Kazikov Igor Borisovich head of sports. First Vice-President of the ROC Igor Kazikov: Don’t get your hopes up, I won’t shoot myself! – Are the compositions of the national teams already known?

Igor Borisovich Kazikov(born December 31, 1950, Kanashsky district, Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, RSFSR, USSR) - Soviet and Russian scientist and public figure. Head of the Main Directorate for Ensuring Participation in the Olympic Games Olympic Committee Russia. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.

Formerly First Vice-President of the Russian Olympic Committee. Head of the working group "Turin 2006" and "Beijing 2008".


Born December 31, 1950. In 1972 he graduated from the Kyiv Institute of Physical Culture. In 1980 he graduated from the Kyiv Institute of National Economy. 1972-1975 - instructor physical culture, chairman of the district sports committee of Kyiv. 1975-1988 - Secretary of the district committee of the Komsomol of Kyiv, head of the department of sports, defense-mass work of the Kyiv city committee of the Komsomol, instructor of the department of sports and defense-mass work of the Komsomol Central Committee.

1988-1994 - Head of the International Department, Head of the Personnel Department of the Central Council of the VFSO "Dynamo". 1994-2004 - First Deputy Head of the Working Group, Head of the Working Group on Preparation for the Olympic Games of the Russian Olympic Committee. 2004 - Head of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Federal Agency for Physical Culture and Sports. 2004-2009 - Head of the Main Directorate for Ensuring Participation in the Olympic Games of the Russian Olympic Committee. At the Olympic Games in Atlanta, Nagano, Sydney, Athens, Turin, Vancouver, he was deputy head of the sports delegation. 2009-2010 - First Vice-President of the Russian Olympic Committee.

Since 2010 - Advisor to the President of the Russian Olympic Committee. Member of the Executive Committee of the Russian Freestyle Federation. Since November 2010 - Vice-President of the Russian Triathlon Federation, President of the Moscow Triathlon Federation. Head of the Russian delegation European Games 2015 in Baku.

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department physical training Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Defended his dissertation on the topic “Management modern system preparing high-class athletes for major international competitions, including Olympic Games" Has 56 published scientific papers.

Igor Borisovich Kazikov(born December 31, 1950, Kanash, Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, RSFSR, USSR) - Soviet and Russian scientist and public figure. Head of the Main Directorate for Ensuring Participation in the Olympic Games of the Russian Olympic Committee. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.

Formerly First Vice-President of the Russian Olympic Committee. Head of the working group "Turin 2006" and "Beijing 2008".


Born December 31, 1950. In 1972 he graduated from the Kyiv Institute of Physical Culture. In 1980 he graduated from the Kyiv Institute of National Economy. 1972-1975 - physical education instructor, chairman of the regional sports committee of Kyiv. 1975-1988 - Secretary of the district committee of the Komsomol of Kyiv, head of the department of sports, defense-mass work of the Kyiv city committee of the Komsomol, instructor of the department of sports and defense-mass work of the Komsomol Central Committee.

1988-1994 - Head of the International Department, Head of the Personnel Department of the Central Council of the VFSO "Dynamo". 1994-2004 - First Deputy Head of the Working Group, Head of the Working Group on Preparation for the Olympic Games of the Russian Olympic Committee. 2004 - Head of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Federal Agency for Physical Culture and Sports. 2004-2009 - Head of the Main Directorate for Ensuring Participation in the Olympic Games of the Russian Olympic Committee. At the Olympic Games in Atlanta, Nagano, Sydney, Athens, Turin, Vancouver, he was deputy head of the sports delegation. 2009-2010 - First Vice-President of the Russian Olympic Committee.

Since 2010 - Advisor to the President of the Russian Olympic Committee. Member of the Executive Committee of the Russian Freestyle Federation. Since November 2010 - Vice-President of the Russian Triathlon Federation, President of the Moscow Triathlon Federation. Head of the Russian delegation at the 2015 European Games in Baku.

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Physical Training at Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He defended his dissertation on the topic “Management of the modern system of training high-class athletes for major international competitions, including the Olympic Games.” Has 56 published scientific papers.


  • Order of Alexander Nevsky (2014)
  • Order of Honor (2007)
  • Order of Friendship (1999)
  • Order of the Badge of Honor (1986)
  • Honored Worker of Physical Culture Russian Federation (1996)

Igor Borisovich Kazikov(born December 31, 1950, Kanash, Chuvash ASSR, RSFSR, USSR) - Soviet and Russian scientist and public figure. Head of the Main Directorate for Ensuring Participation in the Olympic Games of the Russian Olympic Committee. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.

In the past, First Vice-President of the Russian Olympic Committee. Head of the working group "Turin 2006" and "Beijing 2008".


Born December 31, 1950. In 1972 he graduated from the Kyiv Institute of Physical Culture. In 1980 he graduated from the Kyiv Institute of National Economy. 1972-1975 - physical education instructor, chairman of the regional sports committee of Kyiv. 1975-1988 - Secretary of the district committee of the Komsomol of Kyiv, head of the department of sports, defense-mass work of the Kyiv city committee of the Komsomol, instructor of the department of sports and defense-mass work of the Komsomol Central Committee.

1988-1994 - Head of the International Department, Head of the Personnel Department of the Central Council of the VFSO "Dynamo". 1994-2004 - First Deputy Head of the Working Group, Head of the Working Group on Preparation for the Olympic Games of the Russian Olympic Committee. 2004 - Head of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Federal Agency for Physical Culture and Sports. 2004-2009 - Head of the Main Directorate for Ensuring Participation in the Olympic Games of the Russian Olympic Committee. At the Olympic Games in Atlanta, Nagano, Sydney, Athens, Turin, Vancouver, he was deputy head of the sports delegation. 2009-2010 - First Vice-President of the Russian Olympic Committee.

Since 2010 - Advisor to the President of the Russian Olympic Committee. Member of the Executive Committee of the Russian Freestyle Federation. Since November 2010 - Vice-President of the Russian Triathlon Federation, President of the Moscow Triathlon Federation. Head of the Russian delegation at the 2015 European Games in Baku.

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Physical Training at Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He defended his dissertation on the topic “Management of the modern system of training high-class athletes for major international competitions, including the Olympic Games.” Has 56 published scientific papers.

Unlike Leonid Tyagachev, who once again tries not to catch the eye of reporters, Igor Borisovich does not hide from journalists and agrees, without losing his composure, to listen to even unpleasant questions. Of which, during the ten days of the Games in Vancouver, a cart and a small cart accumulated...

- Lieutenant Golitsyn would shoot himself in your place, Igor Borisovich.

- Is this a question?

- Statement. What else remains for a real Russian officer?

– Yes, I served in Dynamo, carried weapons, but, in my opinion, the situation today is not as sad and tragic as other hotheads are trying to portray. Everyone immediately pays attention to the winners, and if you don’t know, we still have seven fourth places. Our athletes stopped one step away from the podium.

– And since when did we start counting “wooden” medals?

– We must look at what is happening in Vancouver through the prism of Sochi, look for hidden reserves that will allow us to successfully perform at the Games at home.

“Then they wouldn’t come here at all, they wouldn’t spend government money.”

– I repeat, it’s too early to panic. The situation of the starting days when Russian team remained without seemingly sure awards, is corrected, biathletes won their first medals, including gold. Three bronzes per day were brought by men's and women's relay in ski sprint, dancing couple in figure skating

– Small joys against the backdrop of major grief.

– We are also not satisfied with the interim results, we would like more. But let me remind you of this fact: at the 1984 Olympics in Sarajevo, the Soviet team won only five gold medals. You probably know that at that time there was a tough and powerful state system of sports management; no one dared to take a step either to the right or to the left without a go-ahead from above. Nevertheless, even such a seemingly well-oiled machine began to malfunction.

“The mechanism was adjusted, and four years later the USSR national team brought back eleven gold medals from Calgary. Russia had eight medals in Turin 2006 highest quality, in Vancouver 2010 there are only two at the time of our interview. How much more we can scratch out, God knows.

– You see, we found ourselves hostage to the 90s, when everything in the country was falling apart, including sports. The backbone of today Olympic team There is a generation in Russia that, for a number of subjective reasons, has been largely lost to sports highest achievements. The best of those who were managed to be retained and brought to the proper level defend the honor of the country in Vancouver, trying to do it with dignity.

– You can blame anything on the past decade, which for some reason is persistently called the dashing one, it will endure anything. But since you, Igor Borisovich, are talking about history, remember at what time the Soviet teams made their debut at the Olympics. For some reason, it never occurred to anyone then to refer to the post-war devastation and decimated generations. People performed at sports arenas and won. For myself and for the guy who did not return from the battle.

- Let's not go too far into days gone by

– You started first!

– I agree, but I gave an example from the past to explain: there is no need to create a tragedy. It’s better to try to answer whether we are doing everything to develop the sports movement in modern conditions. Unfortunately, today we have completely forgotten about the reserve, about children’s and youth sports, we are investing little in it. Recently the State Council was held in Kazan, where, in my opinion, radical decisions were made. If they come true, we will soon emerge from the not very favorable state in the field of sports.

- Who are "we?

- Russia, country.

– And with whose personal help will we get to a bright Olympic future?

– I’m telling you about the measures taken. The decisions of the State Council do not say who will carry them out. So, first of all, you need to deal with the youth sports school. Do we need such a number, if not all schools are able to prepare national team level guys? Maybe it would be better to direct part of the funds allocated to youth sports schools to mass sports? So that every child can do what he wants at his place of residence. And for the especially gifted, create a coherent training system with training camps, competitions and everything necessary.

Now I answer your question. Previously, the country had powerful sports societies - Dynamo, CSKA, Spartak, Labor Reserves, which essentially represented states within a state. Now there is no such thing, and the center of gravity for training athletes for elite sports has been moved to the regions, the issue is included in the area of ​​​​responsibility of territorial authorities. Big hopes are entrusted to the development of university sports, which have proven effective, for example, in the USA.


– Igor Borisovich, you are leading the conversation either to yesterday or to tomorrow, but I’m trying to stay in today. You brought 175 athletes to Vancouver...

– 179.

- Especially. They didn't come here as tourists, right? Before leaving overseas, in an interview with the Rossiya TV channel, you stated that fifty were ready to fight for medals. Where are these heroes? Or does this strike group include Bykov’s entire hockey team?

- Why? I told you the fourth places, which, with a successful combination of circumstances, could become third. For example, skier Legkov fought until the last second. Or speed skater Skobrev. And there are many such facts. Dozens! There is no need to give in to emotions and get carried away. Let's wait until the end of the Olympics, calmly analyze everything and weigh it soberly.

– For an objective debriefing, a starting point is needed, but the ROC and the Ministry of Sports for the first time in history abandoned the medal plan. A reasonable question: why? The answer is obvious: it’s easier to avoid punishment for failure. Like, we didn’t promise anything, so there’s no demand from us.

- Let's go in order. Why did you decide that only Russian athletes should win? Do you think representatives of other countries don’t want to win?

– They have their own journalists, so let them figure out who wants what. In this case, I don’t care about foreigners. I think some Burkina Faso and one Olympic medal any dignity would be happy until the end of time, but for Russia even two gold coins are not enough, even three.

– No, but do you think that our material and financial support is better than in the USA? Or Germany and France?

– Everyone says: there is no such support for elite sports as in Russia anywhere.

– Incentives for results – yes. By the way, there is something to think about here. If an athlete has a good chance of performing well at the Games, it may make sense to limit their participation in commercial tournaments in olympic year by offering appropriate financial compensation? You cannot master the preparation methodology during competitions; this can be done during training camps. Our biathletes began winning World Cup stages in the fall. Perhaps it was worth holding your horses until Vancouver, not wasting energy and not splashing out emotions? After all, the Olympics are the main competition not even of the year, but of the four years.

However, we were talking about something else. There are two main paths leading to the emergence of young talented athletes. From mass to mastery, as in the USSR. Or another option: take several people and bring them to a high standard. There are five strong ski jumpers or bobsledders - and that's enough. At the same time, the sport will not receive much development in the country. We must think about how champions set an example for young people: peaks are achievable if you work hard and correctly. This creates motivation by promoting physical health nation.

Now let's return to the medal plan, a great stupidity that existed until recently. How can you plan anything in advance in sports? You and Bubka were talking, he didn’t lose at the world championships he took part in, but he only won one olympic gold out of a potential four. Or Opalev, who won everything before Athens, but stumbled at the 2004 Olympics. Well, Maxim was able to rehabilitate himself in his own eyes in Beijing. Or Silnov, who was included in the team at the last moment and became the champion of the 2008 Games. Is it possible to plan such things in advance?

– Okay, no need for personalities, why not name the general figure before the Games?

– Explain why this is necessary.

– To have evaluation criteria. For example, I can tell you what is planned in the February 28 issue of the newspaper and what is planned for March 1. All Olympic issues were planned back in Moscow. Someone is personally responsible for any publication. How else?

– Swap places with the athletes: they will write, and you will run and jump. And then let's see what kind of planning you can do.

– Everyone should do their own thing and be judged by their results.

- Gold words! According to the IOC Charter and Russian legislation, the functions of the ROC include providing everything necessary for the team at winter and summer games– equipment, transportation, insurance, accreditation, creation of conditions for preparation for competitions. All this has been completed one hundred percent. We hear nothing but gratitude from athletes. You can ask anyone. Participation in international competitions and training camps are almost entirely financed from the budget through the Ministry of Sports. Here, too, everything goes smoothly. Federations for certain sports are responsible for preparing athletes for the Olympics. They set themselves planning targets for the four-year period, approved a targeted comprehensive program, and ask them based on the results of their performances.

- So you have nothing to do with it?

– There is an Olympic training headquarters, which includes the ROC, but, I repeat, personal responsibility lies entirely with the federations. Some people will probably have a hard time after Vancouver. But once again I urge you not to inflame passions, to have a little patience.

- It would be good, we can wait.

– I hope we are talking about the same thing. The question is not to appoint the last one and hang all the dogs on him. It is much more important to understand the reasons for failures. Russia lags far behind the rest of the world in sports governance. In twenty years, only two doctoral dissertations have been defended on this topic. I know this for sure because I do it myself. scientific work. It shouldn't be this way, it's wrong!


– The hockey players of our team complained about the shortage not of dissertations, but of tasty and satisfying food in Olympic Village. This is your area of ​​responsibility, Igor Borisovich, if I understand correctly.

– Yes, the cuisine there is unique, the range of dishes is rather poor, although the IOC requirements for the number of calories are met. This is enough for some, but it wasn’t enough for the hockey players; they are healthy, big guys. I spoke with the mayor of the Olympic Village, he was upset by this fact, he suggested strengthening the diet, adding salads, meat, chicken, fish, and ordered a separate room for our team. But the guys had already made an agreement with an Italian restaurant where they liked it. Okay, we agreed and paid for the team’s meals until the end of the tournament.

– Isn’t it the Russian Hockey Federation? Tretyak said that they were banking.

– I repeat: OCD did this, the decision was made personally by Leonid Tyagachev. Dinners for hockey players were ordered at the Russia House. It's a five minute walk from the Olympic Village. Problem solved. Just like the rest. There are no bottlenecks in our work, don’t look for them. For example, we moved the technical staff and almost the entire administrative staff of the delegation to city hotels so that the athletes would have more space. For example, Plushenko lives alone, although he has a double room. And hockey players, for the most part, too. We provided and fully paid for the Internet, which was not initially provided in the Olympic Village. This is quite a lot of money - communications, equipment for wi-fi. We rented TVs so that our athletes could follow the competitions without leaving their rooms. We ordered an additional fifteen cars, in addition to the eleven allocated to us free of charge by the organizing committee. But now the federations do not have problems with transport. This has been done, and I am ready to account for everything.

– What kind of Games do you have, Igor Borisovich?

- Fifth. In terms of living standards in the Olympic Village, I think it’s here Better conditions. There are certain problems and issues regarding the organization of competitions. In Beijing everything worked like a Swiss watch. Vancouver is reminiscent of Athens 2004 in its roughness. But the breakdown of the machine for pouring ice and other failures seem like mere trifles against the backdrop of the death of the athlete on the first day. This is a real tragedy.

I am pleased that there are no scandals surrounding sports related to doping or that affected final result gross judicial errors.

– By the way, some people didn’t have very good results Russian athletes in cyclic disciplines explains that at the very top they decided to go to these Games clean, so as not to expose themselves to Sochi. This is our real strength today: where are the third, where are the fourth, and where are the tenth.

– And we must be clean. Russia is taking unprecedented measures to combat doping. This is right! But we also need a system for restoring the body’s resources after overload. There are still problems with this. Previously, there were several research institutes in the country that served elite sports. All that's left is VISTI, and it doesn't work so well. It is necessary to revive the production of sports equipment in Russia. In the West it is not always possible to buy the best and most modern. There, they first equip their athletes, and then think about the rest. No one will help us, we will have to do everything ourselves if we really want to win.

– And what place would you consider acceptable for Russia in the overall team competition based on the results of this Olympics?

– The IOC Charter states that there is no official count of medals.

– What does this change essentially if everyone does arithmetic?

– The main thing, I repeat, is to perform with dignity. Let's quit work now, sprinkle ashes on our heads and mournfully retire into the distance. Do you think this will make our athletes perform better? I doubt it very much! Conclusions, including organizational and personal ones, will certainly follow, but not now, under the pressure of emotions and negative circumstances, and then, after a thorough analysis of what happened.

- In a word, the fate of Lieutenant Golitsyn and Cornet Obolensky does not threaten you, Igor Borisovich.

- Again you are talking about your own things! Calm down, no one is going to shoot themselves. By the way, I am a former master of sports in biathlon. I can hit the target quite well. But now my main weapon is the word. I hope I convinced you...