Krasnogorsk marathon, Russialoppet series. Interregional public organization sports club GTO Reviews and videos Krasnogorsk Marathon

Start protocols -> Online broadcast on race day -> Results:
- groups
- absolute

about holding the 5th “Epiphany Ski Marathon”
dedicated to the holiday "Epiphany of the Lord"

Competition classification:
- open cross-country skiing competitions;
- personal competitions;
- free style.
Goals and objectives:
- popularization and development of cross-country skiing in Moscow and the Moscow region;
- improving the health of the population and improving the sports skills of skiers.
Date and place of competition:
-January 19, 2019, 11-00 ;
- Krasnogorsk, Moscow region, near SNT “Gardener-3”.
Competitors by group
- men born 2001-1989,
- men born 1988-1979,
- men born 1978-1969,
- men born 1968-1959,
- men born 1958-1949,
- men born in 1948 and older
- women born in 2001 and older.
Each participant is personally responsible for their health.

Distance and route
Distances 50 km, 30 km; free style.
The race laps are laid out in the Krasnogorsk forest park along hilly terrain.
Circle length:
1st lap – 10 km
2nd and 3rd laps – 20 km
Men born 2001-1959 run 50 km (3 laps)
Women born in 2001 and older, men born in 1958 and older run 30 km (2 laps).
Route diagram
The circles are marked with arrows attached to trees and marking tape.
There will be 4 food points on the 20 km loop: at the 5th, 10th, 15th kilometers and in the start-finish area.
In case of force majeure (weather conditions, etc.), the organizers reserve the right to change the length and number of laps on race day.
Competition program:
9:30-10:50 – registration of participants.;
11:00 – start in groups:
11:00 – men born 2001-1989, 1988-1979
11:05 – men born 1978-1969, 1968-1959
11:10 – men born 1958-1949, men born 1948 and older, women born in 2001 and older
13:30 – close of approach to the 3rd circle.
15:00 – award ceremony for winners and runners-up.

Start protocols -> Online broadcast -> Results:
- groups
- absolute

Male winners in all groups are awarded medals and certificates.
Women's overall winners are awarded medals and certificates.

Registration and entry fee
Pre-registration - until 20:00 01/18/2019,
The application is considered accepted after the participant’s data appears in the list of registered ones.
You can also register directly on the day of the race,

Entry fee:
1500 rub. upon prior request;
2000 rub. without prior application.
The entry fee is paid on January 19, 2019 at the time of registration and receipt of the number.

Travel to the competition site.
The competition location is shown in map or at Scheme .
Travel on your own: from M "Tushinskaya" by minibus No. 566 to the "Ski Stadium" stop; from M "Mitino" by minibus No. 878 to the "Ski Stadium" stop; from the Pavshino railway station by buses No. 806, No. 833, minibuses No. 806, No. 833 to the Ski Stadium stop.

Information: At the starting clearing, devices and mechanisms used by the race organizers to prepare the ski slopes will be displayed. Everyone who is interested is invited to also exhibit their achievements in the preparation of trails. This may be of mutual interest to many people making ski runs in their regions.

Chief judge of the competition: Gavrilov Alexander Viktorovich, This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.
Competition director: Kondratkov Sergey Borisovich tel.: 8-916-652-90-45.

The date of the: February 18, 2018
Location: Krasnogorsk, Moscow region , ski stadium “Zorkiy”, st. Rechnaya, no. 37.
Style: free
Available distances: 50 km/12.5 km/6 km
Course time limits: the limit for reaching the last lap is 3 hours

Schedule on the day of the marathon

10:00 – start of the race at 12.5 km (men, juniors) and 6 km (women, juniors), free style
11:00 – start of the 50 km race, free style

Start Features

The start takes place in waves, each with up to 200 people, the interval between waves is 5 minutes. The Elite group will start first. There was no electronic timing of the race in 2017.

Registration for the Krasnogorsk Marathon

Registration is carried out in two ways:

  • online registration Online until February 16, 2018

By filling out an application online, you can pay the entry fee immediately. If you don't pay your entry fee online, you can pay it on site, but the price will be higher. Participants who register online can receive numbers on the day of the competition.

  • additional registration 1 day before the start- possible only if there are free places

Takes place in the organizational center of the Krasnogorsk Marathon at the address: Krasnogorsk, st. Rechnaya, 37. The entry fee is higher than when registering online.

Age restrictions

Persons allowed to participate:

  • for a distance of 50 km – from 18 years old
  • for a distance of 6 km (women) and 12.5 km (men) - from 16 years old

Remember that if you refuse to participate in the competition, the paid entry fees will not be returned!

How to get to the starting point

By car. Follow Volokolamsk Highway until the turn onto Rechnaya Street (about 1.5 km after the fork with Ilinskoe Highway). Further along the street. Rechnaya to the Zorkiy ski stadium

By public transport. From the Tushinskaya Metro stop, take minibus No. 655 to the Ski Stadium stop. Then walk 300 meters to the Zorkiy stadium. Travel time: about 30 minutes.

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How to get a participant's starter package

To get a starting number you need:

  • register
  • pay the entry fee
  • present a document confirming your identity

Registration committee address: Ski Stadium “Zorkiy”, Krasnogorsk, Moscow region. st. Rechnaya, 37

Working hours:

Athletes insurance

Medical certificates are not required for this start.

Krasnogorsk Marathon route: route, food points, elevation profile.

The route is a circle 12.5 km long. Marathon runners will have to complete 4 such laps.

Before the competition, the track is prepared by professionals with special rolling equipment. Therefore, all reviews about the quality of the track are only positive. The markings are not present everywhere, which is misleading. Some athletes lost a couple of minutes by taking a wrong turn. We hope that the organizers will take these points into account, and this will not happen in 2018.

In terms of difficulty, the distance can be considered one of the most difficult in Russia. The total elevation gain is almost 1000 meters.

Distanced food stations

The organizers have prepared 2 food points: the first is in the start area, the second is at around 8.2 km. Participants will be offered food and drinks. In 2017, on the tables were: dried apricots, bread, Arena gels, isotonic drink, tea, bananas.

Volunteers work quickly, willingly offer refreshments and serve what you need “by hand.”

Reviews and videos Krasnogorsk Marathon

“I ran for the first time in Krasnogorsk and it just so happened that my debut fell on my birthday! Many thanks to the organizers for such a wonderful gift for me, like a perfectly organized and conducted marathon!)) Everything is impeccable, sincere and for the people! Special thanks for the bottles at the food stations! The track is almost perfect!
“Krasnogorsk Marathon” was a success!!!

From a review by Pavel Tsykunov, 2017

“Due to the lack of markings on the circle, we got lost with the group, ultimately losing 3 minutes. I really want there to be no such mistakes next time. The fans began to fuss, throwing branches in the direction where they shouldn’t go. And it’s a very decent circle of terrain, there’s a place to work and a place to relax. Sorry I had no luck with the slip. Everything is right about nutrition too! ”

From a review by Alexey Kotachev, 2017

“Thank you for organizing! Loved the bottles! Everything is perfect with drinking, temperature, volume, distribution!

Everyone who handed over a bottle at the food station at the start still had gel in their hands, but they handed over the bottle. You had to ask for gels, they weren’t handed out (at least when our group was passing through). But if you said in advance what was needed, then they gave you either tea, gel or isotonic. Or all together.

The track was prepared perfectly (according to these conditions), although at the end there was mud creeping out of it. I really liked the cutting of the ski tracks in the Utrobin style (very wide on the descents and on turns, normal width on the plain).

There were mistakes with the markings, and the map of the circle at the start was not shown in close-up (at least people didn’t notice).”

From the review of Dmitry T., 2017

Video Krasnogorsk Marathon

  1. Basic provisions
    1. This user agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) governs the relationship between the service " T.I."(hereinafter referred to as the Service), which includes an Internet site referred to as the Site), and individuals or legal entities (hereinafter referred to as Users) using the Service.
    2. The Service can be used by the User with or without registration. These rules apply equally to the use of the Service with and without registration.
    3. Registration on the Service provides the User with the opportunity to use wider functionality of the Service. The login and password created by the User are sufficient information to provide the User with access to the Service.
    4. The fact of using the Service (regardless of the User’s registration on the Service) constitutes acceptance of this Agreement. The use of the Service is carried out exclusively on the terms of this Agreement, which is a public offer in accordance with Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The fact of using the Service is a conclusive action confirming the User’s acceptance and full unconditional consent to the terms of this Agreement.
    5. The individual registering on the Service confirms that he has reached the age permitted in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to accept this Agreement.
    6. By registering on the Service, the User confirms the accuracy and completeness of the data provided.
    7. By registering on the Service, the User confirms that he has all the necessary rights (including intellectual) and authority to post on the Service information and/or results of intellectual activity that are posted by the User.
    8. The service, which includes the Site, is a protected result of intellectual activity - a computer program.
    9. The exclusive right to the Service belongs to the person specified in clause 5. of this Agreement (Service Administration).
    10. In accordance with this Agreement, the User is granted the right to use the Service under the terms of a simple, royalty-free, non-exclusive open license.
    11. The methods and limits of using the Service are determined by this Agreement.
    12. Access to some functions of the Service may be provided to the User for a fee. The commercial conditions for providing the User with access to one or another functionality of the Service are governed by the relevant separate agreements between the User and the Service.
  2. User rights and responsibilities
    1. The User undertakes to read this Agreement in full before using the Service and/or before registering on the Service.
    2. The User undertakes to use the Service in strict accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
    3. By registering and using the Service, the User agrees with the terms of this Agreement. If the User disagrees with the terms of this Agreement, the User is obliged to refrain from using the Service.
    4. The User has the right to use the Service in accordance with its functional purpose, including for the purpose of familiarizing with information about sporting events, providing information about himself as a participant in sporting events, familiarizing himself with information about other users of the Service, interacting with other users of the Service and in accordance with other functionality that may be provided by the Service.
    5. The User has the right to run on a computer and use the functionality of the Service for the purposes specified in clause 2.4. present agreement.
    6. The User has the right to use the Service throughout the world.
    7. The User does not have the right to modify the Service software or attempt to decompile the object code of the Service programs or use another method of converting the object code into a readable form.
    8. Elements of the Service used in its design (including, but not limited to: photographs, drawings, sounds, graphic design elements, trademarks, service marks, etc.) are protected results of intellectual activity and equivalent means of individualization. The User has no right to use these elements except as part of the Service.
  3. Limitations of liability
  4. Final provisions
  5. Full name: Gazizov Sergey Marsovich

Privacy Policy

  1. General provisions
  2. Information and personal data
  3. Limitations of liability
    1. The Service does not verify the accuracy of the information provided by the User through the Service.
    2. The Service (including the Site) may use cookies and other technologies to personalize your experience with the Service. By using the Service, the User agrees to accept and receive cookies and the use of other similar technologies by the Service.
    3. The User undertakes not to transfer the login and password from the Service account to third parties. The Service is not responsible for the User transferring his login and password from the Service account to third parties and for any consequences associated with this.
    4. The Service Administration processes the User’s personal data in order to fulfill the agreement between the Site Administration and the User, namely the User Agreement. In this regard and on the basis of Article 6. Federal Law No. 152-FZ dated July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data”, the User’s consent to the processing of his personal data is not required. In addition, in accordance with paragraph 2. clause 2. v.22. Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data” The Site Administration has the right to process personal data without notifying the authorized body for the protection of the rights of personal data subjects.
  4. Guarantees
    1. The processing of personal data is carried out by the Administration of the Service on the terms of the legality of the purposes and methods of processing personal data, good faith, compliance of the purposes of processing personal data with the purposes defined in this Policy, compliance of the volume and nature of the processed personal data, methods of processing personal data with the purposes of processing personal data.
    2. The Service Administration guarantees that information and personal data of Users are stored on the territory of the Russian Federation.
    3. The Service Administration undertakes to take all necessary legal and technical measures to protect information and personal data used in the operation of the Service.
    4. Storage and processing of information and personal data transferred by the User to the Service is carried out throughout the entire period of existence of the User’s account.
    5. The Service Administration undertakes not to transfer the User’s personal data to third parties without his consent (except for the cases provided for in clause 3.2 of this Policy and the cases provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation).
    6. The Administration of the Service undertakes not to independently transfer information and personal data of Users to other users of the Service. At the same time, the User understands and agrees that his personal data may be available to other users of the Service through the functionality of the Service.
  5. Final provisions
    1. In the event of a reorganization of the Service, the process of processing information and personal data of the User may be transferred to another operator. The User is notified of such cases by a special notice on the Site.
    2. The Service has the right to make changes to this Policy with mandatory notification, which will be available to the User on the Site.
    3. In all matters not regulated by this Policy, but relating to the collection, storage, and processing of information and personal data, the User and the Administration of the Service are guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
    4. This Policy applies only to the Service. The Service Administration does not control and is not responsible for third party sites that the User can access via links available through the Service.
    5. If any disputes arise between the User and the Service in connection with this Policy, both parties are obliged to strive to resolve such disputes through negotiations. If it is impossible to resolve the dispute through negotiations, the dispute may be brought to court in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, with mandatory compliance with the claims procedure. The claim is sent by the party intending to go to court to the other party in advance. The period for responding to a claim is 30 (Thirty) calendar days from the date of its receipt.
  6. Information about the service administration:

    Full name: Gazizov Sergey Marsovich