What does Jerome Boateng's company produce? Biography. German politicians criticized Gauland's statement

In the category “Best Menswear Designer” and the Order of the Officer of the British Empire.

“You need to understand what you want and enjoy what you wear.”

Biography and career

Oswald Boateng was born in 1967 in the north London suburb of Muswell Hill, where his parents emigrated in the 1950s. from Ghana, a country in West Africa. Oswald's father worked as a school teacher, his mother as a seamstress. The future designer's parents divorced when he was eight years old. At a young age, he admired the clothes of his father, who wore sharp, fitted suits, but the decision to become a designer was made by chance: while Oswald was studying at Barnet and Southgate College, a classmate asked him to help create a collection and showed him how to design it using a computer.

“I was in college and met a girl who was a master at drawing, and at that time I was studying computer technology. She asked me for help in creating a collection, I replied that I did not know how to do this. After which I was shown various techniques, methods and techniques through which I helped her. That girl is the real reason for what you see in front of you today - she inspired me."

At the age of 14, Oswald got a job as a tailor in one of the sewing workshops in London.

At the age of 16, Oswald Boateng sold his first menswear collection to a Covent Garden store. All designs were created on his mother's sewing machine. In 1991, with the money received, the fashion designer opened a studio on Portobello Road, where he offered custom-made men's suits. In the early 90s. he met Tommy Nutter, the personal tailor of The Beatles and The Rolling Stones.

"After the show, Andre came up to me and said, 'I really like what you're doing.' I replied: “Yes, I am a tailor.” To which he objected to me: “No, you are a couturier, you are a designer - you are much more.”

In 1996, Oswald Boateng received the award for "Best Menswear Designer" at the Paris Fashion Trophy ceremony.

In 2000, Oswald Boateng received the Best Menswear Designer Award from the British Fashion Council.

In 2005, Oswald Boateng had the opportunity to present his collections at the Victoria and Albert Museum.

In 2006, Sundance Channel and Reveille LLC released an 8-part documentary film, The House of Boateng, which tells the story of the life and work of the British designer.

In 2007, Oswald Boateng combined the flagship with headquarters and workshop into one five-storey building located at 30 Savile Row. The interior was designed by world-renowned architect David Adjaye. The facility was planned according to the “boutique within a boutique” principle. To emphasize the texture and color of the goods, the architect gave preference to directional, accent light, almost completely eliminating the general lighting system. Each area of ​​the store was decorated in a minimalist style, but with individual character.

“The concept and design strategy were aimed at showing in what modern and promising directions fashion is developing. This store is not just for you to just walk in and buy this or that clothing. It should materially and emotionally evoke positive feelings that encourage purchase.”
David Adjaye

In 2008, Oswald Boateng became a member of the REACH committee, promoting the promotion of black models. In the same year, Oswald Boateng took part in the launch of an environmental initiative to increase the amount of green space in Abuja, the capital of Nigeria.

In 2011, Oswald Boateng was awarded an honorary master's degree from the University of the Arts London.

In 2012, the biographical film “The Story of a Man” by Varon Bonikos was released, telling about the life and work of Oswald Boateng. It took 12 years to create it.

The film consisted of interviews with Oswald Boateng, his family, friends and celebrity clients.

“You need to watch this movie several times. When you first watch it, you will see something of your own in it, very personal, even too personal. When I first saw him, I couldn't speak for a week."

In 2012, Oswald Boateng presented the women's spring-summer 2013 as part of the 25th season of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in Moscow. The designer created laconic suits, pencil suits, sundresses, etc. The collection was dominated by black, gray, white and beige colors.

Collections of the Ozwald Boateng brand are presented in the flagship London boutique located at 30 Savile Row. In the near future, the designer plans to open stores in Russia, France, Africa, China, and America.

Brand philosophy Ozwald Boateng

“Cutting, attention to detail and fabric are the three main elements of my work.”

Oswald Boateng is one of the most influential designers in the UK. His clients include Hollywood stars, politicians, and businessmen. Oswald Boateng is a recipient of the Order of the British Empire.

“My ideal client is probably, first of all, an accomplished, rich man. He may be a successful banker, developer, or architect, but he always has certain qualities - he is a leader, never follows the crowd and looks for something unique."

In his collections, the designer skillfully combines fashion, design, art and architecture. Oswald Boateng has an impeccable sense of style and color and uses the highest quality fabrics. Most of the work involved in making each model is done by hand. The designer offers a bespoke tailoring service: the client can independently choose the fabric from the catalog and receive expert advice. After this, the tailor will take measurements and agree with him on the finishing details of the model. Upon completion of the work, the order will be delivered to the buyer.

“Quite often, my clients would say, “I feel like I’m too cramped in your creations!” But that's not true, it's just that my clothes make you look slimmer. So I recommend: if you feel big, then I am the designer that suits you! You can do absolutely anything in my costumes. When I create them, I think not only about making them stylish, but also about making the person wearing them as comfortable as possible. At the same time, my structured jackets can be combined with looser casual clothes.”

The lowest price for a suit from Ozwald Boateng is 1,500 euros, while the highest exceeds 25 thousand.

Celebrity clients and cinema

"Oswald knows how to look stylish and sexy in a classic suit."
Will Smith

Oswald Boateng's regular clients include American President Barack Obama and members of the British royal family, as well as Laurence Fishburne, Robbie Williams, Daniel Day-Lewis, David Beckham, David Bowie, Jude Law, Will Smith, Mick Jagger, Keanu Reeves and others.

“The purchase of each of my suits necessarily entails some significant event in a person’s life.”

The fashion designer designs clothes for the red carpet. In 2004, Jamie Foxx asked Oswald Boateng to design a suit for the Oscars. At the event, the actor received an award for the film “Ray”.

“I made a very subtle and stylish reference to the film, which tells about the 60s: the costume was modern, but it had the motifs of that time. And when in 2004, Jamie received an Oscar for Best Actor and went on stage, he was so perfect in his image that the audience literally exploded with applause and greeted him, generally still an unknown actor, standing up.”

Oswald Boateng has designed clothing for feature films and television series on numerous occasions. The designer is the author of men's suits for the films "The Matrix Reloaded", "Sex and the City", "Hannibal", "Gangster Number One", "Django Unchained", "Abraham Lincoln", "Ugly Betty", "Assault on 13- th section", "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels", "James Bond. Tomorrow Never Dies”, “Vice for Export”, “Alfie”, “Rush Hour 3”, “Ocean’s Thirteen”, “Miami Vice”, etc.

“Creating costumes for films gives you a rare opportunity to work in an unreal, fantasy world. So these days are some of the best in a designer’s life.”

Personal life

Oswald Boateng was married twice, his second marriage ended in 2009. From his second wife, Azerbaijani model Gunel, he has a daughter, Emilia, and a son, Oscar.

Official site: www.ozwaldboateng.co.uk

As soon as the composition of Group G became known, the world public immediately decided on the main confrontation of the quartet, which would account for most of the conversations, forecasts and expectations. This is, of course, a meeting between Germany and Portugal. But there are two people in the Bundesliga who will be looking forward to the meeting between the Germans and Ghana no less. We are talking about Jerome Boateng and Kevin-Prince Boateng, siblings who, by the will of fate, found themselves under different flags.


The brothers were born in Germany, in the family of a German woman and a Ghanaian, and from childhood they felt the fusion of several cultures around them. And at the same time they fought against the harmful influence of a disadvantaged area in Berlin, where the Boatengs then lived. On the streets I had to see the most motley crowd and in one way or another deal with their not always legal affairs.

“I had two paths: either become a criminal, or try to become a football player. I tried and I’m glad that I succeeded,” admits Kevin-Prince. The brothers were fond of football from an early age and began their careers together at the Hertha Berlin academy, where they ended up several years apart.

The paths diverge

But only the eldest of the brothers, Kevin (the difference between them is just over a year), was able to fully play in the first team of the “old lady”. Jerome, having only made his way into the company of the masters and having played only a dozen matches, received an invitation from Hamburg and moved there. At the same time, Prince also left Berlin, who decided to take a more serious step and went to live in London to play for Tottenham.

Since then, the brothers have taken different paths and formed different opinions of themselves among others. Jerome, step by step, earned himself a name as a reliable and unyielding defender. At first he played well for Hamburg for several years, then moved to the ambitious and rich Machester City. He stayed there for a short time, never finding a permanent place in the team or mutual understanding with his partners. However, Boateng Jr. definitely did not regret leaving there. After all, his next and so far final stop was Munich, where Jerome is a player at the core of the formidable and invincible Bayern.

In general, a fairly smooth and even career with constant movement forward. Matching the personality of Jerome Boateng, who was never known for his defiant behavior, almost never pleased the press with extravagant actions and words, and never sought to be the center of attention on the field.

Therefore, when hunters for sensations and investigations hear the name Boateng, Kevin-Prince comes to mind. Those whose careers were much more interesting and richer in events of a very different nature. Things didn’t work out for the midfielder at Tottenham, and he was first loaned to Dortmund for six months, and then released to Portsmouth, where Prince fought for the FA Cup and survival in the Premier League, but the club’s financial problems turned out to be stronger, and the team collapsed into the Championship, and Boateng ended up in Milan, where he began to prove his class from the first matches. He succeeded, and at one time he was the team leader and a fan favorite. But then something went wrong, and Kevin stopped feeling so confident at the San Siro. The club itself is largely to blame, as it stopped fighting for titles and switched to saving mode, selling everything it could. This is how Boateng ended up at Schalke 04, but even here he showed himself to be very contradictory. He started off great, delighting the fans with goals, but then there were accusations that the midfielder wasn’t putting in enough effort in games for the Cobalts. Let's follow further developments, but for now let's remember what Kevin-Prince became famous for besides his bright matches and cool goals:

Emotionality on the field

26 tattoos

Michael Jackson's dance at Milan's championship celebration

widely publicized personal life. Once he even received a minor injury during sex, which his girlfriend happily told about

In addition, he more than once gave out loud phrases to the delight of the public, sometimes caused a scandal on the field and certainly never went unnoticed. This is the successor to Ibrahimovic’s work in creating an element of show in football. As you can see, the Boateng brothers differ in character: modest and bright, calm and empulsive, an ordinary hard worker and a leader who strives to advance to the leading roles. According to all the laws of the genre, they had to clash in different teams. It didn’t work out at the club level, but it worked out in the national teams.

Ghana vs Germany

The question that always arises before emigrant footballers is: “Which national team should you prefer?” As a rule, the choice comes down to the following: either get a practically guaranteed place in a team that is far from fighting for titles, or compete for a call to the top team, where you have to constantly fight for a call. The choice depends on the character or on which country the player still considers his homeland. Which of the two factors played a decisive role in the choice of Jerome and Kevin is unknown. Possibly both factors. Let’s just say that the former’s career in the national team developed as gradually and evenly as at the club level. At that time, the player of Hertha and then Hamburg first earned a place in the German youth team in 2007, and in 2009 received a call-up to the first Bundesteam, making his debut for it in the Moscow game with Russia.

With Kevin-Prince, as you already understood, everything here was much more twisted and complicated. He began being called up to national teams at the age of 15, having managed to try on German T-shirts of all ages in 6 years. All the way to Germany U-21, where after six matches they stopped calling him, having convicted him of inappropriate behavior in the national team camp. Boateng Sr. stopped one step away from the main team, but they say that he himself wanted this, having decided six months before the scandalous incident to play for the historical homeland of his father. Then, however, it is not clear what he did for a few more months in the camp of the German youth?

Be that as it may, since 2010 Kevin has been a player of the Ghana national team. But even here he could not do without surprises. In addition to the sensational success in South Africa, where Boateng and the Ghanaians almost reached the semi-finals of the World Cup, the owner of 26 tattoos also marked himself with a “-” sign. He refused several times to play for the national team in qualifying tournaments within the continent, for which he was suspended from playing, but was later forgiven.

"Well, brother, again.."

And now we come to the main thing. On June 21, 2014 at 22:00 Moscow time, Jerome and Kevin-Prince will meet each other in the Germany-Ghana match. Thus, they will become the second brothers to play on different teams at the World Cup.

And the first were...Kevin and Jerome Boateng. If you remember, they already met each other in 2010, when the Germans fought against Ghana in the group stage and won 1:0. Then the background around this match and the fraternal confrontation in particular was much higher. Firstly, the first game with such a twist, and secondly, at that time the Boatengs did not hide their conflict. The reason was that Kevin injured Bundesteam leader Michael Ballack in the FA Cup final between Chelsea and Portsmouth, leaving him out of the trip to South Africa. Jerome believed that this was done on purpose, and harbored a grudge against his brother, stopping all communication.

However, now relations have normalized. The Boatengs periodically appear in joint photographs on the Internet and confess their warmest feelings to each other. So, Kevin on Twitter surprisingly tenderly and peacefully commented on the result of the draw: "Well, brother, again... That's how wonderful life is! I can't wait... I love you, brother!"

Let us be glad that the conflict is over and the family is reunited. But that doesn't mean Jerome and Kevin will feel sorry for each other when it comes to the country's success. Therefore, you and I will definitely see a most interesting and uncompromising confrontation. However, there are no others at the World Cup.

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Oswald Boateng was born in 1967 in Ghana. He spent his childhood in London. He graduated from school in Hepworth. He began his professional career in London. He worked with fashion designer Tommy Nater for the famous British fashion house Savile Row. Now Oswald is one of the most famous men's clothing designers.

In 1994, his collection participated for the first time in the International Menswear Collections show in Paris. And in 1995 he opened his first boutique. Also this year he won a tender to sew clothes for the UK Ministry of Labor.

In 2003, Boateng was appointed creative director of the men's clothing line at Givenchy. The Givenchy company is a world leader in the production of expensive clothing, accessories, and perfumes. Oswald Boateng sees his personality as more than a good fashion designer and designer, he believes that he is more characterized by the term “bespoke couturier”. Boateng's regular clients include Jamie Foxx, Laurence Fishburne, David Bowie, Jud Lowe, Will Smith, Mick Jager and Keanu Reeves. Oswald Boateng also designed clothes for many Hollywood films that were very famous. The costumes for the world-famous hit movie “The Matrix” were created based on his design.

Oswald Boateng's clothing collections include a variety of suits, coats, ties, cufflinks, glasses, bags and shoes. All items produced by Boateng are of excellent quality and, accordingly, a decent price.

Oswald Boateng is one of a number of "dark-skinned" Englishmen who have gained great fame in the world of the fashion industry. Now he works successfully in Paris.

Oswald Boateng received various awards and titles at various fashion shows. In 1996, he was awarded the title of "Best Men's Designer" and the Trophées de la Mode award. Twice a year, Boateng demonstrates his collections, which subsequently become a huge success with the public.

In 2004, Oswald Boateng presented his men's clothing collection from Givenchy at Paris Fashion Week. The collection was quite colorful, the clothes had a lot of edgy elements combined with elegance and grace. The main colors of clothing were black, white and shades of gray.

Oswald Boateng is one of the most talented fashion designers of the new generation. He boldly combines all kinds of fabrics and colors, creating clothes of the “future”.

Best of the day

Butterfly wings

Footballer of the Bayern Munich club Jérôme Boateng responded to the offensive remarks of the deputy chairman of the right-wing populist party Alternative for Germany (AfD) Alexander Gauland. "I can only smile at that. It's sad that things like this are still happening today." - said the black football player in an interview with ARD television on Sunday, May 29. This is how the athlete reacted to the words of Gauland, who previously told the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (FAS) newspaper that people consider Boateng a good football player, “but would not want people like him as neighbors.”


"Today there were also quite positive responses at the stadium. I saw several posters," - Boateng added, commenting on Gauland's statement. During the match between Germany and Slovakia on May 29, German fans held signs saying “Jerome, be our neighbor!”

Jerome Boateng is a central defender for Bayern Munich and plays for the German national team. The football player was born in Berlin. His mother is German and his father is from Ghana.

German politicians criticized Gauland's statement

German Chancellor Angela Merkel called the words of the AfD politician vile and regrettable.

“This is simply low and unacceptable. Anyone who says this exposes himself, and not only as a bad neighbor,” he wrote on your Twitter German Minister of Justice Heiko Maas.

"Jerome Boateng is an outstanding pillar of our national team and an absolute example of professionalism. Every German can count himself lucky to have such people as a teammate, a German citizen and a neighbor," said German Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière. newspaper Bild. However, he added that Boateng is “an important incentive for unity in our country” - in contrast to the AfD.

Many are outraged by Gauland's statement and call it xenophobic, Bild quotes German Vice-Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel as saying. The minister also stressed that Boateng is not a foreigner, but a German. "This shows that Gauland is not only against foreigners, but also against everything good in Germany." According to Gabriel, the AfD party is hostile towards Germany.

Gauland's statement was also criticized by the president of the German Football Association (DFB), Reinhard Grindel, and the manager of the German national team, Oliver Bierhoff. Alexander Gauland himself later explained that the essence of his statement was that “there are many people who do not consider proximity to foreigners ideal.” He also said that he never insulted Boateng, and accused the FAS newspaper of insinuation.

see also:

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    Mats Hummels: controversial decision

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In 2006, the 18-year-old defender became captain of the Old Lady's reserves, playing more than 40 matches here. On the eve of the 2006/07 season he was promoted to the Hertha first team. On 10 March 2007, he played his first match for Hertha in the Bundesliga against Borussia Mönchengladbach. It was the 25th round match, Hertha lost it with a score of 1:3, Boateng started, played the entire match and earned a yellow card. Until the end of the season, he played 7 matches with Hertha, and in the summer he moved to the Hamburg camp. It cost Hamburg 2.5 million euros.


The German's career with the Hamburg club started well; in his debut season, he played 29 Bundesliga matches, 26 of which he started as a starter. Boateng was recognized as one of the most talented players in the German championship and began to play for the youth teams of the Bundestim, but his career in Hamburg went downhill. In the 2008/09 season, Jerome spent only 2202 minutes on the field, gave two assists and was sent off in a match against Bayer (2:1). After a brilliant European Championship among youth teams, he managed to return to the Hamburg team. On August 30, 2009, he scored his first goal in his professional career, hitting the goal of the Danish Randers in the Europa League (4:0). In his second season for Hamburg, Jerome played 21 matches, of which he was a starter in only 14.

"Manchester city"

In May 2010, Boateng moved to the English Manchester City, becoming the first newcomer to the “citizens”, led by Roberto Mancini. The English club paid £10.4 million for his transfer. His career in the Manchester City camp did not work out, Jerome lost competition to Kompany and Joleon Lescott. As a result of his English trip, Jerome managed to win his first trophy, taking the FA Cup. On July 14, 2011, Bayern agreed with Manchester City to purchase Boateng for a transfer fee of 14 million euros.


In the summer of 2013, Bayern signed a new three-year agreement with their defender. Boateng had a smooth season, taking part in 54 team matches and scoring two goals. The 2014/2015 season was also very successful for Jerome: the German took part in 27 Bundesliga matches, appearing in the starting lineup in almost all games and making a significant contribution to Bayern's championship. On 17 September 2014, Boateng scored his first goal in European competitions for Bayern in a Champions League match against his former club Manchester City. On February 3, 2015, Boateng received a red card in a match against Schalke 04, as a result of which he was suspended for 3 matches. . Jerome also scored in the Champions League matches against