.

A father should be a hero to his son

Only parents can make real men out of boys. No matter what films a child watches or what books he reads, he will be guided by his parents.

If the father says: go, son, play sports, but at the same time he is lying on the couch at home, drinking, smoking, do not doubt that the son will do the same.

If you speak, then live up to it and make sure that your children are proud of you and look up to you. I am for parents becoming idols. For me, for example, my father was an idol.

But, of course, as a child I watched the Olympic Games, the wrestling of San Sanych Karelin, the boxing of Kostya Tszyu, Andrei Kurnyavka - there was someone to look up to, we have a lot of talented and strong guys.

Yes, and cinema can influence a child. For example, as a child I watched many films with Bruce Lee. And that’s when I wanted to go into martial arts. At the age of 12, I enrolled in the hand-to-hand combat section, but about a year later my father, a boxing coach, took me to his place. Boxing seemed heavier and tougher to me then; there were more competitions in it.

I liked it and stayed.

Don't be afraid to send your children to sports

I often hear this opinion from parents: why send a child to boxing or hand-to-hand combat so that he becomes a fool? Can you imagine what a wild stereotype we have! In fact, there are many smart and decent people among athletes. So we need to give back and destroy this stereotype. Children splash out their energy by playing various war computer games. There's nothing wrong with that if it's in moderation. But who knows when to stop? Look, teenagers are all crooked, they are losing their sight from these computers. We need to move more, go out into the fresh air. At the same time, I do not at all encourage everyone to take up boxing. In addition to sports, there are a lot of things where you can put your energy - play music, draw, and finally, help your parents in the garden and with cleaning the house.

Believe in yourself and don't give up

I always tell myself that everything will be as it should be. There is no way to give up for sure. For example, the doping scandal with Russian athletes is not abating now. This affected me too.

Before the fight for the title of interim WBC heavyweight champion against Canadian Bermane Stiverne, the test showed some nanograms, and I was removed. And the second time also happened. Both ostarine and meldonium are drugs that stay in the body for almost a year, and it cannot be that first the tests are negative and then positive. I did an independent Swiss doping test, and it also showed nothing. But it is useless to prove anything to someone. Now the situation is smooth, but it’s unclear what to expect next from the commissions, and it’s a pity to waste time on proceedings.

Remember happiness

The happiest moment was when my daughter Arina was born. Now she is already 16 years old.

Don't lose your excitement

As long as I have the desire, I will box. And this desire is supported by fans, friends, family.

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