Physical education classes on life safety in sports. Integrated lesson. Physical culture and life safety. Presentation “Beware of Fire”. Final stage

Integrated lesson on life safety and physical education

"Rules of conduct in emergency situations"

Developed by:

Kayankin Vadim Grigorievich,

teacher of physical education and life safety



Integrated lesson of Physical education and life safety, grade 10

Subject: " Rules of conduct in an emergency »

Full name of teacher: Kayankin Vadim Grigorievich

Target: Systematize students' knowledge about emergency situations, about the main causes of emergency situations. Intensify gaming activities, promote the maintenance and development of creative and physical activity of students. Develop coordination and speed-strength qualities through relay races with elements of basketball and rules of behavior in emergency situations.


Subject results:

    consolidate knowledge in the field of emergency situations;

    develop agility, speed and strength qualities;

    develop attention and intelligence.

Meta-subject results:

    develop the skill to act correctly in emergency situations;

    develop the ability to anticipate danger;

    develop observation and intelligence;

    develop skills to give first aid.

Personal results:

    cultivate moral and volitional qualities (collectivism, friendship, mutual understanding, attention, discipline);

    develop positive personality traits and the ability to manage one’s emotions

Lesson type: Combined

Grade: 10th grade

Equipment: posters, first aid kit, hoops, chips, basketballs, sticks, gas mask GP 5, OZK.

Venue: gymnasium MBOU "Gymnasium 32"

Time: 45 minutes

Methods: verbal, visual, practical, competitive.

Forms of organization: frontal, group, in-line.

I have a ball in my hands, what game is played with this ball?


What do you know about basketball?

Children's answers

Historical reference:

a) how is “basketball” translated from English; “basket” is a basket, “ball” is a ball.

b) the first basketball match in history: 1891;

c) in Novokuznetsk there is a strong basketball sports school.

What actions with a basketball have we worked on? (Passing, catching the ball, dribbling, throwing to the basket)

What physical qualities can be developed by playing basketball? (coordination and speed-strength qualities)

Brief definition of qualities

- Tell me guys the main reasons emergency situations

Children's answers

Natural phenomena, industrial accident

- Tell me who is helping to eliminate the consequences emergency situations?

Children's answers

Ministry of Emergency Situations, civil defense forces.

-What happens when you violate safety rules when working at a chemically hazardous facility.

Children's answers:

An accident with the release of hazardous substances, chemical contamination of the area.

So what is the purpose of our lesson? ( Strengthen knowledge in the field of emergency situations . Development of physical qualities through outdoor games, relay races with elements of basketball)

So, where do we start our lesson? (from warm-up)

Students' emotional mood for the lesson.

Safety precautions when working with balls, outdoor games, relay races.

Creating motivation for goal setting and correction (leading questions).

Creating a situation for interim analysis

students' knowledge level.

Creating a problem situation to accept the goal and objectives of the lesson

Formation of a conscious attitude towards the choice of a game sport (physical development and improvement)

Coordination abilities are the ability to quickly react and solve motor problems (especially complex ones that arise unexpectedly).

Speed-strength qualities are characterized by muscle tension at incomplete strength.

Ensure the execution of commands; correction of motor skills; creating a situation of success.

Based on guiding questions, teachers formulate the goal and objectives of the lesson: to consolidate knowledge in the field of emergency situations. Develop agility, speed and strength qualities, attention and intelligence

Demonstrate the ability to perform drill actions in a line, drill teams.

The guys answer the question asked.

Ability to identify necessary information.

Update previously acquired knowledge, based, among other things, on life experience.

Skill show discipline and attention (Personal)

Skill manage your emotions


Forming a conscious attitude towards choosing a sport


The ability to self-determine

lesson objectives and accept the purpose of the lesson


The ability to determine one’s own activities to achieve goals (Regulatory)

Ability to follow a pattern.




Ability to follow a pattern.


Possession of skills to perform vital motor skills (Cognitive)

Ability to search for information and present it competently. (Communicative)

Pay attention to the form


Try to be attentive and active participants in the lesson.

Class! Right! Follow the guide in a detour step!


    Walking exercises:

    circular movements in the wrist joints;

    circular movements in the elbow joints;

    circular movements of the arms in different directions;

2. Walking (hands behind the head, shoulder blades together, elbows to the sides, back straight)

3. Roll from heel to toe, hands on the belt.

4. Half squat, arms forward (back straight).

5. Running:


    Side step, 4 with the right side, arms to the sides, 4 with the left, hands on the belt.

    Run with a jump, hands on the waist (back straight).

Step march

Walking in a circle:

Children take balls as they go. Formation into a column of 5 (according to the markings).

    Ball juggling:

      1. throwing the ball from hand to hand;

        rotating the ball around the body to the right, left;

        throwing the ball and 2, 3, 4, claps;

        “Eight”: rotate the ball around and between your legs in a figure of eight, first in one direction, then in the other direction.

Right! On the left, around to the left behind the guiding step, march! We remove the balls.

Restoring breathing.

Walking in place. Stop.


Have you warmed up? Ready to compete?

Creating a “success situation”, performing already known exercises using known methods of action.

Correction of motor actions

Why is it important to do exercises for coordination and manual dexterity?

Consolidate knowledge of motor actions and starting positions.

“Why is it important to do exercises for coordination and manual dexterity?”

Perform exercises using known methods of action.

They conclude that it is necessary to perform these exercises daily to develop movement coordination.

Consolidation of knowledge on motor actions

Self-control of correct posture

Completing the task correctly

Safe behavior while performing a task

Assess the correctness of motor actions (Regulatory)

Formation of an attitude towards a healthy lifestyle (Personal)

Developing a friendly attitude towards the teacher and peers (Communicative)

Skill organize your own activities (Regulatory)

Skill control the sequence of outdoor switchgear execution

Ability to correctly perform motor actions (Regulatory)

Demonstration of discipline and hard work (Personal)

We randomly structure the verbal pronunciation of exercises behind the teacher during the warm-up (Cognitive)

The activity is aimed at productive interaction during warm-up both with peers at work and with the teacher (Communicative)

The back is straight, do not tilt your head forward.

Keep your distance, breathe properly.

Circular movements of the arms in different directions.

Look ahead, monitor the quality of exercises

Follow commands correctly.

Hands on the belt.

Do the exercises correctly

Control the ball with your fingertips. Start at head level, then

Gradually raise your arms up and lower them to knee level.

Head up

Main stage 20-25 min.

We divide into four teams.

On the 1st-4th, settle it! Remember the numbers.

Class! Right! Follow the guide in a detour step! “March through the center!”

“In columns of four, 1-2 numbers to the left, 3-4 numbers to the right, going around - march!”

March in a circle!

Each group works at their workplace for 5 minutes, after which they change their place of work, 4 workplaces in total

1 workplace working out the standard for putting on a civilian gas mask on oneself, and putting a gas mask on a victim who has lost consciousness in a chemical contamination zone.

2 workplaces, practicing the standard for putting on the OZK, the correct sequence, overcoming the conditional zone of chemical contamination, after passing the zone, remove the OZK, taking into account the direction of the wind.

3 workplaces making a stretcher for transporting a victim from scrap materials with only 2 overalls jackets and 2 wooden sticks on hand.

4 workplaces providing first aid to a victim receiving a chemical burn.

Relay race:

Groups line up in a column of 4. Each team will have to overcome an obstacle course on which they will have to put on a gas mask, OZK overcome the zone of chemical contamination, assist the victim who is unconscious, make a stretcher and transport the victim from the zone of chemical contamination.

The team that completes this task the fastest wins.

Improving physical qualities.

Organizes interactions between children and unites them into teams

Installation on the correct execution of the exercise.

The teacher models the situation: you find yourself in a zone of chemical contamination, you need to put on a protective gear and overcome the danger zone.

The teacher demonstrates the rule of making a stretcher from improvised materials

Build a skill first aid

Reinforcing the material covered

Demonstrate the ability to be attentive and focused on the learning task

Demonstrate knowledge of the Rules of Conduct in an Emergency Zone, performing motor actions in accordance with the proposed equipment

Demonstrate the ability to perform tasks while observing safety regulations

Demonstrate first aid skills

Demonstrate the ability to use a first aid kit.

Demonstrate the ability to call emergency medical assistance

Demonstrate the ability to be observant and quick-witted in solving educational problems.

Possession of skills to perform technical elements (Regulatory)

Ability to compare the correctness of tasks and find errors


Ability to actively participate in team activities (Personal)

The ability to understand the reasons for success and failure of educational activities and the ability to act constructively even in situations of failure (Personal)

Dialogue skills (Communicative)

The ability to choose and use means to achieve a goal (Regulatory)

Ability to interact in a team (K)


Show discipline and respect for your opponent (Regulatory)

When putting on the OZK, take into account the correct sequence

Final stage 5-7 min.

Summing up the competition, counting time.

A game of attention.


All players stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other. The first child, throwing the ball, says loudly: “One!” Then the throws are counted silently. The one who should throw the ball the eleventh time does not catch the ball, but hits it, “extinguishes” it on the ground. At the same time he says: “Eleven!” If everything works out, then he picks up the ball and starts the game again. If the child was lazy and caught the eleventh ball, then he squats in the center of the circle, and the first throw is made by his neighbor on the right. The next eleventh must not just hit the ball, but hit the one sitting in the circle with the ball. If this works, then the child sitting in the circle returns to the game, if not, then the unlucky “shooter” joins the “sitter”.
1. Construction

Summing up the lesson. Announcement of competition winners


Let's remember what the goal and objective of our lesson is?

Who thinks that they coped with the task in the lesson?


We coped with the task hands up

Didn't quite manage it - hands forward

Didn't cope at all hands down

D/Z. Make a memo on any of the topics listed.

Prevention of fires in the apartment.

Organizes the outdoor game “Eleven”.

Correction of motor actions

Development of the ability to evaluate motor actions.

Creating conditions for reflection of activity. Reflection is built on the principle of an unfinished sentence:

I realized that...

I learned…

Now I can….

We set a learning task for home

Demonstrates the ability to be attentive and focused in the game.

Participate in a collective discussion of the lesson results.

They draw conclusions about the need to continue to develop speed and agility.

Development of the ability to evaluate motor actions.

Understand the need for homework

Ability to perform exercises correctly (Regulatory)

Ability to compare the correctness of an exercise and find errors (Cognitive)

Ability to actively engage in dialogue (Personal)

Express your point of view logically and accurately (Regulatory)

Dialogue skills (Communicative)

Skill evaluate one's own activities (Personal)

Follow the rules of the game

Do the exercises correctly.


    M.Ya.Vilensky, I.M. Turevsky, T.Yu. Torochkova and others. Physical education: 6th grade: textbook for general education. Organizations. Under. Ed. M.Ya. Vilensky – 3rd ed. – M.: Education, 2014.

    Smirnov A.T. Fundamentals of life safety: 6th grade: textbook. for general educational institutions / A.T. Smirnov, B.O. Khrennikov; edited by A.T. Smirnova. M.: Education, 2013.

Plan outline of an integrated lesson on physical education and the basics of life safety

For 6th grade.

Subject:"Human behavior in extreme situations."

Method: group.

Lesson type: Tourist game.

Target: increase children's interest in physical exercise through play activities, promote the maintenance and development of their creative and physical activity. Improve your knowledge of the life safety course.


educational (subject)

    Develop vital motor skills and abilities through outdoor games and relay races;

    Improving skills in climbing, crawling, climbing.

    Improve your knowledge of the life safety course.

developmental (meta-subject UUD)

    Develop cognitive processes (observation, thinking, imagination);

    Promote the development of dexterity and coordination.

    Ability to use rescue equipment

educational (personal)

    Build self-esteem and the ability to independently organize gaming activities;

Location: gym.

Time spending: 40 minutes.

Equipment used: Dynamic ropes, backpacks, carabiners, first aid kits, gymnastic mats, belay devices, gymnastic wall, fire accessories, tourist equipment.

During the classes

Part of the lesson

Particular problems


Ogre Guidelines

Preparatory 10 min

1.Organized entrance to the hall, greeting.

Questions: Guys, pay attention to the pictures?

(4 pictures are shown)

What do you think will be discussed in the lesson?

What problems happen during a hiking trip?

What should a tourist be like?

What do you think our lesson will be devoted to?

That's right guys. Today we will conduct a lesson in the form of a business game “Human Behavior in Extreme Situations”

Organize students by posing problematic questions.

Lead to independent formulation of the lesson topic

Express and justify your opinion.

Use the information received and carry out actions logically.

Pay attention to the presence and neatness of the sports uniform.

Children's answers

3. Rearrangement from a column one by one to a column of three according to calculation

Form into a column of three.

Make sure you change lanes correctly.

4. Basic outdoor switchgear

Prepare the body for the upcoming load.

Understand verbal instructions and follow the teacher’s instructions and commands.

Make sure you perform the exercises correctly.

2. Warm up in motion.

Divide the class into two teams.

You need to draw out a piece of paper that will determine which team you will participate in

Prepare and warm up the body muscles, ensure correct posture.

Understand verbal instructions and follow the teacher’s instructions and commands.

The ability to switch from performing one movement to another.

The ability to perform movements in a chosen rhythm.

Front execution method. Self-control and teacher control.


The main part is designed for 6 stages

1. The stage is called “Tourist Bag”

What do you guys think this stage is about?

This stage involves 4 people

Guys, what do you think is still missing in backpacks?

2. stage “Collecting a first aid kit”

3. stage “Overcoming forest thickets”

4. stage “Overcoming large ravines”

Displaying pictures through ICT.

What do you think our next stage will be?

Video of correct execution

5. stage “Overcoming rocky terrain”

Displaying pictures through ICT.

What do you think our next stage will be?

Video of correct execution

Guys, did we make mistakes with you?

What can these mistakes lead to?

And now, guys, we find ourselves in the most extreme situation, in which a helicopter flying above us can help.

What are we going to do with you?

Stage 6 “international rescue signs”

Development of thinking

Development of agility and speed.

Testing knowledge about medical kits

Development of thinking

Development of dexterity and coordination.

Development of thinking

Ability to operate rescue equipment

Development of dexterity and coordination.

Development of thinking

Ability to operate rescue equipment

Understand verbal directions and follow student instructions and commands.

Understand information and translate it into movement.

Express and justify your opinion and evaluate the correctness of execution

Group repetition method. Encourage and celebrate successes, indicate mistakes, correct them as a result of self-assessment, public assessment and teacher assessment.


Final part

Now let's all read the poem together.

What was the topic of our lesson?

“Is it easy to be a firefighter”

Is it easy to be a firefighter?

What should a firefighter be able to do?

Who benefited from the lesson?

Because what were you?

Who was interested in the lesson?

Who found it difficult to complete some tasks?

I'm glad you liked everything, I agree that the lesson was useful for you, everyone worked well. Let's summarize the game. Thank you for the lesson. Goodbye.

Summarize the information received in the lesson.

P - Supplement and expand existing knowledge and ideas based on acquired knowledge and existing experience.

P - Predict the results of the level of mastery of the material being studied.

L – understand the significance of the acquired knowledge for a person.

Summing up the game. Grading.

Shvedov Viktor Valentinovich

Physical education teacher

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 4, Minyar


integrated lesson in 10th grade

(Physical education and life safety)

Lesson topic: improving the technical elements of basketball using health-saving technologies.

Lesson objectives:

1. Improving the ability to catch, pass and throw the ball in basketball.

2. Development of agility, speed, jumping ability, speed and strength qualities.

3. Develop communication skills (mutual assistance, tolerance).

4. Introduce the influence of stress on the human body.

Method: individual, group, game, frontal.

Location: gym.

Inventory: basketballs, gymnastic benches, gymnastic mats, jump ropes, posters, stopwatch.





Organizational and methodological instructions

I .




1. Construction, communication of lesson objectives


The duty officer builds the classroom and submits a report to the teacher about the readiness of the class for the lesson.

2. Dribbling the ball around the perimeter of the hall:
1) leading - stopping - turning (right hand, left hand - leading);
2) leading, translation in front of you


Monitor the rebound of the ball when using the hands correctly, covering the ball


3. Tackling with dribbling and passing


Students dribble the ball, two of them, using passes, catch up with the player dribbling the ball and touch the ball, which joins them





Catching and passing the ball


Two groups of students line up along the basketball court in two columns of 4-5 people each. The distance between the players is 4-5 m. In one of the columns, everyone has a ball in their hands. The third group of players - performing exercises in motion - is in front of the columns.

The distance when passing the ball must be at least 3 m. The student performing the exercise and movement quickly runs in a straight line between the columns, alternately receives the ball from partners standing in one column and passes it to those standing in another. A student who receives the ball from a running player immediately passes it to a student from the other column. Transfers must be done accurately and quickly.


Students are located at each shield in three columns. Player 1 passes the ball to running player 2 and runs to the end of the first column. Player 2 leads the ball to the backboard, throws it into the basket, catches it after the rebound and, returning it to player 3 from the second column, runs to the end of it. The next transfer of the ball is made by player 3 to player 4 (from the third column), who also dribbles the ball, throws it into the basket, catches it and again passes it to the next player from the second column.

Player 3 moves to the third column, and player 4 moves to the second column. Dribbling and throwing are performed only by students in the first and third columns. From the second column, the ball is alternately passed to the running players of the other two columns.


Interaction 2 × 1

Student 1 (forward) dribbles the ball, who is guarded by student 3 (defender), the attacker gives a pass to attacker 2, makes a dash, receives the ball from player 2 and completes the attack with a throw into the hoop. :

3. Circuit training combined with theory

The influence of stress on the human body.”1) pull-up on a high bar

(What is stress?);2) Abdominal exercises

(Gastrointestinal tract).3) Jumping rope

(Respiratory system).4) Passing the ball with both hands from the chest for accuracy to the target on the wall

(Central nervous system).5) Sideways jumping over a bench

(The cardiovascular system).6) Flexion and extension of the arms, lying down


(How to deal with it?).

minutesTheoretical material is printed on sheets of paper and hung at stations. First, students read (listen) to the information, and then do exercises and move to the next station. (

See Appendix 1)

Work at stations: 1. Pull-up on a high bar:

3 sets of 4 times; 2.Abs exercise:

each for 30 seconds; 3. Jumping rope:

30 seconds each; 4. Passing the ball into the wall:

20 seconds each; 5.Jumping over a bench:

2 approaches

(two gymnastic benches in length); 6. Push-ups:

2 sets of 15 times.

4. Basketball practice game

4-5 min

The boys are divided into teams. Change after two hits to the basket. .





1. Construction

0.5 min



0.5 min

2. Lesson summary


3. Homework

Jump rope, pull-up; Water procedures.


1. Construction

0.5 min

4. Organized care

    Physical education: a textbook for students in grades 10-11 of general education institutions.
    2nd edition

    Zdanevich Alexander, Lyakh Vladimir
    Publisher: Prosveshcheniye
    Publisher: AST-Press

    Fundamentals of life safety: Textbook for grade 10.

Smirnov A. T., Mishin B. I., Vasnev V. A.

Publisher: Prosveshcheniye

Appendix No. 1

Station No. 1

What is stress?

Stress is a special state of the body. With it, the body works to the limit of its capabilities. A similar state occurs when we are faced with physical danger or psychological aggression. The muscles temporarily become stronger, the heart rate increases, and brain activity increases. Even your vision becomes sharper. But this doesn’t make it any easier for the body! He continues to be on alert, wasting his reserves in vain. Everything would be fine if the body had time to recover. Unfortunately, the rhythm of our life does not allow this. So how does stress affect the body, and how can we help ourselves?

Station No. 2

Gastrointestinal tract.”

During nervous overstrain, a spasm of the capillaries of the stomach occurs. This prevents the secretion of mucus, which forms a protective barrier on the walls. Gastric juice (hydrochloric acid) begins to eat away at the stomach tissue, leading to the formation of ulcers. The intestines are sensitive to stressful situations. He begins to work hard, spasms occur. Cramps, in turn, lead to constipation or diarrhea. In addition, substances formed during stress kill intestinal microflora. Dysbacteriosis may develop.

Station No. 3

Central nervous system".

Information about danger is sent through the senses to a special part of the brain called the hypothalamus. After processing the information, the hypothalamus sends signals to all parts of the body, putting them on high alert. This causes a narrowing of the blood vessels in the brain. With age, cholesterol accumulates in blood vessels, making them brittle. Therefore, their sharp narrowing can provoke a stroke.

Station No. 4

The cardiovascular system".

The main burden of stress falls on our heart. For comparison, at rest the heart pumps 5-6 liters of blood. In a stressful situation, these numbers increase to 15-20 liters. And this is three to four times more! In middle-aged and older people, the risk of strokes and heart attacks increases significantly.

Station No. 5

The effect of stress on the eyes.”

Stressful information enters the brain, in particular, through the organs of vision. As a result, unpleasant sensations may appear in the eyes: increased pressure, tension, pain, dry mucous membranes, and the effect of “sand in the eyes.” If you are often nervous, your vision may deteriorate from constant stress.

Station No. 6

What to do?".

Scream your heart out. This will help throw out negative emotions.

Green color calms the nerves well. Go outside. Admire the green foliage. And in winter, just surround yourself with green objects and accessories.

When you come home, prepare yourself a few pieces of sea fish. It contains substances that promote the production of the joy hormone - serotonin.

Do the following exercise. Sit on a chair. Press your feet into the floor 15 times. And then forcefully clench and unclench your fists 15 times.

Stress is a social phenomenon. And it is impossible to completely protect yourself from it. Sometimes, we ourselves provoke unnecessary conflicts. We show aggression even towards people close to us. Let's be kinder to each other. Be more attentive to other people's problems. Yes, you can’t hide from stress. But we have a responsibility to reduce its harmful effects.Health, as we know, cannot be bought.

Tver region

Maksatikhinsky district

village Rivitsky st. Mira, 16 "B"

MBOU "Rivzavodskaya Secondary School"

Physical education teacher

Trofimova Natalya Alexandrovna.

year 2014

An integrated approach to the construction of the educational process makes it possible to fully realize the highest spheres of the individual’s consciousness: logical-conceptual, value-semantic, moral-aesthetic, taking into account the creative inclinations, inclinations, abilities and individual characteristics of children. And also transform the initially gaming motivation of class students into educational motivation

The purpose of integrated lessons is to optimize the learning process in the subjects of physical education and life safety on the basis of active cognitive and creative activity, where students will act as active participants in the educational process, learn to creatively apply the acquired knowledge and translate it into images, this in turn should increase students’ interest in the subject .

An integrated lesson aims not only to consolidate knowledge, but also to solve a new educational problem, and is always aimed at the joint creativity of the teaching and student team, both during preparation and during its implementation.

The experience of conducting integrated lessons has shown that the child is given an excellent opportunity to express himself in the position of a creative subject, to engage in activities for the purpose of self-realization or testing his capabilities, to show his interest and activity, and to develop cognitive processes and areas of interpersonal communication more widely.

It is integrated training sessions based on plot-based structure of lessons:

Allows you to ensure an acceptable combination of all disciplines studied in primary school;

Contribute to the fulfillment of educational goals and objectives that face each academic subject participating in integration;

Act as a connecting link between academic subjects to build a holistic picture of the action, phenomenon, process being studied;

Create conditions for preserving the mental health of schoolchildren through regular, rational changes in types of educational activities;

They stimulate the development of productive communication skills and the acquisition of experience that expands the social space of the individual.

How are integrated lessons effective?

Firstly, because the lesson goes beyond generally accepted norms - teaching, developing and educating - as a desirable form in addition to the usual school lesson life.

Secondly, because the need to jointly implement the problem posed in the lesson requires teachers to be attuned to the emotional situation in the class, to the changing situation during the lesson and to each other. After all, any lesson, even a carefully prepared one, at the time of its implementation always requires flexibility and the ability to improvise from the teacher.

Thirdly, the mechanism of simultaneous-sequential teaching involved in the lesson process builds, along with the old system (teacher-student, student-student), a new educational line of teacher-teacher communication, which is closer to the formation of person-to-person interpersonal communication.

An integrated lesson can cover all types of cognitive activities, and each time can expand creative tasks. Conducting integrated lessons can be considered not only as an opportunity to reveal and combine objects in a convenient form into a holistic image, but also to methodically form the cognitive activity of schoolchildren. Children with developed cognitive activity develop faster when engaged in any activity, be it play, study or work; they always and everywhere try to achieve success, and are not afraid to take on the most difficult problems. These children, if they fail, do not give up, do not stop trying to achieve success, but, on the contrary, strive even more to achieve success. As a result, they learn to independently overcome the difficulties that arise along their life path, and, by successfully overcoming these difficulties, they are ahead of their peers in development. Of course, this depends on how the adults around the child treat him when the child succeeds or fails.

The active work of the teacher to expand and deepen integration is one of the important ways in comprehensively solving the problems of learning, increasing motivation, purposeful action, organization and sustainability of holistic activities aimed at achieving a specific goal. As well as educating schoolchildren, developing their creative abilities.


integrated lesson

in physical education and life safety in 2nd grade.

The date of the: _________________

Lesson topic: Human behavior in extreme situations.

The purpose of the lesson:

To form the knowledge and ideas of younger schoolchildren about observing correct behavior in extreme situations using the example of motor skills and abilities.


1) develop agility and speed of movement in relay races, coordination of movements in running, and develop stable balance.

2) repeat and consolidate the rules of human behavior in nature.

3) formulate basic rules of behavior in nature, near bodies of water, and the ability to apply them in case of emergency situations.

4) teach children to quickly and orderly line up, take their places at the teacher’s signal, follow the rules of the game, provide mutual assistance, and respect each other.

5) provide instructions on the rules of the game, taking into account the physical and age characteristics of students.

Equipment for the lesson: sports equipment.

Venue: sports hall.

During the classes.

  1. Introductory part.


Lesson topic message.

Preparing to Run

Today we will have an unusual lesson.

How many of you went camping?

Who are tourists? Why can't you go into the forest alone?

So you and I are going to the forest... (walking in a circle)

We enter the forest and walk through a clearing. What's growing on the left? (turns left),

What's growing on the right? (turns right)

And in the clearing there are berries growing (picking berries) - slopes.

And now we can only walk sideways, with our right shoulder forward, in alternating steps. (round)

You and I have found ourselves in a thicket, we have to bend down and walk through - we passed!

And there is a stream ahead, we need to cross it on a log, (heads raised, arms to the sides) WELL DONE!

And there is a swamp ahead, we need to cross the hummocks (we jump over the hummocks)

We heard a crash, it was probably a bear, but we got scared and ran (running in a circle)

And now along the path (running in a zigzag).

General developmental exercises.

We perform exercises for posture and movement coordination

  1. main part

Guys, serious challenges await you!

instructions: How to behave during competitions:

1) Listen carefully to the teacher’s commands.

2) Don't make noise or be distracted if you want to win.

3) Help each other, keep distance while running.

1. crawl through a dangerous area

We crawl on the mats without touching the mat with our feet.

2.- Guys, you have collected firewood, and now you need to light a fire.

How and where should you make a fire? (we answer one by one)

Do not light a fire in dry, hot weather.

Make a fire closer to the pond.....


3. Set up the tent.

Who is faster? (participants must take turns crawling, the first one stands at the end of the tent, and the second one continues to move forward, and so on)

4. Putting out the fire

The team lines up at a distance of one meter from each other and passes the ball from the guide to the trailer, then in the opposite direction.

All the guys crossed, no one drowned. You helped each other! Well done!

5. Transport the cargo.

Dribbling a basketball.

6. Help a friend.

Bring a small ball on a racket to the wall and back.

7. We are building a house.

It is necessary for each of the team members to run to a certain place and place the construction set (lid) so that it turns out to be a tower or house.

Well done boys! You have completed the tasks, now you know how to behave if you find yourself in an extreme situation. And I want to give each of you a diploma - a memo in which you will read the rules of conduct in extreme situations.

  1. final part of the lesson



Let's check who is the most attentive? Guys, I will ask you questions, and you all must answer together: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!” But be careful...

1.Who heard the smell of burning

Reporting a fire?

2. Which of you, seeing smoke,

He says: “Fire! We're on fire!"

3. Which of you is playing with fire?

Morning, evening and afternoon?

4. Who, sensing gas in the apartment,

Will he call on 04?

5. Whoever doesn’t light fires,

And he doesn’t allow others?

6. Who is from little sister

Are children hiding matches at home?

7. And admit it to me,

Which one of you is playing with fire?

Memo for the guys.

While the baby is still growing,

That's dad, mom, grandma

They lead him by the hand.

Security is monitored

So that there are no bruises,

So as not to get hurt by anything

And he didn't fall out of the window.

But the baby has already grown up...

Do you know how to behave?

Does this sound familiar to you?

Be attentive and careful

And know that a lot depends on you.

Big trouble can be avoided

If you know how to behave.

Well, suddenly something bad happened,

How do you behave then?

Don't panic and don't get lost

Try to find a reasonable way out.


student of _________________ class

MBOU "Rivzavodskaya Secondary School"


For active participation in the lesson and excellent knowledge on the topic:

"Human behavior in extreme situations."

Physical education teacher: (N.A. Trofimova)

Integrated lesson on physical education and life safety in 6th grade.

Teacher FC Sokolova N.B.

Lesson objectives:

1.Development of thinking, the ability to assess one’s capabilities and the ability to withstand difficulties;

2.Improving the technique of handling a basketball (dribbling, passing, throwing);

3.Development of agility, speed and strength qualities;

4. Education of attentiveness, discipline, activity.



3. Gymnastic benches;

5.Tennis balls;

Preparatory part:

1.Construction, communication of lesson objectives;

2. Running while dribbling the ball (alternately with the right and left hand)

3.Running with side steps and dribbling diagonally

4.Acceleration with diagonal guidance

5. Formation into columns of four

5. ORU with balls in place

Main part:

The class is divided into 2 teams - "Robinsons" and "Extreme" all practical tasks are performed in the form of relay races, the results are recorded in the table (Appendix No. 1). Theoretical tasks are completed by the whole team, standing at the table. On cards, by testing method (Appendices No. 2)

As you know, nature does not like the weak; it has one law - natural selection. Therefore, you have to prove that you are strong, agile, fast.

1. Relay race - run to the middle with the right side attached, from the middle to the left, back to the middle, run backwards, from the middle with your face.

So, the teams split up, each of them found themselves alone in an unfamiliar forest. What types of autonomous existence do you know? (forced and prepared). What reasons could there be for forced autonomous existence in natural conditions? Consult and answer questions on card No. 1.

So, now we will remember the main technique of playing basketball - dribbling. The team that finishes the relay race earlier wins.

2. Dribbling the basketball to the chip with the right hand, back with the left

3.Driving with a snake (circle the pins)

To prepare food. To keep warm in cold weather, each team needs to collect firewood for the fire. Now you will demonstrate dribbling a ball while simultaneously transferring pins from one hoop to another. Our skittles will imitate logs for a fire. Which team will build their fire faster?

4. Dribbling a basketball with an object in hand;

In front of each team, at a distance of 2 m, there is a hoop in which pins are scattered according to the number of participants. At a distance of 7m there is a second hoop. Each participant needs to dribble the ball, take the pin, and transfer it to the second hoop. The basketball cannot be picked up.

The teams completed the task, and now let’s see if you know the types of fires and which one can quickly boil water . (card No. 2)

Well done, you completed this task too. In order not to go hungry, you all must be sharp shooters. Now we will compete in the accuracy and precision of throwing a basketball. Let me remind you that throws are performed with both hands, the legs are included in the work simultaneously with the straightening of the arms. After throwing, the hands should be relaxed and look down. Each team approaches the hoop and, after the signal, begins to take turns making shots into the hoop. Each team independently counts the hits.

5. Throw a basketball into the hoop for 1 minute.

You have demonstrated good accuracy, which means you won’t go hungry. But in order to survive, you need not only food, but also water. What needs to be done with water so that it can be drunk if there is a stream, lake or pit nearby? (card No. 3 – water for autonomous survival)

As a rule, during autonomous survival, group members are sent in pairs to search for food, water, and scout the area. Now, we will look at the coherence of each team’s actions. You are asked to pass the ball in motion to one side from the chest, with the ball rebounding on the floor.

6. Pass the basketball in pairs from the chest and bounce on the floor.

And now each team will sort out edible mushrooms and berries. To survive, you need to know what you can collect in the forest. Get to your desks and start working. . (card No. 4)

During the time the teams were in an extreme situation, you learned to understand each other perfectly, now we will see how you, standing in a column, one after another, can quickly and correctly pass the basketball. The ball is passed in a wave: up, down.

7.Pass the basketball on the spot while standing in a column.

Final part.

- Summing up the theoretical part of the lesson. Teams exchange cards. Check the correctness of the assignments, count the points scored (correct answer 1 point)

- Summing up the practical part of the lesson, the best team is determined.

- Summing up the lesson, grading, homework.

Appendix No. 1.

Name of relay races


Extreme sportsmen

Relay without a ball

Guiding in a straight line

Leading with a “snake”

Dribbling a ball with an object in your hands

Throwing a ball into the hoop (1 min)

Gears in pairs in motion

Passing the ball in a column

Card No. 1. Choose the correct answers:

The reasons for forced autonomous existence in natural conditions are:

A) precipitation

B) accident of vehicles (cars, airplanes, river and sea transport)

B) loss of some food

D) loss of compass

D) loss of a group as a result of falling behind or not arriving at the gathering place on time

E) late registration of the group before going on the route

G) loss of orientation on the ground

H) a sharp drop in air temperature.

Card No. 2. Types of fires. Choose the correct answer.

A) What fire can you use to boil water?

1. “Nodya” 2. “taiga”

3. “well” 4. “hut”

B) Name which of the following fires are fires:

1. “hut” 2. “star”

3. “taiga” 4. “grid”

Card number 3. Water for autonomous survival

A) A person’s need for water during moderate physical activity per day is:

1. more than 2 liters 2. 1.2 liters

3. 1.5 – 2 liters 4. Up to 2 liters

B) Indicate the simplest method of water disinfection in the field from those proposed below;

1. cleaning through a sand and cloth filter

2. cleaning through a filter made of sand, cotton wool and cloth

3. boiling water

4. adding potassium permanganate to the water

Card No. 4. Edible and inedible mushrooms and berries.

Mark edible mushrooms and berries (plus) and inedible ones (minus)










Satanic mushroom

False honey agaric

Death cap

Right answers:

Task No. 1 . B, D, J.

Task No. 2.

B) 2, 3